' i 53-A-''RE}EAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-With Tax Clause (Revised '1962) Haftman and Felton 8 Woif, Wahon. Ne 68461_ ~
<br />~~v~ ~
<br />I KNOW ALL b3E:V BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Daniel A. Wenzl and Judy K, Wenzl, husband and
<br />i wife, as joint tenants with right of survivorship, each in their own rights and as spou
<br />-- ~~ Of the Cther (Afortgagor )
<br />~; f of hall County, and State of Nebraska --=in consideration of the sum of
<br />111 Fifty Thousand and no/100 ----°--------------------------------- -DOLLARS
<br />is hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto Commercial National Bank s Trust Co.
<br />(Mortgagee }
<br />~ Hall County, and State of Nebraska the- following described premises
<br />s:*uated in Hall County, and State of Nebraska to-wit: Lot One (1} in
<br />Block Three (3} Colonial Estates Subdivision, City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />In the event the title to said real estate is transferre3 or contracted to be trans£erre
<br />froast the under:,aid for any reason or by any method whatsoever, the entire principal sum
<br />and accraed interest shall at once become due and payable at the election of the holder
<br />hereof. Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of title as above stated it
<br />one instance shall not canstitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the
<br />e~stt of any subseciuert transfer.
<br />The intention heiag 30 oonvey hereby an absolute title in fee si mPle including alt the rights of homestead and dove ez.
<br />} TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises shave descrih ed. with all the aPpurtenantes thereunto belonging :enW the
<br />said murSSagcje and to its heirs amt assigns, foreyrr. prrnided alwa}s, and these present; arr upon the ezprctia
<br />oonditian Naar if the afore.¢aid marieagor their heirs, ezeccrtors• adm;n;errr.Yors ar asign: shall pay or cause to 6e
<br />j paid to She said nr!.rtgagee lts heirs, ezecuWr~ administrators ar assigns, the sum of Fifty Thousand and
<br />3 zxij300 ---------- -----------•-----
<br />----IT57lar~, paYablerla~
<br />9rvmcxxxxbocxx~~tapt -
<br />`x~tx
<br />i
<br />i
<br />~ 1't1r7IXXX7UtxXXX~'3[Jt
<br />1 with iatereat t}.ereaa payaSle xit~6Yi~tail aitainding W Lhe tenor 8rd effect tlf
<br />a rxrtain pecrariasory aote~4LTdt or notes of said Daniel A. Wenzl and Judy K, iaestzl dated 1RJ10j79
<br />s ar as such note or antes may be frr~ time to time modified, renewed or extended in tnriti
<br />asd shall P$y all fazes and iMeaRneSrb levied upon said real estate, and all other fazes,
<br />1~ °ieg gnat ar~rasmeats levied upon this nxirtsage or Lhe nrrle which this mozrgage is gives W secure. before the same beco:nn
<br />ddia4semt, arsld ketP tt>• hui3diags on said prc.miaca ituarzed for the sum arf S 50,000.0© la>, if any, payable W
<br />ttee amid saat3gagc~e, Yleen these prrsertfz to he tasid, ather•wsse to he and remavt in full farce.
<br />IT 15 FL'R7'HER AGREED (I) That i! the said mortgaFut shall tail to pa-v isyc2r tazrs oe procctre such inauratere, the
<br />acid raorraAgae may pey such faze sad prontrc sorb itieliraaCe: and the sum so advanced, ccitL intezest At 12.50 per cent
<br />a6ail be Pad by sad mnrtga~r, and this ~.rtgaae shall sta~cl ~ aenir'tty for the ssace. ;27 That a failure W pay asy of saa3
<br />j moarg, either principal ar iatrresl when the same betceeses due, nr a failure to comply with any of the faregais;g sgreemeeta„
<br />ahaH esuae ~' a wok suea ~ nwnc~t• herein yecu.rod W- 4~snc due sod cdiArtitd~e at once ai the option of the mortgagee.
<br />} Saened stns i3th day of October , IH 7! .
<br />i
<br />{ - _ Daniel A. itenzi
<br />-r~ -- - -. .. .__.._ - - __~- - - '--..
<br />='~~:r .r.._..K-.... _`"'~~s-'eL-.et."z_.~..-r?~t_~ .. _. _ ; ..y}~`L'` ..._<°~ _.,.~~i..~t ~.. _._ _. _ .. .... - .__.
<br />Cftidy Wenzt I
<br />ST~1Tl5 UF-.__FebTB&1ca ----.... _._..._. _ - Coumry of Ha31_..- ---- ---------°--
<br />8atore are, a aotaty prthlic tlrraii5iail for said c unay pea t y c$me ,~,ici A. Wenzl and Judy K. iienzl
<br />kawrs tB as isr be ~' a hlesrical perwu ar pe:rema w~ Wined flee foregoutg ;~~ .++a*.r am3 aclmowle,dged the ezetsttiaa
<br />thmeaf is lee lda, Ler es Yheir wtuatarq .set sad deed.
<br />YYnaaaa RS9 1+ -~._._._-._ .. -~ - -. 19.79_._._
<br />_ ..
<br />- ~ _. ~~ ._..NotarY Public.
<br />7e1ty S._- - --`D-..__..
<br />'8Td1$ OF __._-.-_._.,.. _.._.. _____. Entered on numerical imlez std filed for record
<br />_ as
<br />~~ _..,-._._. .,..~,~.,~.._..._ ut the Dater of Deeds Offix of said Couatp the
<br />--^-^_--.---84Y ~ ____..._.. 1(1_.-~ ~,.._.~._..-.___~'dodc emf....---•--..._....._..arlnutae _.._.....----.--...M.,
<br />ad :eooedea ~ Rnak. nr .._._..._.._...ac pa~a_.___---_---__.._........
<br />__.,_..._-.. -~-~~-------~~__.._.._.._-...--- --..Reg. of ;weds
<br />By_...._ _._....._- ----....._._...___..._.._....._............_.....___..Depr,ty
<br />