<br />(1) month prior to its dur 3a[e the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder
<br />with funds to pay such prcrnium to t}te Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the
<br />National Housing Act, as arm oiled, and appiicable Regulations ttteretntdrr: ur
<br />(II) If sod so long as said note of even data and this instrument ore held by the Secretary of Housing and
<br />Urban Decelapmznt. a manthh• charge (irt 1le~tt c:i a nrort~agr^ insurmtec Premiterrtl which shat! be in an
<br />amount egos! to one-rivrttth (i;L') of ~e-halt Q~~) ocr centum of the average autstartding balance
<br />due on the note computed without taking; into account deiinqueneies of prepayments;
<br />(b) A sum equal ip ihr ground rents, it am . rarst Jue, plus the premiums that will nest become dur and payable on
<br />policies at flee and oL,er hazard insursrtce cove::r^ ~ the mortgaged praperty. plus ta.~zs and assessments nest due
<br />on the marigaged property ;'al1 as c~srr=sate°,' h,~ tit, ifrr;gagrr ~ less all soots already paid therefor divided by the
<br />number of months n> elapse before one rumr[t nnor t„ dte da±e when such ¢raund rents, premiums, taws and
<br />asszssntznts will Ln:amr :lrlinquent, st:clt ,urns to he held by \#,rt,ager in trust to pay said ground rents, pre-
<br />tnitutts. taus soil ;t,iiai ,;_;sr~mrnts; and
<br />(c 1 All psyntzr.ts mrationed ut ihr tu„ preczding suhse:tians :,f this paragraph and ali payments to be made under
<br />:l:r no:z sr:ured hereby shall he adde;l i.,yrii:e+, and *.hr agi;tr,'atr anwunt then>ef;ltall he paid by the :1tor[gagor
<br />each r,;onth in a sinxJz naymrnt t,= he annhrd ;+,~ the \fortgaere to rhr followitt~ ricnts in the order set +.i?nh:
<br />(Il ptemhun charges urdrt rhr c<>ruract of sttsu~mxr o~rth the Seaz;an~ of Hous;rg and L4ban L~celopment•
<br />ar monthiv :harCr tin iir°:r . ~ ru._•rt;;ar i+tsrrvrn~e e!niu,•n.), ~, the case may br;
<br />tit) ourtd arts. taa:•s. as~e<s^,rnts, lire and ,=:hcr hszard insurance nretniunts;
<br />5311) ~ttr*.est or. the m>tc sa:-:rzd l.._eba :ant
<br />il<~~ 3rnarii7a+a,n o= t!tc pnncipsl of seed n..tc-
<br />.any 3r}~ciency to rhr at:ouni ..;~ an, ,,,.`t a~tegate momitly payment s};al}, unlrsa~ ma,ie gout by the \ii,rt-
<br />gag:,r pri_,r ,. ±hc due oat: ~: rhr n. ..; 1, } ~, ~, ....., ~,..,tute an error . Jr:aui; urdes thts m.=rtgage. llte
<br />Aiort¢a_i'r: Wray .eikct a "larz :barge 'snot tr, es:rrd t;•t;r cents t-.j for each doii.er 15} S ~,f each pavntc>rti mar;
<br />Haan t'~ic>en (i _) dal-s m area is corer rhr stra esrttn>- im:,ived :n handline delnrauent pay ments_
<br />~- 71,ai if tke taautai of the pay~nern= malt= by Ilie \lart,a_ar under :.- of paragraph '_' pmredin:: ;hall exceed
<br />the atnottnt of payment, :trtu:tliy .made ba Qlte 1krn~al*re fete .round n>nt~• tase~ sod a,se~~ment~ or inauranre pre-
<br />- ~~ ~ ~-~- ~ : i-'_ ~ i`, c~~z»--, ti ore it>an tl C'UTTeitt, dt me ap:tan ai the .iaitKagar, Slt31i Pe Ctedlted D1
<br />tke >fartlt;rl;,t'r zn =uL+~equtmt payments to be muaa• h. th,• 1lun,agor. or re=funded to the Shtn;a~or lf, hnueact. the
<br />'9aslik;~ payments ma3r M the Ncxtgatror utvder . r,> of paragraph ' prece3ing 5hsail not he sutFicienr to pay grcvnd
<br />t~rtt, taa~: and asnexrneni~ x in_slranre prtemium-. a~ the r.:_<c> may tK•. when rhr amt= ~hal1 t.ecome due snd pa~-
<br />ahle, ilte•A the 'vkutg;aeor rkali paa to the yienga_ee anx amount nece;-ary [a ma6e up the deficiency, an or before
<br />the date ai:c>el piimmt of ~ix•ft ;mend mnu, taxe-- s-<e::=ment- or in~ursnce ptrmiam., ~hnil be due. If at anx
<br />time tk, ]#ortga_+or ~ral1 remake ti, ihr 'th~r.a_.vee. in aa~curdttnre with the punt=ion- of the note -ecured hereby,
<br />full pactr,~t of ttte en#ltP rode-Yrtce-- tx~n•-r;<r..,a :herpbti, the Sk-,nea~~ee sh;ili. in romputin_ tke amount of etch
<br />utdelxteckie•cc- cYc'z3it ro dte a:,yxtrri o{ t£te x#ort_eagar aii pa,.~;-ents m~e under •he ixo,-,~u~ns of ~.. -of paragrn{+h _'
<br />kemuf atftach uhe tloriia};ee ha- not layout ,.biigare-d to pa-, tr. tke'~ecn•tx,-r n{ H„n>irsi and t rbatt pEieloprnent
<br />a~,i mtx halaner rexzaini~ in the fund- ac tumu}ated under the prosi~iart> of - of paragraph herrr,f- if there
<br />=~a1# he a default wader aa} „l the prtsi=a,n~ r+f thin mortea~e re_ unint in a puhtia ~aJe =.,f the premi-e; a»ered
<br />hc~h?. or if the llonec> actluirx•- th.- pnittcnx utherui~e afu•r defauia- ilte ykan_:~re -hsii :tppl,, st the tune of
<br />tht• ratmm+ettrz~aent of wrh prac•e•edin~`. ur st she time the property is otherui-e arluimd, rite balsnce 1h3M remain-
<br />iap in tare futtd~ arrumulattvi under :,f parttnaph a' pmrt-dine. a~ a credit ugsin~t the• smuu.nt ,af principal then
<br />rt~nainian [mpaid tm~r ~a3d nuae, and tali praperly adjust :ma pacmen[> uhicfi hall !ta,e been reads under ; a'
<br />trf parxgragit .'>,
<br />~ Tttnt tAr 4#:+rgae.~r ,::,; p,i ~aun,i rem.. .asc>. ~.>z,mrnt:. Kater ratz.. 3n.i .=thrr at„2rnmrnta5l or muni.iral
<br />cit:,,~r,. ors. c,r tm^.,sticn•. `:~r M hic':t }.rn,sv:,n h:, n.~t i+rrn made hereini,rf„ve. and in default ihrrrz=f the ti!,vtpa(rcr ma}
<br />pa+ thz .ante ~ sod titai ttx ~i,;rt_ia~-r a i }~r,•mnt;v arh,rr rhr ;,tTi:iai r°:rz},t, therefor t,, thz \iortg::gets
<br />.- ?-he 4#.,rtgagor ,rill ; ,aii *..:.vz, ~.. h,:* m:,y ;,r e.izi upon thz \#ort_t":,grr', tnterr,t ;~, ,aid real :star sod smpro,r-
<br />tttznrr- _rxdd u *tch rrtay fte r:ied :,~,n tht. m; tgasr :=r ihr dr~i szcuzra. hrreF} it,ui :,nli t., she : itrnt that .ui h i; oat prohihii-
<br />rd ny tau artd only to rhr extent trot +ech'rili not make tiRis loan u>unous~,, l,ur excluding any incumz t-~x. Stott ar Frderti.
<br />sm}+t*.cc;.att #„rt~~e_ eat ui:? nle s3u• ,z+T~,ta+. r..tapt ;hi,u ing =u,h , a}mrnt u-at?t rhr 4lcr;gag:r C-~*!s vi,,?stn~n vi this urtder-
<br />t4st,-~:- ~ 3•`,Y':#a -- . -' ed T t - x r , ,+r hereafter exi>ring fsom pat rug rhr u h.,lr or any Pa=rta,n of [hr afore-
<br />:aid eaxr>, x ,.pc,5 tree rc nde~;:m :=f=;, -.>:,rt .#rcerr pr,7?tit<,rri the pay enrol by rhr '+tart_s;sgor ,,t ana ,etch taxes. .u tf su.h law
<br />r,r see ;.rE.s-eor.:hst n~ ri`t,~unt ;; , a:,1~ti rhr '.i.:rtg::cor ,ira?? :+z .rzdnr3.,n fix rn.vtc.~r atzht. t?tr 'tiorigrprr .hatE ha,r
<br />tkz rig~rt to gt;r nt»rn da,~' >snnrn :,,ti.r !,. fix :~xnrt of the mangagrd rrent~,r,_ rrquirirtf, rhr !*at mrnt .,f rhr mot-igage
<br />debt if ,u:h ne*tax l,z ,:t4rn. flee >.~ad ,}rot ,h::ii hrcc,mr due. ;,ay at,lr srtd .ullr:tih?r .,t for rx, +r~tntn .tt' ,aril ninety day.
<br />~. T?at .Auld tee fmtl to t+ei ~nx ,un:..r 'srrnany a_nrn±..at pros tiled fur m Vii, ';+#ori.a~, ihzn rhr !tiortguger. at its np-
<br />".x=n_ irat ~~ x p231f1m idse vmt. and sit : xl+tn~tture, nc> made .haft t+r sddrd to rhr principal gum ,,urng an rhr atwve note,
<br />;hull i,e ,-.urtd fleetly - znd ,ham:; l,rsr tote;-:-rst rhr rstr crt f~,rth in rhr ,.:.i,i note, wool ;-aril.
<br />;?tsi isc ~teh> ss.tgn.. tremfrr, .ini .zt- ,+,rr t.= tnz 1#.,.rtF„ F-~rc^. t,, *,r ~r•glied t,•++ard the psl mrnt . f thz note snot all
<br />rums .rccrreci ltrrr#,y tin :nee ,•* a dzfau'' ~~ ; rhr prrf,,rm:rncr .+i zn..•f tfx term. xrd ;,.ndinoa, of thi, y#ort~agr ,,r the .aid
<br />rx+ir- aii ~ rent>. rc, entxs astd en:c•mr ?, . der:, rd from rhr n zrtta.zd prrmt,e, dunrg; w,: h time a, ihr m.utga¢e indet,ted-
<br />°rs, xti~° rrntaai swat;,: asr„ fix :ii:rtg~:; .hill fu. r r, -, tc, a^potnt _n, agent .vr irrt; rt :oat dear: for rhr guroose t,f
<br />trgatrr~ ;lid prrmrsrs .acrd of renu--~ ;} ~ s„nez >nd c.+ilr~lin~ the rrnz,. re+rnur< and incurnr. and it may pay out of :aid in-
<br />a+mes atl ez}ncs~e> :,; rtpairity~ .aid prrn^,asr, :wd rre:ta~ra rnmmtesii:ns and z xprnsts ineturrd in renting and managing rhr
<br />same sod c,f az;lr:-tiztg r~rttals [hrrrfrom: tkc iwlnncr tzmairittg. if anti, t, tx applizd toward ihr discharee of said mortgage
<br />indr3+ttxsrxss.
<br />i3. 77ut !tz ,:ill lrep the i*riisnevraxnt; noxc raistmg ax ltzseafrrt rtecizd on rhr m ,zxg-agzd property. in,urzd a, may he
<br />re~sti=~ fr,at time tat zttrrz fly tAe '~iortgngce ax:amst los. fit- rte acrd oxhr* haza.rdc, casualties and corungencies in such
<br />am.'<unt4 and for su,:k peritxfs as mny kc rrqusrd by list blar>:acec~ and wilt pa} grompu•. , ;then due. ar+y prrnttums un <_uch
<br />ixtsoiatxer pravisitxit ftu pay3nrnt axf rkkiclt has mcu tYCC. made Aereirthefvrr. All insurance 1haH hr camrd in camgsnirs ap-
<br />raavei by rite t,lc~tgagxe and the policies and rtnetcals ti?ereaf s3taii he held by the ~#rrtgagrr and ha,r attached thereto lass
<br />pay;thle tlsm~es in ia~tsr of and k farm a:cegtal+le to ate 4iarrgagre. In event of loe> A#urtgag„r u tli give immediate ,.-,rice by
<br />tssai# ~: f6t ldtut t~et, tiro ms,y tna#e Frfax+f c,f h3ss if oat mark promptlt- try y#artgagor, and r:;ch insurance company con-
<br />xrarred is her,tt+y autktufacd and directed to male paymcmt flu such Inns directly to the 3#artgagee instead cif to [he Mongagcar
<br />as+d lht ~•#w't~gre jtxitnly, and the irsuran,:r proceeds-,w any part thereof, may l+r aoptied by the Aiungagre us its agtion either
<br />to tits rrt4tcrian of the itadzlsstdnrss beretry secared +x u ihr restaratian ax repair of the property damaged. 1n z+rnt of foreclo-
<br />surt of this mot tw}ter transfer of tirk to the mnir~ed property in exiitthvtishntem of the indrhtzdness sutuzd hereby.
<br />alf rtghi-rule trtul interrsi of the Mort~Or in arrd to any insurancx pariicies then m fume shall pass to the put: haler nr granter.
<br />a3. i"maras addititmaJ and a+Itatrral stcurity feu ikt ireymcnt u(the note descrii,ed. and atl wm> in hrcrsmr due under this
<br />r~utg~,.,iitc )#9rir fterelxy assigns to ike Mortgagee alt profits, rex2nue,, royalties, rights and benefits .,vetoing to the
<br />3sihutgi~'s wiAer3nq and ell aii and gas le~~.s en said premises, with the right 2r receive acrd recztpt for the same and appl}
<br />ihetn to said indehirdvuss as urJ hefort as after defauY ir, the canditiuns ~,f this mi,rtt;age, and the tlaangueee may demand, sue
<br />for and rectsxet any wch gaymrnts when due and gayahle, t+ut sha11 not hz required ,o to do. This assignment is [a terminate
<br />and trevnmr Wulf and yard upon release of this mertgagt.
<br />F:i411J3M iln ]]1
<br />~, .,,,•y
<br />