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79-~tX3~~~E~ <br />EXPANDABLE MORTGAGE <br />AS5IGNMENT OF RENTS Loan Ne. ' ~='`-~ <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Ya1?,e F. 'fcrri ~ o a si.nrl-~ ~ -rsor. <br />(hereina$er called the Mortgagors) in consideration of the sum of <br />., ,.,.~ <br />n;rt-, C, }: T.O iic'^'~ GC~I~^S a:~_-Cr 1~~____________________________.-__ :':~~ ;u <br />T:.__ _ .... .~_._ Dollars(`;`' '?ii',~<) <br />loaned to Mortgagors, do hereby grant. bargain, sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND ! OAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha. <br />Nebraska, (hereinafter called "Commercial"}, its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situated in the County ot, <br />State of Nebraska. to-wit: <br />---c*_ Se•ve- ("; _.. ~'_cc~ _:, .. ., _: _ ._ ._ _~~.... _-:c _.~._:':. sec.. ,.,_~.___... ±c ~..:. <br />TD HAVE RND TO HDLD THE SRME. w'i~ the appar?znanc?s ther?into L>z!cngin,. auto Co ^m:?rnai.its sucressdrs ana assigns forever. <br />Said tt~,rtgagurs hereby coursant w!th >aid Cemreerc~ai. .?s sasLZSSC;s and assi;,s, that 1lcrtgarors are lawtulry seizes at sale'. premises, that <br />>1~ are tree fsxn endumbraues. dad tha? they will forever warraat and detznd the htI? to said premises against ~e iawfdl claims of all persons <br />w'~-s~~_ <br />Prav,d2d, never;f?fzss. thzse pi?sznG are upon trz talSOwiag c:,nditions: <br />Thai wherzas the said ?JMusi~gcrs as membzrs ,:t Carrmerciai htivz ?h;s dale ez2;;:t2:. a nofz zwcenc~r:g such i"an and a;reeing ha repay said <br />s;;m df nn°:3Aey, wiTr ;ntz-est, fir; payments as szt forth ,fl said Hof? a.,d ha+e age?ed te. zbide cy Vf? t?r-5 flf said Harz and Charter and 9y-Laws of <br />Cat~T.+erdiat. <br />Tnat wfie?eas Iris mdrtgagz stlaii s?Cur? any aoditia~a: a:vaeces. a+tt. ;ntzr?st. w^;iLh r;ay. a? tea aptian 42 Cemme:eiai, be made h Cam- <br />,..~ial h tha arsdersie ed k7erig?ors a: User sL_,_>_::> ;a ~, _- an ,, ~r~-..~_. ~ ~ y ?i-.-. !~t.e ;h,. ~e.easz a.^.d €ancetlat.on of this r;,;;rtgage. <br />be? PRDVtDED- Ht3#iEVDr2. at n, bee shzil d;z a~rzgatz ^=rneaa! amaart sedurad by firs rari;agz. being the a;r;, mat au? a?any timz on said <br />af~;~i note dad dry athlf+anal advances ^:a-de. ~::°ed an amount ~ua1 to liU ~<isnt a; the ~s+otin? of >fie origiAa! dole, bet m ro ?vzni shall <br />said nab esceetl ~ maximum ardent pemiti>[ hr 4w ana PnOVfDED, HDiSEVER, fiat noC;:n; hzretn and:Wed shall be tdnsfdzrzd as limiting <br />dre L.1~~li fiat stroll t~ zRrw?d hzreiw x*reA advance„ p:at?t:h? seCUiilk c. .n a«a;danre w:M Levznan[s ca:taired to the mortgage. <br />tz_~'.:f ~ said M~7gay~rs sna'1 eay or cans? to Y icsd fiz Sara sums a? money wt±zn'rue. as sz? ±urth ;n :aid a;~t?. antl anp dther note for <br />_ --- - °_ _ ~ ~_ ; , ~„"y ' ..... ~..,.._.. _, -^2=? w,~w y^ ...... ._. St?aij .^~~~.? ....... ha_:u~c?_ ?_ f;y 3..., ._._...... iytt fdt£a ~.~ <br />2f?ect: Lett iiJztm;it should bz,mad2: <br />f_i ~y ,t irte payments due .n a'3td na?z grid dry ether Harz .a; a~aGanal advances mabe, as th?rzm age?zd to oe made t r fires munihs, w <br />trt k2?~nng 'ire tmF?tiedae•;r on s3.d pr~;ses :nc;:~. 3$a~nst icss ny reason ;. ;ire. ;;n'1;ng, and enter hazards rnciud2d ro ea?ended <br />coverage +.nSA~tY :n an aamu ? ndt less 'fan t(ie ~p>3id ~'lanC? ^f Said fltDtigelge 14n'n. in a tf~'flp3i1)' Cr CCr+`~niCS 3Ci8ptahiE ifl >/Om- <br />~r:~af. tfiz origins; of sock ~oiicy at coffines is be h>+d by ,`',nmrzrciaL and wrth a ~-orfgage clausz attacAed io said put!cy dr pdtte!es. <br />m ~vhr of t'~anpne:;;ia!: or <br />in the payrt t texas a'ra ass>ssa+~~ 2vied s;,, n said rzrrises..- _n d;:s ra~tgage, before a:zy a,z "alr>tiu;at: ~r <br />~d~ It fiere :s airy dhang? n fine ~wnz ~,+n Lt ±hz :zal zstatz sar*ta ceu nerz~n try sa'e. ?:Tr?t o~t;ght or M~ land LartraLt, a; ~ assi;nm2nt of <br />arty ?nteresi thereon a- oE4erwisz; <br />;:~xA. anp iFl :he a3bave set-i?rit; evants. the wh: ? ndeatadn3SS here*t s?auffi sna!;. a: tRe eni:a~ `. C.~~.mmert;a!, smmedla?eiy becd,.i2 du? a:+r' <br />payab~? xt:th:at r'*+ha„ nefrce. acrd drz amoaat ^,+? unozr sa;^ note and airy Giber note td= additional advances adz s.^.a 11- iram the da?e et br> exarc s? <br />ui said upLron, hear rrt2r2st at the r«at;mum izp~ tar per anr:um, antl than mdrigage ,^,ay fier: x terecios?d is sal=sty arz ar;,x;n; Ouz a. said cote. and <br />avy o~ nc+~ ~ amt anal advanc~_ iogeM2r w;th a! sum paitl Ti' ~munerctat tnr :rrsuranca *axes ass?ss_~^zn?s a^[' ~straL: e.'-z?stun charges <br />wsitt +ate?2sI thereon from IIre date at ~ymcT^:t a? the ^aximum 12gas rat?. <br />PRL".VfDED tl:=t rn na euB7L either More o; after ^etau!t ~a+! the intz32st dlie ~adtr sa;a nLiz sec ;h+s mc;tgage dad any asner not for ad- <br />d`,irMal adtiidndCS nEBtte ?x~red the stax;r~,m 13?ti'ti i ;G?2?Sf 'S1C- <br />?~31'tDtD: R'L^.2r ;flat fie the event mat rz:ia', . ,.,rs t1_ . .ng _r ;ire :z-s .... _ ; a >. L ~ any :T'2, _r !o; ade{ecaat <br />adxand2s, as tI1Pi@I 3g~d IC t1P .:,23? ?: :r. A?2~In~ L?e pf2rr<IS?5 t°ISL;ed, S 3Dfl~~ ' ~: ~?i 3 :` .L_ t ~ r'.a?? +~' th? paynieeri ?i n!e '~xEs <br />7i ate.?5 i2vi£a^ u; 5?' 1"s' ;xe^!:S..S a?3~ve -~.__:--nn- ... ~rv :, ?5ic ..-~r ih:;e. tJe?^ e/iher c~2 :.1 _e :_ :~C_~.. ~-_._'° _iai Sh3r! x ~:t:1Se~ <br />ID 73R' ifiP.Wdtale T.k^Si°SS;Dt1 .':' 1712 p'?ar:iS2S 3JCV?~J2S:;'iL'C. -^$2?h2; w:T air rents ;`r.J.-__~S ar'.. ~..au2_. -?: S S-:,. :' 7e,1i?n'fS?S and.m,3;r <br />,.: ,K dtSC~tCn L'~ the rents S: °>... aS ~' deeTS ^,2'_'25Sa~o to wFe 'Ji:rD,',S? Jf -.Pk,Ay ..p..:r5 ia~ r-£ -r:2.,;=5?5 3,. {., '? ~YrSS?t Dt t+'.S'Jia„CE <br />p?2minm5. t$xv'S ana ffiSESSrnCniS tlfYan S::ih I]it'_'n~5£5 3n: tai flpL~Sar}' etf+}'$:525 tnCllrF2d to d2At+ng Sa+O prart:152$ anC Gdi;@C A~ ~es+t Rier2tctn~, asd <br />2[~ 2,'r~tp Same do Sard Hat? am 2nq r~tales 2x§dk nflg }uIU'e 3Dx3ttCx5 h2r..iAd?r A?vt the ,fib?2s~3'S S?C1='2L' ;s i,-;!~ ~a~1; ar>f ~r S:}dn Jk;rpGSfS. <br />~ ~r+d~~r 'itK:_ ;t-y iii. assign. s24 ave: ane :fin;,' s+i~~ GS~c?crai ail >* s~ #~`iS t-s:-~iA and ;nr„~es ;iclvv:rtg wry land ;,?x;tr3tt <br />~aprae-dts drre raarig~^e owners dr anp dth2i ied~eS at dry ti,e xtratsdev2r fram s.+d rdoe~r?}' G ire a,tiacL, thz adtzs a;x.'z desrroe9: t>vt sa;d <br />;~T. NI;nN!rLiai S°ra:i 1F: na r~Se +ae I:attie tar TiSe t$I:L"Y i-.; p*ac;;:e ??Hants '<~ -~Ie[t *~rt5: C' tt. DrpseC.lit2 dLP,Y.ts trt T.eie Yk`.r ;lnsseSSror, ~:i sartl pfemts2s- <br />tlers tr;'Mnr a,nt L'imrner~a! ci Umaha- Nc~rasra flx,r aiV,rrr~• ,n ':Get g;v:ng said att;ney p+w~; :r,ew_rcabiv, z,Lfier o~n rt3 swn <br />r~rx nr iik~+agnss' names td ate ail rardersary steps ioi pruc.~zrt;ncs .n cot;:; us dhr?cw,sz io [ease said arere;s2s t4 ~ vacate. to collet? rentals <br />W ?i~Mr ;?F+Y31ne5 dile, and Y!fi?@ x3CatiL F:3 {2t2i ~ SdRie tE Ra3k? a':i +°.rS21aPr4? r2pa+;S ~flG (c1' tax?5 il!4 3f SatG r?ts. ?t t; is :+'7i iraC? t'3aF':EY?LT dd <br />tnra~ ;~ td ~{~ ail StlCh ;htn~5 &bret ~ ttS ~ivn JiHCerS D: ~ E,J :alrb25 tl;:fY aedterr.2d ands;?¢_vatc'9 5v d. 35 :?3 3~^r'ni fD+ SaiC f,,7r~;15P. <br />Id ahatg= or pay a reasanahiz tee far sue sarvi[25. a:~. ,' Tee Gnaw L~ De d~z a? s;~ t;^zs and „such Wanner and on such ?zrr. s as to ?he.; said <br />attorney any parr has?. with fill! p©w2t ut suffi?;h,•t~on <br />Tim i?tga~FS tr~,cig ag2e ~'? ;t Czrtr;na. _ _ Tt? _ _ ~ a-t.. aa_~4._s . _ ..-av? a.-:tr . ~t u .>i_za•r~ z°at!=k <br />to ate iDrtere oestrtlded real es?atz dt e ?^~s ru.+,~~ -' s~ n~., ~ ~._s ,bar *r, _ _ +'~siLt~d ~o";iei c A#a:tgagrrrs w~l: <br />rermhszse ~P.rnrnne=crat iotalt ;~s~abte casts ~ -arm ~ Canu,2rc:a ,~ ~ ~: s.i:? a ~x__~ ~.,. Thz ~_-.~~.-s'u*mzd age T;a; -2 fie ±;zr?+nbeder? <br />tl~critte~ m$t estate or any Hari t<ter2af be aaae:rr:~. ;nyer trw. ,=?w2- -` z?r.;raz*;t hnm3.n ,s cTr2-e;s- of ~. r;~d ?.:r a ;k~;~ :c t;sz t'z da ^ag2s <br />~ardeE. Aee Arocaa~ ?ar tke t~rng and {or N? c3rs.~:a?+cer t, aid., _cp r :o i<?a t~I : *_ ~. c a~ a~~n ~+_ :e;aa,nrng nnpa+d -rid?b?~- <br />s by' tlris rnnvtgage, be. ana tbey ItH2".,y are a=.s~~sred tc +:ornzAe;c:a: a^.^. shalt bz ryan ?rFr?±+w:t` ?:.,m:-szrc:a- t :? appl:zo ,:, acee~,nt =' <br />3ast mahxing 8nsta149ran~ of suet ind2Dt£'.alie5s <br />fla~d shy at - .~ _ . - -_- _ , <br />~ r <br />M17HE / E Df: ~ i - - - <br />}~ f -'-~"~'- <br />S'TATf cif N£}AYlSt4A <br />t17Y {~' u:AS,i. ~ <br />~ ~5 _I~t# ~y of i'}e2~`_e!` to 75 . ~t+are ;;w, a r~^tary p:shtic in and tar Ord County, persa~ally came <br />~^ atl6~Yb^na8rad <br />~t2}me ~, ~gr:•is, a siry,le ~,e,.scr <br />to me are#3 1uKxerr to be the irka#ita# Gerson or yersuns whose name rs m nar~s a~z afLxed 1u +ne aWve mdrtgaga as gsar,to, or granters ana dt?y, he <br />t$ she, SCYa{al#y ackrrovledgt Kx said Enstnrmer+t antl Lhe ezacvtirm ?Hereof, to tz ihz;r voh:rniary act and deed. <br />~~ ~ / l f~ <br />tR ~IYi fa dag and year last abeve written- ..~/,/J~~ ~~ / / <br />MrtlMSa.#~, Alf i4 H!t /V K ~ ---- ~ds!ar culh! ~c+_ (l f?L+$- _ <br />Hb ;anm;ssrdr, exp+res nn the ~" ''°'~ day ut _ ~.~'.aL~ Y ._ ; 4 ~ td 5p <br />