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_._ <br />Date Oetobe_ 15, 1979 ~. <br />1:1' THE COUNTI' GOL'RT OF r-ran~rTr.Tr1N COt'NTY, ~'EBRASKA <br />?'his is to certRfy that there is pending in the County Court of Hamilton County, <br />~~ Nebraska, a proceeding entitled: ' <br />In the Matter 4f the Fst~,e ~f_L:~~L~s L. Vand~rh~P'_d.~n~_._____-_ <br />deceased _ __- <br />A'c. 5225 Dac. 13 Page 567 <br />which is a proceeding inc+aiuing determinatior, of inheritance tak <br />iprobatc of udt1, administration of estate, drtrrmination of heirs, deicrmfnation <br />of inlrrritanre taz. yuardiarshin, or ransrrmlorship <br />tstttfr is in~alved, to-unit: <br />in which proceeding the jollawing described real <br />The \oi°iherl~- Sis?t (601 Feet of Lot Sim {6), in Bloc!: <br />Tn-enty-seti~en {?7), in Charles \\-asiner's ~dditian <br />to the Citv of Grand Island, Hall County, \ebraska, <br />~ ~ County Judge of said county <br />:-~ ~~ <br />' ~ ~. G J tTre County Gs+urt <br />i ~ ~.~'. _ <br />is <br />Sm7ian 24-:iait. "!a ut~ /rs+cawt~g in tke coursty csur# 3nnetserq~ (! j lkr ProAaFr of ukits ands thr prr~eisions aJ Ci+e{+tu 3a, article <br />J. $, t~.t~e~dtginjstr~tion ~{ssldss uadrr Ur prs~isiaaz ~J Ctnpfu 3tl, art#dr 3, (3) the ddumina(ion aJ heus under the prs®isians aJ <br />t3t11c ~fi, frtiek iT, £ty tlm dia~ H inherriena tas undo the prasitians of Chapin ?7, ar(icte 2G, {3) paardianshiPs <br />i sraaJer tit /HOlriaxs d Clgp4r dd, ltrfer& t, 2, !, ar ?. ~ i6) ransrraalarshirn undo ihr provisions of Chapin 38. art ide 9, u~hue <br />~~ ~: ~ e As a~ ,yarts~tke~uds ~ thr eitdesr Psecr+ediap, the sarsnty judge brJarr wham tht Proerrdirtg is pending s/mtt issar a <br />~ rapisia aJ dxzis of tiff Coanty to ahieh the rest estate is foratrd miihin (zn days a/ter lhr <br />~'~ s to T agir8 Stu <br />~?~.:: derai~rien trthereed estdeu/sld us the PnKttdi~.°....,..__.._. <br />-f <br />^~7. <br />' - - - <br />- - - <br />