~g_ ~~~a
<br />Said promissory note was a yen to secure a loan in which the Small Business admix stration, an agency of the
<br />Lotted Stales of America, has participated. In compliance with section 101.1id1 of the Rules and Regulations of
<br />the S+tealI Business Administration [ 13 C.F.R. 101.1(d 1 ], this instrument is to be construed and enforced in accord-
<br />aace with applicable Federal law.
<br />1, The mortgagor caveaaata and agrees as foIlowa
<br />ra He will promptly pap the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note at the times and in rite
<br />taaaner therein pnorided.
<br />b. He wiR pay aU [axes, assessments, water rates, and other governmental ar atttru~ipai charges, fsnea, or
<br />imponiti~ for which proyiaioa has not been made hereinbefare, and u:lt promptly deliver the official receiysts
<br />therefor co the said mortgagee.
<br />c. He will pay such expenee~ and fees as mac be interred in the protection and maintenance of said
<br />property, including the fete of any attorney emplaced by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of
<br />the iadebtedt+eas hereby secured, ar foreclo_sure by mortgagee's =ale, or court proceedings, or in arc ocher
<br />Iitigatioa ar proceeding, affecting :aid property, Attorneys' fee: reasonably incurred in any other way shall he
<br />paid by the mortgagor.
<br />d. For better security of the indebtedness hereby servred. upon the rryurst of the mortgagee, its
<br />succe~ors or assigns. he shall execute and deliver a supplemental murteaxr nr nusrtza ees eny,~ring an.
<br />additions, impmyements, ar brttermenes made io the p'ap'er. hrrrinabasr described :aad atl property
<br />acquired by it after the date hereof ~ all in form satisfacton to tnortgager ~. Fw thcnnorr. >hould mortgsgor
<br />__r ,
<br />.:- c.ia-c - driau.i in fhe paymrnf of a prior ar inferior enrum`uranrr ::.s the property described h,
<br />Lh%s instrument, mortgagor heaYb? agree; !a }srrnsit nst+siga~er w cure sorb default, but mortgagee is not
<br />obligated to ,lu so; and such adyanrr shall berumr part of the in:Irhtrdar>. -rourrsl by thi> instrnnsrn6
<br />-ubjar2 to the same terns and caaditians_
<br />r. The rights created by this ronyeyanre ,hall remain in full tone and effect dutustt a»? pisstpunrnirtat
<br />or eztensioa of the time of the pacmrnt of the iudrbtedne.~ eyidrncrd by -aid promissory note or ans part
<br />2henaf se~zurr+l hereby.
<br />f. He will twetiatmnsly ma:,s+=in hamrd iaauran_e, of arch type or irprs and in such amounts sa the
<br />mattgat;et mar [ram Lima [o time r•-quire nn the iaasprn,esnent. nnw or 6rroaftrr un >aid pm}n~rh, .uui
<br />vszll par prampily when due any premiums therefor. all insurance shall be carried in companies atreptabte
<br />to mo+tgaF'r' attd the policies aad rraewals the-eof shall be held be mortgagee and hove attached thereto
<br />loss payable eLt+a~ iri favor of and in form acceptable to the mortgagee. In event of lo.~s, mortgagor will give
<br />imtaediatt notice iti writing io mortgagee, aad mortgagee may make proof of loss dt not made promptly by
<br />morigagar, aad each insurances ccwtpaav toncerard is hereby authorized and 3ircetrd to make pa?~iseni far such
<br />lose dircrtly to mangagee irisiead of to mortgagor and mortgagee ,tointl?, and the insurances proceeds, or oar
<br />part ihestnf, may }ae applied by mortgagee at iu option either to the rrductiaa of the iadehtrdaess Hereby
<br />scxutsd ar to Ilte testaratioa ar xpait of the proper+° damaged ar destraved. in eythit of foteclowrr of this
<br />me,ctgalta or other tramfer d title to said property in rxtinguishtaent of the indebtedness secsired hereby, aU
<br />rig#:i, title, ttad intrreet of the mortgagor is aad to arc insurance policies then in fam shalt pale to the
<br />pu+rhaser or mortgagee ar, at ilia aptitits of the mortgagee, utav- Ix• .asrrnn.i.-r:ti} for a refuurl.
<br />it- fie yciff keep all iniildiags and miter improsenients ors ,aid }rroprrty in good rrls;tir end condition:
<br />Kill permit, wmmii, of safer as waste impairmsni, deterioration ai said peal,erty ar any hart thereof':
<br />in tier event of faiisare of Lbr mortgagor to l.rep the buildings art ,aid prrnuses and tlto>e erected ou said
<br />promises. or improv-emrnr> ihereoa. in goad repair, iltr mongagrr may asal.e .urh r<•pairs as in itF discretion
<br />n mar dxm aecrs:ary° far tlir pnaper prr~senatian thereof; and the full amount of rarh and ryes such
<br />payaarnt .§all lee immediatrlc +lxte aad pay able: and >hall br .rcure,l by the ]lets of this martragr.
<br />ii. Hs wilS amt voltmtarily '.'gate or pe:atit w be treated against the property subject to this mar.gage say
<br />lira or licmre iafrrior or superior to the lien of this mortCage xithout the wririea ronsrnt of the martgsgrr; and
<br />ftathrr, that he will keep and maintain the nanzr tree frsws the ciain+ of all urr.uno- ,uppl}ina labor ui
<br />aaattrials for mnstrurtiatt oC any aad all haiWiags ur improyenarnis. raw hrin€ rmerd ur to lse ''erred nn
<br />said ptrmi~a.
<br />i. He will sot real ar a:,siga any part of the rMni of .aid mortgaged p:uprrt. <:r demolish. ur 'emus r.
<br />air suksstaaiialk aher aav building w-irbnut the arit2ert consent of dse raurtgaper.
<br />j. AIT avr'arsia of dam is ~tmatian r~ith any eandemaation Ior public use of ur injurs to an} of the
<br />proptrty subject to this monFage are hrrcbv assigned and shall be paid to mortgagee, who may apply the
<br />satsae to paynirat at tl,r ir«~aallmenta last dtie under said rate, and mortgagee i. hereby authorized, in the
<br />Aaaar of tltr i~°igagot, tc exrriite ai±d ~liywr valid a~raluitlarsrr> thrr=°of and ts; aplwa! fmna ans such aw~art.
<br />L< 'Ttm i~r aliall have the riKlai to itispeet the martgagesl premiw> at an. rrasxsssable tin,'.
<br />L Ile[satlt iti and ~ fire assra+utfa ar condition+ of this imtrttateat or of the Hate or loan agreement ecetered
<br />p ahatl tsrtatinsM ilte taortgaftar's ri}tl+t to paoeriaa, rise, and enjavmcat of the property, at the option of the
<br />n-~gagen er his aatitg#s fR 13eiag a{crt+ed that the martgq}{or shall have sorb right until default}. Upon any each
<br />tltsian$, tix tmortgagee shall beetsnie the wraer ~ all of [lie rants and profits accruing after default as security
<br />far ti+e :hetebq, t+n6 fire rii~tta entax upon said property for the purpose of colleetiag such
<br />'rata sad profits. Thin imtrvmeat shall :operate as as aripament of say rentals on said property to that extent.
<br />S8A Fit fiY 928 12'73)
<br />