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73-~ (~[J7C?2?~ <br />RELEASE ®F BNQR~i GAGE <br />In consideration of full pay~neni and eompiianca with the conditions of a mortgage <br />made by P°3-ha-d D. ~-tkbe~ and ~e~rot ~:- ll. Senkbeilr aac?~ ii: pis ana. her own <br />right and as s_:~at=se o, ~~a:;h othe^. <br />Yo iHi BQL'ITABLE BL'ILDItiC AtiD LOA\ :~SSOCI~IT'i0! OF GRAD ISL.AtiD, NEBR4SI:A, on the <br />Lat ~, v3.ock 74t Q='i~;~~ '"o:h~ of ward IsSand~ ?dow City <br />followit:g described pmpem~, to-K~t: ~x~ ~ti,~ty-~ Nebraska bai,~ a tract of land more ga~ticularly <br />de3critwd as follows: ~-arsenc:r~ at tie ~' .o"ner o~' 31eck ?~, and n*_roceedirig a a I~arth- <br />xestery- direction along and uar_ the wst Sins oz 91ack ?4 a distance of 23'2' to the <br />alle;;° iii said `pack, waerce praaee:;isu; i^~ a ~nthssester2;- direction a •,.istance of bet ~ <br />th;ace Drace~dirg i.n a SoL*.heasi_erl- direr±ior clan- and ~,~xen a Iine parallel to the avast <br />3' of sa=d Slack a ..__t:-•.... of ij2* to the ~^u=h lire of block ?4: tneace in a <br />~a_theasterly 3i^ectioaalan_~said lire a distance of ~`r to the paint of beginning <br />? ~'D <br />Z~at 2t it Fzlack 3i o~" iTa'1e5* Clew Sub. ir. t;,e ?3ar~h 2103.f3* of the ~ of iY~ of Section <br />:'o•.azship 12 '<orthr ~ar~e ~ pest o'_' i'~e bth A_^3.zicipal ieridian <br />which said mortgage bears date 13th d2;' cf June 19~ .and <br />>s recr;rderl in Book 1~3 of mertgahi's on Fagz 23? <br />~£ tlY ~ is a(H 13 C'~mr~-_ 3~ said ~~ciation here6~ acknowle~es full satisfaction of and releases the _ <br />same. <br />In u~tneu ~+:ttemof the said THE £QtiIT.3BLE Al'ILDI\C .a\D LO.~\ ~SSOCLATIO\ OF <br />GRAD 3SI,.L~i`r, !`£BR4SI:.~, has caused this lost-unur;t iv }re signed b~ its President and attested by its <br />S«xexaxy this 21st day of Seatembe: A.D., I9 ?r3 <br />'fi+e ~ Building and Loan Assoeiatiwt of Grand bland, Nebraska <br />~ ~ .. <br />_. _ . ~S~'/~y/ <br />. $r__,~.- 3.-. ~ __.__.--_--___ __--_.__. .__ <br />President ~~ Kiitman <br />' ' - Seae[arv <br />ST~28 4F' !~&R~iSI_~ j <br />GOiLA'tF OF E?.9IS. ~ s> <br />On this list ~>' trf Septe.~'il'er _~.D., IH ?9, before me, a Notary Pubhc <br />dal} aad t~:eabfwd Ion and residiiag in said t->~nst., Persena3l} c:sme F ?. ~11'3LI2T« 3~'ld <br />~`.az:: yea 'a. apg~ <br />ffi me 3a+oa+a Zfl be the idexrtical per~±ns ..°]-,ose names err affixed tc the ahv~e release as President and Secretary <br />of said .iuotnaLien sad ac~¢.pv.•kdged tlxe sand ins+stssneni to lx thezr .tittuata:~ a.4 and deed :v~d the ti•ohmiary <br />ant aad deed of the sari 3`HE EQL'ITASL€ BLII.DL`iG ?LSD LC34:4 ASSOCI.XTIO~ OF GRA?tiD ISL~LID, <br />Vii. <br />aitYi iAd HOF]17fii S68I tllt day and ~YpI last iibCriT WTitt'etl. <br />__ - -_~ [d. ~ Ir <br />. ~ f ~ ,~r t 4 ~ -- <br />u~:Fi sz~~ ~ IdotAr3' Public <br />+"-. ~ 4i ..tip ~~C. <br />s °~,~ ~~ ~~~ ~'~ kty txrmrssissirin ecpires t~'i.~Gfjv~•4f~~~s/(/ 4'> <br />