~s- ~~ss~+,~
<br />Said prom}ssory note was given to secure a loan in which the Small liuainesa Adminietratian, an agency of the
<br />United Stairs of America, teas participated. In compliance with section 141.1{dl of the Rules and llegulatiane of
<br />the Sasal} Bttsineaa Adminiatraifon [13 C.F.R. lfll.l(d) ], this instrument ie io be construed and enforced in accord-
<br />ance with applicable Federal law.
<br />I. The mortgagor mvettaata atx} agrees u #ollows:
<br />a. He will promptly pay the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note at the times and in the
<br />manner therett provided.
<br />Fi, $e will pay all fazes, arseessmenta, water rates, and other governmental or mur,;c;pa} eitargea, fines, or
<br />impositions, for which provision has not been made hereinlsefore, and will promptly deliver the official roc~ipiU
<br />therefor to the said mortgagee.
<br />c. $e wi}i pap such tzpimxs sad fees as mac be incurred in the protection and maintenance of said
<br />property, including the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagox for the collection of any or all of
<br />the ittdebtedaess hereby sreared, or [oreciosure by mortgagee ~ sale, or court proeeeriings, or in any other
<br />litigation ar proceeding a$ecting said property. Attornev~ Fees reasanahly incurred in env other way shall be
<br />paid by the mortgagor.
<br />+i Far better security of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the request oI the mortgagee, its
<br />sattreseatrs or assigns, he steal} execute and deliver a supplemental martgaa_e ar mortcages covering any
<br />additiara.~ imprnvrments, or betternunts made to the property itrrrinaboar described and all property
<br />acquired by it after the date hereof +ali in farm satisfactory to u+arigagee+. Furthrnuare, should mortgagor
<br />fait to cure say default in the paynseat of a pricer or interior eneumbrancr au the }rroprrty described 6a
<br />this instrument, nx+rtgagar herebc agrees to hermit mortgagee to cure such default, but mortgagee is not
<br />abliFatrd to do sa: and such adyancm shad became part of the indehte+in+-., <rr•ured h_v this instrument,
<br />subject to the same terms and condition.
<br />e_ Tlar rights created by this ranveyanre shat! remain in full fares and effect during aua po.tpanrnteut
<br />ar esiension of the time of the pavutent of the indebtedne~a- evidenced by said pmmi.~-,.rv ;:~!e or and parr
<br />theirnf t:erurrd hrmisv.
<br />f. $e will txsntinawualy maitetaia hasard insurance nF such tope or types and in wrh amounts as the
<br />mortgagee stay from lime to time-require oft the improaements nax- or hrrraftrr utt ,.aid prn}trrta, amt
<br />v+ill pay promptly when due say prrmiutas therefor. All iawrance shall be carried in companies acceptable
<br />to mortgagee and the palicim and renewals Ehereaf shall be held by mortgagee sad have act:chtd thereto
<br />Iona payable eLmes is favor of and in form acceptable to the mortgagee_ In event of loss, mortgagor a+ill give
<br />irnmr.};.r. > in writing to martgatgee, and mortgagee may make proof of loss ii not rands promptly by
<br />tnortsagar, and each insurance campanv tmcetned is hereby authorized and directed to make payment far such
<br />loss dirertly to mortgagor instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointly, and the insurance proceeds, ar soy
<br />part tbe:+eof', may be applied by tmortgager at its option either to the reduction of the intlebtedtteea hrtebs
<br />serttrrd or to the restoration or rewir of the property damaged ar deairayra. In event of farrchtaure of this
<br />mnrigagq or other traas(rs of title to said property in rxtiagui.htnrnt al the indrbtrdtxss ser;ared hercbv, afl
<br />right, title. and interest of the mortgagor in sad to env iaaxtrance policies then in farce shall path to ihr
<br />purchaser ar mortgar~rr ar, at alu nptiost of the tnor-tgagrr. nta+ he sairren+ienrl far a rrfauad.
<br />t- He ..ill deep all building and athrr improvements as .aid l~rutterty in ~aaal repair acid randiliaat:
<br />will grit, ,rammit, w an$rr tso w°aste. impairment. drtrriuration of eats} i,rui+rrty ar am part thereof:
<br />is the event a# failure of flu mortgagor to seep the baildintet• nit acid prrauisea and chase rtrrted an said
<br />ptravises, ar intproyements thetron, in ,good repair, the marlgagrr iata~ tasks ,urh repair: as in its discretion
<br />it may deem neeesury tar ihr proper prrservatinn thereui: and the }lilt +m=lauu ui each and even surly
<br />pavtaerat shall be immediately doe and }tny abie: anal shall br +-erurcd by the lira of chi. enartgage.
<br />/a. Iit ,rill cast yalunurih rmate or permit to br ranted xgaitast the property subject to ibis mortgage any
<br />lien ar lirastnfe»ar or superior to the lien of this martgagr without flu sarittrtt consent of the mortgagee; and
<br />further, that hr will f,ce}. and maintain the .aaaar tree irerut iitr aiaan, .+s sli ire na+nr .uppiy ing laitar ar
<br />tna,tttsais far r•onsiruciion of :sna and ail building: ar itnpnte emrntt resew iminr? .-rr+-twl or tr+ tae exerted ou
<br />said premises.
<br />i- Hr sill not rent ar assign any part of the rent ai' «atd mnrtgagtd pn+p=~rt+ ur demalixh. ar renur+e,
<br />air n~bstaatinlh' alter sna }tatildint without ihr written cansrnt uF the murtgatr*'-
<br />j. 1111 aavards of dttnaagea in rstnraertiun with lit. randemnatian t'ur i+uhiir uH- art +>r iuaura I,. sna of ihr
<br />pt's}+rri urLjert is this tnortgagr are larrrb}~ assignrai and n}tall br paid to r+turtgager, aaho may apph ihr
<br />Tame to pa~ut.-ni of the testa}}mrn[n la.t aiue under wid nutr, and murtgaxer is hrreha authorized, in the
<br />tsamr of ihr mariga}5ar, to execute and definer yn6d acgttittanrr. thrrraf and in apitral from any sash aw-ani.
<br />L, The cant-iFa~rx „hail Gave ihr right to ina~pert the martgageri prrutisa•a al any rra.nnablr lieur.
<br />L Defaek ~ sag of i3se taoveaan4 os twoditions a# t}tfs imttvmcat or aF the note or loan agree-meat xeured
<br />y shall feamiaat+e the rnatttga}toi's ri}Clat to possession, case, sad enjoyment of the propem', at the option of the
<br />iwsnrtgagne ar tees aspipas tit beings ap~eed that the mortga$ar shall have such tiglt! until default 1. Upon any mete
<br />dsdault, the tes~a~ee shall became the awacr +s€ all of else rents and profits aeertting after default as seeatrity
<br />Farr the iurskhtedaea iteenreal hereby, with ihr right its enter upon said property for ihr purpox of collecting such
<br />rents ~ pros,, itaiaRtt9anrnt ahsIl rraraie v as asagnmeni of any rentals on said property to that extent.
<br />58A Fp fats 9Z8 i2.]3/
<br />