79-~ ~~6932
<br />F:XTENSIO"7 AGlit{i.MF;N1'
<br />In tonsideration of the extensian of the time c=f l:aym:•nt of the original promissory
<br />note hereinafter describ~S~~~n~le~~ed,_~RK-.p. HEMMINGSEN AND
<br />S~II•~tON A. HEMMINGSEN, ter.~hy co~-rn.int ;u;d agrtrc: to pay to The I'lrsi Natiansl~
<br />$ank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Sehraska, or order, the principal sum of
<br />FORfil-EIGHT THOUSAND AND NOj100--- __-----------"-- --__{$ 48,000.00 ),
<br />together with interest thereon at i2~~ rr cent per annum from the dace hereaf,
<br />such. sum to be payable on_ OCTOBlwR_21,__19fi~, Interest shall Ge payable at maturity
<br />on r)!'TOBER 21, 19$D '
<br />The original principal note in the :amrunt of D`¢RTY-~IGHT THOUSAND AND NO/100----
<br />{$_gp~At1G_00) vas executed and delivered by ih.~ •:::•I~rsigncd under the dace of
<br />M.AY y0~ 1g79 to The First Rational H.i:.k of Grand Island, Grand Island,
<br />llebraska, and vas due and payable on the b da; of NOVEMBER, 1979 together
<br />with Interest at 11 per cent ;er a:~nua and •,rcured lay Reai Estate 2lortgaga
<br />to The First National Bank of Craad Island, .:r.:nd isla.:d, Nibraska, recorded as
<br />Doctunent #79-002$70 in tfie M.:rtkagr ?:c:;;rds of HALL County, NEBRASKA,
<br />The undersigned agrees to pay such extended h:+1:n.e ~E principal of FORTY-EIGHT
<br />TA(3r4,'ll'11~ aura lgOf100------($_48,000.0, i.;,,.ti~i•r with interest thereon at
<br />1~3= per tent rr annum, sircl: print;?~::? a-+.? interE~st to be paya'ale 3r, lawful
<br />money of the I;nited States of America ai Thu Ftc~t Vatio,,al 3nnk of Gran? Island,
<br />Grand island, Nebraska.
<br />Ail of the covenants and agreements in such ori:;ln::l no[r- and the Reai Estate Mortgage
<br />above-described, other than hereinbefore mudifi.~d, shall be and remain unchasit;ed and
<br />in full force and effect dozing such extrndrd ,zri~~d. If default be made in paJ:.enL
<br />of any principal sum, the entire prin.:ipai tip::n 4:•:: i:ztereGt thereon, shall become
<br />immediately due and payable at tho election of ti:~• legaI holder *_hereof,
<br />in further tonsideration of- such extensica of time of payment of such indebtedness.
<br />i hereby ratify and confirm such m.~rtga~,c rcc_ar-i,:i ::~:_ DOCUMENT #79-002$70
<br />in Beal ;:state Mortgage records of _ I'„F;I,I, _ Cuur.iY,_~NFIiR~S~KA _, as
<br />the first mortgage Lien ul;s, the ...;i +rop~rty ..'.•s~rihed therein, and the whole o€
<br />the title theteia as now owned by'-:~,
<br />The undersigned execu:t-s this Ew:.~n~:r+It Arre,m•••:t with rr~f<r,-ace to and on the faith
<br />snd tredlt of their pruptrty, vf~ic?: th<•y nuv nv;; .+r 1:.-c•.r .an 1.+terest In or hereafter
<br />nay atcuire; the exyress inte:.tian taring i.> cl:.:r~•,• :tn.? to tontin::e to charge any and
<br />all A€ sorb property with the paym.•:zt of th<• i:IC;e?zt;'dt~i ss, t ;e payment o€ v'rich is
<br />hrreln extended.
<br />iti tilTk£.SS k'if£R£OF, the undersi;,ncd have here+,nt:+ srt this hands this 22 day of
<br />OCT'O13EER, 1979 ""'-
<br />?~iARIC D. HEA#MTNGSESd "--
<br />SHARON A. ~HEtSrilld~~5~'2J----
<br />STATf OF ~$. + K_A )
<br />)55.
<br />Ci31.'#3'*Y OF HAi,L 3
<br />On this 22 das~ of OCTOBER, 1979 l,of;,r, re, the unir:si33nod a Notar pP ~,1i~
<br />in and for HALL _~j~y, persrnally +-ami• MARK D. HEMMINGSE~I AND S13AFtC~N A:
<br />H~AIGSEN. HUSBAND 5 personally l~novn to uc to :.c the ide:;tical persons vhase natees
<br />are of€ixed ts} tkt above and foregciatg Extens#.•a ;,I;rccment as makers, and they
<br />acinswledged said instrand the exetutinn then-.af to he their voluntary act and
<br />d~-ed for the purpose th+te~i~3~ss,
<br />_,e-~-~.,, _ ~cr. .
<br />1K TEST1Mt1AtY 'itiiF~'" I ~v~~ to atijp~i my ?..u;.? and aE: ?rial seal at _ ~~t~ND
<br />iSLANHi 2d i7~,~sE y and 7 •ar List above written.
<br />icy ccuastissio-~ ~` ~e ~~f ' `f1~Y ,s~~;i ,l '~ ,'~t~~L' i -'~
<br />~~ ~~~ ~ ~ t ~ `l Nai~ry Public
<br />a g~
<br />~AdElACi: ~r - .dG~---
<br />..~,~~~ peg, d Dbsd~
<br />