~~_. O~)692~ Rii1101~TGA-G E
<br />THIS INDENTURE, wade this 19th day o{ OcLObei {9 ~~ by and between
<br />_ ,3auglas L. Adler and Janice R. Adler, husband and Fiie. each in his and her own right
<br />and as spouse of the other,
<br />~ Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, as mortgagor s ,and Grand Island Truce Campam~ o{ Grand Island, a wrposata>n
<br />argani~'d and errsling undue the Iaws of Netuasica with its grincipel office a~ puce of business at Grand 2sland, Nebraska, as mortgagee;
<br />WITNESSETH: Thtt said mortgagar_;t.. ,far sad in consideration of the sum of
<br />**i`our Thousand One Hundred Eighty-eight and HoflOflihs**' "Y%~"~;'Ig~~^D~~___i
<br />the receipt of whie~ is hereby acknowledged, do _ by these presents mortgage and warrant unto~saide? its suois end assigns,
<br />forever, sll the folbaviag dascr36ed real estatx, situated in the County of Iial I - - .. . , -. ..
<br />and State ai Nebraska, to-rrit:
<br />tEF~
<br />` Lot Three ('l) in Block One (11 in Test Bel Air Addition
<br />to the Litt' of Grand island, Fall County, \ehraska.
<br />f
<br />f
<br />r
<br />4bgsier witL tell Lasting. au mnditioaamg. tigliEang. rod pbambing egaipmart noel fnctueea, including arma9. awnings. scum .rmdowa and
<br />$saes, noel a~dow er bTmda, asst{ os or in mnnarlion wgh said property, wheclrr tLe same aer, awc betted as said pn,~erty ~ hamfter
<br />4'I1 HAYS AND To HQLi? TH£ GA YF, tegKLe< with aB and ~tgular the taoemeats. haeoumenp sad appunraaotea thesennto be•
<br />fsgSaC• a is anyase appmtaoiog, beep, and .arrant the tit3e ro the smr. Said margsgty ~ _. hereby oovenans ~~ with acid
<br />asett~tee tint -~_ ice ! SSe , u the delivery hereof, she Lerful owam~-_s-_ ~ tLa prises abrnY omveped and daseiEsd.
<br />aoc are staset ad a gaud and inde:£eaable trtate of ink thesam, Bee end clear o s3 etscsssmDtatars, end tLat ~ ha?! wt71
<br />searssat sad de3emd the title i6sato fnevu tgsinst she r}s>ma and dew of erg persms srLoeeeeaaver.
<br />PBDY'IDE9 ALWAYS. and tLis ~trsnmat is eaentted sad deliaaed to aetvre the payaewss of the seun+of ---_ _
<br />**I;our Thuttsard fine Hundred Eighty-e2~tt and ;n~Jflths**p~tt -S•.i$3.iJ~, 1.
<br />viti ieiaest cloaca. tagatlnr wY,L aacL cLsrgea a~ adva~ as meCv be doe and paya63e b said arortgsgar under t!r terms sod aooditioas
<br />of sic peaeeaaaary acre of eve dare Laiewith noel sued >xa:Ly, r:eentrd by xid saoatgayor s to said asoctg+sgee. Pal+abls ~ ar~r~sad
<br />anid watrs, and tasmete tLe ~ of aIi the tarrm asd coeditiona contained t'.hnein- The nrsas of sid nezta ass heraLy iatvrpsarasad
<br />haeai Lt' tiia taieraem_
<br />h u sic iotaasioe aid a~geeamaeeted tba partim Lreta tLat this eanrtgage shaIl oho seersv anF fansee aehantoa scads to sale! nasst,;agar5-
<br />i!said sseLpagas, and tray and sIl ~eLepdnaas is adtiitiao to tier amasms above stated whirl. said saoetgagars, or amp of than. met' .are r~
<br />said msipigen, iowaa+s evedeeesad. v.Aacier by men, hook atxmunt or atiaes-ise. TLis aeongage shall remain in fnU force and effect betsxae
<br />tLe patsis Leans aed rhea htaea, persmnl rgxsmiatlves, auaaaama aesd asaigaa, anti! a!I answnss secured hereetnd~, including forum
<br />adsa~e, rre pod m itsC sritle itaeeaet.
<br />TYe miaerns hereby assign _ to etid asorsgayae all cents and imo®e sr»issg at nay and aII times from said peoperiy and
<br />LaaLy a~i~u and avspegae Q its sgamt, at its e}ttim. opoe detasttt, to talm e3arge of said ?eapaety and ct+-eet aIi xeats and ineoane
<br />smd '.'ia ssme m ttr y-st~ae aI i~eai.. priar.~ai, iaasrasr pre>a~ titiSa. eras, 16priiiE arunprevasasss
<br />aeeramy ra lzep scud pmpwty mm taeasuh3e condititm., or to oth~r'c~8as ~ payi~ta provided ice herein or zn the mk+ hervlrv secured. This
<br />a~ asai~i ~ altaoe utrsd tLn.u~yd 6aLr®af said acre is fuI$ paid- TLe taicmg of passeass:n Leneusdm s1r71 in ao manner
<br />. pnewiR R eata+ii acid neaekpps its ~ teeYautien of raid ads Lq iaado~e err art.~stiria.
<br />The taelre aQ tar astgaps to asst ssty d its rite ?~mtkr st anp time shall rot be rnimrrsred as • salvo of its right to aeaest the
<br />scan g ~ iarit tiara lad to ie~. ~ sad a~ae rtsics mimplrwz roit6 sffi the items sad pcoatisieaa ~ scud mtc sod of this mortgage.
<br />Hind masCdaym' S shs8 cocas W ha paid to saiet the canoe asmems drae ii heretmdr~, earl Hider the teems earl provisions
<br />d sod scorn Iaashq stsrwd, iarh~ag listens advaaraa, sad nay eatensioos err reoewala thacoi in aoenrdanex with the terms sad provisions
<br />tlraaai, rand iI acid -+~--chalk ~7 +ith aB the provisiom d acid Bete and ~ Chic , rhos tLeae ptaaeats aball 6e void:
<br />eLirAis_atma~lni~~i~iaed.~tt adaaidin!besst3tkd ie tie.pr~coea eef sEl nr sold {~'sY, eertd nay. at i*s apr-bn,
<br />dedwe ipt adledte a[ oriel ~ asd ~ 9Adebgdwa tadweaeesed ~J to he itemadatalp doe and payabke, aed trop 6wecioce this arortgage
<br />s enir sp eliar,lgai att3tes to pee6se+t #a ~• seeoeat saixd.
<br />79du>•ee~e alri bn kiadiegaepeeea agek atadi e+asa to the heeafit of the kn'sa, asseumrs, adees®iaratees. s+x:txaaors end aeeiges o{ the
<br />ieeato.
<br />- ate. ~ -. quid lfoE~gor.--~_ ~..~haeauato set .r.~ Lnad ~.~ tLa day sad S'~sr first abrne
<br />l la L.. Adler
<br />421G~2~ ~ D,L..
<br />ice R. Seller
<br />