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9-~~ #~1'7C~0 <br />MORTGAGE <br />MoRZCACe LOAN No. L 23537 <br />~~owaat~aENSVrr~tsErxrs~v-rs:Tj>aF Arvin D. Panker and Kathryn R. Panker, each in his and <br />her open right and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whether Drx or mart, in wnside[alion of Ute sttm of <br />Nine Thousand r"our hundred and Fifty and No/100----------------------------------- LlOi.hARS <br />3m~aed tD sa3d mrrrigagat try 2fir Egtutable Baildir~ and t..raR Assoaatiar, Df Grand lsiand, Nehrsska, Martgagee, upon 94 shares of stock of <br />said AS.SDt=iATtO*t, Certificate Ne_ Z 23537 , da hrrrhy grant, wnsiy and mortgage unto the said AS.'~OC1AT[pN the foDowing <br />des~bai real estate, vttrated in hall County, Nebraska: <br />BEGINNING AT THE NORTH EAST CORNER OF LOT EIGHT {8j, <br />BLOCK Fltt£ (5}, ORIGINAL TOdN OF DDNiPHAfi, RUNNING 'rIEST <br />ON THE NORTH LINE Of LOTS EIGHT (8) AND SEVEN (7), <br />ONE HUNDRED {1QO) FEET, THENCE SOUTH AT RIGHT ANGLES <br />TWENTY-FI.E {25) FEET, THENCE EAST AT R?GHT ANGLES TD <br />THE EAST LINE OF LDT EIGHT (8), DR DNE HUNDRED {iQO) <br />FEET, THENCE NORTH ALDNG THE EAST LINE OF LOT EIGHT <br />{8), TWENTY-FIVE (25) FEET TD THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. <br />tafyethu sritft alt the tenrrorau herrditamcxts atad appunrnancrs thereunto hrk.nging incltrdittg attsttted tkwr wterir+gs, aQ reindov acneas. <br />sfsades, bfitrdx. storm a~i[ederws, aa^eiogs_ heating, ar autditiDtrirtg, and plumhirtg attd water equipment a[sd acuvoties Chetem,ptnasls,Etwes, <br />rcfri,Eerateas, aad oihar futwrs sad eampment now Dr hrreafta abashed to ar card in vnnection with said seal estate. <br />and w3axrus the said mor[gagor hzs agrxd amd dxs hereby Aare that !.r.e mDrtgaga; shat! and will ps}' aSl taxes and assemnrmts ksiad or <br />aaa~d t~ said and uR'm this mortgage and ti~ bcntd se~~rred ~xreh>< before tix same strait 6ett>ate detsnqueat; to furnish appsured <br />iamesaee t~ the bsnldirgs rm said pvrarises situated in the surer of S 9 , 450.OO payzhk to >aai ASSOCIAT!@! gird to ds)ixr to aid <br />ASSY3CiAT1tAN itir pcr6oes f~ sard msuraas; and tsnt :a anamrt M prrmtt ~y waue art cu shout card prrnetses: <br />la csc of defatsh .~ the perfarmaax of arty ai rix utters and vrrditioas of the mwtgage iu the bvrsd rexsa~ed hereby, [be ~, <br />m demaad, be entitlatt m itamedrntr pcmrssian of ihr tnziga~d prtmss arsd itsr mcrtggar lttrrSy assigns, ttarteSesa arid the <br />murE~gee aH ffie rtat:, re>mrt*s err[.'. nrmasr to br d:rrred from 23x morty~ed p[etaees 3mirrE tors time as the nwtYgag itt~lrttdaea sha0 remain <br />raeynid: aid the tnrt~gpee shall base dK paw'er to appctint say agent err ageats it may desi:r feu the purpose of repairu~ aid ptenrisea aad rens~ <br />rte sate aed aa~rbi[rg the rears, rrirnnrs and insxsrtr, error i[ ttiay p:y tart at said iotxrme all etcpenses Df tepiirits5 said premiss and neoeaarv <br />aoaa~s and etcpenses incrurevi m remtireg and nsansnng the name and :af mtk<-ti[sg rentak rhretiDm: the balance remaieir~„ d aay, to be <br />1DSnrd the dis3tatt Df sard ~rrtEaF`e indebteelress, thew riXhts Df t2r mtripgtt nay ire ezn~+d it any time dtt[irg tht •~er..! of tatett <br />~, irrespeaise at any tenspotarp wziaer isf the ame. <br />These Ps~rats, a wawzr, ate erp~ the t"ms3irr-rrs. That it t2rc still M,'>rtg~at ~rau mpay xah3 ;oan cur or },efote the tsnturity ~' aid s&xes by <br />ice: pat rmadriy to said X~OCLATfO!; of the seta speciue9 in rise Burst secured hereby as m-:crest antl p!tincipa! r_: aK1 foam, un or before <br />ter Ttsa~rieth stay of e~ and rsety rmvttlr. unit: sand ~ a tins pant: pay aB taxes aM azstssmeats 3-vr~d against said prctrases anel cm this Mottpee <br />aad e}ir Btm6 tasr,at~ thsxrby, bcfurr detirnltxnry : t urnislt appDSCd ituws[soe ~ the brnldmas thereon at the arm ttf S 9 , 450. ~ payable <br />~ sod aSTUCtATHP:, repay to said ASSOf`IATtOti uprta deasrad aB rtstrey by n pasd for such tsata, asaeaments and iawrmcs with iarertx at <br />tls aarosmsm k{pl tzte ztrrr~ecri fmm da:r c>3 toy mess all aC wb,c~ Mmtg~zr hereby >~s to pay; permit na wzste oa aid prettsiaes; keep aad i <br />trrith ~ T~ amt; a9t4 Dn®dtlitffiS V She $'dlftd fcr- 3 ~ 1}~rD _ ~ tip by' tie 4!~ u _~l~S ~ Z•d i~a'17y(~1rL2' ~.t <br />+rB! a8 the a t:f the Cs:ss2sturrt~r and $y-f aws ~~ AS~Ot'I!RSI~: [ten t~ }~aeats ,' rxcrmc ~$ amf c[rid, ose tiF~y <br />star mmaia is frdi Scree and may tx fcrr{:l~lred at i'te rrptwv of itr saiit ASSCk`taTfOi: aftrs failure Gx ihrer mDaths w mNta aay of raid <br />er rte ttrrze mcmehs u_ u-rran m trraku~g szrd mDnibh payatenu, err to i:erp and asmpty- ritA rite a~reetrsnts and e~adaions of saW i3md; <br />apees tr base a re.~erc:.pp~+ra2ai (vthx _th ur s;a~ Cr~r~~srrr prsx-erdu~,. <br />K thrar is aa[y rnarsgc m cw~crsttg+of Fbe real estate ;~v~tpgai hest. M sak rx :rttersvr, ties the esiire [rasaurstg mdsbttxtssea hereby <br />sew Ball, u the Dptioe Df The t.~uruFk Bu+ldir+R aad 3.wa A.auciatran of Grand tsiarsd, `:obraska, tscxntae iaatsdiately due and payaitk vittswst <br />fns$ssrs natinr. asrl rise artrwat trnsaarat~ due vnekt said bcmu+, a~ any :rtet braa3 fee any additstrnal ads'eocea mach theremsdcrs, ahap, Storm 11ge <br />d~ arf eseseite of a+d , trey mtrrra st xtx trtaxmsum k{,al tart, amt etiu aratgag a»i, tlsea be farrdosd to satisfy the aaaauat dae as said <br />bawd, aad aay [stber baud fir additi:uw adsattax, tngetbn wRh aR morass paxi M acrd The frqui[.abk m5 and l.wa Aaaciatirm ref Gwad fslmd. <br />1tS~tz Sat Vie, taxes arad asiraar[ras. a~ stsa.~.~~t.~ rstems[[ur 3utrxta with mtaea [iierrton, from dale of payment at tax m.e:.,...... <br />Sept ase. <br />as paoaidtwi ~ the fYffid aeavsed bz'.rrby, mortar this trcxtpgr r m effect the mn~rt[ppppeee tray hcreafic: advaaae additional st®a io tbt <br />asaitets tee~#~~ss.~~i~,.S,.~od. tlra amop9¢c ;zr suc;,~xsxss is mteresa , v.~lvrh sums slral3 be withrn [he sec~ity Df this mortgage the ame u f6s funds arigroaity <br />leL~d *°""'r. t91e amnant of pru,cipnl drix n..r2 F3 ra'ta9d at aar L,faC SIrC DiFspnral amDani Di iftir rniMgage. <br />ltwad tint Ath day ,f Septeesaer .+. n.. IS 19 <br />//,^ j j/^ '~~ <br />{.~ .~i~m-lL~ -a.- 'Ct.'ir.s~. <br />~~Y3lf ~. ~aipkEr _ <br />TiRJ" ~. Pat'iker <br />-h`'1'J- OF H#I.L ~ "_ on tAa nth day of September 1979 . before me, <br />the rartkri~gmd, a Notary Publicm aed tae said CDUarty, pernaaly case <br />Alvin A. Panker and Kathryn R. Panker, each in his and her olwn rig~~and as s any fc~eaa~h <br />off' are <br />me #a be the idt p abeae aanras ate atfssnl to tise'al~ase'[mtIImaent as atot[pgor 5 and they reveraBy <br />a~aavk~ed the said it to ba their wtmsury errs and //~J}JJ} <br />!'17NFSS my band a~ Nmatiat ~ [#s dau sftrteaid. f <br />1dy Csram~nn esptres ~,~ ~ <br />aaatar au GfNER51 tl(t7ART . ~SUh et Mqa. ~.~" y Notary Public <br />JAMES W; UISON <br />Yt' Caaun. fxp. Nav. 13, (4731 <br />