<br />3_
<br />(Open-End: To Secure Present and Future Obligations and Advances)
<br />Date October 2, 197° ~-
<br />Douglas E. Harrington and Jolyne K. Harrington, Husband and Wife
<br />Mortgagor (s),
<br />of Ha11 County, ~Tahraska , in
<br />- eonsvierstion of the advance of the princrpal sum retired in the note hereinafter described and in consideration of future -
<br />advances made by mortgagee to mortgagor(s) or any of them as hereinafter provided, hereby mortgages and conveys to:
<br />Cbt~rcial_ Nati nty3] Rank ~ T,-„Gr, Grand Island, Nebraska Production Credit Association,
<br />whoss prhtcipal office is at 3~3 ru + z ,t,--~ a r ~~ _ ,Nebraska, Mortgagee,
<br />- the foliawing described real property in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />subject to oil, gas, and miners! rights owned by parties ether than Mortgagor(s); existing easements of record:
<br />reservations in united States and Stets patents: and the rights of the public in sit highways:
<br />The Northwest Quarter {N.W. ta) o£ Section 20-9-I2, W. o£ bth P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />li
<br />tptrtaitstg 15O acres more Or lass, according io Government survey; together with a!1 of the rght, title. and
<br />- - irit~t of the Mortgagorls) in seal i> now owned, or hereafter a,^quired. and including ail buildings and
<br />! impratrpriterrts rtarrsr on, or hereafter placed upon, said real oroperty: including also ail water, irrigation, and drainage
<br />rte- _
<br />This mortgage is groerr m secure:
<br />lal A ptorniuory note ~ Z ' 1~ given by Nlorigagorfsi to tVl
<br />in the principal sum of~=:,ia ottsa'>+ia van gundred-F'irty r ddb, 750.) - DOLE AqS.
<br />payable nrirUe interest accwdirtg to the terms of said note and any instruments taken in refinancing, extending, or
<br />tanewe+g acid etMebnldness early part thereof;
<br />tbl 1lrY future advance{s>. with interest. whccf+ may ba made from time to tuna by Mangagee. at its option. to
<br />iRaetgagor(sl, a any of tfrem or tttar s~xessors m title. for any purpose in any amount or amounts. provided.
<br />fio+rvsvsr. that srrcl: future and additional advance(s) slwli be m limited that the iota! principal amounts ouistartdrrrg
<br />at any one time shaft Hat a:cored tfte sum of Fr-., _ .. ~,w,.,,n ~.,a r4,.er a, ,,.a~sa r - c ~ DOLLARS.
<br />and ltrwiried furUrar the futons edvarres(s) so made shag be payable in aceardartce tviM the terms of a promissory
<br />Hera ar notes vrrlridr may be taken to evirierxx such advance(s) or any part rlrerreaf,(Ttte optional advance(s) herein
<br />atrtltw'itad shah be coved sdditia~rtal to the adwrrcals) hereinafter svthawuad to be matte by the Mortgagee far
<br />tfts protaC[ran a# the secrity or iMortgagee a interest thnreirr.)
<br />Thin anortgape to 6e void often the payment in ftrg wiUt interest of any obligations. Present or future. secured or to be
<br />asrrsad hereby.
<br />The )1ltortgagordsl, crud aeM of tttertr, f++*ebb warrant(sl ttutt they are fee owners o} the mortgaged real property; that
<br />tissf >rri dsferrd the titer against ail cia:~rrarrts whommever: and they relinquish all rights of homestead in said premises,
<br />and otrra:rartt and agree with Ufa Mortgagee as follavvs:
<br />df i To pay vvltetr due a>! texas, bans. judgments. or assessments whr;h may ire tavvfully assessed against the Property
<br />ltsrain mortgtrged, sad rite rental charges upon any teases assigned as additional security for this mortgage.
<br />S?J Ta irraute and lmep insured 6uildargs drat ether unpratramants now on or which may fureafter tae placed on said
<br />psats"sas tit the alisiractiorr of the #6ortgagse. Any pplicry evidartciry such inwtance shall be endorsed with a mortgage
<br />tisaraa, approva6 fry and er favor of M and deposited with, loss thereunder to be payable to. Mortgagee as its
<br />i maY AS Ura off.,; r~agar{si- artd svb~t to g~aral regntations of the Farm Credit
<br />Athaits~imt. sums ao rau:e~d try Mortgagee may tra used to pay for retartstructron of the destroyed improvement(s);
<br />~. Ueot sa . may, at Ura option a# irlctrtgagee, be applied in payment of any indebtedness, matured or unmatured.
<br />aswrad by this mortgage,.
<br />i33 To IceeP atI brnid'vags occupied artd in good nepaR, snit to refrain from the cammrssion of any acts of removal.
<br />dsat+a~ifion ar irt+ptimtant thereof, not m tut w remove, or Hermit to be cut or removed. any wood or timber from said
<br />mat 1Y, and trr r.~ortxrtit or perms no atraste w utrpsirrttant of the vahto of this security; to coniinuous3y Practice
<br />appttrved rnsUsods W famdetp ort said lands. ttr protrent erasion acrd ttta spread of noxrous artd damaging weeds. and to
<br />pt:aerva tree fattiitY of Use sad.
<br />j+E) T1stR is Hse event Martgsgordsi laitlsi to pay when due any taxes. rental charges upon any leases assigned as
<br />adidemi sscurRy fan tl~ ttteregaga. iieets, judgments, or aaaessmerrts lawfully assessed against Ufa property herein
<br />a~fs~Ksj ~ mai.rtpn irtarlpnce as heranbefara provrdod. Mortgagee may make such payment or provide
<br />alteh atw rive amorsetisi paid Utanrfo- siuN became a part of the indebtedness secured hereby, due and
<br />p~tlbie3snaasdiaaty,;tatd aftaN beu 6rta»si # tlw aurr~+t rata of the Mortgagee et the time rite Mangagee makes such
<br />flay~•
<br />~ plat in trbe atraru Metoe~si d~rth.fsi in tare peymrtt of said principal wm, or in the repayment of any additional
<br />aarAs>s-dwairi pvatrided, er of say iritersathsraon. a tlb time tnfren the saute shah be due. or with respe.t to
<br />say r~o~mt w tmatFalosr istseof, thaw. ae fire option of Mortgagee, the entire indebtedness secured hereby shall
<br />faeganridi la~arwa drrs and payalaia. shelf bauitstsrsst attire currant rate of the Mortgagee on the date of the default, and
<br />the dMos~se may it f this mprtgaga or pursue any otttar available legal mrrrady. In the avant of any
<br />tw~Y+ga by i~ae LO ~~rx eo9ection at the rnortgaQQss debt, the Mortgagar(sl agreaCst that any expense incurred to
<br />or ~> of title rdtag. tvftan paid by Mortgagee. ftecome a part of the debt natured hereby, and shall
<br />lie paftt by t(et'm9ethe- veith ag of ttse taxable costs of such action.
<br />
<br />