<br />(E) That <xcept for the security inrereat gianmi hereby U<btur is r to the eaten[ that this agreement st tes
<br />raf, will he. W< owner of the ColWterai free from a ulvcrs< litn,'s urity inrrnst o umbrance; and that
<br />rd demx±d= of atl persons t y lime elaimiag the sam auY ~ •stntl mein. (?) Thatrno financing statement
<br />ix~e in aGy _guhlle c~iiirl aed that ai xhe repucsz nF Secnrnt F'zr•.y. F?ebzar Witt Joz wivh Secure4 Party 't ceui:ztg
<br />Or a ~ bbra
<br />,.". -
<br />,. ~,
<br />^S _-
<br />ing atatemmts Pu oast m the Aebraska Lm arm Cammerctai ..o.:-. r toim sxt+sfacmn~ to Secured Darcy amt u, i pa.- eF.<cost at fihug ueh nasnemg ~+~
<br />a.-t~ atfreemmt d any moanvatiar or ermi lion tattmmt, ' alt pnhlic offices whemvcr filing is deemed 6y Sccurctl Pang fo he neC<ssarY or t
<br />m lo'daimt ' aitaehed to sea: utam prior to the Frriectio i the s< u tp ' t<rcst s*aueet h<tthy or if the Collateral includes crops or oil, gas yr ll
<br />acted ar tim[xr td M cut, Debtor will as demsid of Sacure¢ Party, fum:sh Sccu: ed !' nv ~th a dixlaimer or disc.aimers or snlwidina:ia xgrec
<br />penvns ha.~ng 'ntrnst ' the rca3 <. tam, disclaiming err suMrdinaring any int<i<at loathe Catlat<rat bleb is prior-m the interest of Scoar<d Fart .
<br />msfer or dingooe ai xFte Callatenl, m+r uke Wt v,mc err aetempt to take {h<•~tir {rom Hie count- «here kept as abnre stated, without the pens u~titten
<br />lied Pang. taT-Tp pas all mus awd asxxsmeires of rv<rY naa:re which inaY k levied or aszessal against the CaRarcrat. iS)';\ot m peenallateraliis
<br />'ty vttereat err eneumlrcaner .vhatsoev<r upon the Coi6•~rra;, and rot m permit the same to he xteavhetl or r<ple,a d. (c) That t C
<br />c}us ]x.vilE at his. ¢rin erpasse• keep eke same it sued wnditfan and imro Buie m time, forthwith, ngface and repair ~ siteh parts f the. CNtaroml
<br />ant or damnggra*1 withauF allaaing any lien to tx ttd ,:pan the Cailate:al en acmunt of to ePlacemrnt err ttpaira, d that eh< cecixei!
<br />t grid tns,'smt W< CvtFtieia3 as ate timer wberc.-er bcat<ei. i71 Thar he wi4 at his ores e:peus< keep the Co:3xteral :nsure+t .in a cumpmeY saiasfaemry
<br />gainu hss, as apprq+riate. by t1rR, mtksiaq lire and eatetd<d wt:rage..itb loss Pvyab7e to S<mred Panf a. _s etmrest may ?Fp<ar. cad well oa
<br />! Sia?:<sta ~ ~ tnrisk a~:i a£ s...,:, ir4r - ~ Secerrd '-YartY- :°: 'er -" tens See :rd Par.Y ^e P wy- s•.xh to «, discharge
<br />ri+s mtrnsts ~ ate tsrmiea a am time he ed er F1aa~d o the CaRamn! n3 maF Fay far the repair of say dvnage a )ury to or tar the
<br />- feparce of the C 14t al. D<bmr age - m it mhurs< S<carrd I'a rty nn dentmd for an pa ape sell 6y S r rN Part~pvrsvaat
<br />tfmrs&+tioa. C'aH! such reimM t, W t t f ~ such yu} ne wiW mtacst ai thermeet {.~~~ fmm he date of pay mt used
<br />6 be added to the iadeht<d owN ~b Debtor aM aha~ trc secu , bvrthis agreemen- (v) That he wdl rKi use :be Cdtatrial is v' tat«w ¢f anF
<br />axtiLtioa or a[diiunee aid iI yy of etie Ca,lattrat s. rvomr .<hrcl<s the ~a will tio: Le rest«t, sed " rental serc:;c n speed err endurance
<br />¢r .U Smiad Pan. an_ sad li tvs[s aid szFmscs tncvaM iu ren,erivg pnsctasivn a! ;hc Cnllat<rat and incurred ivt m-iamng thie a<cun.-
<br />sime s4 9 br secornd hs thu snemi a6rmmmtt. ~ m ~,e
<br />k{7„Z' Debor may Iswe ji¢ss<ssion ~ the Cotlamnl and nu itm aq Iaw fat manner mt incaissiscros with this attremtrnx and oaz ineonsistmt with
<br />ux rLcsroi. awl spas t Scooted Party shal3 3ucr -k< mmediate rigor m the lm - 'not the CalYat< „4.
<br />ALL HP, I\ DEtP1C'LT s~xder this ay: eem,Rtt yon the haFpenisg n F of the kib+~~~~g ceents romtit:nrs: (E1 d<fanit :n ih< pa-.some of
<br />u65gatt~os, tar tuial'tr nm~imd err ttfearcd m hole r m erns vote esid~ociixg tb same: l-) a F vrarrant rtpieaattatioa err statement
<br />Snat<i P n. b. Lehr$ f Debi pm,•ea m ba+e been i ~ any ntaterat respect h made ittrnished' ~3) F t v6ich tesaFfs in
<br />the mattiiity of We inddterdners of Debtor m ashen under ass :~dmmrc, grosses: mxieitakmQ- fa) 'suss, Hieft, damatte, d<strveiion sale
<br />a my a" the Callataal err the making of sq' key. s<uvre or anachmmt diermi err theiava; fS) deaW, dfmiution, tcmtinatkm oI es:iste¢aq in»Jvi
<br />ie, ia#ent of a mxi.x of an. Fart o: Ihr yrapertJ oi, ssaigtaaent Oar iht 4eaeSt aE e,rttfmra Q, or the Mmmtncem<at of x.ns PtiX«dinF nndet
<br />iati~LAsrs b~ m a>iains Debtor w aq shirty for llebmr.
<br />iaEFAL T ash at aaJ tame skaeafeer, or if a deemx itself insecure, SecnrN Part a..s< dectarc stE Obligasiars yrcored beteby bnm<d3att~p dvc
<br />'aa13 ~R the remedies a; a sermmi tort. amlrr tM \ebrast L'nikam CommaciaE Code. Se~ar<d Party nun ecotone 3? ~,mr to arsi~Ne the
<br />tx ew tsht it arai3hk m Seem 1 Puts at a I?~ m lr itaigruted by SeearM Party whicb is rea+aiiaWy maenteat m lrwh parties Upies. tbt
<br />ibis ra Wrnteas m dadhrc m rata err ss of a tSFe c>ssstsmanly mld on a +ew market. Secamd Pam r~ tee Deiu¢r erattmaMe
<br />lid p$ce ai era- ltnhFt' sic ~rar i the flax after xhiek an, p'nt< sale or anF other intended disposition thereof is m Ee made. Th< eepwise
<br />~» ~ ahalf~it mch mt:ee is ensiled. i>~ias< Free-id. meth address ai Debtor sbnv at the Degina6tg o; ibis asmmmt at kaat rm days
<br />Secaeed Part od a+tp ddaa4 shalt nprraze as a waiva~ ai any atixr deiaiilt ar of the ssme deiauh es a tutere accaami- TM taking of tkis smtiritF
<br />' a ~r my other sa'cmiV said Secants Party cent.- bare err xttafmr asymre tar the ps}~mmt of iM chose indebtedness, oar shall t& takiri~
<br />sal :eaves ranee a issue tiHS axniity a~scem t ~ tat sad Secured Pmts may ream: to erns attvtit7 tt ems lue en Hie olds :t may does player,
<br />[ a>" eoNaten: r+~, Seem- td Fairy shat! rtamia us nilies of sr_oti ayaitist Debtor.
<br />stnvd Pally ke+evvder ahaH m eke bmdit ai its smoces»rs a¢d asng~i ~ sad a.9 promises sad dnti<s of fsrbmr ska71 bind h4 brio, earvvxa
<br />x Ilia a in avaeeasaes m snai7<ns. ;i tkete br m«r tksa a« D<hsar. War Iw bi'tiu-< Iremteder shall 6e joint and aerosol
<br />astamm s~di hprame aHeetiee vbty it _-n +it~ b. 2saivox. - e`? _ _
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