<br />79-~ .~~9~t~
<br />IiQRTGAGE _
<br />MoxrcACe i_oArl ho. L 23 , 593
<br />t~w~.t-{~E~BY'rhesEpxESE''r{~=r{~' Keith A. DeBraai and Ronda f. DeBraal, i?ach in his and her
<br />own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />lttxtgageK. +thet}x; csx ~ totxe _m to~ktaiian of the arm ~
<br />Sixteen Thousand five Hundred and No/100--------------_-------------- __ ~{t.~
<br />leaned m aid mortgagor by the Equitable Bsseldeng and l.riass Assaciatian of Grand tsttmi, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 165 slaves of stock at
<br />aid ASSOCLA7'tt?Jd,. Certif>rate Jve. L 23 593 , do heIIeby gtani, mnvay sad saarigage unia the said .LSSOC{A110h the folowing
<br />tiesafied real estate, sitsntrd is }{atl County, Nebraska:
<br />vrith aai the teeserants_ beriditamrnrz and appuetexumers thereunto ne{ooging_ uscleditsg atractsed Door ca~u~s, a9 viador aaaea:,
<br />aridaR s}ade3, , ssor® vcmdc+ws, a*'n+a~.. {><ain4b, air aoeditsasteng, acrd l+l~+g and w-atrr etptipmeni asd aCasrafea thesetn, ptspt,>bvova,
<br />refripasaaa>ti aed nihes fxztmts aad equiprseat aaw :vr hereafter attached to m, used in ttTnnecta<xt with raid real estate.
<br />clad vrlnets the raid martggar hu agtad awd does hete}y ogees Shat cite mortgagor shall and wti0 pay aH raze aad asaesoasats k'vied at
<br />asaeaai aqua said prea~s and tsp~ this morigagc artd the bad searrFi t6eteby btitxe fix same shag become detrogtsest; m f~4 apptovn{
<br />at:asoe apm tlr bta'idieg ea raid peemiset tittatid m tht actor of S 16 504.44 pryabk to aid ASSQl'1ATtON and to dehvu to rid
<br />AS50ildi790N the poHeets Toe slid itesra~ass¢; arsd LNTt to CtTmElfi ~ permet sany wssie un rx abiwt said pttmaes:
<br />~ tae of detadt ie the perfonsance of arty at the terms and aanditiatts at the mwyiage ar the baud s~aned hereby, the sh:fl,
<br />ar #~i, tx tatisled m ieaaediate pa~.a of the rstartggdi prrssises and the traxtgagsa hereby assigass, ttaastet: card setx Duce to the
<br />asart~e as tle orris, sa+maes aced mcnme to he 3evivsd from the tenrigarged peemeaes .ayr~ ss,ch Lima as the trost6pepe iodebte~sem thtH scaaa
<br />aad the taaetpsgtr have the pewaa tai sppoirt aay ageet of aEaaK it stag desiee fa the pssr}nne d icF~6 and P~ ~ tsa~aL
<br />rise ace ad aaiacsiag the ~. tetrauts asd isarome. aced ~* may PAY am of saidsnntsnt sH e>~emes of tepriaa>a said premnats aced
<br />aaa®ar ad ie in rtoling amt the tame and of wHetieng a °istak fJtnrfawn; tht . $ ary, m be
<br />isssrrd tJtee datdnrst aL aid toottgage :nAeat-a--•-- these sghis of the martgs~ee may be ertrasai At Aug time dssesr iha esa~¢ at cads
<br />^teapoeiae etaay waiver attire tame.
<br />Thest• F're~a_ iwwetct, Sc thr fAn3itirm, That :£ the surd Mtxtgsgar stsaN repay aid ksan an ar before tht t¢tesauy oC said tinsrs by
<br />PR >l m tawd #~SS~iCt-hYi~?i ~t{' the s~ ~Zifis$ m Six 9wki :+eaured iseraby As mtaest ati pmci~+ai em said iva,;oa oe befox
<br />cis l~tieth dg m and atd etery mnit8.irezl aid lase u (stilt patd; Pay ail cases amt aszs;vmmu irvied ~ sad preaaae aad os Shit
<br />gad ar /osd segued Y, lefistt ~+II3 ; f,~ sppsoved i upoa cite b thereon m rise am of S 1 Q :54IL1< 40 Payer
<br />i0 and AS~dIC'i.ATlCtN= repay to sad ASSY'FCl_A•L}f1T+~ stpan ienand aN atoory by ii paa! fnt s~•h um. Amts and i with i m
<br />sic trtoaar ~ nit ihnerte tioa date of €oyutat a9 of wiorit txveh) a~ees w pry: pernut no woos get said P~s:~ gad ~apiy
<br />adt4:15 [he agrv~eats and xadstms d tht F~+9t1 Las I 1 fi , 5D4.4Q:4is day gitea by ihr asd Yrxtga~gcr to sral .A,45t3L'iA'i1QAl, add oamp{y
<br />wwh al tle * tat the C,sanatartar gad Sy~Laws of raid ASSOCIA770'+'; ihra thtar prexnit shag haYStae rug and wad, othatxiae they
<br />s~ aeaopa ffi fadl force and rraw br farrcioseai at the aptiaa at the ta,d AS54ClA'{tQN after fare tut three emaths t+o aaakt gay ~ aid
<br />payeamts or he thane tsnttJrs m areears to maleie~ aid ~ae-xathl_w payssrou, cv in tarp and voxPh with IIhe assoemaats and of said Aced;
<br />Aid itrz ;s' 19 to lg„a t eraxevct Apocsated fstitwitA ~ suMt fttts?[is.6ate Procz+edAtgx.
<br />6 =_.a_~._,_.._
<br />!t ihs~ s ss~- dtarpe in aweersEiP ni the txa) estate rmrtgaged tsraest, by sale at :xherwise, they the mtiee
<br />tatossed tihai, m the ~+s+a of TLse t~grirshk @ar>}dia5 gad Lwn iua at Graeti itird,Ne3ttasta, bemmt ®med+ateh` due wad payable vt8loat
<br />fathe3 aoaer. and tit Ha.='~• !a'~ due ttntkt ail lead, asd ray cr9ef bred fret anY addisioad advAaCes trdc tAsxe~a, ~. fan the
<br />~ ~ eaaesse of said wpsina, Rear aeuxrn at ;zr taaAicss®~ nsr, astd th¢ mostt~t rag rhea be fasesioaed to sandy the aaaapt +he 4sa sued
<br />baod,ard ay other board for additiuri advannes, together with aH rata pad. by sad The Egvrisabdr 9atidiag and Lane Aooceehaa d Grad Laird,
<br />t+t~r t« maeamce, rase aad:manerat, a~ ahstsacx sag e:teeniem 3sa~ss., with itneresr theteoe, Emma date at psymetst as the eratiaraa
<br />~~
<br />.ii,t psaudad is ffie &tnd ', vie Lis taortgage rr~i.,~. m eftax ttx mxtgttee may hereafter advrae adilitioad mas to tie
<br />stun of aid lord. then asieics or wocsaots ifl iretrttst, v~ arm shah bt wiitin the sectsrety ai char ttsortgagc the ame a the fvsads
<br />~ , the trial ~ ~ trc~ to rt Asy rrmc the ru,gina3 aasotat of sh;s mr~tSge.
<br />aaateat 9th aaytYf Octciber A_D.,IA 79
<br />.' ,
<br />Key th ~e~r~
<br />Aonsia E. I1~raal
<br />STdlEOFIi~RA3dGA, s t)atbs 14th mat 4Ctt>ber 197 ,hrtarcase,
<br />(fiY tltF Hlltl.
<br />the tsadrtty,~d, A Notary PAhte it gad fct slid Cottwy, $a>otatdy aaae
<br />Kai ttl A. Kraal and is E. tle8raal , each i n his and her DISH ri gib and ass u oaf etch
<br />other --'~ are
<br />,r io he the idaa~i puma S a'beae rtar~ are afEsal #o the ahovc ientnsment ,a ~Oetyag~or s gad they severaDr
<br />theaaditdsar~maatla t!'~ir vokmuryact.rdaeed_ / ~-~
<br />1lRili~SS ay hard and TJntraial Seal the dstr atotcssNL _,' f
<br />lip Co®wm e>p¢es ~J
<br />KYFIIl. so*.tsr -Sibs si lstrasta ~ f
<br />/ ~hsla~v i~tbLc
<br />mat 7i liii N_ Ss.Ai1-LT ~ ~// ~
<br />11~ kly i'.nfiYli- IsrF. t. 1. lei ~ V
<br />