<br />~c~t~TGA ;~ LaAN NES. L 23 , 573
<br />talow~aLLr~ENSYrt[ESEPR>'~iNTS:Tnat Gene A. Olsen and Florence A. Olsen, each in his and her
<br />own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Uorigagor, whether oar or morn, in consideration of the =ttrtt of
<br />Twenty Thausand Three Hundred and No/100-------------------------------------------~~~
<br />~~ zo szti~d ntorr~ r by Tht Ecz3hie 3uilden~ and I..nac ,tscac.;?t:,ra of .rand tslard, Nebraska, iart~set, uQon 2D3 ~~a of uodt of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Ctrtificate No. L 23,573 , do hereby gran*_, ~nvey and nwngage unto the said ASSOCIATION tht followsng
<br />desvibed trot tstate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />ttigethet rwii3r sit t}x ttnettunts, htreditamrnts and apputirnances thrrrunta belonrang, utrltidsng aztarlttd floor mrrtittgs, all window scrteris,
<br />aia8arr• s3ndes, blinds, steam windows. awai.4_ },ruing, air R ndiiior:itte, and atumbing and water tquipmtnt and acttimties ihersto, pumps, store,
<br />rtlrKerstffis, attd attter ftzztnes and ixTuipmcnt ww ar hr:raitrr attactttd ?a or used in rvnnrction with said trot estait,
<br />pad w~terr~ tlx t~ t~rtga~at t=3s meter.', aztd dots hrteLx- agree rtva' :ht tnartea;ear shalt and wiU pay all taws and assessments kried ar
<br />assessed ttpae said prrmisrs and upon zitis ttx,npee sad thr bony srrurrd d>rrebv bcfere the sarce stall br..atrr delinquent: io furnish apptvred
<br />iasta>a,ae apaatt'he btuldireps fur said prerises i3tuattd ~:a ihr cut~cf S 2D,3-~. {j- payable so mmai A<CSOCIpTION and to de!~a to aid
<br />-ASSOI'iAT10?i the ptalici:s for said insutaa:r: and nett to ~mrnit ~or perms any waste an ur alnut slid prtmisea:
<br />Is use ~ ttefanb in fix prrfurnnacs of any . f tar [. rms and ccmditians of this imuigage at the 6attd sdwt=d hereby, Ux mattpgte strait,
<br />m dew, be entitled fo ttttmedtate ptaaessian of the inotxgayrd premises ztrd ttx nwvtgagcu hertby assigns, ttansfcts and sets ores to the
<br />marg6agee aH Ile seats, rrerinues and soa,rne to trr deiced atom ife mortgaged prtemssts durvrg su:.h tote as tht matigagt indehtedrua shalt temilII
<br />tr.~asd: asttt ihr martgagrt s}rall hair tht }x,wrr to appoint ani~ agent ar agrnts it rmy dtsire far tlx purpose of re'P'a~a6 said ptetaitm attd rewtitg
<br />rlu mwt amd ~ ttu rtnu, trrrnuts sad intense, acrd it itsay tray out vi said irstoettc a:l espcnsrs of rrpaititsg said patmoes atsd ttttt~ary
<br />anattitsiaw-rm au^! rayenae's incurrrd in itntmg acrd managing ihr setae and of atlkrting rtntals 2hertfmm; the traLna remaining, if say, io tx
<br />a¢siied toward itu disdtartc crf said tirtwtgagr tndrbtedereas: tt!tst righu ul the murtgagtr maT be extrisni at say time during the exatetice of stteh
<br />II1tSp!'ChrC of any tetfva,rarv R'a~tY al the SaLt,P.
<br />TLrse I'rrsrr*ts, hawesv, err upov rtes Cund[er:,n. 7'taar rt cirt aw" M mgrgns shat] repay said Fawn cur ar befarc ;he maturity of saSd stsatrs by
<br />}a}ssr~zaettt: pwy rat~t4ly to said fSSO('€ATION of rtes suns speufed in tt-.t Bond st.-utal ?terthe as inrtrta and prmtipat oex said roan, as ar Iseftat
<br />the Trttssiinh days of tat3r and trery rrantit, until scd kiss a laity paid: pay ati taxes and asg>~imeats levied against sail pretises and m this Mortgage'
<br />at,d tht Band socured tistxtby , trti.ur del;r;aurtecy : fry =,Kt: apprirrred rnsunrr zel+rm fix buildings thrruss tin t!>: sttm of S 2D, 300. ~ payable
<br />t'+ sv~ AS'St~l-4T'1Q`s: stpay is ,aril ASiili.`l_~g7Oti uprw deasaad aU rn,ncs bg n pater f~,r str3x htrrrs, assessments amt ittsutauae with mtesest at
<br />tlu isaanum 1eEai tau rlxmm from date ai }x±uurt at; of wki:.h Mottgsgeu hereby agrtrs to pay;,xrinit ra watt an said prernaessteep amt mmpty
<br />~ fht' eta afro a7nditnuss cti tsit fsatrd tar S ~u , 3lTU . -~ftis day given by iht ni3 4artgafiat za said ASSiX'LATION, and ..-amply
<br />wise aB rtes tragtsn'rmenis of iht t'c,nstitvik-.c and $y iaw~s of said p_'+'SOfYATii?N: iher. ttstse trrtaents sttsL btxatsx Holt and snit], otherwise they
<br />s~ rt~~ is iu8 far.°t aRd may be ia~~u:iasd at tar crpuan ai ttr mks As..OCLATION atttr titlutt fat ttutt mantas to mate any of aid
<br />IaY~s ~ ix iherx taasrths a$ attrarx ut irttuts said monttt~- payrtrrrits, ar to ktxp and comply Ritlt the agt~menu and conditions of said Band:
<br />aril y agues to hear a ra'rirr. app:>tatrd fu-thw~itit in su;.ir tarncixwr prck-x.~;iireea
<br />If chest is airy etttmge.' ~ awsusship of t#x xtat estate inartgagtd hctsn, by ale ur athrrwise, rhea flu ratite retuaining inskbtedntmc hereby
<br />itetauod shsH, u the riptxrn of ltk f~.uuabk tlutlding and L.3sn XsstnstAU, of Grand Island, Vrbrss\a, btaococ itnmtdiattty due aoa peyahk without
<br />fwaher atrti~, arut rtes amotrwt rr...nsantstg due under mid band, and any attar band tar any addit~ssal advanrts rsradt thereunder, shall. from the
<br />dam itt eteres at` aid aptiaa, bras mrtrrs; at fig inaamrum sett, and shin rm:np.~ trtay ;hen be iare:lastd is atisfy the artwitnt due on aitl
<br />latsmd,aed ray' otters head tar atlditicwsat advanc+;. together write ail sums acid by said The ~ytsstabk Btnldirtg and Luca Asxrrtiation of Grand Island,
<br />N:a ~ inz~, taxes s~ as~«~n:x, vs..i abstz+r:urs rattntion ~ratgts, with iaztrth 'hrrnat, Pram dart of payment at tix trsaximsiro
<br />~.
<br />At groridexf in tiu t3otai acea:rd swrtky, w~}sile :iris irsutgtCOr teruatns m rtStc[ rtes inortgagex may }xreafter adrana additiawa! sums m tt,e
<br />raaioexs ~ aid , this assigxt ru sets,:.-~--rs s[ mtttis., tuck, suttti ,~r',alt ix w,[3tin the secsuity of this riwrtgige the soar as tM funds aripjttailY
<br />satsted may, rtes tout atsw,wnt ,~ prise-.gtat dtht z,_,t to ra:~rd » say ti_~ thr urigrtu! aaxssnr of this »,angagt.
<br />I~'f+s~~+/~' ~~'t day .>; printers ' I) , ly 79
<br />A. Q35eA ,/'
<br />F~PJPL+l1Ce A. OISjLf1
<br />~~~ ~ 1+ASCa, } a. tNt thra 5th dy ui October l9 79 . hrfore ~,
<br />Ei©tLrx1YS16` Ii1.aSL
<br />the rutdttiBited, a Notary Public is :ad far said County, perra,utll>' qmu
<br />Gene 1t. plsen i~ FlOrerlce A. Olsen, each in his and her ant right~y~and as spouse eac~h~
<br />tttl"l~" are
<br />ate to he the idaatid p~®S n'haar na:mt s +3rE a!Ii>EtA to itte abesvt ins~Vtanrnt #4~morigrrga~4 and t}1cy' aerxntiy
<br />the sail i~rmneat a be t-hCir fury art and decd. ,1 f ,
<br />#Yf"I3~i'>E.S,S vwy heart sad Nt>tarial 5ea1 the bate aforeaid. - ,/ ', l ~
<br />lty i'ttapirts !~G~Tif"G ~~--~r,~c ~~~ ._
<br />-`. Notary Public '
<br />rKa~ al ~ £ri~A€ ,JO;AAY -$~la a{!+t_ayt.
<br />.iAM~S 4Y. CLSON
<br />Yy wmm. lap. fiat, l2, l9Tk
<br />