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79~ 4{?'~n~ i r>tx~Nlc~s LZ~7 <br />(Contractor`s Lien 52-101) <br />LIF~d QAINID BY: Sewer Fmoter & Plumbing, Iz[c. <br />1021 East Stoney Park Rcaad, Grard Island, NE 68801 <br />ACi4II~T: Clifford Jawbs <br />406 East Seventh Street, Valentine, ~ 69201 <br />S~ OF ACXXUBiP ~)= <br />rnGra~tation of leading field, including materials, sales tax and labor. <br />Labor $356.60 <br />i~terial 212.04 <br />Sales Tax 6.36 <br />4`0'i'AL 575.00 <br />STATE OF NEBRA'~ ) <br />ass. <br />cx~I.a~rY c~ I~~ra. ~ <br />Affiant, Rit3sard L. Huber, Attorney far Sewer Imoter & Plumbing, Inc., a <br />Nebraska Cxarporation, being first duly sworn, ~ his oath says that the foregoing <br />iisai~ea' at~t iu` wQixr iaYx~, skin, materi ~ ~ s and utgu~vauezits is tn~e and <br />oo~rx+ect: that same were done and perfaaneri and furnish by the undersigned fa:. <br />the said Clifford Jacobs utsler an oral contract for the installation of a leachina_ <br />field on the deSCr;haa real estate, to-wit: <br />Iut Eighte~i 118) , Bishop BQights Sub3ivision, liar Oc~ustyr 13~raska. <br />32~t at the time said c~tsact was made and labor and materials f[~rnisbad and <br />delivered thersmd~ Clifford Jaooias wes t5e a.-~¢ of said anises. <br />That the date of the first iten ~+~*^;~ and deliver~l was July 27, 1979, and <br />the data of the last itea was July 27, 1979. <br />Affianti furt3ter states that sair3 lLebor was ~-fr***+~ on, and materials were fury <br />ni~ted f~, delivered at, and used on said pr+ea[ises on a7d between the dates Speci- <br />fied. tat the lsit:es ~sarged : ~*+~~" are fair and reasonable, and that these is <br />~ os[ said aomtatt the sum of FIS}E BUS SAY-F'1VE AkD NOJ100 ($575.00) D~~ARS, <br />that saixi Suer T~.<stei' s Pltmbing, Inc. claims a lien ~ the said premises for the <br />foil ama[snt of said acaamt, to-•ait: ~e sun of $575.00, together with interest <br />thet~eacl at the legal rate, Exam the 27th day f July, 1974, and further affiant say- <br />eth not. / ~,, ,~/ <br />L. ice, Attaa~y crr S84ffit <br />5 PIS, II!]C. , A NelBaska Corporation, <br />S(7S9f.R~ AAD S tD before me 25th day of Octni~, 1979. <br />~~ ~ <br />i-~aeraow / <br />~~ am <br />~CSFifr Ex:' R1 ::°Sr PUBLIC. <br />~a~ <br />S~ ~ L <br />)SS. A~1~9iT CF ~ OF NOTTC~ LE+~2 52-203 <br />C13[iRlY OP ffi43d, Y <br />Coe~es now RPL3 L. , Attarsaesr for the liersholder, Sewer' footer' 6 Plumbing, <br />SIIC. , $ L~t2SIGa t'~pGarStSLli, and first beitlg duly 9wGffii oRn Oath, deposes and says <br />that OR ~ 2~ ~ Uf October, 1979, t1e by IItsited States Mai 1 , postage <br />prepaid, of the fiiing of tfi~is with a of this acodmt. <br />RT_LIIAIm L. AIIDER. <br />AEI? i i:o before me 25th day of October, 1879. <br />J <br />„~! P{Tl~IC. <br />U°° P.O. Box IObB <br />Ric2sard 1.. HuberlHi~ins & Mat21n 1503 l~'es[ Second Street <br />Telephaoe: 306+382.4i2D Grand Island, !Nebraska 6880! <br />