� . ..�_:.�t'�+Ti�T.i=S;y�.__- _ ` r • .�_` .�....�._._ .
<br /> "'T'a��""' ' ' " '_ . .. .. ... .. . . .. - y��,,�-�—..
<br /> " . . . : .�-��: •
<br /> � -. ._...: . .__
<br /> �'l.. .. . � . . . ��i4L74i1�11!- �r -__�___..,._..�..�n-'-_
<br /> ..3�'_�'�3.�Y--?��-°'�`�-�--_ �_�_ —-- - -
<br /> Q6- 1U�54`�
<br /> `Proowci�y fn oo�w►adion wiiA cundwrxwbon or o@wr Wck�p of tl�Pro�+ty or put tMrwf.a br conwyar�in INCa d ooixfKSx�x�. _
<br /> t�-�r�hri G.�w�+�+�:t'a crt„a�i t�c�.����:r�;,�.:.:wM:T tn«sut wfls�+cu��tt�own nasr»�n'ft�a�rx�tM'1C'a,+�d MwN�+�o :
<br /> YMr119YM��lT1�%r�II�GGt1a11i11�W�NG�l1�11tM1WIMMR.YW�wi�1G:;..�"'1�.t�.pG.'�tY'�.Irlh�!!�!!�tl�n;+;+c++w++�dNwWu:�t1y4� _
<br /> 0o taksr►or darn�Q�d, l�nd�t slwW have bi»aplio�� N ita wi�w►d ibi0lut�d1c+iYwb iD Ippiy aM wih p�oo�.is, �►ttar dacfua�nQ
<br /> C.:;-:.;,.�n sa c:.:ta srxi ozptns.,w�cwna dy u b oorm.ction wuh sud�Proc�.�da upon any ridate.an�a s.a,nd�snav snd in wd+
<br /> a�dar ao l.wxi�r rn�y cMtarmlrtt.or b apply�!t surh Ptoo��.aM�t wch d�+ctlOno,b t!�nstoratbn d ttw Prop�tty up�n wGfi oo�n�
<br /> aitlon�a�w,d.r m.y da.mtir».ArYy �ppacatlon or�roc«o.a ind.oi�r:i�w�.W+rk»r;,�-��;x,:r�,�,::a w'w;:,:a d::.�o!�:,p=;-
<br /> nwnls undar Itw h�ia.or aua any datauit tlMrau�or t►�rrwxi�r.My ursa�il�d iunrir st►all b�pa�d to 7nsalor.
<br /> 8. P�rlorm�sca by R,�+tiar.U�on etw oacw-s�nca ot an Ev�ni ot Oof�ut!h�nurufax.or i!any ac!ia taken or ie�1 P+'o�.'w�ir►O -
<br /> cam�eraed wt►1a�rtwi�riwy�►ts�l.�ier�fr�x�sc k►a�Pro�any,l�+wic m�y in w c�wrn dls�crwon,au witAow oa+ipati�n w�i�o.
<br /> �nd wiitwut notlo�ta or dsaw�d u�po�Tnutor and witlwut nNasirp T�wtor iram any oWipatkrn.do any�ct�Tnutor has apr�
<br /> bul fa1Nd W do at�d may a!w cb�ny othu sd it dMn�s neo�asarY �P+�����Y f�nof. TruaLa�I►aii. i�rwr�slxiY uPcx►
<br /> d�+nan�tlwraior by Ls►�d�r,PaY W larxf�r all cocta and axpauat Incurrod and wrtu exportd�d by lw►d�r(n oaw�sction wiM ttw�r•
<br /> c}se Dy I.,endar of tbo torsaokp�iptsts.topsth�r with intuatt tFwnon al tt�d�f�t �ts provldad In tl►�Note�which shW b��aicMd ia
<br /> a»inc►.wedness s.�,rea n�roo�►.�w,d.r sn�u noc ir,au any w�buay b.ca�ce a any+f►k�a m�y a�or«,w�o do rwr+�w►a.r.
<br /> 9.Flasardow YatKWs.Tnuttor sh�N kMp ttw Proporty In cornpliance with W ap�icsabl� lawa,�ux1 ta��4tbt�:
<br /> roi8tilq W k1Ql1it�1 hyp�Y�1p or onvirWxn�ti�)pfui�ciion(COiiacGvply roieRed b itsre+n rss cnvii�i�iiiaitai i.o�w.7. T�u:t:.+G't«.".k.".:.p -
<br /> tlte Ptopwry tne irom aN suEstanow desmsd to be haxardous or Wxic untiar any Emritonrr�ntal Lawa(co1l�cUvey�refpmed to hot�tfin
<br /> q'Flazatdous lutat�tials�.Tniatot hanDy vwrrants snd reprwM�t�eo Ln�d�r tl�at th�»a»no Haza►dota.s Ulwtoriai�on cr wWe 1�
<br /> Prope�ry.TrusZor hereby�prses b k�dsmnity eind t�afd htmilssc L ender�it�du�cso+'s�dRcw�,smpioyea�and�pent�.�nd any suocee.
<br /> �orz eo L,w�dara interost.iran and apatnst any and au aaknc,d�p�,aasw and wbwtl«artek,�In coru�action wah et,e pres«►oo�
<br /> use.di&posal ar traneport o1 any Haza�doua Iutat�ria�Ia on.under.from or abaA tlw Pr�portyr.THE FOAECaOING W/1RFiANTlE3 AhD
<br /> 10.AssipnaMrtb W iiwKi.Tnistor her�eby sssi�rte tu Lerxie�.and�r�nta�w�dar a�ac�uiry intetest in,eY�ueiant,ttttur0 Atu!
<br /> att�r arisinD rer►ro.fssues and pro�ts of tt�e ProPeAY:Pra►icied that Trustor st►a0.until the a�rranw o0 an Ewn1 ot�tw�.haraun:4.+r�
<br /> have the�ht b collect and ret9in seich re+�ts,issuas and profits as thay b000rr�e due end pay�bie.uc�,a�.ooa,�re�,a a�n��a
<br /> Qetsutt.lsndsr may.eitAer h percac�or by a�a►t,wdh or wittwu!bri�Inp any ectia�or ptncae�G�yj,or by a receiver�ppoinled by a
<br /> oarrt arW witho�t rpaN to tha adaqiwcy of its soc�uiry.enter upa�and take poccasclon of the Properry.or any part tl�enwf,in lts own
<br /> narr�ar in tlw nartw d th�Trustae.and do any acxs whiCh i!cieems necesssuy or das3raDfe W pt�esetve tite val�.ie,markotsbiliry or
<br /> a«uaaikty a a,e Prapeny.or any part u�erool a hcerest ti�erein.o�to increaso t!�w,00mo thererrom a pro�oa tl,.c�crxay n�no��nd.
<br /> wah or witlww eskinp possessior►a u�e Property,se,e tor««nerwke oaba tt,e rents.iswes ana wnGSS v�+not,i��ctu�r+�atiooa va9t
<br /> d�,e�,d unp�id.bS►noWyirg t.�arus w ms�tce Payrt,er,m so Lendor.Lender may appy ro�ts.kw�s arxi p�aG+ts,less coas and axpens.
<br /> ec oa o�xw�tlon and coYoc�on indudir+g attanay�s tees,to ersr tnd�btedness sea+�red h�reby,�II In cuch wder at lsr�deir may deler-
<br /> m(n4.�1t�enteri����pon and tak+rlD�P��►ot the Prapetty�, tlfs collrctlon of such rortts. iss�ue�s and proE�ts,and tb!applictlion
<br /> fhet�eoi as abroseid shail not Cure or wslve iuty defautl or notir.br ol detault h�reunder or uwafiaAts any act don�in rnponta b wd�
<br /> defaul3 a pursus�t tu such notice W default at�t. notwithstandiny the mr►tirxianoe In poases.�lon ot tlx+ praperty a tfw ooM�cUcx�.
<br /> tscuipt and apdic�ti.x�d rents.Essues or profds,'Ftustee and Lender sttW IdB entiaed to exwcisa werl►ti�'�t Wovided br in any d tfis
<br /> Loan i�urt�b or by{aw upon ooctur�nce of AMt Ever►t of Del+�u�k.ir�dirop v�iU�ail limit�tion ttw�ipht b oxwNoa 1h�poww ai�aie.
<br /> FurtlK+�I.erxisrs�iphts and rortwdiss au{er Ws paraqraph shtJ�ba cumulative witA.and ie�no way a Nrt�tation on,Ler�ls+'��ar�
<br /> rwn�cirie�s w�clsr any a�aiprx��Y d bases and ronts reoorcied&�aL�ci tlw Pr�operty.l,e�xifs.Tiustee and the recei►�er�b�I�I�b
<br /> aor.ount ody tor t1�oa�ron�s actuafly roc��rod.
<br /> 1 t.Evw�ls W D�Uult Tha toNowin�shaN cxxss�ute an Ev�►t of DetaWt uncbr tltis D�ed d Trust ,y.,,�
<br /> ',�i��M�w����i�wM�rIwMM_w • �N tiPl�YY�wwi'www'i�.:.ww:..i�w..w w.'1+..�..�
<br /> '--......_ l J i�7 7 M� �Yr 7 r",.'a'j... -
<br /> (b)A bnach of or defauM tx�der any pruNisiat►con�aEttisd In tt�e Nob.this 0�oS Ttust.s�nY of iite Lo�f�robu�s�enis.or anl►
<br /> dtrr lisn ar�ncutnbrance upoo tl�e Prope►ty;
<br /> (c)A writ W axocutbn or ailadvnent or any simli�r process at�1t be entec�d�inst Trustor whkh atui!!booama s lion o�
<br /> tAe P�ty or any portion tl�eroof or Intetast tl�erein;
<br /> (�11�si`�It be filad by or apairut Tru�x or Borrower an adioRS u�any Presa►t or fuaue fs�8wa1.stats or df�er st�tule.
<br /> faw a n�uim�rotatin9 to bankrupk.y.i�oN+e�x.y w attwr reliof tor d�bwrs;or there thaY be aPP���Y�e.rooei�x
<br /> Nquidalot d Tnisfor ar Barrower or d all or any part oE ttw�nporly.or tl��aNs.lssaiet or prnf�tl�erod,or TnWx or 6orrowrr
<br /> shaM m�ke anf►Ow�sral astigrxn�nt tor tlw bonN'd of aatr'tac:
<br /> (e)Ths saie.transf�r�f�ase�assl�xnsn��a turtlier erraimbror�aa d all or any patt W or arty nasAanst In tiw
<br /> Propwty,ailtwr vokuMarily or Uwoi�xftarily.wi!ltiout the e�r�ess writDen conseM d I.�erbar,pro�vid�d tlwt Tructor�saY b�p�rtMt.
<br /> ted to woscuto a Mw of tlw Pruperty ttut does not contain en option to pund�aso and the tsrtn aF which doc�not szceed w�e
<br /> Y'�
<br /> (�Abandoix►�ent W tha P�oparty;or '
<br /> (� If Trusbr is not an inc(ividual.the Issuanoa.sa{a.tc�nstw,assipm�r►t�oonv�ayancs or enaxnbr�noe d mon than('d a
<br /> oo�po�atiasl a tot�ot per�cent a hs tsca,a�f c�,d ouatandinp stadc.or f�a psrti�ers��tp)a tata�a p�r-
<br /> oant o4 psiti�etship inte�sis.or(d a Wrwfsd ltability oanpanY)a tot�l of peica�.�t th�W�+�d Wability coe�s-
<br /> nS►MMar�or vdinD riQhW dxin0 tlw p�riod t�DMd d Trust an�ainc�Uw�on 1!w pro�pwty.
<br /> 12.R�dNs;Aoafwatlon Upon D�MaWt.M the avw�t d arty Ev�e�ni d Defau�lsrider may.witAout notiCa er,capt as P6q��
<br /> by law.deClaro 811 kWsbtednsss aeCUrod hsroby b be due erx9 payable ond the sams sftaM tl�sreupot�b9oo�n�e due and payebie w�ltf
<br /> out any w�es.ntrr+w.den+and.a�e a no�s a any wnd.�rnerean�La�de.may:
<br /> (a)�nw�d that Tn»tre�xacisa tF�POWER OF SAlE 9ranbd herein�and Tnutee shall Sfwreatt�r caua T�uatot's har-
<br /> ast in ttN Propsrty to be eotd and tM pr�cceacls to bs distributsd,aN in ttw marw�sr ptovidsd in ths t3eWa41ca Tn�t Da�ds AcC
<br /> (b) Ex�ci�any and aY�ipht�provfded tor in any ot the Lorn InshuanenLt oc by law upon oor,utrenoe of any EwM of
<br /> Delauk;and
<br /> (c)Cortwnaioe an acfla�tc toreclose tNs Dead d Trt�Il as a rtw�tpaye.aPDo1�u a reoeiver.or s�..e�fy��xce any ol ths
<br /> oor+�wris hw�ol.
<br /> No�tw�aim m�fwrod u�c�nre or ro�vad!o Tnict�or Lw*i�is inieneied to t�a 6x►�w d any otiwr rr�wet�t�,�.in fft�Lean
<br /> klstrtai�srts or b�i�r prwided or psrrttit0ed,bW sadl S1tiaf1 bs Ctufs►L�Oi��e,Sf'�a�bB�f addiflon to every olP�et►ertfecly�n�e1 Aenau'IClM.
<br /> In the lnare tru�x�or now a hsre�er extstln�at law or in eq�v or Oy s�te,and may be exerci�conaurentlY,ind�Pendentil►
<br /> a xrcoe�rety.
<br /> t3.Tr�W.Ths Trustee may resipn at ony ttme Mritlfo�R cause,and Laider may at any time and withotd caus�sppoi�u a suo-
<br /> �s�a or su�e Tnisiee.Trustee sPwll not be liabie W any pany,indudir�witl�oirt Gmitatbn Lender.fiorrower.Tn�stor a anY P�
<br /> a�a u,.Propeny�sor any taa a aartwp��x�s dus m red�a«wi�l Mc�on�,«,�nd s�,au nw ee re�,i��d w�tce ary actio�
<br /> in corw�ectioo wdh tlts eMorcert�ent of Ws OMd of Tn�st unless i�d�xrlied.i�writkg.for aN cocts.oomp�lion or�sec wF�ids
<br /> sal�s�r�enin p�e�a�may becon,e a purc,l,aze.at any zaia a a�e Prope�q►Qudicw or undai the powK of
<br /> �Y Patio�oi the Prcpecty.as prowidad by law;or sell the Ptoperty es a wfwis�or h
<br /> separato par�iz or bts ai Trustea's discrotian.
<br /> 14.FNS and ExpansN.In tha event Tnistee seRc tf►e Pr�Ry by exercise of poww ot c�te.Tnistee chal!ba entitie�d to appty
<br /> any we�r�ra eo payr�.n�a�+coc:c�•�,e�se:a a�c�n��of saa.irx�idin�aU Tn�i�e'o fe�.and Ler+de�s and
<br /> Tn,s�e�s aeiocrwy�s t�es. actuaYy incurred b extent PMTMtted bY ePPlk',abi�law. in the e+pnt Borraw�r or Tn�stor exw�cices anY�ht
<br /> Provi�Jed bY{aw to cure an Event of D�(au6t�La�r sf�ll bo ontitled to rooaver iraatti Tnxtor all costs and sxp�nsea atxuaNyl incurced as
<br /> �nsult d Tn�stors deta��lt,k�ciudirg v�thout Wndation�11 Trust�'s and a�or�w�fs feos.to tM exteni permi�ed by aapYcaDle law.
<br /> 15.Fufun Advanc�s. Upon requwt d P�ortovrer.Lend�r rtwy.�t its option.rttaka odditior�al and tuGue adwncea and rsad-
<br /> �OflC66�0 BOfiOwlG SuCl1 advallCOS alld f�dVatf00�„witll iPttefAB!111@760fl..,t►81 be SACSJf9d by Wt DA6d d Tftql./1t n0 tiRis stlill tll�
<br />