~~ ~~
<br />siOR'f'GAGE _
<br />MoRTCAGeI.oANNO. H-I 658 (FHA)
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESEPRr`SFNTS:That Wallace D, Brown and Judith A. brown, each in his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse or' each other
<br />Mortgago _ whsther one or more, ir, txmsidention oC the sum of
<br />Fourteen Thousand Two Hundred Ei hg t~r.ine and 60/100--- ----------------------tt;~~
<br />i:~aoed to said rinrtgagor by ilr Eauitahk Building and Loan A`ssuriation of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mottg}goe, upon l a2 shorts of stock of
<br />sat! A-A'1'IOrN. C~rtifare 'to. L H-I E~$ {Fh,~~ tirrrbti gram, coa.ey and uxxtgage unto ehe said ASSOCIATION the follawirtg
<br />desalyd real estate, situated in !{a!1 County, Ncbtaska:
<br />atr~es veKh sA tltr tesrarau, hevedstamrsu am9 a$q+nrtsnarvrs tlrrrunta t+ckxvgt~, urctsvdirrg attaclva! !loot rvverio~s, all wiadoVU sgeeos,
<br />vsiodaar shades, hliods, worm raiwdors, arsrwms, lvestmg, stt madiiionurg,atd pitutr6ptg and sate syuipisvrat sad acRaoties tlsetetn, pttmps,tiasea,
<br />mEeilaera~lors, as3tl otter fuctasss and ryttipamcnx rvor• x hereateet utachsd to ar tusd ~ mnnseYian rtitfr sad real estate.
<br />Am! ahetea: the aid rncxtgaFax has {ann~ and does herrtn apu that the mo*t;ago: tlra3l and rriIl pay all tazss and its hied of
<br />span slid peee~ss std i,~xt alts ttrxtltsg; arad tlw fratni r~rrd -?rerrb. `~f:~ tlr soar shsH bswme dslioquent: to furnish appto9ad
<br />iesmaeor rim the frnidie¢c oa sad prcrtuses ntuatn~ee the strm of S ~ ~ ,?$~. ~U €ntizf+k to raid ASSOCIA77DN and to deliver W said
<br />,LSSCiCYA.410h the pr~aet f,°a and rnsxrrarcr; arx: rw+^ s. ~ataux or permrt any rase on ur abiwt atxi prstnires:
<br />-s last of d,--fault io the pexinrntanex af'any at :Ire =c:tW and ~iitivns ai itu. rmrt~r rrr the band sarwed hsreby, the mtartg¢e s9t8,
<br />ore de~sd. hr a'>n~ to m>sr>~te po®csswxr of the mortgagtt ptemirs and tSe rnortRigat hereby astisas., ttartsfrn std acts user W the
<br />aaortppte asl t-r tet+ts, +eseawes ssi ma~mc to tr detissd form the > pre®ses durug, >atcir tinx u tlr mortgage vtdebicdota ~ [ena-ia
<br />mtpad_ aed the tsortgets.,s saralR Yu~rr tar pout xa appamt any agsat a agesvu it rosy dssas Cor the pca~pme of n'P~6 aid pssmita and seatieg
<br />tic s®s sad m~ five scats, rrssn»rs amt meome, and ii try pay nut of said im5o~ a0 espeteses alt z-paitvt~ sad pesmees sad neaeaasy
<br />meameames sad mcurrrd im rsatmg anti msrragsrg tlr samr sad of m6eetita teatah therefrom: the tt:hntr tevtvaiaimg, if soy, W ht
<br />a!!~d to.a:d the du3esrpe itit asd a+rsigsge isdeDtedneac; these righu of the rsxtgsgae tray tY exsrcxred n say time dining tie esisuosc ai suet
<br />defasat, h~xi.e d say temporary ratres ~ air suns.
<br />Thrs Csraott, tfraicrs.:, rve apem xhs Carsd t- , Ttxsr if t!r tam slangagat shall trpay nud loan an a be(wc the rearmity of slid bares by
<br />!. Pa?~ amihis ie sold ASSOCIAYltk*; .rf tlx arm spexifrd s t~ Boni savrnt herrh±,r u interest amt pe-+cipai am said -aw, ~ nr hefote
<br />rite Taeatrt9 day of tarn ~d srvy svax#. vsu; said lass s fs~r geld: piss aS! tact and as~au kexd said lxr..*n a~ m the stort~e
<br />sad tse 8aad seaiaied sBSeeier, freforr macs.-} .: t apptcryod iasurascc,tlua t!r bmldags cheeoon ffi the roust ~ s 1 ~ , 2$4. $O
<br />sa aid AS'~C3AT-fita: rewy :c. tai A'x'V 4t ~1132ffh' upon dsaaod alf tnmet by rt pasd flu nsch taxes. mes~eau and eaeaaou +rnh mtssest slat
<br />Sec aoatmr~ ~ =ass thee. it=nc dsu o; pay~rncert s!I of viucdt ldavi~t£as Mr_by og=res to W Y: Ae+~ ac ruts oa >srd k aed
<br />1~ ~
<br />stab a~ rtre apaelneats tux! aorditwtn a~ the lkvd fins I ~ ,289. S4 this day gixn by for sstd ls~xgt~cu to aid ASSQt.YAS10N, atad
<br />~~ ~e r~-r~~,.' `~` c ~ a.:.: -mss :. ~ S; :.~ o= ~:, As' ~L;i3a`3.:: tf~ i~ }+it~rts a>Eit hc~rttx soli and .ewd, ot®cr+eae try
<br />$$ ~ m fail Csaot ~ rosy he ure.~sased xt thr ~ti~ cti xit a~3 As~t~fuSrO): after fsdutr far fh.-ce tnottt~ to tusks asy of sad
<br />payetests ~ ore stun arrvetfts m gars. m nv3.a~ vud aaathly patroents, ar to ksep ud ~'m,~dy rats the agtetarsats sad cx~~~-i~rs aC said Baud:
<br />ad liormr agates W Aavr a rroexrst app.^,ateel ttrsilewitis is s~ f<~techrsue lsuroedittgs_
<br />-( Chars a sarv e$aerc tax orarr crt the real cztatr aaartgagsd heteiat, by ale to athetwase, thss the entms rsassming, iodehtadtra hersby
<br />aecaaad sfaII, at the u~tm aS The t+7uit>!rk Bes~sm~ rnd Lana Araxaaioa of Gtaad Isiaod,!defvrasia, beartsvc iamr~diattdy dare and psyahir ntlraaa
<br />forties aatrae. aed the amsame ~ due nndn send bass, and aey other band far any sdditioess! edwnas made thesetmder, dsaB. from the
<br />dtle c~ essaease sf tad optiao, trot oars n t!r mu~rtm'~ ruc, std this rtaortgags tins rhea be feuedrzd W atisfy the atowmt due eo aid
<br />homd,aavd soy e+thn bred for addaraaa. sd+aacrs, aapstbe: r-ttia rdl smss prod by said The t ~retabk Btavldia~g acrd Lou+ Aasodatioa of Grand fshad,
<br />Ncitaata ku iomaa~, iron said aaset~annt., and atxanctrng eztsttsion rlsugss, with iatassi thersom, from dots of payrtrnt at the raat6stsm
<br />~s~.
<br />3: s ~ t-r lte~ t:<ezs , a..r3~ t~ ~;~e re-..mss ~ rt?e : the ~',~e tte-7 t,steaftst aIIttsia~ -""'--' r-ts~ W ire
<br />asatcaxs at said ]scrod, tLe: ass~gea tv an..aessrss a etreav:st, rttitit sins ~ be rrith~ the rxauity of this terntgage the sane as the ftffids «'
<br />r®d r>ras*y, lire alto! a:ecyaa c~ pru>s~et de2a scst ice. rs.~+ed ~ sw time tfx ,xigiasl srooEmi tsf Etta traartg~e.
<br />owed ~ ~ t~~~t1, ~3 tai {ktmber A n.. lv 39
<br />~~ ~
<br />~ ~ _ ~ -
<br />,r•, 7
<br />i ~ A_ 8ralrft
<br />I ~ ~.. ~ lath ; try t~ October !v 79 , heftrte me,
<br />the ~des>ogaed, a Notary 14rblic in sad fa said Ctumry, permmBy note
<br />ilallace tf. Broom and Judith A. Brain, each in his and her own right and as s out ~~#~ea~ h
<br />other are
<br />ate m 6e We ideaaicd pesam 5 whtee eaaot S are sffmad W the sbws iastntment a: mmeq~got 5 and t heY ~y
<br />the said i its he tai r 7nhaacary act anti decd..
<br />1PITNffi my blind >od Ntxat=~ Seal t!x date a'oseaeid.
<br />~ -~
<br />y pt~t~:
<br />lassos n ~.1 ~: p,iL lKlt"d1'- ate d Iktraska
<br />l.'. Vi. Sh?P
<br />~_: °-, `,A; L,:r.^:. tsp. F.'~. 31, i3d2
<br />