<br />Said promissory note was given to eecure a loan in which the Small Business Administration, an agency of the
<br />United States of America. has participated. In compliance with section 101.1 (d) of the Rules and Regulations of
<br />the 5~tii $ueinesa Administration [13 C.F,R. 101.1(d1), this instrument ie to be construed and enforced in accord-
<br />ance with applicable Federal Iaw.
<br />1. The mortgagor twventmta and agrees u #oliawa:
<br />a $e will promptly pay the ind.btetlneae evidenced by said promissory note at the times and is the
<br />manner therein provided.
<br />b. He will pap all taxes, ataeeasments, water rtes, and other governmental os ttttta;zipai chargm, fines, or
<br />impasitiona, for which provision has Hat been made hereinbefare, and will promptly deliver the of&cial reeaiptU
<br />therefor to the said motgagee.
<br />a He wall pay such eapent+es and fees as may be incvrrrd in the protection and maintenance of said
<br />property, inefvdiag the face of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the eollecdon of any or ail of
<br />the indebtedness hereby secured, or foreclosure by mortgagee s sale, or court proceedings, or in any other
<br />&tigation or proceeding affecting said property. Attorneys' fees reasonably inntrmd in am• other way shall he
<br />paid by the mortgagor.
<br />d For better seeLritc of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the n quest of the mortgagee, its
<br />succe.$ors or assignr4 he shall execute and deliver a supp{ementa{ mortgage nr mortgages covering an.
<br />additions, improvements, or betterments made to the property hrreinabo+e described and a{l property
<br />acquired be it after tht date hereof +all in farm satisfactory to nmrtgugre+. Furthrnuore, should mortca};or
<br />fail io cure ens- default in the payment[ nC a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by
<br />this insintment, mortgagor hereby agrrrs to l+rrm ii mortgagee to cure such default, but tnor[gager is not
<br />ttbli~a[ed to do so; and such ad.ance± shall become part of dte indrhtrdnrs: errurrd he this instrument.
<br />subject to the same trans and conditions.
<br />e. The ri}ehL= created by ihL conve±anee shall remair, in full force and ellert during stn pustpwtrmrut
<br />3r eatextsian of Lhe time of the payment of the indebtedness evidenced b~ -aid prnmi_son~ Hole or an. {=art
<br />thrreaf secured hereby.
<br />f. He wall cnatiuttously tttaintaia haurd iaearar^e, of each type or types and in such attaoemta as the
<br />taortgager may from time to time rrgvirr on the impro+rment. now- or hrreaEirr on -ai={ {=roprrt~, .u+.l
<br />will pay prompilr when dttr any premiums them#or. All insurance shall be carried in compauica acceptsltk
<br />to mortFa}rce a~ the policies and renewals thereof shall 6e held by mortgagee and have attached thereto
<br />loss pacabk clanaes in favor of and in form aceeptabfe to the mortgagee. In event of loss, mortgagor will give
<br />:,.,wA,.ai.u taotice in wt3ting to mortgagee, and mortgagee mar make proet of loss ii trot made prompth by
<br />teaorigagor, and each inattrance company ~acetaed is hereby aut:.arized and directed to make payment foz such
<br />bast dit=etly to martaagrr instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointly, and the ituurance proceeds, or any
<br />psrt thrreaf, may be applied be mortgagee at its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby
<br />secured or to the restoratian or repair of Ibe property damaged or drsiroyed. In event of foseelosure of this
<br />martgags, or other tree fez of title Lo said property in eriittguishment of the indebtedness : -rated brreby, all
<br />tiitht, titfe, sad intertst of the mortgagor in and to say itasuntrre polieeea then is farce shall pace to the
<br />ptirehasrr ar AaariFagee ur, at il+e option of t{te ntortgagre, mat lK• snrrrndrrwl [or a rcfuud.
<br />g, Hr wail keep all buildings and other improvrntents ott :,aid 1=roprrty in gamd repair and itmditiau:
<br />wall parrnii, cosntit, ar su#frr tan waste. imgaisment, deterioratiim Qf said lsropertv or env yarL thereof.
<br />is the esrai af' faiivre of the mortgagor to keep the buildings eua card prrnti:e, and tl^o>r errctrd art sate{
<br />pretutses, 4r rmpl'DYe`tArAi+ thereon,sn gaod repair, the. mortgagee mat utal.e snch rrpairi: a> in ire discretion
<br />it mss- deem necessary for the praper prraer+atiatt ihrrrol; end the fall amu:tnt of eael; wtd r+er+ .s+rh
<br />paytarrnt dull be ima.ediately due and payable: and shall he `scared b± the lien of thi. nrurtrage.
<br />#t. He will not vahtntarily create or permit to be created against the property subject to this mortgage say
<br />lien or liens inkrior or svprrior Lo the lien of this mortgage without the written consent of the mertgagee; and
<br />furilrer, that he will kc~•l, 3rad maintain ihr -ynrr free irnsn tizr Tian+= i=t all pe r>un= ,vpph ing lalwr or
<br />tt~t~ra8s for renstts::liors of a::v ar:d all btailding- <=r itapry+en+rn!~ stot, het::g rr=vtrrl c:r to hr erected at+
<br />said premises,.
<br />i. Hr wall tmt rent ur a~ciga an. part of the rent ut .xis murt.gagrd pruprrt+ ur drmuli~h, ue rrmu+r,
<br />+w substanrialiy ahrz any httilding withovt Lhr written ronsrut r=E the mnrteay:rr.
<br />j. 3.31 awardsaf dam in conueetion with ass tvAdemnatian for pubhe tu.r ut ur iujur. to an} of the
<br />}rroprrty sxebjrxt ra ibis ruarigagr are Arrrby aadgard and.hall hr paid to mortgagee who may apply t_hr
<br />caste io pavrneni of tlxe irtsiallstaent. 1a-2 due under raid note. aml mortgagee i. hereby ataihoriud, in the
<br />name of t3ae mor[gagicr, to ezrcote and +leli~er taiid argvitiance. thereof and to appeal from aa+t such a+. ard.
<br />i. The woragagrr ieall ha.e the right t<; inepret ihr martgagr:{ pretuisr- at env era-ema6lr tieur.
<br />2, f]taLault pat sat of the coveaanta or cand}tioae of this instrument or of the note or loan agrtemeni aeenred
<br />Iserrlry t+hafl terminate tIu anot~agar's ri}iht to pusaeasion, ttae, utd enjo}'mrat of the property, at the option of the
<br />aiatt~l+gee to hm itaaigats 4it htriag agreed that the martgagtrr shaA have aneh right until defauitt• L'pon say such
<br />~aiilt, the mttxigagae shag becnmr the owner of aB of the netts sad orofiis accruing after default ae security
<br />fotr the indelaetl&ss taceuttd hereby, aritlt the ria#tt to ®rer Capon said property Eor the purpose of collecting such
<br />tacats and tt}atrnmertt sha!'_ operate tr as aettt6amettt of ray rentals on ,said property to that extent.
<br />SBA FO itM 928 a2-931
<br />