~~®1Qf)~9f~~'~ EXPANDABLE MOFcTGAGE „~`;~_,t
<br />AS$lGNMENT OF RENTS Lean No. _
<br />KNOWALt MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That'~ar; ... Buc:aran,a sir.-ie _ sin sae Terri .- ~toyd, sin~,le _ .~cn
<br />(hereinaftar called the Mortgagors) in consideration of the sum of
<br />ty Cr.e thousand i^ree ururec and .~~ col' rs a^d _tot`100----- BCllarsiS'•`^S1,35D,~C^y~1
<br />1loaned to Mortgagors, do hereby grant, bargain, seI( and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha,
<br />Nebraska, (hereinafter tailed " ommercrai"), its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situated in the County of.
<br />State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />---L~ ,._.,2 i9! in _ice~ _<e: :-ei, l'_i~ -... ,,_y.e='t`~ ..---~ :.~~_,icr. ce _..~ :~ _ o:
<br />rard`_s_asc, ::e~rr_~-:Y.---
<br />-0 HAV£ AND TO! HOLD `}±£ ±AhS£ N:~ tfi2 anurtenaaces ihereun',n Seienging, unto Gem,mercia!. its successors and assigns. icrver.
<br />jaid ttr,?~-ate?s her_hy caveia'-t n:^, sa!d Ge^o+erc=a!.:ts s:~rcesso~s and assigns. that "d2rtga~?rs a z larvful'y seized of said oiem!ses. that
<br />m?v are ir;e t; c,cu-winces. and :t_t Me.' w:r i~•ewr ;ea~•a:^'. and efentl the title to sa;d ~rzmises aga,nst'he lawful c'air+s of al! eersons
<br />,~:,;-;can.;.
<br />t'~r@Z~.",2C. ?elt''in2ieSS. d~ese P 2SentS &. OFD;::'he ~. "pwin,~ „^da,':.:.
<br />Tl;at k'fFereaS ate Sa'd ifi rtgTa~::rS 3S T}"hers ~ ... ;,S.Y "-iS d3".? eXec4ted a ne ° 'v!denCing SUCK lean and agr22!ng 20 feDay S31d
<br />sr ..•,aae; x,;^ ,mere . in ,xy-e,~t; as Set !_ri7 >..'d .... _- c aaee ag;end :c a+~de ~ G^e ter°:s ai saiu ?Ste and Charter and By~Laws o?
<br />Tit w1^~rtas u::s mDrtga;e shat; secure any a~~:a~ a ac:a^:a ,.°~" e ?crest !,h,ch .,at~- the at:uaa df %em!~.dre!al be made by Cn~.
<br />c C . ;re vrn~fer>egned ktort~gt=.s ,,, fin ss~.e_s: a -n ... _ ._ , _e .. , ., .+_ ,. , re tAd e!ease and cantetlatien of Ua morgage
<br />tk t PRu1~D£D. HDit£4£R. at m lire sha!! the a„e,ate , ..a.'a^.u :: se:u,h; :.::> marfgagd ~ ~rng the amount hue at any time a, said
<br />s.g!nar aete and ang ad~lif, wM1ai advances m~e. 3xtee an 3svun: eg: a' ' ee!cec; et Ue =_r^unt S# tha ang!oal note, ~;t m no anent Shaft
<br />;aio note atcsYd dFa maz!mum arndu•?*. x*mitted Dy :a'a a.,_ =2~~`~!~~£u HUtS£VER.' a: nSth!ng here,n i.Sntain2d shah he cDnsidared as Fmiting
<br />tae ~au.t ~wi iii be sacured nerety h~nen advarcez t:::.... ?he S__~r':y :.: accSr;;ance w!th covenants cDntarned in the ^ortgage.
<br />ties. ,t 7~ said ~rt~y;s shall ~y ai tause r x ;t:a pe s~~a -: '+S a` ='aneti when aue as set forth m said naK and any ether note fpr
<br />t.t ~ i dos. ,e f..li~ ~ - ti :I ha ~h; 1- ~}hars~, ca ~ M~ 3 n E,ill 2 aatl
<br />„...:ki I, de 3.:11 v~i'13dfDe m3dtt~ ..-. ., .- , . .. _ ,,...... .... .:~ .. _. ..... ....... ...._ _......_.... _ __ ,. - __ _.. ..._ ... __ ......
<br />., i„ 3n} ai ~ paynenIS ~e 3n said aet2- and ~M1y Sher as;-^ *;r add,h_'~nai aavaaces made. as ihere!n agreed to be mad? tar three erentrts. as
<br />., .n saeF:ng t;K +mcraverr~,,ts n sa d pax::ses :nc!?-a = ~^.s; ~SSS by +e25 St `~*e. ~-!ghhring, and oMer ha.arCs ;ntlu~3ed ,r ezle:SCr?
<br />ti.w_„ge 'nssrarDe n ad amou^: n1t !ess than b:e ¢n,~aydyta!ance ,: sa!d '~Srt~ge ;din ~n a cDnpany _r S„span:2s acceptab'e?a Lai,
<br />mex a: dF2 n~~:gma' :* s;,U^. ~ "' R: ~ _ ., tz i_ ; ,k tar _ _ _!. a;:d x;?h a Srrgage ciao>e at;arhed t1 sa~tl ~,:~!r.• ar pciices.
<br />:a !3ru: Sf G~rrr~erc;a+: e'
<br />,.: ire ao~t a' ss~ anC a5>.ss..,=*` '' r _.. _s1,, S ,v ..,. >~>. _ .,: t^!> -.- ~ ^ o---.S,e dF2y a'? tlelt- ,,,2,. ~.
<br />_ +' fi.,_ s 3'y mar?e ,S ~!? „a~2reh~;. ;, fie =3. es _,_ ::artgag2d ~ere,a- ~ ~:e 3 ther ~:+ -gh; „r by -and canbatt, Sr 9y assrgnrent c~f
<br />3nY :ntereSt tRet?Dn a? atFierir:Se;
<br />fizn. ;, 3np of ~ wave seY'srfi eves*.=_. 262 wr,,, .a12Dt~StSS he>edv sea•?,1 shy:.. „t ri~ aFt.,: _+ w....~r ,_ . ;mm~i -+e!y 3eco^' aue and
<br />;:zya~1= Nt cS2'lf ^.'r~kr not: Cy, a.G th2 3IIIDUrt n.!' U^6°• Card nCt2 and Ani t~?':r odic ?ar 3ddi ti;u'idl ad.anC?S lade St':a!i. itC,C ?fie Baia ^i ~e eifaCi S2
<br />Df said ap<!~r: 3.ar interest at 1:r' ^taz mum !ega_: 2te ,r_. ann~,:.. antl Lh!5 -Drtgage .. ay then ~ tnr2ciase:^_ :;? sat;sty N: 3na`nt date a:^, x:,tl .mote, ana
<br />any nowt aofe far add;f+~a`: advance= tagetnes w:t a!! Su?:s ;a.9 Dv Lam-:ercal tSr ,nsurante, ~Xes, a_szss>^.enY ana afiStrac*. extenSun charges
<br />aiffi rnterzst inereDn fray the date ai day^2nt as the maaimur legal :ate.
<br />PROi7DE_, fat !n nD 2VP.".t. >:me; xfse S+ 3iter ue*aal_. saa~' the !merest mre ~ nder said not;' ant: ~!s mn•,ga52 and any ome; Hate ter ad
<br />ddmnai acv~ncas naee exc~^ ae;nax,mnr.° fawns mte%est rate.
<br />t'n!~1?D£Lt h tlRei : ,n fie etcrt .'a, a2fa; ~. --- - -,e ,ar;n; ui ;h= - vm~:is due an sa , ano k, a; y ct*2r nc=te i;;r a~lds+r~ia;
<br />3dvQ^cPs as ma.e.r a~z~ t^ ue :Wads ,r :- ;,2?_,. s t+:: ,es :nsL.ed, as a:n ve ..;:re v ! >ta.~i tr2 °anz „ me o.:yrnest c` mz ~:zes
<br />cs assessrnee , .::e.. ~xDn +s=. ~zm:~-- .,b..,: 1?>_ __ ..__., oar tar Dar e +^,<y ,ve dy aw ,.;:n:;~~, t ..,.. _ _-a~ sha;l he ~Dti2d
<br />.: tn2 .mm~rat2 Fassess,n,. o: rr- ~=^,sas axv~~s:~xc ,.g?~... ., r?,^,ts _,~ee!,s and ss,eS ar!>ingau; PieYre-rsa5 ,.,.,:ay
<br />tR tliSCreti9'1 i1Se f'te ,~i'S S.~ ra' __ .: 'R2'IS ?1eCeS5a"< . ~,.~'_>-.... >>a~:, c,u-"S :;~a^ . ..!52> 3":'3 i~f _ = 'wYc~2nt .~ ! Sui3:1:e
<br />ptemumS-'.P.LeS inn aSSeS'Sr^Cnts JaEln 4JCn Frar^:Sirs. 3n0 iji r:2C2S'3'l' 2XFanS2S !flGtred !n ren?.ng S3!d p,"?{!il'Ses and f.,!12{i:ng festt tt3e{eita," and
<br />t9 appf} Sam.' tX4 Sdid a_te a~'.d an>< »LQ85 ev~d2nL;n2 fi,y,;ra 3dti ores herP~n~ae; unt!! ma ;na2hiv?n?SS 5cC;;:2' !5 fu 1!y ,.a,d: :,~ Idr S:: C1' (~,rTM`S2S,
<br />i3:tbE:rSgne2 dDeS 'FYr;~3} 3 :. a>: ~i. sct „v` e. ~ t ~n>-_: 1 .~ t,u, r„c . a _ ::f >~ L 2t.o t,. a: er~S "s ,u Fi.,€m .nui'v~^ng ~Y land c~uact
<br />paynren;s due ;,taarigage owners D7 3ry attwn ~ncdn,es a'tp t<~Fe wtatsaave~ r , >::,d p , !*} tc 2 , ,,l;ed an the netts a*~v2-dtsei~ben: but sand
<br />r;D}FSiR@tLtal Stia.t ;n n iaSE 7e -.,,5'~2 ~~- t'~P .s :c.._ .... _,. _ iersant, .. _.,';FCt rest :. ~--,;,5_..u... ,,. DPS '.: %eC~ir~: p3SSCSa7Dri :;f Sa;C y*emtseS.
<br />'fhe TdDr'~g=s fu-L+~a apa•a' Cau-w.c„~ . ~t,r^aha icbia>ia 7!2:; a:i.m.. .M1 r,c- ;_v~ng Sa:d aiFarney r>N• rrev~C3D-.y. e:7:er ~^,ts S«n
<br />rime ai lbggagDrs' names tc ~.e au neres~g• sie~ tr tsreSt-ea-:ngs -n ;.sort ea eine;wae t1 ease sa:d, rrmsas tc be vacated- td colt_ctrenia=s
<br />Dr a~fet :i4LDfie5 :tu>`, afl^v gtlen vasan', t::t:°,: ':,f >a.e - . ?.a1. ~-~ 'e35anaD 2 :e;,a-_iS 3:i" ;xi4 .3Y25 '~~r ,. S~:C ;2!tiS. 71 at; iS. t':anT3CI ;taya:en;S pi
<br />mcames ar:d to as al, SIFC!! *3t,nss e!tne` 3q ~ 5 Dwn :'r :P`S Ci _[Y s t,e> _., 1 3rtu _:d anu a;`;+.'nted by !i. as i~ tiger.? t+ Sd.u" ~`iN52, 3i!d
<br />C
<br />iJ L'i{3ige ai jyay 'a ':s'aSQtfaD12 'eC tu+ 5-JCf: SC7 Y}Cei. al! ^, ~~ ark Y° ` h' d~.?ne a! s.:Cn t':'.;eS 392 :r. S:; Ch L"C,^?:P! and f+r? >UCh ffifmS 35 tl th2ti Said
<br />attDmey rFdy S?`[9I' ".fES'., w+tn t71i? }3K2' :~' 53:~^w't:5:i:3*~,
<br />1'•~ :s~ga'S t+eret+y at; ~ ~°. , _,. . a , :^..• .,:,~,,:- y .,, .., u..,a:.!,, ~:a. , -. _.,. u .a^y t;. y sc+! ^ xeea,ng !e!ating
<br />r 2yF2 }}erernDefDr2 3es~ :tFetl rear 2s~x s '.: i? •s ^i..s_ge i;. ,3 , .,.., ..?e> :tn':. thar, _ , e.:: 2 . >_!nta. _ti .....: r,2 tint 'rfer,gagars Ai!)
<br />xtmftu,•se +'.,tarmesc:a~ to- a.' reasanaDw , _s. ._.-.~ *_q ~r?? . _ u s_ ..• ;x ~[:_! .g .. ,_,_ r~:?Her ag:2e Lhai rf st.2 hereinbe*ure
<br />~sest~ rea( ;£ iA ~,r part tAereU' to c;F,~sa~ trine= ~_ :^wa >. ,an=, damn:. ~ > nth„ a,se acpuri~ tar a xdl c nse. ite aanages
<br />twratitEd. the gsa^.ee~ r-af firs Tai.:rg. andsar fie .ans,3_'aL:u~. te, s~cr~~ acGu~srt~dn to UF2 e_3.E=..~+~;` ine fu!! a^SSnt cr ihf cera!n,ng unpa,d !adehte3-
<br />'!Y:S SE*a,RB3 ~ t`u3 kpy7t~age, ~`. &M1M1^s f'ney t~ra'L+~.'' 3F2. a5~ gFt2'a t^ ~Um1iW_i _:ai 8ntl ih•ATh? „+'tr {~{ryy~~n. .v .iT;nnfCl3= tJ ~',h~ a??p I!2if rat aCC Oll:it Di
<br />~ last ~9z:.np sris~llr!f~ts ^i u~ ~+naeDtelrtes5. -
<br />f
<br />,~ ~ _
<br />STATE i}f AtE~tiISKA "'err` .. ..
<br />ss. _
<br />CUUNTV 4F irA;.:.
<br />7~rsii het :ter '°
<br />~F tttis '~' nt ~ _ , sg __ . ~t_re airs a natary a~b!!c in antl fat sa,d L~uniy, personally came
<br />theaf>ave~+wwmed ~~-^y ~:. Eu^haraa a .,iagle ~.es~an __~ ie^z-_ -• ,-:y:., 4 ~_ _,ie _,e,sn:a
<br />~ me ~tf tmawn io be il+e identical person ar t:_,sons wnase name is Dr names rr2 afiiaed ±a ~e abSve mortgage as grantor or grantors and [.hey. he
<br />or sNe, severally atn.~xriedge ~ said instrwnmt a~ bre exeu.~uon~ ~~ e~., y act a d ~d
<br />r~ ' ~5
<br />YYfTNESS my hand and Notarial Seal ttus day and year ins a ve ~~~ ~'~i i < ~ c ~ _
<br />My , um:-rFSSrn'3 ezp.res an the ~ r~ ~ day sf __ G, I_ ~=- ! y y 3 M- t _.
<br />