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<br />7°- #~U~~ RELEASE ®F M~RTG~eGE <br />In rnnsideration of fuli gx}itrent and compliance with the conditions of a mortgage <br />made by Richard '3. UilLland an~ ~° _ror I. ~illilardt each ih -ris a*id ner <br />owr righi and as sense o ea: ^ u:,'.-e-= <br />to THE EQliITABLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISL3ND, NEBBASI:A, on the <br />#oIk}w;ng descx;bed properh, to-xit; ~t Wight; (~; ?o;.3c given (?) it Pac=:.._ .~ Barr°s <br />_-~•'i'_iar_ to the ~_ „= o- errand Island, ~~11 ~u-itYr <br />*:e~raska, <br />~fi~h said mortgage bears Witte _,'.. ;2; v'_' _,_-_- 19 ~?, and <br />is - - -' is Buol: --. of mOrt4a5c~c on Pa Se <br />of the reeteds of Ha11 Counh', Nebraska, said Association hereby aci:nooledges full setisfa~~tian of and releases ibe <br />In uiL*~s whemof the said THE EQLITABLE BL'1LDING AND LOAN ASSOCL~TION OF <br />GRii\'D ISL.~1iVD, `*'EBRiSILi, has moused this instrument to be sitmed 'ol its President and attested by its <br />ibis ~yM day of ~+r~j~.^ A.D-. 19 ?O <br />3be &fttit~k Buik~iing and loan Association of Grand klandr Nebraska <br />.,' <br />. ~ i' + • `; - ~ President <br />.~' _ <br />l <br />_ - Sea'e~' <br /># :#- <br />u• - <br />5i'AIF {?F 2~'£BR~ST.i <br />CC3L2gYY t3F ii_+-t s. 3 ss <br />tin this L ~T day td •~*_.'3'~.° _1-D-, 19'?~? k~e#~e tne. a \wary Public <br />dsslf w~anis>aooed and qualified for and residan~ in said Gruen, persanaDy came --. -+ .-.-_ 3: ~= <br />lei me ~ be the i3eatita3 pexstms whroc n.mes ere affixed to the abo~•e muse as President and Seuetary <br />~ A» sett atimvYC°texlg:rd ibc said a„ nt to be their inluutary azt and deed and the voluntary <br />»d and slsxtil itF the ~ TtIE F~Ii1T3H'L£ B~lILDL\G AND LOAN ASSOCL~TIO?r OF GRtiN'D ISLAND, <br />~. <br />@7ttxteas my band astd aotarial seat the day and yxar last above written. <br />` ~~ <br />t~A~ ,. <br />.~-: <br />~~ ~~ <br />~~'0 <br />'dfy comm;ssioa eacgires ~ <br />