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<br />Q:
<br />~_
<br />S34
<br />1`
<br />If under paragraph 18 hereoi the Pro}?erty is sold or the Property is athencise ..^.equired by ],ender, Lender
<br />sitall apply, no later than immediately prior to rim sale of the Pral,trt~- or if acquisitim=. by Lender. any funds
<br />held by Lender at the titue ot" application as a credit. aKsinst the soon ~ecura•~l 6}~ this \[artgage.
<br />3. App&cation of Payments. IIniess applicable lan provides othernise, all pacumnts recei~ai b:• Lender
<br />undert-ht Note and paragrtphs ]snd 2 hereof shall he applied by l.euder fires in pacmmnt ui amounts payable to
<br />Lender by Barrawer under para~,raph ~ hereoi, abet: to itxere_t ;;.viable ot. the Vol. s;:;i an. Tatum :ldcanee_, if
<br />any, attd then to the principal a;' the Vote and to rite prineil}sl ot" Puutn• _tdcanra•=. ii ant.
<br />4. Charges: Liens. Borrower shall pay all taaes, assessments and other charges. lines :utd impositions sttrib-
<br />u#sble to the Prepertp which may attain s priaritr aver this ~Eortga:;c, anal zro•,tnd rents. it :u w, at Lender
<br />option in the manner provided under psrsgrspl; °hereoi ar I,y Borrower making payment. abet. aloe. directh• to
<br />the payee thereof. Barmwer <ha11 proml?fly furnish to Tender ail notices o*.• amnur:ts ,- = und=er tb.is ;taragraph,
<br />snd in the ec•er.! Borrower shall make pacment direct h-. Harrower shat=. pro*uutiv i ;rnis to Lender receipts eci-
<br />de~eitrg such payme-trtti Bo;ron-~r si;ail proa:pti~- t9isc~tsr?e s,:c 'ion which t;~ ;,riarit.• ,~t•cr this Ztoxtgsge; pro-
<br />vided, that Bortva-er shall not lie requin~.i to disettsrge any such lien so }ong as Bermes cr sitall agree in writing to
<br />the ps_vmeat of the obligation securnc by such lien in a ntstnter acceptable to Lender, or saali in good isith cant-eat
<br />such lien b}•, or defend en£onertem of suc'.t lie*: in. legal itnx•ec~tiings a-itici; apertte to prea ent rite eniarcement of
<br />ttre Ilea cr forfeiture of the Prop.ny ar am i,art t±}meal.
<br />c. I;aaard ittstaraaca Bor;,ace• s-,::li :tc-•.~^ ,ire i *at-en;c::ts t:o•,e existi::g ar ;...msfter erected on th€ proF-
<br />ertz- insutral sgainst'•a_c-. br n-e.:asrsrd< inrluac»:'- a-it^`i:: the ternt -`extenred coverage"= and sorb atlter hsxards as
<br />Lender ms}- requim dad it, sue'-. aamurts a,,..:ar s. e:iods as Leniier tuay minis: nraa~idtvi, that Lender shall
<br />nest rrquirr that the amount of sue-r: coversge<eaccc:i~t...,t smaunt ai coverage requira><I to pay the sums secured'by
<br />the '_tSartgsge.
<br />3'fte insurance carrier },mviding the i.:susaner ';s}i its' chosen. in Borraaer sub;ect to spptavsl by I.er.ier;
<br />pmcided. tixst such sppravsl sltail not be ur.nssansbiy withhele. _111 pramitams on insurance policies shall be paid
<br />st. I,e~adrr option i^, tke raanrer }~mvide,i ~:n:ter rest:>grapi: '? hereoi cr },r Harrower making payment, a-Iten due.
<br />direetlr zo the in-ursnee carver.
<br />In the ec•ent any police is not renear3 on ar before ten days of its expiration, the Lender, to protFCt
<br />its interest, t*~}- pmetue in_cnranre on the imptvcrmenta, pay the premiums and such stun shall become
<br />tmmedrately due and payahlr with interest at the rate see forth in said note until paid and shall be
<br />~_ -ems )u. +l~-. 5d.~~~~ Z`s:L...~ rte.. Z2..~mt.~-„ > ,..~...»t,- n ..F 7 y...l.-~ .. .1..Fe..1+
<br />+z&age.: r r - +,.,+..,..~, .v zwu}n, .. o. „ptn.s vies u-sus va,_uauae n uesau~a
<br />tinder the5t~etins of this A4orfrage. v
<br />All ittsurxnoe oahcies arts renewals ti:crra, Thai; i,r ir: form :icrept;tble to Lender and shall mrlttda a stsndani
<br />tttart~a~- esti~ in later ai sn.3 in Eons scrr,usi,,, to Lelt.ie: i.rnda-r ;hail ha+e the right to i:alil the policies and
<br />reatwaLt thrreai, and Bazmwer shall proatpti.• is r::ish to Lender all renewal notices snd all receipts of paid pre-
<br />tttiutna- In the -went o; ;ors. Barrow:r sitall Bice a?*_cn:pt ttotuY to *tha• insurance rattier and Linder, and Lender
<br />rasp rss3ca praoi of loss ii net made promptly t,r Borzaw er.
<br />finless Lender snd Bnrn~a-er otcex~-i=e spare ir. a ricin„ ~:::sz:ct• pnceeds :hall bat spplird to r~teratioa ar
<br />repair of trt Pnt}'~erty damaged. pn~t idr~ sucl. resta~rat;on c~- -ep:ii* is economically less ible snd the security of
<br />this i:x3gagr is not therrbv impaire,L II -ci ^estorstiur. a•.:epair is tact erar.,»nirsi3y iessibie or if the security
<br />if this ~tiortgs2r mattld !x impsitcd, th.• tttsutst:re prarec,:s ;.... .,; spn}ie,i to the sung secured by this \Sortgage,
<br />vrit3t 33sC ezce~, ii ant . paid to .$aittawer. li the Yro}>em~ is s;;anuuned br Borroa•e:- ar ii Borrower fails to respond
<br />w L~tder within 3t1 asps sates native by l,et:aer to Barrewer that the insurance carrier aGets to settle a claim far
<br />iatasranx benefits, Lender L sutizarisr.~ to collect snd apple the i*_uurance pnteeds st Lender's option either to
<br />;eswrstittm ar repair ai t4te Prnpertc or to the utw sarured be *.liis Mangsge.
<br />LSniess Linder snd Borroaer atltern-tse sgrc-~ in writing. stn- sucl, appiicattaa of pror,'~s to principal =_hall
<br />~t etl5,~d er pt~tz3oae ue due salt ai the tuanthlc irszsilntrnts relented to it: psrsgraplz; I one 2 ltazeoi ar change
<br />tie tit of stt~ anstallnttnts.
<br />u sradez F~°'acit IS htmai the Prapezty is aequtrrd h;• Lende*. si} rigt:t. tstle snd interest. o£ Barmwer in
<br />snd t,o any u:satrtLCr palieias a-ta~ in and .p *. e priccs~:< t1:~ttai eta thn ~_•.z~n::,f tr e Bunt; se^urru bti- till ~4art-
<br />gsge agi~s~a°0r }*_~ar to sue.'s ale or a:-quaitiar., *~uitit:__ irt>in <4nn~gc ta, thr Propen~• priu_ to the sale or
<br />gt~ttisit~n shall p~ to I fuser.
<br />EC Peew+ation ~ ice of Pmperiy: I.eashal3s Coadotstiaiums- Borrower shall weep the Prop-
<br />~ g~i rrttaiz anc Slt>ll r:at }~°mit ar a'<tmtnit a ate- i:nltxirrrrent, c+r :zetrrot-atiot: c. the Property and shad
<br />eamniy a-ith tide z,ra:-isiorts of env lease, 3i th:: _l: j^esee is ,:, a l.s~ehoia. Ii tt:i= \fangsce is an a condominium
<br />unit, Barma-tr sltal] perit+rm all of $arraaer's pit;iga*.:or., ;:rder ti;r decsratton ai eendaminitutt ar wastes deed,
<br />tBe bz•-iavrs and t~galation> of the eandaminiur;. }~_a~lect st.i constituent eor:ttnerts-
<br />7_ Procxtioa of Len3er`s Security. Ii $arraaer isil> to i=erionn t;;e ravenarts xind sgreetttents contained in
<br />t Mortgegz, ar ii any sellers ar prae~ct_,g . cov.*:;rr;rt _: n ^tci::reatrrts.;, ate, as Lender's interrest in the Prap-
<br />eFty, inn;ud,:,g,'.-,a n - i~mnnra-l to. rrainen: danaan:. xt<<ol;<cr} _>ue ~niorxer:;e:tat. ar ar.*~ngcment~ or prac~-
<br />it~ iaroiv7ng s bsttlrupt ar dc-•nrdent. t_*,en Lrader st 1-er.~ier"< atttan. uptra, sprint to Burrua a-. tiss~ :li,~n su~l:
<br />appeamneza. disttu^_,e s~rt.ums aid ta'se .ur;; actio^ :~ .= nerr<.>sry :a p'x tea-t lender'; intt_~t, including, but
<br />nest I~tised ta, dishtusttnsnt ai reasonable sttartxey s ic~rs snd entry upon the Yroper2y to tr~ke rtpairF. Any
<br />emac:4ta diabt:rseti uz• Lender pttrsstgnt to tins psrsgt-apit '., with interest themes, shall laeror~e additional indebt-
<br />etEamsa3 EcrFawc~trnrttra: by this ,:artg'age. i;nle~ Borrower sad Lender agree w other ternts of payment, such
<br />staattara shall 1>P pa,rabie ugatw ni5t;ce Eton: Lender tats Barrawer reque>ting Itayrnent =.l:~t~trf, and shall near intrr-
<br />eat from tl+e date ai di;7hutartaent st the rate ststeci in the tiate unl2sn payment of infemst at such rate would he
<br />txmtastg to ept~licable lave- in mhith cvc~t auc'it amoF.tnL: shalt near inte.=•est st the highest. rate permissible by
<br />s,~ilit ?s:_ \tuiaznr cantair<ed ire till-: },ategraFlt : th:11 >rt}uiro ?xnder t~ it,eur any expet:se az da any act
<br />La-
<br />~. Lehr n,ay 711Sa}ie ~* c-Ftu;=~_ -~± ~ xr;aclr reawnabl_• entries spun sr:d irs~ctican ai the Prop-
<br />e~, prvritEed that Letxltr ~>sll give $ar+csa-er natier• i~t-tar *.u anc >orl: insp<'etion -ueevti•ing rerconahle cause
<br />tht3eTsu rclttied to I.effider's interrat vin the Preperrr_
<br />9. Candemaafioo. T9m proceeds crf goy amend ar ,_•lai,n iii .larttages, direct :?r cen*xlurntisl, is connection
<br />sria~ sap r~d~ttatiaa tar other taking of the Pra}tetic°, or pan ti~et•e,3t, o:• tar conversnce in lieu of a^andemna-
<br />a EC • assigsed artd sitall he Braid to ixadrr.
<br />In the event a# a taxal taking ai the Property-the }zroctrd= shall ire apltlieil to the sum= secured try this \iort-
<br />gage, a-ith iEte esr~tae, if ant, paid to Batrvaer. In tlse event of s uartiai tsl:ing ai the Pro}rert}~, unless Borrower
<br />find L~dtF'~ is an#ing. there shall be a}~livd to the stuns =erured by this \Fortgage such propo.r-
<br />tiam of # 1~ ss la equal w thsi prapor2ioh which the amount o£ the autos secured hp this >Iortgage imtnc-
<br />ditaatp prm~• to tlx daft of 3aiitlg brans to the fair tuarket. value of the Property immediately prior to the date of
<br />talc, w~t~se ~ ~ the proceeds paid to Borrower.
<br />I{'t~e l<'ippt~ ~ absndotitd 6p P_rrs•ro3rer ar if after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oHets
<br />is antes oat nsraxd $r-t~t.#le s claim tar 3smages, i~orraa-er fails to respond to Lender within 3E7 ;:tars of the date
<br />of ;stteh`i~iee, I:eedrr is atttltamrd tct rallect sad apply the proceed- at i.~nder'= option either to restarstion or
<br />t ai thr Ptepertp ai• Lo the strata cured by this Mortgage.
<br />U9lrss I,ettder and Bortawer otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall
<br />