<br />ASSIGNMENT OF REidTS Loan Nc. 3-~~
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That "~-.._t_ .;. .-uti''e-c ~..,. ..;...._~ ... :.__..~ ... .,,-,_:_,,.. aa~i ~.,__ _
<br />~~ her ~i~r called the Mortgagors) in cons~~ati~~th~~m of
<br />Forty Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars & I~o,~ -------- -Dollars (s )
<br />loaned to Mortgagors, do hereby grant, bargain, self and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha,
<br />Nebraska. {t?ereinatter called " ommerc?al"), ds successors and assigns, the fo!lowing described real estate. situated in the County of,
<br />State of Nebraska. to-wit:
<br />---~__ =tier+; -'_ - ~:_ :_..-._.. .._. ._. ....~_ .._.._ - -.<._~..:....---
<br />TD NAVE AND TO BOLD THE SAtlE. w,w G,e a:p.: to-acmes ?herz::rc 'r'ong~ng a^F~ Co~^z?cia!, its succESSDrsandassrgns. forever.
<br />SaiC rp,?tgagars hereby anwEn3;:, :+:Sh sars „ .:: ._ s~.._»:~s ass ass > rr?a;c~s ~> awr ~, seined ct sartl prenrses: tha!
<br />Mer arE try fraa? ~+.c.;Tb~ances. .,. ,. _? ~a4 ~,~ ~ _ r,. ::~n,, .._..,..:,e . ? . ~_ >a~a ,re':^.:>?s aga:^st thz !awid clarets of aH persons
<br />;thy^,S:xYei.
<br />Providzd. ,.EVZrm?!ESS. _ esz . zser,_ _:_ . _.< ~: _lv~r; oan;t . ,-.
<br />Ttat w';e"acs ta? sarC ~atg3~ s _s _~. , - _ . are _ 6ai? ?t.. _, __ cog such 3r.:~C -,"eein; to repay Bard
<br />s~? of mcn=•:. wig m,e,,s:. ,..a.-.~:a ~_ >.. ,_ . ^sa . ... _ act _, ~ . ....~r ;~ ~..._ s .? qtr -ae aid Charter aed Sy-Laws of
<br />;ha: W?3ei235 1". > :-9'b3g' S:c . ' : V _.!tJl3. 3u ..?> .. .,._. nt.. _, he ,-_n ,+ D4 ^.er2.3r Ik' iT.ade by Cr::T
<br />; ~c~a: t_-:h? ~.+rde5r2'ied 4!-;':-_t~-s , the; >.,..... >:~s ....~ a ~ ._ ..._ .. ..., .. 1e ari: car.;e!!3tron of this morIgage.
<br />;~ ?'<3, „E;r 'r; it_4ER at n. _ sha t . _ ,r?;.,. 3 :~. _ - ._ . _ - , .c ,.. ono[ due at any irrc' an said
<br />. T :, flo?e e-^. 3^t _,,._ .a,-a' ,ova t?s maca. z>?merc 3 a ~,e,a_ ' .* :... ... .... ; e ., s.aa' n:te ~t in no EvH?t shai!
<br />sa r±_??,±.tzx? ~?. ax. -;m a. ~3-i?3 -at !y 4aw. ; ,. 5. c'~. H'~„_r ... _. _. - ---, -~~.,, s-air ~censrderad as limiting
<br />2^e _ ._ . ~ . sh_:: ~ s>^:.._ !~-zoa w`ne^ nova^.e.. .,. .... . .,.:....... r .; ., c,ra ?s w't3:n?d in the ^Drigag?.
<br />R:+ ... Sa,d #tirtgag~.:: shai: Pay '-s? ?~ _ :._ s3••_ _..-_ -. ., ~ ...e r. ' ... . ~t-.c . . cad any other note for
<br />3:5*:2;~i.:: au.,; ._. .a„T vnt. --..; Jet., > .el t ;t_:_ wiC ..:.>: .. .. ,. _s.. _ _, .... ......x s< .. X .. .? :Eadrn :n full turf? and
<br />_, . _t- Lc_.. -.- ~'3L•'; S?~~ i7 ilE ?n.3~2:
<br />;. ,- acr .' ?±t= '~<'ra!s du? n- saro n, t? 3~o anv : ,h. ~ .. .~ as .. .,._.. _ .., _. _ ... _ . ,E zrc ?o. !~ °adz for three months- ar
<br />_ .- +<eE nx ~ ; ...:..,.:.:s an said pie-;:s?s ^v-:,_ ,.sa.=s . ; ,l e_.. ..:~e' 1aza:ds ,ncludzd in extand?d
<br />,.. 42 3gs' !~n5~ 3,,..2 rfl do a"JLitt '.it e_. ..~? i"r _ .:: Z., .. .' Sa:. Erb:'~ :... _ .' .~Ttdt~es atCEp:3'a e ?D Com'
<br />ra?;'a: :+: a~ gm3l :? su n ~.:~._y x p,,. m •^s t. ._ n_ :.. ,.. ..: ._.- ~ µ _' - - . ~.s_ _..a~..,~ tc c rd o-ohcy a? p.;uies.
<br />.^ iaL7i ^uf LDrDt?i2iC7a'.: C:
<br />. 1-: it i3vment ::7 a`a~e5 a?= aSS?SS'le: u tie.. Lp'a _ .'., S_°> . ". ., '. ~_ t - .. _ ~',l . ? 6?
<br />e CwT~c> :_ .. S =5:a'? ' _ - _ " :`~ v=e ? .. ,. -a~ _ =: _vn.ra.i, '3{ _' aSSr *eltl C?
<br />u i' t~?ie :S 37y 'L=fdngn_ !^. _ _ _ .. _ _ `7
<br />aye ':serest irrean or o?e-;tis?:
<br />ice. in anv n. the ab,ve szt t,a ?:penis- 5ne ~ ~_.- ,n.'ah*.?GRZSS ~_ sec..h s . ~; taz .~ _ _ G_t, ^"d.atuv ~ ma-,e due ana
<br />Da1'abie w;l[lDU; rr; th?i nDtr G? anC the _>m,~ss^t due .:~]e' sa-:u '7-r e a,:., _'k D^e r:-tE " . .._s - -,.~c s a .". C1r ,~x_ ":'. "use eteec: se
<br />_ s.,.c oevn , tea? mter?st dt fi'. '3e!mJr ega - _ D2' anrc, and tn~s .. i;~g? ~ 3} ,r.+'.r2 ...: _-, _ .: i3: > v t a,.. _., sa:". rote. and
<br />anv ether note fio? aadita^,?. advans?s tD;e4ner wy~ _ s_m> Pa G in CT _.,.a` ~_. ;>:. _ _r .3a>_ assn>. :._ a..~ aDS`a.; e:icnsnan charges,
<br />wail m*.er~t'C?=-e~ frDrc ire Gate D. paym;en? 3? Y.:e r13a:rn:~- ~,nE>- _..
<br />?~DV!DzD Thai rn nD event. ?ithAr a>jarz ..? t? aefau ; sra . m? :nt?test ~c ,:r.?' sa , , . ,r„ ;^ > ;g3;; ano anv other note ?or ad-
<br />diDnna~. au'tanC?S ^:aDe ez Cead the m3%+mvt?: !3wi::l "+i2~2s? tai?.
<br />~~OY!C,ED tcriw;-;rat . rie rv?:t t+;_< ~ _ .. ~c_zic ~~.. the m_ -.g .'. ;he ay ~ s a__ _ .., ,rt a~?r',u?e for dddrt;dn31
<br />aC4'3r:~?S aS thcie.r .,~i'Pe"_ T,m iw Fade '. ti. TM!r .. .. _;,'2 :.s d3... _ti :-. a~ . ;< ate ~.^ t.? cayr,E,7t t the a~?s
<br />:1 2SSe:S1iz*.tS w_Ned D*~`3P trig ge...>_a ~i~i~v: 72>_.;.r'. _ _ _ ~ tc?iu.. '_2'tC" '^r't 3._ t?, -3a _r :;:2-, s.- e:;.raf 5;9a1! pe ktl ilPleC
<br />,~: ih? ,nTadiate pDSS~>~ar: i.f the ,,.:z,.,r>_= sb:~~~E r:>.~ ~ _ _ h .. ...__.._ _ _ ._>:.> _ .~~g ^ - - die orrn:s,: ane -tar
<br />,;r is d;sr?=t.a~ use the -En+s s:... t:_fls ,_. - _ , ~ _ _ . .;3; .,~ ,_ r. , - s.s -... _, ~P ;;as~E~~t ci rnsyrance
<br />Pie:n:ums. *~xes and as>:ssm'unts u;>on ss~ per, >e_ n-~ ;, ^;? .s>a}y ex,,z^s>s ,, , ?.: -- t ~G ,_ .. _ .P ,ses and ; o'r?ci~ng ;eat the?etram ana
<br />tD app?y Sa?-e nn 52tC nDye a?rd arty nnin: el'!d?^C. r, -:Ie;re a..19- ^ c_ n?,a - r da~t2",i 5> .,_:.... } p's:d, and t3? Svin PLrpDSe's.
<br />ik?e ar,a~sige~ Goes he..by s.. assign. se: Dr? as'rr tra-,s _ . _ ~:c: ~_.~ ... .__>_:. ..,a.rs .._;JGingday Iar,C _aniract
<br />PBIRiWr?'t> titre nlDitgage u'wneTS or 3n5 Dth?r ITCJmeS ui afl_y liicf w^?aUx~ s: 5.:+ -0x.ti ?` D' _~ .~ the ni tcs 3Ddr4-deSC?!DEv'. Dlt S'aru
<br />G~nimt~:a! stab =n nD case bE 1;3h,2 for the tar:o.r r ;+;~..:e front .. .. _., . ~? ?z is _ ,a ,r~s_~_ . ,..r.; s ?: .::i`r Pvssasa:Dn of sartl ; e'(nISES.
<br />Ttre titert£agsrs irth?r anp3tnt Cam?rrPrcrai et ~:t"at;a N?~rasla irte~: att: mzi ,r, e3mt e:v ne sad 3?t,nea tav+e~ r:evcaS!y erthe? a.. its ;wn
<br />name a; i~?akagD?s' acmes t^ taMr a!i n?cESSa*r' s'?; ~ . --.rags :r. r,;,~. ;, otn?,~.-->~ : can> ~3 _ 'r >e~ u. t+E •:arc;ter. t c,',;e.t ?en~?s
<br />-? D~Et ynCnl-eS dW and rihen x3Gant 13 r?{?t t!. S3T. ,. tn:3.r >'- ezS.xl..D'. :r,~:i> _~.. „~?) L?i_> .'_ >?;.: c..> '..> ~:1't!--aCt pay~2n t5 7i
<br />rates and to dD 3!! sDa; Gimgs e:tne? D, its oW _ .._?*s rr „ :tht~ pa : s dN ..: t1 ~ .?o 3nc .... - t.a .: 3s '?s agent e. sa d p~?c~se are
<br />L~ cterg? D± day a reasizrabie tee tar s•~vn ser~~~m?s a~. ~~ :+ t*,e aD~vQ :: Z>? aa're at syr^ :gym?s a"d >;;:.; ma?r:e, and a+ sv.1 ~t?~.s a=. to t???:r sa,e
<br />aiy may semi best. w,th toll ~aa'a? pf seertnus~-
<br />"he i~~+:~+agxs bere*y aFy 1r ... .... ... ... . ...u: ~ -, ..~ ..,k:a,~g ~~a~E> ~: s *~~_ ;,a ; •: a°; s ., z" P°aceer?;ng re=.atrng
<br />to ~ iwtea~fD- des r?~: rent esnt. .. EtirS ?n_ .s..g? _ sa „.._.. ,..s .... .., , .?C ~ ~::r?,.z:, a, t&n=igagrxs r!i!
<br />r=t +~~ r.n„~,,,-T:>! tt a?; rea<a+an? .s._ .-~ .:ray u ~:a°,Tr; _ ., :; ~s;. s, - -' r, ~ .r. rg r: a{_ It_g r~s a toe; afire? Cast .t ?ne ezre:n~foae
<br />ikse?affit ~{ ?s~ie ut any past ':he,ei,i ik tonne, r~ :,~:w ~ p.w=er _t ?i-:ner,: a_ e. :~?,k se d_u><~:2C i~,; a PrC' C Dse tAe daTages
<br />a~~!, thes+31-"E°ds']t ff1E 3~ti,rcg ~rf'u fDt InC .v^,SrY-_t u r >_" 3..u _ . ' ?r.. -,>f._. r 3-::Jn?. :4e'e^a'7~!ig un~a;tl ,(`gahiatl_
<br />}?ESS SE.'.U?~il t±: tills 'Ar•II~'~~?, tL'. a-d th?y hereby 3•'e 3:5 gl:eC '.C 1.Ri^r?~.; 31 3n'u Sh -'lE Pd~d' t ~w'.,',f'. ';; f,t:... _?C~3; i0 ba ap, il2C :n 3 Cello? d?
<br />itiE?aS2fia$:fPTtg~4YS1a!tip&Ris 'v?i:^t!:ttdeDte-iicSS _
<br />Dd1CD ~!S ~..__ 33M Df ..._. __~_ -__
<br />N9 7'iiE FRfSEWGE pF: ,~ ~"~!$
<br />!i«"
<br />~~
<br />,.~,~~,~
<br />STATE Of t+lE~tAAtA
<br />~_ f _ i
<br />t"`<'Q
<br />_ _ a'_
<br />r'
<br />Ct~ITY rJF ::..~_ ~ --------------
<br />{~ tas _ t#_;y at _--- _ . ?9'__. +s_=t,:> ?*>°. a sctaty rr;:a!:c rn and iDr said County. ,~Ersoral!y c?"fE
<br />;~~~e-ra=sh
<br />~,ariel _.. Aa..hei... _::?i ._._._._ ... ...,c?e`_-, .._._.._.._ _._ „---_
<br />to me welt icndwn Ei 6e the iDetrtita! gason of persons wtosa name rs ar nsaes, a,z a'r~~Ee :o ?Lz abu:'E Tertgage as gr3n(ot er granters a^d L':ey. he
<br />sartl insiremcmt a~ Ne ezECaTioa LhE?Ent. tc ~ ere~r vci~nta;y act a/ma/,3eec.
<br />~~~ I tflii Gay and yea' sass aD3:?' Wllt[Erl. ^_ j'-~~ - ~ l^
<br />i''~ ~. , iiC[a=r Puh!rt
<br />ug COmnli55i 6n EsP,SES Dn wrye __ `_ ~-. ~f ddy ufi __rc_,e L_ ..__ ...- r- c~-. -•, ~.;
<br />