79-~ {~)'~'(~~fi
<br />Lender's written agteemtnt or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of alt mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Aay amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon shall become additional
<br />indebtednss of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and tender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounis shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Nete unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shat! bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permisstblt under applicable law. Nothing contained is this paragraph 7 shalt require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />& iaspeetioa. Leader may make or cause to be made reasanabie entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided
<br />that Lender shall give Horrowzr mice prior to am' such inspection specifying reasonable causz therefor retared to Lender's
<br />interesi in tt~e Pmgerty.
<br />9. Corsdetanation. 7lte prccecds of am' award ar claim for damages, 3irect or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation ar Mher taking of the Propert}•, or part thereof. or far conveyance in lieu of condemnation, arz hereby as_tigntd
<br />and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In ti>r coral of a total asking ..` the Pmpert}•, the ptrn~eeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />wish the et`-ess, if any, paid to Horrawxr In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />othtrsa'ise agree in writing, there shalt be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to ihat proportion which thz amaunt of the some secured by this ~{nrtgagt immediateh• prior to the dart of
<br />~kirtg bean to Fhe fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of takine, with the balance 2+1 the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Propert}' is abandarted by' Borrower, or if, afies natice h}' Lender to Borrower chat the condemnor oHets to make
<br />an sward ar se[ilt a claim for damages, Harrower fails to respond to Linder within ?0 days afrer the date such natice is
<br />mailed. Lender is attthorizzd to collect and apply the proceeds, ai Lendei s option, either to testaration or repair of the
<br />Pmpem• or to the sums stcural by this Mortgage.
<br />C?n}ess Lender and Borrower otherwise agtte in writing. an}' such application of pn>s~eeds to principal shall tx+t extend
<br />.>: pcuztx>ne the dtx dart of iht monthh• instaLimerts referred to in paragraphs i and '_ hemif nr change the amaunt of
<br />such ittstailmenis.
<br />I@. $oreower NeN Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums srutxd
<br />by this 4Sortgage granted by Lender tc any success r in iaterxsi of Barn+wer shat! not operate to rcleast- in any mauner,
<br />the tiata7ttV of tM original sorrowxr anti isarmw'tt's succtssarn in inittesi_ i_tndtr shall not ~ icy`u, n to «.,~.n.~r.:.~
<br />proceedings against such successoc ar ttfuse to extend timt for pa};ttcnt or ~ therw'ise modify' amortization of the sums
<br />se~urtd by this Mortgage by mason of any demand made h} the anginal Borrower and Rarraw•tr's succeccors in inttrtst.
<br />ll. Faetltaeaace by i.eader i\at a W~cer. Am' farl+earance by Lender in evereising an} right or remedy hereunder, ar
<br />~}ttrwise afforded by applicable law, shall hat be a waiver of nr prec'tude the exercix of any- su.-h right or rcmrdv.
<br />Tltt pmurement cif' insrrance or the pa}mint of taxes or ether liens ar charges by Lender sltali not bt a waiver of Lender's
<br />right ro accektate the maurrity of Lhe irtdtbtedness secured by this Mortgage-
<br />iZ_ lte_eiee C®~fisa. All remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and cumuta'timx to stn' otTxr ngbt or
<br />remedy under zlus Mortgage or afforded 1>y law nr equin•, and may bt exercised concurrentls', independently ar stnzessivdy-
<br />23. Sacsrasots sad Asai~ets Bound: Jodi and Several i.is5ality; Captions. The cavcnanis and 3ertcrrtertE herein
<br />contained shag bind, and the ri¢itts hettun3er shall inure to, the trspective sucxssors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />sttbject to the pravisioas of paragraph 1? hereof. Ail rovenants and agt~eements of Born~wxr shall hz joint and several.
<br />3l'ee captions acrd tfeadiugs of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for convenitrxt anh' sad are tx+t rn to esctii to
<br />znr-rptei x define itu provisions hereof'.
<br />11. I\otiee. i~tcegt for any :[Mice required under applicable law to be given in art.>ther manner, fat say ttoaiee to
<br />Batroaer pras-idtd far in ihs Mortgage shall be given b}' mailing such ttoiice b7 ctrtifled mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Address or si such other atidress as B.irmwer may designate Sy natice to Lender as provided herein, oral
<br />tl+) any nonce io Lender shsll be given by cer•n5ed marl, return receipt requested, to Lender s address suttd irercin at to
<br />stecit other adtittss as F.endrr may designate b}' rxstice m Barmwer as >tavided herein. .4nv rtatir provided fen in this
<br />Mortgage sha13 be deeat~ to have born given to Harrower ar Lender whit given ar the manner designated herein.
<br />JS. L?wYxat Marl~et Gavet>aeg Law; Se.ers~m. 7ltis farm of mengagt combines uniform ovcnants for national
<br />rtae and non-urr~nnrt x>vestants with Limited vanatians by jurisdiction is comtitult a uniform saurtry ins:tctment :xvering
<br />t-a1 prc+pem'- This Mortgage shall be gt+verned by the law of the junsdicrion in which rite Property is located- In the
<br />e+eest that any prrnisiaa ~ cLartst of this Mortgage ar the Note rnnfticts with applicable law, such conflict shag not affeQ
<br />other paovisioas of this Mortgage ar the Nate which ..^an be given effect without the a>nfticting pmviaion. and to this
<br />end lie provisioes of the Mortgage and ihr Nate an declared to be severable.
<br />lab )Eaeett,aer's Capp. Brrrower shall M fumishtd a canforrtxd rnpy of the Note and of this Mtutgagt ai the tithe
<br />of u~utian or after rttordatzat }urtx+f.
<br />J7. Trssfer of tie ]!'rapefy: Asnsaagtino. if all of any pan of the Pmptm° or an interest therein is sold M transferred
<br />by Bttarawmr wiiltaut Lender's prior written consent, excludiaG Lai the cteaaian of a lien ar encttmbranct wbordinate to
<br />this M:vttgttge. fi) rho eteatitm of a purchase manly sorority interest far hatsritotd appliattces, (c) a [rausfer 6}• devise,
<br />draoeni ar by operation of law upon the death of a ,it•,int tenant or fdt rhr grant of any leasehold inttrest of three years or less
<br />not aYxrtaating an optim in ptarhare., izntier rrtay, at Letrdtr's option. declare all the stuns secured by this Mortgage to be
<br />immediately drte and pa_sabk. Lender shsB havx wailed such option to acceieraxe if, pritrr :o the sale ar ttansftr, Lender
<br />and the pexaoo to arhMn the Property s ru ># sold ar transferred rea.-h agreement in writing that the credit of such person
<br />~ satir~~tary to Ltndtt atut'liai the inictst pagab}t on the cams sxtued by this Mangage shall 6t at such rats as Lender
<br />slsaR regtarst. if I~r ins waitrod the .-~ptian to atxelerare provided in this paragraph 1?, and if Borrower's successor in
<br />itt~t ~ eaarttted a writita asatrtnptism agrrxatart acxtpred in writing b}• Leader. Linder shall release Borrower from all
<br />al$i~iam larder tlris Mortgage a~ tie Nom
<br />Lr Leatder ,.:rr,~;a.,~ such option to atxxaelerare, Lender shall mail Ilorrowxr ^Mice of acceleration in accordance with
<br />paragraph IA hereof. Such natitx shag provide a period .>f not }ess than 30 days from ilu date the aotitt is mailed within
<br />vdtich Bt~r may pay the sums doclaetd dtte- If Horrawer fails to pay wch sums prior to the expiration of su:.h period,
<br />Lasder cony, without further nMioc or dernand oa Hormwer, invoke any rertredirs permitted by paragraph 1 g hereof.
<br />3+icw-i',xtr~sra Cts~xat.-is. Sarrxrwt; and Leader further ;.a+rnant asd agree as fal.lows:
<br />lE. .4,eedeaaBob piraDeB~ 1 as psar'ided is paseatapi 17 lsereaf, ]Borrower's heencA of nay rnveaaat err
<br />a~Artnatat of Bneraaer i• fills 1-taef@ge, ieeiadiite= tit tovea~s to pay when doe oy arms seeeeecd by this Mt+rfj+tge,
<br />Iaadrr pttix M r~ aea3! >aasbr b ~ ffi pesvieled is pxti 14 lterebf ~: Lll tie heeach;
<br />(lj tYe ae~aa ~ b tae nnei heamri~; {3i a dab, not lean lion 3@ days froea the dale tie aetke is atailed eo Bneeower,
<br />iJ' seiiti trtetdt iaaaei uart Ye esetk sad {i} tit fapve m car sacf hteae- tsa ar 6efoR tlK daft speei&ed ®lie nallee
<br />tatty tnadi b d tie rata acetred iy ti» Btferrl@at@e, fortxleseae bt js~cial procexdia~ sad ode elf tit: Property.
<br />71n saBtt fitap ftutiar idol iraewea' d be sfEhB b albr acctiaatlort and tie tilt to sweet !n tie forecioatQe
<br />ptttttsdltq Bee >aaessrleaee d e defaai ar alt attars defense of 16arrowea b atederatioa sad foreeloetaee. H the 6ecaeL
<br />to oaf ttsarai ea e>: ie#aae Bas dtia spet3ai b ale aoBee, [.seder rat ieader"s upt3aa may dectve all elf the sates secured hY
<br />fii It3astpBte b ire irrateditidy date sal prrtahk wiBtatt fnrtiee lewd sad ° foreclnw h1' judicial ptoceedb8. bender
<br />-asap tie eaBBed lg eapset L noel pry all a:penaea of faredoann, inc~ndjet, bttl not tiaaited in, casts of tMcamenlaty.
<br />eivlitnics, tdtabnels aed BBe e'al+tb
<br />]!, Lesawes'a Bipit! b BdnataBe. Notwithstsndina Lender's aecelcration of the sums atcuttd by this Mortgage.
<br />Be>notver Mail lave tie fight to have nay proceedings begun by Lender to to€orce this Mortgage discontinued at any time
<br />