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52% <br />I <br />,, _ _. <br />L ESTAI"E MORTGAGE-Tax Clause (Revised 1962) The t+ifm.,n Gm ,+ S~ppiy tf laneo!n N hr_ <br />~KIvOFir ALI, A4EN 3Y 'THESE PRESENTS: THAT I or EVE, <br />DOUBLE CROWN MOBELE AOME SALES, INC. <br />+af Hall County and State cf Nebrask8 in --,n~-~d-err i,~,n of th ~•..t+t - - <br />I a, ,,, c , ,. , ., . tt nI <br />~ SEVEN THOUSAND SIX RUNDRED FIFTY ($7,650.00)---------°---------..------ DOLLAI',S <br />;n hc+nd paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto <br />GOLDEN VIKII~, INC. <br />- (rAOTtgxgee), <br />of H81i County, and Slate of Nebraska ,the, ioilusa~ing describe.-] premises <br />situated in Hali Couniv, and State of Nebraska to-+sit: <br />i <br />I <br />LOT FIFTY-t?NE (513 IN LE HEIGHTS FOURTH SJBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NE$RASF,A. <br />i, <br />i <br />{ <br />i <br />{ <br />3'Se inuntica~ '_sein~ to canvc•y hemby° an aba htte +. itie in fe4• simple includin all the rights ni hum.^sx,a.i end dox~er. <br />TO H?sl'E AND Ti7 HOLD !3>e urr?mise: atx>.A de-rit~d, a.;ih alt the appurirrnn+-.•. ti:a•t*~unt+.+ tw,}:+nt;'icX unto lire said <br />mnrtE~ee nr me+ric^a~e~ :tnd 2a hi:, he: or Lheiz ;teim and a~i~ fen•.~er, pma~ided aluacs, and eh.~~ 7~rr~•nl: err upon t}!e <br />ex~-ess aemdiiioa That if rtre said mo^~^a~nnr er murt~a~.aes. him her or Their heitr. a•sati-uwre, siminiat ratuev ,,r a~.sign~ shat{ pay <br />nr cause it> bt paid tai the said morfra~ or aorteagees and tai hi;, Tree or i2teir heir, exri stars. aiiminitraton or ac i>,ms, the. <br />sum iti SITYEN THOUS SIX FIUADRED FIFTY ($i,b50.003-_-_-_--_. Ik+7tat~. t=a}~shie as fc+Ifowss to-Hit: <br />Payable Febraary 15, 1580* ply interest. <br />Iatereat to begin Oetober 16, 1979, <br />with interest themtut at iU per rear per annum, pa}-able at•a~3aiing t.+ the rota:: and effei•i o€ the i <br />- pttamissan~ nn:e xzth Tole,-a:si mupoas atta,~,ed t,f :said ASartg-.tears, bearing e.~r~c uata~ wi;t; ih,me Presents, and <br />rhait pay a1 to:es, snd soy interel an, ijr maturing ia>tatimrnts of Pritmipa7, da:-• isn am~ pour n::*rt„.-s;;a• stxi ac~'~:aneata <br />':- Irvied upoa said rea3 eatafe sno a1 •iher taxis. ?_•: i>~ and ass r..srixnts levtcd upon LEES m,?rtgtue „r Ihr note which this { !: <br />a'e i> gi+rn to secure. t>efu+e the sa_rnr t,.-~vm~ detinryueat a~ keep the twtld=rt,g; u; ;<atd y,r+•m..r; tn_cund tar the sum t <br />- ;~ . Imo, i any, payai%e to ~t>~ tint tamr;g ag. __ ~xt thhis tnor~agx, n.- !u?:_ t*+.-n ~4.•.,u pn~isis 1•.e void. <br />utl~rw~ to ~ ~ tz•,tnsia in ftali fnrre. ~ <br />iT IS Y't'F{TfIEFt AGREEi3 t 11 7`hat xf t_}xr said aton.€-a~±.r s}3afi fsil to {utt• etc?: taxs~ stv§ ca~tt ia:3 rev? on. or maturing t <br />its ~ priari;sal., dui :.n any ptiar tn.+arfgagr and i>rcr•zt ra srneh iasatru: Y. t6et t1 ra~;n_aa.•r :=tas t+ati ~su.h taxes snd ~ . <br />i twdt istrrera om, ar atatutitt~~ itu--"----ts ut principal, dve o? oteh pricer rasartggae and Fnk ,tie ::uc#t i ~cu ranee; arul the wag + <br />- ~ $ -'-----' aritL iat~rest at ame per a'vrt~ :1sa?i tsz paw ~• paid mortgsgor, arx3 t3rec ztm rye ~sIi ~,axad a3 ~csxritr for the # <br />- ~a°°} i°amt : ~,rrs• ts+ pa,v anY ~ aawi ~,r>es_ eit~r pnu~pat e,r int.-•~ eta tiffs itr and ,>-.'ss~: tuiaar m. s'tx~«, ,rhe^n the j <br />i xas~e }aa~ dt~ tm s failure tc ccwa~y wirh soy nt tar taregnirg agtc~attrats, sitsi7 pause- t3sr ..F-dr• nr;-m ::: nst•nty ts+•rein ~ . <br />stscsired 's ~e due and aall~tcta'ttie at :,.bv at the 3pticsn sef Lyx marigsga.e- <br />IT t5 Ft?ItT11Eit AGRE£I) That saw rnaxrt&ar-ae. peed zrr, f+:.rec3lature cw# this martgsgr and stt+. r .9c~-rt•e snd pending ' <br />>~S t3serean or appem! tix•re~mm and pending sale c;f pxs-seises me"ng,•agad. may ;w3' sas:-h seers ami maturta} ,arr re st or matur~ y <br />! iris tamalitnr~tx of prta~npai, :sn priiu mcartgsy:<e., pmtztr~ ew4h iNCras~^e and tix~ ;ur, : aftall M aikt.t•1 :x: th.~ amount dtee on I. <br />dersee sad cspcmm avifirraatxxn ei t,ale 6r i1a• tx+un .,n3prx+d tat err ;wt cu tat<.i-•e=d„ <~t sale-, c.r tf r~.i -rite<-3 during stay. apyxsi '. <br />' eer aa1e. auc3t amcatntn shall hr rc,lka^.rd the sarne• as th!v;;gh it sere a ytan c,t era. k: da irre . <br />SiSneai thin 1r day cd ,.: +fG' ~ Lt tQ ^e ' yr <br />,, la -xne+racx cd 1 <br />} t ~ <br />} ___.._~a"~'.~ _t~?'~~~_ DQS1~1.~.~ 1~191i.~ Ft0?~E_SA1.ESy IHC <br /> <br />SPnYd'E OF_. $ds~3_, .._- _ __ ._ - _ .. 14vtnir of Hail.. <br />a ttcdary gttaIiitad for said rounntp, perxomaly ~ Willitam A. Shaffe3 , StscrettY9_ <br />2Ypastarer of Daabla CraKn liabiis Htt~a Sales, Inc. <br />l:tiena m tm m lie d+e idGeatroeal ~ pe~soas ado aigaed the $ux~oiag insttvmrnt atnd aCtttww7cY7gul the execution <br />facaeaf 6o he hi$, her ~or tsair tuiuatary art atxd .L_ /, <br />- - ~t€." 3t~ ~ *1Y1 ~- - - ., , ti"G?,~!' 2A / O S '4 t t ._.- t is :' <br />~ aaiemsi~i!ea t __ ~~.iix~.__,_C-2 . ISa~1.. .. ,fl".~~~--. .. MY Coctrn, f_iiG 12.1 1 <br />',~ 8'!'1-T$ ~`.__._..._._._-._...~-_,~.-~-,.,._.__._._._.._ 1 ~ F.Ittered on .stitnerical index and Sled for record <br />!.. ---- - -- ~..._~._. ~ in the Register of I?eeda OlhCe oI said Cuuaty the <br />f --•--- ..a'ohr]t snd.._........_..._.......__„minutes .._..._.-----.-M•.., <br />smd- r~dad le Hash_.__.__.___._..~_...~aL_----•-°--__.....___at psge........._.._._.-------_.--.---___. !, <br />13y....._. ______-._ <br />Reg. of Reeds <br />_...__.._ ... .Deputyi <br />