<br />
<br />3. The mortgagor cosenants and agrees that i( he shall tai: to pay acid indebtedne<e or aety part thereof uhrn
<br />duy or shall tail to perform any covenant or agreement of this instrument or the promissory note secured hereby, the
<br />entire indebtedness hereby secured shall immediately become due, payable, and collectible without notice, at the
<br />option of the mortgagee or assigns, regardte_cs of maturity, and the mortgagee or his assigns may before or after entry
<br />sell said property without appraisement +the moriga};or having waived and assigned to the mortgagee x11 rights of
<br />appraisement j
<br />i t j at jadicia! sale pursuant to the provisions. of 28 C ~.1:. _^t101 ~ a a : ur
<br />tit) at tbt option of the mortgagee, tither by auction or by solicitation of staled bids, for the highest and
<br />Lent bid complying with the tertna of e:k sad manner of payaeent apeciSed is the published softer of sate, fist
<br />giving Four weeks' notice of the time. trrnta, and place of such male, h. advertisement not lee. than oncc•
<br />during each of said four weeks in a newspaper published or distributed in the county in which said property
<br />a situated, all ether antics bring ber~sp waived be the mortgagor (and said mortgagee, or any person oa
<br />Lth:L of said mortgagce, map bid with the unpaid indebtedness taidenced bs said note). Said sale shall be
<br />hdd ai ar on the property to be sold or at the Federal, counts, or city courthouse for the county in which the
<br />property is located. Tht mortgagee is hereby authorized to execute for and oa behalf of the mortgagor aad to
<br />deliver [o the gurehasei at er:ch oak a aalScient eanveyance of said property, wl»ch rnaveyanee shall contain
<br />fez=Wa a is tLe happening of tLe dtaault upon w•hirh tLe execution of tLe power of sale berets granted
<br />deptsds; sad the said mortgagor Lereby conslitnta and appoints the mortgagee or any agent or attorney of the
<br />~ga~fa+ the agent and :ttoraey ire fact o€ said mortgagor to make such rtcitals and to execute uid
<br />to&vtyante and hexcbp eavenaata a~ agrees that the rttitaH so made steal! be ea'ectuaf to Lae nit equity or
<br />riche of mfemptiaa, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions of the murtgat:or, all of which err hereby
<br />ercgreasly waived and conveyed to the mortgagee: at
<br />(rt? take any otter apprapriatr action pursuant fa state or }~edera) statute either in slate ur !'edrral
<br />aaurt ar othrrwi_r for the disposition of the ptnptm.
<br />)a the event od a nk as hetcinbtfore provided, the mortgagor ar nap persons in pos~aa taIIdet the mort-
<br />gagor shall then bcease sad be tenants ,raldiag over and shalt forthwith deliver posses tor, to the pumhaaar ai
<br />aeeh eak or bt summarily dispoasesstd, in aecc-dance with the proviaioes ai law appticabk to tenants ho2rting once.
<br />7'he presser sad alteaey henbv grmted are coupled with an interest and are irrevocable by dents nr utherw tae, and
<br />ate gloated as tumntatt4°`fety c~l&;ion of said indebttdae~ provided by law.
<br />t 2lre proneada of nay ask of said property is aaardanae with the prxeding patsgraphs shall be applied 5rt
<br />m gap the eaoeu sad eipeeaea of said oak, the ezps~ incurred Ly the raortttsgee tar the purpaee of prvtteiing or mater
<br />taiaisg acid pasperty, u:d reasoa:bk sttortsvs' fees; aeaaodly, to pas the i»debtedetrss secured herrlty : and thitrlh,
<br />le pap say sarphta or ~ to~ the person or persons k{allr tntitkd tleereto.
<br />i b the crease said property is sold st a jndiitdal foteeloserre oak ter puratsant to the pmrer of sale hertinabove
<br />grsate~ sad the proceeds are sat w6teiemt to ass the tarsi iadebtedotys etctrred he this instrument sad evidenetd by
<br />acid prsssiaorp asUe, the evmtgagee veil) be entitled w a defirictecp jud{cntest for flit amauat td' the €7e ficitrcy scieltaat
<br />~~
<br />~ Ia the even! the nertlcsicor tails to pas any Feduat, stair< ur lone! to a:xeaamea[, ineame tax ar ether lea
<br />lies, urge, fee;, or other ecpmse rdtartted agsitaat the property the rrorlgagee is berchy authorised at his option to
<br />pap the sane. Any serene so grid by the mortgagee shall he added to sad became a part of the principal amount of the
<br />sedel~eaa egideeoed by said nary sabjnct to the acme tetxea sad canditioru~ u eht mortgagor shall pay and
<br />the ie~eaa evideasceei Tss said pammirorp sate, sad shall pap sash stress sad shall discharge all
<br />rues nerd Tiinea sad flee oareh, fees, red tzgeaaea sit eukieg, cnforciag, sad etcecntiag thin mortgagy then this atortgage
<br />mall etc nettled aed aarsae~daed.
<br />~ I$a oe hem ensued ~ bind sad rise benefits sent advanasgte el,all inure to the rrsgretive stn
<br />esao aced aig's at tie patties besets ~heaesex wed, the singular snmher shall include the plarsl, the pktni the
<br />~. a®d rite as d ~3 ~ sh>ti! ~dede alt ymdeta.
<br />~ ]gs tesiva- ~ ~y aarsa.s~3 hrxis trt ad sL t+tsligatiag seairtd berths' shall at env tirur therraftrr 6s held
<br />m La a rrsi.ar si elite teroa iteraof er of the note aeesreed he;e+hy.
<br />4, d ~ deeaea. aadee, w j ha~ say proviaiea or purtim of this iwineromt iavslid of uatn-
<br />feseas3is rant fiat >~ ar~y er gtsclsde tie tafat of the rcrosiaintc previsions or l,ortiaea of thir
<br />~ ~-9 t aaEiar» lta• iaaoei is flea smear pstanazt to the d of ~ ieatreuatcat shall be ad-
<br />~~m~a'g 9f18 8ttrth 1}®taa=d, Suite 308, Grand Zaland N~bra,gka 68801
<br />nand any written ea+liee to'he taseeA b flee tnortaagec shaA
<br />~~~~ P• O. Boa ISOT, Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />Leo azz-z~~
<br />aSA cDwrt !Zb is.7at
<br />