<br />
<br />FiORTGAGE _
<br />MORTGAGNLOANNO. L 23,595
<br />xr!owALLMENaYTttesErRFSENTS_Tnat John A. Plambeck and EliEabeth A. Plambeck, each in his
<br />and her eym right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, N wruideratian of the sum of
<br />Ej~c hteen Thousand Five Hundred and aN ll Ott---_ ----------------------------------_ ppLLARs
<br />4oaw-d to aid mortgagor by T'he Equitxbk Bwlding and Laats Association of Grand Island, Nebrasics, Mot'tgsger, upon 1 $5 shazes of stock of
<br />mid ASSOCIATION, Certifiwtt No. L C3 ~ 59rj , des hereby grant, worry an3 ucarigage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foliowirg
<br />drsyaiised trai estate, situated in Hall County, \rbraska:
<br />topletfter with a8 thr xcstrtrrts., tremditanxnis aad appurtrnartces thertauto heiangtng, indudirrg atta~iul ntwr coverings, sU wtiudow setxns,
<br />atiadanv shades, 6lirrds, storm wirdaws, awautes, Deatixtg, air arrditioairrg, and plumbing and water ogtripnrnt and accemaria thereto, pumps, stoves,
<br />tttrigaaio-~ and ether frsttats tnd c~tuptneat rww~ ar hrrcaftrr attadted to or ~csd in amra•rtinn wish mid real estate.
<br />Amd aLCms the sad aaarxgag« has agreed and does hereby agree xhai thr nwrtgagot shall and riB pay all rues and s.~enlx levied a'
<br />ss~ a?m said presaivrs amt upon stria mortgage usl the I>;rad sewrrd :,trrrbt btfore the sarce stall be<~ome a+eiingoent: to ftunisA approved
<br />iaacaacr uprn thr buiidiags an sxid premixes z.tus~tD is the sum aC S t $ , SDD. ~~ pa}'abk to mid ASSOCIATtt?f4 and to de&ver to said
<br />ASSOC1ATItM ihr pafiries for said iasuramtz•; ar+d not :u ermrmr or perrreir any wattr cn or about sa.d pcrnyizs;
<br />to rase of defauh is the pafornrss>ts of any of xhr terms and coaditioas of this rn'+rzg~ge ar thr bond sc4vrr3 6cxrhy, t{re mort6a8ee s~Q,
<br />as deasaml., br ratitkd to +mareliau possrssiaa of the nwxtgsgel premiss and tt>e raort~g:.u hrrcb} ass~nx, traasfert and arts owu to [he
<br />sA dre rears_ rrveatrts and raavme is bt dreavel from the mortgaged premises lwirtg serch trtnr u thr m«ytag iadtbtednes ~ remutt
<br />tae¢aid: sad Ux satxtyagre sh:li 6rvc the paws us appoeti any aRmi « agenu it may dcsur iw six purprvsr of repavisq, aid paexmses aatd te>HLt6
<br />ibe agar ants utlinrtit~g it~• rears, true-arcs and msuar, and ii mny Iuy nm of mi3 iunv~e all experssex of rrpavvt~ mid paeutifes arrd ~ctyay
<br />a«nsaimwsos zed rzpeasrs incurrtd iu rrntmg ami ttrr were and of .xd{cd~ rrnuk therefrom: the batarsu aveaittitgg. if any. to be
<br />xorard thr drsa~rarEr of ssrd trxvt~e indrhrrdaess: xhrsr rghxs of ihr marteagte tray rx exertxrd ax say time duriaF the rxist~ of wch
<br />detaa3t, h'x ~ any reanprrary raiser ai the muse
<br />3frer frsentt, hiaerrrr, arc ,rprvt thr Ci`rnd:xvn, Th:t ~ else mid M.'xtgagyx nail rs~}ray sal: h-lan an « brfore the t*gturtty of saw rfrares hy-
<br />pavmeat; pay ms'aaifi.}3~ to card ASSOCi.~T'tf3:\ ai t?+r cum specirsrd in ttrr Band ~currd Irerrby a intern; and prmapal .o said loan. oa «bef«e
<br />the Tvvmuu* day of ra.-st ant rriery rri<vu.h.;mt.l saw" torn is fait} pad; pea all taxes sad assessments ksitd apsns ssid prernrses std mt this d«TS~
<br />ease the Bassi sex.-axed thcrrbv, hrfosr ~;rt ;;ray: f~rrsh apprrnrd icsuraax ryrm the buiidiags t7teracat m the sum of 3 1 L~ ~~~ DO paYafltr
<br />sa airs Al`StACIAS7W; :r{ay to sax? +1SSOCiA7'iON apnn dermal aB meaty by it paid for wch tors, s~rntx and inartaaae art9 ~ttxst at
<br />€he ~ tart xherraa ftae+ dau ~ pa}enter afl of rtri3r tlortrrr hrrthk aettes to pay_ perz,>;r r~ w~-r M ~ k psi
<br />r -'~"~-s' ;-~ Y
<br />asah ~ ibe agrtt:mrnts sad madxtions of dsr ~.>std f« 3 t ~ , F3DD, OD ibis Bay yivest bx° the and Mor[~or w said ASSOCIATION, sod tsm~
<br />n]I the ragtvtst,eau art ;'Irr C+~ais*~eatw~er and By-F3ars of sai3 AS~'iA790N; rhra thew pttscrrts sfui! beaaare ntdt and wwi. othrtvix They .
<br />>'~ is frail fv;t etas smr- 1_•sr fcvc ~l~rsr~ at thz aptiaa a3 thr said ASSOCLATION attrr fa:iwr for three rwadrs to make arty of mid
<br />payaemts ar be ihrce rmmttu ¢ ayrean u; makrag mat a,cmthty Pa}mutts, « to ktep asst c,rrtspl} sorb ttre agtaxraenu std cvaditintu of said Bmd;
<br />aardll/.'nx ogees to base x rtxrrvrt appcantrd tuiha.it6 to std fut-rckwur pracYa>iutgs.
<br />If tbear is nay c6mge m aa~trcrs~dtxp of the rtal estate mrrv,~ad hrrrffi, by rek ar arhtrvrae, itrir tint caret resnaiaia~, usdebtcdrresx hneby
<br />shoo, u ttr aptiws ai Thr EVwtsbk Buikirng sad t.:raa Asstriatian of Grand laimd,'irbraska, brooar ixnmtdiately dre oast payable aritltotri
<br />farther n¢xi~, and t)ie ae-~aar ~++~<=nR ,dux atdn sad b.-ra3, aed my other Road far any additiuaa! adrant,<s made tberettndea, ~, !'roar the
<br />dau of yzeaciar of seed optxxn, bran tnrrrtR at thr rnaxtrrnray kpi rut, and this m«tga~ stn} then br toreciu7el to at~'y the sm«aat due .u said
<br />8asd,a~, say Daher f« addits:aas4 sdaamrs-, taertlus r-r;ix alt sums paid by said Tht F<7tsuab:e Huddled sal I.rraa Association of Grand tshmd,
<br />13ehsaslts ftv max-tmm, 9axts sad aats$rrau, ar*d abaracxste remain clur~-.~ myth inxtazs~t there=a, frs~ ~x ;>_r petisxtt ax t.~ rasai:m•m
<br />~.
<br />As prxrvs$ed ~ xlr &~d ter~rzrd lxrrhy, a•iair trot rrRxt3agz remaiai rn rf~ie~~t thr ta`rtPeM' tray tsacaftet sdvaesce additioaal tHTm to the
<br />a~ oC aid $trnd, t6rs assigns ar xn:ss>ryrs m ssxuest, whack surm stroll be r•ithm the ae,-urity of this maxtgagr the same as the fordo oriprsstty
<br />tacky, the tesai atnwmt of prits~;,at lent rx:t to rarest ~ sm trmr the oriweaai ataarrte aC this amxt6ase -
<br />~ ~~
<br />Iltged tba ~C tui3e r A . n .. ~! j e
<br />_ --1'-'+ka-?qty ~ s,.:, ~l ~
<br />3a~I_A. P1ilglfyPCk
<br />.` ~. - T.!
<br />Sfai+ ~,~~ tlntbiT 23rd ,fryaf fletaber i9 79 ,beforetrte,
<br />t}±e ~~a, a Notary Public ®aad f« said Cotmty, persoaaily ame
<br />John A. Pak arfd Elizabeth A, Plambeck, each in his and her f~~i ht, an~~~ta
<br />of each otter ~re
<br />tar ~ be the idaesiW pteaoa5 trff~ aamr s are aff'tral m the above irutrument as murrgr~« s sad they xe„By
<br />a~aa.ea The aid itxgrt>mmt to fret their aaltmaty oat .~ aced.
<br />1vftNFSS ®y ~ sad NorariaE Seal the dux afaxeaid_ ?
<br />1Ay' Cam~oo ezpaes .
<br />t r- -
<br />~otary I'ablit
<br />uasaasat - --~_~~ i
<br />i
<br />