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<br /> ~tUFtTt:At:r
<br /> MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23,594
<br /> KNOW ALL MF'-N 8Y rlllSr.PRESI:Ir"t'S: 77sat K. Thomas Purdy and 4ari lyn J. PuAy, each in his and
<br /> her own right, and as spouse of each, other.
<br />
<br />
<br /> Q ~ Mortgagor, whether cite or more, in coPudeeaticm of thy' mziQn of
<br /> i n'y fi_v _Thousand and_NoLl _
<br /> tX)LLARS
<br /> kianrd to said rrtorttagor by The F: quitablc landing zero Lorain A-variation of Grand Island, NebraAa. Mortgagee, upon 950 shares of stock of
<br /> said AS.SO CIA110N, Certificatr No, 1. 2,' ~94
<br /> de do hereby buret, tnnvey and mortr a unto. the said ASSOCIATION the fonowing
<br /> scribed real rxtatr, sirua;ed if) hall County, : c o94
<br />
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<br /> together with aN the tenements, hetediuments slid appuInerunccx tlrercurflo belonnging including attached floor caveritrrT, all window scxrens,
<br /> window shsd:-s, bl.iads, storm windows. awnings, tarat°ns, air oundittoning, and plumbing and water oquipment std accessories thereto, pumps, stoves,
<br /> refrigrr2iof s, and other fixtures and egvip runt now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate.
<br /> And whereas the said mortgago. hat agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgapm shall and will pay all taxes and mrstmients levied or
<br /> aw- ed upon said premises and upon this mor•tprge and the bond secured thereby before the sasrte slut! become delinquent; to furnish approved,
<br /> inscrran-ze upon the buddirgs on said ptcmisrs sitmted in the sum of S 95, 000.00. payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br /> A,S.S(x'lA 10.0 thy: taiicii s for said insurance. and not to commit of permit any waste an or about said premises;
<br /> In case of driaolt ki the perfomuince of any of the ser,;ns and conditions of this mortgage or the bond sectored hereby, the mortyag:+e shall,
<br /> on ck toand, be entitled -o itrntmcliate pciswmon of the monga ed premises and :hc mortgagor hereby asaifptms; tnuufets and sets over to, the,
<br /> nwingagcr all the rents, twenties and incnnne, to be rkrived ficmt the mortgaged premises duruog such tune as the ortgage indebtedaeaa shall remain
<br /> unitatd; and the morogagee stall have the pourer to appoint any agent or tipwis it may desire for the purpose of repairing said premises sad renting
<br /> the =mr: and collecting the rents, teventws and incorm. and it nuy pay out of ,ald Woome all expemrs of repairing said premises; ,and necemry
<br /> mmminions and expert". incurred m renting and managing the same and of co1kcting rentals therefmm'. the hala im tem.tieth%& if any, to be
<br /> applied urerud the d=harge of said rrtortpxge indebtedmu; theta•rightts of the mortgagee msy be e7tetcL*tl at, any time duritog the existence of atcis
<br /> default, irrespeclive of any Icari oc try waives of the same.
<br /> Thrse t'rcients, howrvet, are upon the Condition. That if the said NottgWor shall repro said bap on or before the maturity of said shares by
<br /> payment; Fay ninthly to said A&SOC:IA17104 of the sun, specified in the Plund secured hereby as interest amt principal on said loan, on or before
<br /> the Tweatrcth day of each and ever, month. until said loan a folly paid pay 0. taxes "ss~~^.ts levkd agunat said peemi es A04 on this Mortgage
<br /> and the Grind wc-ured thrrrhy, before delinque"ok. furnish approved innsran a upon the bur7dinpt thereon in the sum of S 95,000... 00 p'yahk
<br /> to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand ar. nnarwy by it paid for such taxes, assessments and insurance with interest at
<br /> the maximum legal rack thereon from date of payment all of which Mortgargor hereby agrees to pay; permit no waste an said premises: keep and comply
<br /> with all the abareenw-nis and conditions of th- frond for S 95 ,000 , O()h# e:xy given by the said blortpgor to st"d ASSOCIAnON, atwl dimply
<br /> with aiT the reguiretnents of the Co tstitxrtian and By-taros of said AS.SC. A'o"IC)N: thtc these is shall become null and woad; athervwise tisey
<br /> shall rerry in in full force and may be forec3ased at tilt option or tl;e said ;sso cixrtON after failure for three months to make any of said
<br /> paynx ms o,, be. three nsonths in arrears in taking sagl tact nthty payments, n r to keep and crmipiy with the agreements and conditions of said Bond;
<br /> and. MartpVm agrees to have a reox-ivrrr appointed forthwith in such foyer cisure proceeding
<br /> If there is any c hm-,Lv in owrsrtsMp of the read estate rtsort4 red herein, by sale or othersw rc, there the entire temainkc indebtedness hereby
<br /> secured shalt. at tore option of The Egizimble Building and lt,..w Association of Grand Islmrd,NebnuS= become itnns^diately due ant` unyahie without
<br /> t
<br /> .urthe► noire, and the amount rernairwix due under raid bond, and any other bond for any addit;anai advances made thereueseltr, r3all, from the
<br /> date of cxetcirse of said optian,'rxsr interest at the mxxiftum kJ rate; and this T1)wt9age nyry theta be formdoascd to satisfy the arrrovnt due on said
<br /> ho, nd, and any other bond for additional advartxs, together with all sutra pai•,I by said 7'he Eger ubk Building and Goan Assotiatit,r •v Grand Island.
<br /> Nebra*3 for irnurance, takes Ynd assxss-rtrents, and abstracting extension. charp~s, with interest thereon, from date of p ryrrxnt a e the nnaxintum
<br /> legal cart..
<br /> As poor ded its the Bc~r.d secured hereby, while this mr)-i jaxe retrains in effect tlu: rtnottMee may hereafter advance additional sums to the
<br /> makers of raid &md, their auil ns c: suerszoxx in interest, whs.:lt sums -Rail be within the security of this mortgage tic spine as the fluids originany
<br /> sc,vmd thereby, the tots} amount of prurcip:d •kbt not. to a-:r,cd at any time the origiraal amt mt or this mMgMe:
<br /> rwed this 1.90 dayl of October A. D_, ig 79
<br /> r K. Thomas ,Purdy
<br /> M ari1 n J. FIurdy
<br /> a-xAT.F aF*lERstASt:A.
<br /> COUN"IY OF HALL on oxis 19th day of October 1979
<br /> before ere,
<br /> the und-si&td. a Notary tbblit in and for said Court r
<br /> . T htyTlr2 5 Purdy h', pr 'w,anativ carpe
<br /> s6tia 1 s per:cmutty kXKMWn to
<br /> case to be 1!w irkntical person whow AMC 1 S affixed to the above instrtrxaent as mortggor rod he
<br /> rrc9,wWr--dg<C thr sabit imirumem to '4n his val'staury act and decd.
<br /> WITI IM my hand sad T3otzrisl Scat the daft aforesaid :l
<br /> My C +rrirr ~sanrrr capitol /f fj
<br /> tt.~,cu stn ~"P„bbt
<br />