<br />79-~ ~~~
<br />- ----- uoun:Ar.E LOAN No ~ b56 (FNA
<br />>~lowAU.MENSVnIESr.PItESEN(S:That Gary B. Wit and Marti Ann Wit, each in his and tier own
<br />right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether onr ar mare, in consideration of the sum of
<br />Seventeen Thousand Two Hundred Sixteen_and_40f}g~_________________________^_ ~~~
<br />bared to said mor¢gtegor try• The Egaitabk Bttelding and Loan Assniatiou of Crand Ishrtd, tdabraska, Mortgagot, upon 172 shares of Aodt of
<br />std ASSOCIATION, Crrtifaxte No. LH-I c~ (F~t~lherrby grant, convey and mortgage tmeo the said ASSOCIATION the folloniag
<br />described tnt estate, situated in Matt Catmty, Nebrasta:
<br />topCtLa sob aP the tesaemrats, hercdnatncnts amd appunenm¢s eherrmto 6ebogiag. u+c2udiug attached floor coverings, z0 siadaw actmes,
<br />siodow shsties, h)imds, s,arm vrm3ors, awaiar}, heating, zv mndiiionusg, and ptumbiog and safer egm},meot and aaxsories thereto, pampa,stoves,
<br />~, ~ ts€ber fatrnrs alt wear crow car 3rtnfrer ati:ri,rd to ar nszd io canr,rtYioa with said trot rstate.
<br />Acrd wherus the std monggor Ins ~~ sz,d t_bes brrcby agree rhea the mortgagor shall and wiIl pay aIt taxes and saiameau levied oc
<br />~+d apm said ptesvas and ,~ th:s anal the band srwred thereby brtarc *he saint shaft bccarnr daliaquenY to hnnssh appmved
<br />trpm ibr b au said lxemises musty in the sum of $ 1 i , 216.40 pasabk :o saki ASSOCIATION sad to ~ieliser to aid
<br />ASSCYLAIIOHv for policies f« sill ~„o„a„m; and r,or to taaminfr or prmut any want on or ahwt std premises;
<br />to roar of drink m the petformanae of say of the ratms and mttditiotu of this tnoatg:ge or the bond tav,nd
<br />m de®d., be eetirled to ,emu of itsr mart and the hereby, the tmrt~e strati,
<br />pm~ ppxm ptema9es strartgagoe hereby assigns, t:artsfrrs and sect ovv to The
<br />sr:ty®ee a1 for rests, reveaua aai intvmr m hr derived Pram the tnortSs¢d prtrmaes 3tnmb sorb tape a the urortya~ indebtedness t6aR te~it
<br />uttpid; ar4i the mext~er sbs8 have the pavrcr ro appaiert my agent or sltents it may dome for the pnvpa+t of reps std pcexneia sea! tentme
<br />the saran acrd na~atigg dtr mats, revenues and ina'amr, and it tiny pay esut of said i~r,oasne all txpcnsts taf repauntb slid premals told taeeemxy
<br />m sad capewses incevmd in rratitig and +,+__±~~ tltr meat atul of tatkaitg rratah therefrom: the baLats: tetrsam~, if
<br />ttpppp~~~d tanaad the distsuupr of sad ntortgaee mdebtedatr.,; these rigors of tSe rm, be exrn-ise13 at as that my, to he
<br />dry. inespextivr of aa4 terr~Traty waiter of"'iK saint. rtnutgager v Y dtuirta the eaistenee of such
<br />Taerc P4rsrntt, bt~evrr, srr up,'ut tae Car,dit,an, 7`mt $ the said Asartgag x sbal3 spa}• said kan on or brit z the matwi:y of saki shwa by
<br />prysent; pry ea+nrhty to aid ASSdJCLAT{QN ref for snag spta#,~rd in the flood sesturd hereby as interest arsd prmcrpa3 oa std kam, m a before
<br />ehe 7tiacatie2hdav d earh »d eva'ti trr~orli, twttS sad Ina is fi,tty paid; pa}- alt uxa and sste~ts kvicd agaitm mid prertzs and m slm Mortise
<br />acrd the Bond aatwed thereby, before ddmQr,et,.,.:1; ftrrtvsb apgenved inztrrar,tx rq,oex the b theemo its the srtm of S 1 ~ , 21 [ , 4D payable
<br />to 3>id AS5QC1ATIflf..; re}>Eg to sad ASSOCiAIIL1N ~m drrrsand a& ~~'Y by it paad far sar9 taaes, mats sad insteatoe tith interau u
<br />~ iegt tart ab `ram irate of pzyrorni sn ai wbia i~xt~r hereby agrees to pay _ permit na aose m std prt7rwes; tee'p sad ~Y
<br />attith >e the aperme,u and mndiesms ai tM Bond feu S 17 , 215.40 this day ttvrn bj *hr sit Monte to said !~SS(xxAnclRl, sad y
<br />rvBh ai rLr sertueessemts tai the C'anst.uu%w~ aa;d try-Lys atf mid ASSOCIATION; then thtsr preaenu shalt became are and vttid, atbersae thry
<br />~ srrmm ffi fz,E fa,u and .son be t-ur~•icun2 at tEsc .~ptu~n t~ rbr s=ea'3 AS1pCiATIt3ti afar faiture far thane moattts to mike atry od and
<br />payments ar be toter romlla na arrGr's m ;uatsteg card tmvtihh gtaymeou. x to lrp oral nlap,h; with the agraateats and modaiaus of said hand:
<br />sad Ma+sgasee apecc za, hate s trc~rt+rt ,appnated i;xitta;tia m sezth ixvreksstuur prazrdinRs.
<br />If these it ~y m avtrrsh~a of the tea rstaee raartetgod herein, by slr ar otherwie, then the entire retnametg itrdebtdlneaa hereby
<br />aes>wed titer, s for option o,{ T4u Egs,itabk and l,o~ AsacBt,on of (:ram1 Island, Neb:a~a, boaome iomrdialely due and pryahk without
<br />father aatirc, and the taauuet tranatwg dirt natter said tkmd, and say athca toad fay any additiosgt advnn.-es tmrde thcrermder, tom. from the
<br />~ of csur'e taf ra,d aynon, hat satrrrst st tl,e tnaxaanm brad tart, asd this mxty~r tiny t6® !x form to gria'y the . dtae m laid
<br />bmd,saai any Doors 6srad fce -a"=•` ---' a.iranrs, xoEetires n~ a6 wan pars, b}• sed'4be Equitable Big sad rasa Asaacistioe td Gtaad Istssd,
<br />~ ~ ia>a~~-r. ~ acrd as~ta-nry. sad >t~.acvr4e rzsrssian c•Itarsrs, with interest theraxt, from date ai payaent at the r
<br />~ ~-
<br />A: Persvidod is the Hood senased hereby, shat rhea racait~,e rrara+rts m rffec! tin may tterrafttr advance addaiatsl saint to the
<br />tttaiovs of and Htrd, rhea a~asxa aaoeesn~s is iatesrsa, which imac shaft be within the socwity of this maw the tarac ~ the futsdt ae~ity
<br />~d ~Y. the told atmnax of prsntapal dot oat to excxcd ai acy liar the ar~im7 saxsrrnt of'this r:a+rtgaaar_
<br />D'eodt3s ~[~~ ''tsyof t~et~b°r A-D-.1~ `7
<br />~~~ . ~ ~
<br />~~ ~~ r
<br />STAi€tIFliA$Ylt,~: flaahis lYLh dry of October 19 79 ,before ,sir,
<br />txfl)IiT1t t~P tllti
<br />the , a 13otaty Public in and for said County. perscmally came
<br />&ary $, ]hit and !~rii Ann tilt, e~h irl his atld her cal right, and ~ s Dose $ts
<br />a~e
<br />are to Ise the idMicat prmot 5 arhaae nape 5 are st&mt1 to the abwc jmYi~t as mntg~rs and they ,e„et,py
<br />d the Did to be their acs acrd deed.
<br />WIII>4C~ ~' basil asd Nwaiat seal the ~ aforeaid. ~ // ~'~ ~ ^
<br />Myer "'~ / /~ ~, ti_'- ~~~~_
<br />Notary Public
<br />assata v r f Y ~. 7 EHFP,,,t :aOTrriy - c,
<br />~; e; kc:rt.
<br />.iAiAE5 °d. JL;`JN
<br />~_ f%y Comm. ~,p. Pii:,. 1?. 7979
<br />