<br />ew -.
<br />That the Mortgagee will pay the indebtedttess as hereinkiefore provided.
<br />That the Martgagar Ls the-owner aC said property ir- fee simple arxd has good right ,nd law'fu! authority' to .cell and
<br />roneev the same and that the sattve is free and clear of anc lien ar encumbrance: and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the
<br />title to said pre°nises agairvst the e'raims of ail persans ts'hotnsoevr r. -
<br />To pay immediately whin due and payable all general tsxes, special taxes, speci:d ::>srssment.. ,..tier :barge.., ;c wee ser~•~
<br />ice el+srges, and other taxes and charges against sc,i,i tarol,c•rh, and all taxes lc~i,=d on debt sr,~urea hereby, and to furnish the
<br />hlartgagee° urn request, xit}v the original or i7nirGcatr cx-_ei}?L ~+rretur. Tle<• 94ortgaKor age.=.~s that there ~valS b-r added to
<br />each monthly FaJ'ment requim? kvereundcr .v :unter ',he : . ,e,.c, of dcd,i ser+yc°rt herehr an a .. -tn1 r4ima[n~,7 by the Mortgagee
<br />to be suEvcienf to enable the Mortgagee to pay. as the. hr-i`c,n=.= due, ai3 tear, a';`~es:'menu, ant? similar charges upon the prem-
<br />i_•es suh;eet il:ere>ti~: and defitian.-~ h.wuse of the in,.vf?;eier., y- n_ ~aeh a•5ditln:na' pay'tnent. >ha!? hr forth.. itt•. ,?opcr,it.~a by iho
<br />£4;agasor - -_z cn-, ~.. _ j n.a- .. - - .- \ . -.-v- . •^;irr h : . t - . t..... v ..:..?,. r.~,:lt vn
<br />~ gssymen# of as. ac+e~. meni., ^y ~mJar rh,-r ge: r<r;n, << •x~rrundcr
<br />Th. M- tga -' r egress t'.'1i .here sh jit ac . Tn 'd t, etcty ,n 5 t- y ' m t f .r,n~ ; ? - r . t requ+ !' re-
<br />u era n v i F - tt• \i ..r,- -: ~ _ ,. 4 -} ,.. r 3 4• - } av.t:
<br />p mt s : v a ~ v n 9 t h \! f h f t v ad v c} alt ht: nal 7 a.
<br />ta=e 3 ha?. 4 nt- ; ~ t - h-. A4 t - ti \t t a -n S V9 th .1 ~ i fa It 3
<br />- tx3ayra,h s?=~7. k>r J=.•e,..... a •. -. ,r.. ~ v. ,.,, r.. +. .. e. .t. c- ! r.:.uv.v ? t , -, u,•,n:<. ;,, ,<.? a, nr,h a., tx•mr
<br />.2 ,.. - ..-., .,,;
<br />,,-, >h
<br />ewnes or a r I< iti: c .b -- - .• v- ~. -~ 1 -~• :! :•a:r -....,. \', ,. .. - th< ,a:ci~t t,.
<br />ac pr~m,u-n. .m - r, r,,..t r<:, .. !u .....ra t. ,~._ -:-, ..,..,.~
<br />Pa-. men_ medr th. ..,.-rt.ago ,...,,. the akn,+ - . ,: sT.i.; _. ,.., ~... :-d eh, \:.. rtg+~ ., held h, :t rov,.
<br />a'a~mugtt3 ,. •th :-.her <ach tcn:~. .. ., , wn . <i< , r h< ~a nt .urf• u: - _ an, n ~, „ aq , t ~ -? ,u~ h+ t•a. r-x.=nt are hr r: h•.
<br />Pti\'ig:ar? as sea-urity- f:,z ihr ;.nt,s i.t hatanr, :•t 'he nxur CSCe' i.nt<ct.~dnrcc
<br /><r~:~>- _. .. ~~.. .. .... k,e.•: ^:l, F.. \t--t~i~ -~ .,<,:te.(t^1~.T. e, ri~3r rlL Oat .rj
<br />~-, r - ~a'.t4, .~. ... :',- ~. -;31~ '~ - - ti:~ r .n l', ..1 ; - .. :n~1J r; r>> 3~aln~t f, r•' nd , ..t.. ~L'r3^12
<br />hn-„nls, a~suailies, arau .~en?i:lz~'n.':c-= a. the \#:,ztgag«~ "- ~~ rFtruirr. in _n amruni ~?ual to the inrtr't,c.rdncgs sr'urvf•hy this
<br />h+, rtgage, a..d i.. c~t*vr as.. ... ~t r .,'. t}, \,,:.~t .,z ~ .-. ,.: r - a,-,.."'. .....: n -a r -, ants in f,,.nt a:c--t tn:',te 2.+ d-- \1ort;;a-
<br />gx. in i7x ri rnx are - ,. „_. - - - :.,, .. - _- -. .
<br />tmprrn't"nenC., y.a~' i}r: 7„-s i..... :+ :+n, ..,h :::. ;. n. : .,-:,-. i.+~ - .I',:< ..? t:vy a, l: ,With :-,.<,,a ai ih- ran ..-t
<br />ti Y.~ in Vin... i ~'1=~ '3 '- i' ... ~ i- ? }- M rt a--- .,. h .1 + 4Y.tdl'^^.
<br />a ..~y ~
<br />as rt+- beer=n re•cruvti-a -.. ._.r _ .., ~ .. .. ~ ,. .,< .,.<. . ~,. .i, .. , ,. +. , „ \t, rt,, a;.<-, , n t., ::.. i .,~tau?t
<br />ursdt~ v':r terin> ,.r .~.;, :. ,2r .- t Sr- .., r ... ... ~^.n'~{. , , tnr , m , d..a..l,. ...:' e , .e.. ~,.n.<,.. i„ ,,..
<br />ea..~'t p^-mium
<br />An+ .ores. ..._. t.^.. \',v. _ -~.... .. - ..-, .: dar..a_.~ ..s~a rt~a a.-aira -oar M' ,,,;;ru-d h,. .n 51a~rt;agc=r
<br />ar... af:p3:-w ,. n.~_!i,: - .. .- .:, ,4;... .... t+. ~.i... ,.- ,. ,,. _ .-, .. \F-raa,;r ....rr'„ +ab~r uh=,li. +.r in
<br />pare .'*.av ,~• r .. - r t ,h<~ \7~ - . n ..~<-.. ..iio,:i F"- to LUdj-nr.. hu t ,R- ;n then f•?a::- ~... `,.~-r asv}•
<br />ixi;rr P.trR~< ..-"ak:iect .-„a.., .. , .< \t._ _ r ,... .. _ ' t. r.,, _r ?ir ; . s i:" :-r~..3ge t-~ nr (..;7 am. a .. ., a.e-.? beer
<br />b\" t,f'?.•rc w:'kt pa. meat rl ri I<x,h i]13: r'.
<br />To pnunf>ttr ^e-,au. rr. .. r. ,. .<~h=....,. ar? .,..._u ~ .. , _ m..t.. .... ,.. .,.<~it.~. ,...':: pr<~rn><. ,.hi.h t,e-
<br />dan~•aged ,v^ deser'•y:-d t:, war} u..d y*.<... i., , ,...-..d,tten a..,1 n, a,: an:.:r-r ir, nt an. ,-vcw vs~.r:<. 2-.e"r. ;-r .~th<~r ttr,v or
<br />r~sr:.n .ten rs,i exp.~r- }' svih->rdirl3ted rc: the- v::v. hcsraf •.. .: euSrr ..t prrm;t arty uslawfui ax ,•[ a, . n+ nuisance A, ~ gist c,n
<br />sa.d prem.^.> oar x, },.,~rs t Hssse .<n >:~ pr.-mzx. r... - .., :~nc ,ri}:zr a whets-hv the ;,;..~..-7y tier<~t>.~ :e.n. c~r'rc! .hal) kvrome
<br />!cis ,°afusk+.e. oar t., 3nntnia^.::; vmivatr i:< :al.;r h. a :, ar: ~,,..,n.,-.~i,,:z t„ a.t t:, : . +,>l., .. ~-h af? r.~yu::rmrnt: <:f law w;th respect
<br />tc the mottr'agxx3 1>te-Waists s'=d thn• u.r t}rrrr.S
<br />T: sr ,..4~,uld t ;+ra-s.,~~ ._.- a:. >:t t: <r,.:.,, tai..a .,r ,:.+,. st,-:; - .. „f z_ ::is,: -.mpr.,.amen; :, ndrmnatian
<br />grcct+ettir~. <>: ;:i+elrr. tom. ;;rh~t _,f <~•r;s_•rzn* ~:itzn;~n..•: :: r..- =river manner. the-\l.~r,ga,e.....~2;s1t i.<- rnt~t^..s ,.., al? rvmPznsauans.
<br />aw=arch, a_nd soy- ai?-,er pay-meni ,:,z relief thrrrfc,r. 3n.i~>}ra4l,tae errntlxi- at its aptn-<,n t;-. rnnvnrrxrr, appear :n and ptasecute vn ttc
<br />on'YV ifazix- a:s,i actrzm c= rrxxeding, +.. -<, mats am «-mprnmi:e .,r sett.e•mt•^.t to c.~nn<~r-tic.n with su:h iaS~cnF ur :tamagr :\il such
<br />t>anxpen3~ti+~s, aw'srRS, dame€es, right a>fr arz;<ar. and prn't~c is are hcreb}~ ass,gn~" in t!vr .'4l..rtgag~, Kho maY, after detkurting ,,,
<br />t all tis tx';'ren~s. relarst anc m:v=rtis yr r.•e-tr-d b> ti ar al,,piy tfre ~.n,,e cr. env inirMeiness secncect hKrrby. The Mor!-
<br />~~ bg, 3~ ta, ts:~rvtr math #ur;3rt•r aASVgnrrveats t~f ax.a ay;m}'Is. ciamagt°s. anti ritfi•.:.sf uiin.n and prruceds as tht
<br />;sex may t~utrr.
<br />That is cayt of faiitirt iz+ f,rrf~:;nr, anp <.> th.- n.:enant herr~+r: tb~ :*. t,rt€ager ma..t<> ~•n the }iurtgar<,r s trt-half everything
<br />an twwrs,attted; i)rat the hlcrctgagte tsua: akw C:, an}~ act ~t ^,:sy .i:-rm -,r-.-:-wa r_. t. >r:2te-:-i ire:: there2f: chat lbe Martgalwr will
<br />t+t~sy c3taysxxd an}' rao'.tsax ptid tvr dntwrstd h>` ihr ?.l rrt.€ager frs any- c~t the aksrn,e pu r}tos~. and a-ur-ty mnntY. togtitier with
<br />iuitrmi Sherean a; t#rr tart ~prch°xieci v*.t said neate shakt i>e*nc,mr n mu<~h wdd~,iv.,na§ :n3e-?:t:.iness heret+r arcurcti and mar 6e in-
<br />doded is am dtrnt itveeiccsvag t3sis n:.,r=tfaFe and i< pacd ,+ut ..t LSe ;rot. rs pru^r-rd+ of aa4r ai satd pmmvses if net otl,rtvise
<br />paid: that i; €tsa!} raa br s~igair~y upur. the M.+rtg,rl,e-w t.~ ;eyuvre :tu.+ the ~~aitdet*: o{ any ben. encumhran4xr-- or riaim to ad-
<br />x'sar+ot, a u shoat atnhisrirtd, 'sot aatlsing beetle ,7nntaraext stvali #>•e ccuL.tru~+ as requiring the Mortgagee to advance any
<br />€tar an} s~rt3i purp.' my ic+ do a-,f r<c; !~r;.=cinder, and ibat Ale rtgaget shall !x.t vntur ant pers;.riat haMlih hecau!u of any-
<br />iii tiaaa dour emit is do }iereuader.
<br />lu Ltx ?.•ersi ~ r_trt de3.suti by Mn.rTyagar ,r: t"hr w~atu-nt ,:t ana~ :nstallmrn:, a. reQuistri by ihr ;~ivtt sexured h:•rehy, or
<br />in the priiataaanxx• aE the o67'igatron .n thus rrrn:-t€a€e ."r :n the nr+tr -v~c'urrd i?!e re-hy' the lionKa€e:> .halt l,e entit7Pd to declare the
<br />aiotri aecared ~r+tlr5' dae anc psysiae r~it._huL4 aetx:~. sn!. it,t ininrtsssS'r•r'shaH ~ xstirkKa as ur++c+X:.+n. ris2wuin,:t:ce_..ciihtz..nX._iT=rf1 _.w.,_
<br />or 1rY a renrir+er io Le agpairittd b3 t!x warn thereof. and wi#tvcnt regard in the adFqua..}• r=f an3 securit;- for the indebtednt~< st~
<br />tagr+! 7~._ in rn#rr irptm sad tatse pc sst-asn+n of Tait mc~r4g3ge it prrmisra', and i;, :ol,~:- and rererve the cents, ttuea and PrvSi_=
<br />iiteaeai, sad apply ihr sasar, lrsa costa rvf txperatirm aad ceifertier. uPr*n tlse iadtF,itdn~-s secured F.y this mortgage, said rents.
<br />. i~ irid ~~, ltet'rrlrg sast~rtr~ ~ the li,lnri€agee as arsurity° for elm paymtn! tar all indebtedness s-rcureri hereby
<br />~"lre MoriLal+'a a~tall hates the poaaer is appoint any agent ar agenfs it may v3r>ire for itve purpust of repaying said prem-
<br />;~:.~e ~ ~ renfa, rr+•~nues sod iru`nme, and it may pay nut at said irvewtnr alt expenses incurred rn reni-
<br />~ agal ~aia~SQ i~afe ;~ d ra~lea~iaae ;ire mntafa zheref tom. The ivataetce remainng. it anY, shall tx• aPPlied toward tilt
<br />~ ;lsa . 'I'§is sra~rstaent a to tertninatr sod Lwrnrne null and vixid upon release nt this mortgage.
<br />L.
<br />
<br />