79- OE}696 i
<br />3. The mortgagor covenants and agrees that if he shall fail to pay said indebtedness or auy part ihereo( when
<br />due, or shall fail to perform any covenant or agreement of this insirament or the promissory nose secured hereby, the
<br />entire indebtedness hereby secured shall inmtediately become due, parable, and collectible without notice, a1 the
<br />aptisa of the mortgagee or assigns, regardless of maturity, and the mortgagee or hi, assigns may hefure or after entry
<br />aeli said property without appraisement Ithe mortgagor having waived and assigned to the nrortfagee all rights of
<br />apprafsement)
<br />i t } at judicial sale pursuant to the pruvirians of .''.8 L~.S.i.. ?t3fI1 + a r ; ur
<br />(II? at the option of the mortgagee, either by auction or by solicitation of waled bids, for the highest and
<br />best hid oomplying with the termts o[ sale and matueer of payment specified in :he published notice of sale, first
<br />gising four weeks' notice of the time, tern[. and place of such salt, by advertisement not lee,. than once
<br />daring sorb of said tour weeks in a new•apaper published or distributed in the county in which said property
<br />is sitaated, all other notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor (and said mortgagee, or any person on
<br />Iuhalf of said mortgagee, may Lid with the unpaid indebtedness evidenced by said Hotel. Said sale shall 6e
<br />held at or an the property to be sold or at the Federal, eounh-, or city courthouse [or the coualy in which the
<br />property is located. The morieagee is hereby authorized to execute Fut and on behalf of the mortgagot and to
<br />deliver to the pnr•cbaser at suet sale a sufficient conveyance of said property, which conveyance shall contain
<br />recitals as b ibe happeaiag of the default upon which the eiecutiae of the power of sale herein granted
<br />depeada; and the said mortgagor hereby constitutes and appoints the mortgagee of any agent or attorney of the
<br />mortgagee, tht agent and attorney in tact of said mortgagor to make such recitals and to execute said
<br />convrcanee ssd hetcby eovetumts and agt~ees that the recitals so made shall be e$etiual to bar all equity oz
<br />right ~ mkmptitan, homeateatl, dower, and all other exemptions of the mortgagor, all of which arc herehv
<br />r=prem#y waicrd tied cornryed Ea tiu ctortRaKee; or
<br />(ati take any other appropriate action pursuant to start or Federal stautte ritleer is sort ur Federal
<br />court or otherwie for the despoaition of the property.
<br />Ia the esmt of a sale as hereinbefotr prosided, tht mortgagor or say peraoas in puestasina [radar the mort•
<br />gafor shad tbea became and be tenants haldiap aver and shall Forihv:iih deliver possession to the purchaser at
<br />serer eak or br summarily dispossessed, in accordance with the provisions of law applicable to tenants holding aver.
<br />The pegver atsd atg~; bereLy gratit+Ct1, etc rcta}tkd witL an intexat and are irmvxablt by death ar athrrw ise, oral
<br />arc F-aatedsis ageaalative to the rE#attfllea For eoikrtion of said indebtrdnr_+s provided by law.
<br />:ir
<br />4. The'eds of any sak of aasd property in acxwrdaace with t_~ preceding paragraphs shall be applied 8rm
<br />to paY ibe matt and upeastm std said oak, the rspeases iacetrred by the mortgagee Ion the purpose of ptntecting or main-
<br />taiaittE aadd property, asd reawnabk attotfetva ices; secondly, to pay tlsr ittdrbteelness :;erurrtl hrreltl ;and thirdly,
<br />to pay arty anrptss or extxas to the person or pert+oas legally entitled ihcreta.
<br />a. L the essay[ acid property is sold at s Baalidai feaechranre sale err pntaaaat w flee power of sale htreinabose
<br />graatted. sad tare grac,nda are cwt aaf6eieat to pay the total iadebtrdaem secured bs this itmtrument and evidened by
<br />sabl grsries. ~ t)~ mortgagee tr~?t br ratios? to a de~it~ev j~,d~tnt Fos •!~• a2*n~i of the ~e~eJtey' teAtttont
<br />redar~d m
<br />b. In the cant flee assxtgaEar fails to pay say Federal, state, car local tan +s.e.etneex4 iaroave tax or other tax
<br />Iiea, eLstge, fee, ar eHLrr eapmrr tltarg;af agatart the property the taewtgagre in hrrcb~ authariud at his option to
<br />pas the same. Aay ~ so paid by tLe martltasee slDali be added w and breams a part of the principal amount of tltc
<br />iaaeaa esideeeed by acid nose. asbjeci to for acme terms sad twoelitiona. I# the mortgagor shall pRy and
<br />diadtarg3s trite ~ ewdeared by said gromiawn' sure; and shall pay web auras and shall disehstrge all
<br />tttrma atad Iiiasra sad tb= eeaati foes, atsd ezgmoer rd making, en#errriag, and. rroetatiag this tnortga$e, ihea this mortgage
<br />~ba9 3c eaetaedad sad sttrraaekrnd.
<br />?. 2laa eransarla leeniea mtiaiaa+d abed! koiatl aced flee bea}e6ta and advantage siul{ inarr to the renprrtive s~~-
<br />eeaaaaaa sad atrigsta ad flex patties Letnto. >ler osed, the singular nurteber ale:l! iexlerdc the plural, the plural the
<br />sari tlae are d +oY geadrr shall ~ele aH flm~'a
<br />>C Igo trainer e[ ttaJ attreasat 3sezeia or et# Ilse sbliaatieat assured bexeby shad at any [trot iherraher be hdd
<br />~ foe a s o€ ~ ttt~a k~mS ~ of t~ sore ra~srrso bsttzl~.
<br />4. ,- ~ orris , ar handing troy gresia~n or IKertiau of Win inatrumatt ioxalid ur uncn-
<br />laaaatiia stroll toot ila ~7 traT ~ ea preelade tlae ea#otrot~et of the ttmsaist~.e, IrraeeiaiBM ar Iwrtions of this
<br />1tat~.
<br />1!. ~7 raiLteo ttteRlea 4lee feed to rite asaat~ar pnnaeant to tae pretvfaicna ~ tbfa inatetmamt shall be ae4
<br />dtseitstdaaa+e~e~at $t7x 12?, 'Wood River, Nebraska b8883
<br />and aaT a+rittto aet)x me be 5aaaad to tin mortgagee alrail
<br />beaddresanitatbetaeet~eem 110 East Ninth, i~~8 River, Nebraska 68883
<br />GPG D21.2 e~
<br />Saw POetrA a2s tt'-371
<br />