<br />That the fvloztga$os will pay the indebtedness as hereinbefore provided. ,
<br />That the ibforigagor is the .iwtn:r ar said property in fee simple and has good right and lawful aethority to sell arrl
<br />5d,<1 com•ey the same and that the astir-ia free and-clear of any 3ien or rl:cumbcence; and that Ddortgagor will warrant sort hrfend the
<br />_ title to said pl-emises against the claims-ef al! persons whomsoever.
<br />To par iritmediatYly wht ti dye and-pavablP all general tase5 special roars, nprcil as.- ~. irnh ++-.+t,~r 1 I , :••i~.r serv-
<br />ice c}largcs, and other taxes and .barges again.. ~aLr proiwrtr. and all taxes lec!ed vn th+ -irh[ se.ured hereby :;nd to Iul ni-h rho
<br />hfatigagee, upon-requrst. with'?S1P nrigirlal-ur-.duplicate rx~iiptc therefoF The '+tcrrixag+,r :I;;nra that ll-,a're shall be• added to
<br />each mU 3Lhlp Payment reyuirad heraurder nr ur:der the e of debt secured h,•n•h. ar; dmr,u nt r~t:mat rYl hi: the Afnrt alter
<br />to he su'Se6enp to enable the 6fortgagec r., pa3-. ~ ihep hecemi- clue, all tasE~. asse'_cnmertts and ,imi!ar charges utxin Cix^ pre-m-
<br />~, icts v x}eat the eta- an\ rlrfietenc~, !++- ru. - ,f tt e - uffi t r }~ f ~ t t 1 i. . naI 1 s,- t«: ; I t ..; t t ritif ie} -If d h\ t}?e
<br />~* ,vr~r° - gcx -s4R ih 3t:rrtg:+H<'r u - a ~,,.an3 -_ hr ,i - tp -er- -1 3 €.U„t .: ;i, r .n , nc u a !<~fauit ;n
<br />~ payl. ~n# o£\tax<... a-~srnents ~xr++imelar enarg.•- rrrtutn-<t nrreuncl.^r.
<br />The ~lt.;itL:Y:. at; rat't :I ~rl .,ra ., „.. A~.v~ ha' :i-1.,:•:1 I ... .. ... .:( n <t.,I lltl- r(•:t i.. [e
<br />cnirr n .,n., n..?. .F. n:~.+? S. t4.~ A .. ur;;.,<. ,. .,..b.. _. < .. . ,:t .. <a. ..._ au. ilia :n= ranee
<br />preyium ~n dny Inalran ~- ixil acv do ., =-T2d tc. t€ ~ ]tor_,ga~ ~ :A } .<,...< .><..Ix. .' .t .~ .t :,~t iTiEi ,? ; [ _wch additk,nal i?s}
<br />e
<br />e .>~ defautf un:Ier than
<br />mist. >h.._, iw' ..•ru4ta`;z et.<. ns, h, ihr°'.S ~rt~gc- .t:^, ::?r }1:~'. .)~ _ ... to ,h.^ Ato[igaK
<br />~
<br />}r
<br />Sf th+, Ss,t,;•~ „ p.,liciec ctr}+.>~i:e;) ;Irl• siteh as tn,mr.
<br />s}:al lY ..,t-me.. a defau.. ~, thr l+a\'r,:rr.t r ..... ,iran<< ..,e....-
<br />luiragraph
<br />i W::e:S ., sa rist. }x r..ti e. .the >,h ?aTi. xc , - .. .... .a,.. \t s ;ar t , tL+e .1., ...,.
<br />i
<br />a
<br />th:< :?.i,rt i.3 "
<br />l[t:ll r=<l h~
<br />p9\' pYe^iiln?~ rrP. r.....c re(I U;R'd ra [4'
<br />Via: mrnt>. T.ad2 h'i t,.' `i,'tE{:a:; t:,r Utni~'[ the 11.tCar jrar'v~. .. :il tt:c- :.}it:-."t .. ;l'. t. ~t:rTtg iF;: <,. t•e }<'id t :..:
<br />i
<br />c. ..r. ,..: :xt._ a~i,...utii _.c+ a},ph`•..j_ _:l:C}i j*N ~-t;tt-~n t~ ar<' h.'-r.i\.
<br />^,: Cl::.^.t?ril w,:~ .mot;., ' ..Uih flln'.'.~ :~_ ;L. afnn i :..~ ic`T ,.• Zvi\Inent
<br />~'.e2,'ii a, .rc;:rcty i::r th~ > .,: .~ .a xx=h•,...lnr,:
<br />T., pr~cur. drllver ..~ snc ^... ..,a-, ia . ... ..... ... ..: .< A4 ~: s ~L;: .... iti.• -,.., n.ortiatr ,- .nal ix+„t :.s an.,
<br />:_aa:. tkYreoi. t3eii\r-. .. ...,.. .n uses ,.-. - .,..,. _::., ,i; ., .u.i.,t ax,na ...x.: othe ..,
<br />a
<br />it ;I. : m,; ~'.,I-t <~u.xi t;, ihr :ncia n<=.'urer? b~ th
<br />.,u~ -. ctl-uaitiYS. and .. n. -vY'li .:-~.. s: tlxe \t;. rtn, ~-<- ,t:.a~ r~u::r,
<br />-'
<br />
<br />
<br />,r . .... ;
<br />Soo sad ... a^:'n,~r.<. cq.. ,-i: ya, .r . c:, \i, -. ..., : •.. r.t< , aU. .., i i a.::S ,n r a:. - dn1-• , ..,. 1f. ,•ihd.
<br />. _g~;e.
<br />,gx :n ihE- r\en; an. •. .,.. a. . : r '<.- .~.. .< . c I. ,a., r~ . ,:t t, .,-_ 3_ -- s. .. ..... a ,.,
<br />~
<br />}• m t t ,. - s- ~ . t a' t - t -' .. y ~ -- to t -.- . ~ t ~ V'ti
<br />.[rnpF~\-crnen:n. L`ay irx^
<br />~
<br />v. -+: alt .i:!. .: ~ lll., rill ~d-. tt'.i .1, [t a4' iv. :::i .. .i .<t< [C [+c~.+d.~
<br />:+'rtn In nH!A P.(~tY t:P.til a,t 3r1,. -}.. ..
<br />. are bore :r =^s~uir .i .~T 3~f;_.< _ - .a, : :r :,enr. _..,, •..,.?,i.- ~hel1- at thr .._ ,.~ .,,< Ai--rtrag .. ~i..tYUtx• : ... ia.alt
<br /><a
<br />r
<br />, ,lent , . uu-
<br />.n : ,. .., r,. . • Ir t.a ~l ;.•n,ttt.: c an
<br />undP: the to r^. ~t ,.ht> ,... rs- i,. ,-h<- ........ L...s ., >..::..
<br />far:ura3 premrtra.
<br />?r.\ Burns ., ;. }:.y ..-< ]1.;ncaCre _ n_.:. ~.~ ., ~. ... ...riagr .._ ,r-,t aca:na :nay tT .,aS^•:.,: h. tt:e \f..r rgagEt,
<br />,
<br />i [h: \l--rl_-~ee. .,- , .:- -:th.=r Nh.,?:, cir ::x
<br />and appiit'ei toward tSr a_ mr.: `{ thr ;eht ..<rrie; <, ,.. I -., .,. .Fa .:pt. arr.
<br />par; r.~r he paid ~ __ .,- t}xe l9an ~s<- ,,. ,'w^ isr-s; ro -rses;r .,._.. r _Ildi.~s er ., hu[i,i-,.r,. bu:h! acs :n th-'r -,ia:r ., €t,r anv-
<br />'
<br />`
<br />'
<br />'n tt~i. ^`. ;ai;r t" ~ ..r .. .1 ,nt ><a U.<.l hrre
<br />-P=\ ?}le' I:P
<br />-,aticfR:-iv~n .. ~i]c' 1f .. ~i't•c' ultl, ~L.
<br />YSa:cF 1:.rpR~ a:• L,tri x't
<br />by laefEUr- ~3a'h !%ay-nlYnt . aYr t,.r.k ; _...
<br />Tn ptxar:ptis Tr;. a:.. .._,..r .-r n~bu;'.? - .,,.-tri:r:~~ ;:r•<rtn,rh ~. ., rrirc. ,,,. ,., p; -. .,; map t,:•.
<br />Y
<br />~
<br />, ;o: n <r ::ti - ,r~n ..r
<br />arn~ r ;,alt an.t :. .? :a^. •. -7. ni:
<br />cure 3arraged or d<>ttrri\~ti3 tT p .a,~ :item.... .. «3 ,<.. ; tln:.
<br />~
<br />... a»tuf a>-' .,E ~¢ -n: ;;t:c~nte t: <xist on
<br />tsar. uu lien ~'nt axpresay whu~ii.:af_d raz the '.irr. 6r-eoi_ rx.t to >ulirr nr Sx rmtt an.
<br />aatd pnzpery nsr rr. pYrL^-lt WaaFd~ .,n ~,a r~r~i_:<-. n:rr :, ..,..~::..=trrr _,:; ..hrrr>rr> ~ . .r:r> }:.rt.t.. ~t... ~ ..; :iron r,:~t;?,nr
<br />~
<br />~
<br />~t -tl r-Elwrrm+'nts - ,ju tt<th resptt t
<br />,rm?w.+n ro a.-t t.r ; =:m;+l',
<br />3~ :-~'valrie. mnr u^ 31mini~? -ar >npvr la' slue na sn} a e r
<br />LhY Y,extgat;ed premts.h and I}tY a4 tlxeiF:~f
<br />'^r~t stu~ulEi ~. pres..- t-.T . pa[t Yr :r;-f !r ti;<.-..:.. ,tamat; - . •, ., . ..,. r <.., :,r ,.-mir; ,t;atton
<br />- ,w~~e>iirg. ur w,3tr tier rlph .. . ,.. ~ ...,- ,rth:r ma ... ... ., - i ~ ... .,., . .. - , rr at•.r.<
<br />•
<br />J
<br />r
<br />=
<br />`
<br />ivy z~.-fisne»e`e. aY'•ear ir. amt pri+~r~etta in t'L
<br />tta
<br />rsp.tictn
<br />?+e e»tizied, sY
<br />s5sai3
<br />aWAr,a., and aaa• _xiver payment t+r rti?Sxei tiarr~iar' arxd
<br />r'xxl rlaztsf• any action. c+r p~ot~3irg, ,,: ro sna7.P a, }- cnrnpr<unt.r r,r sPtik=meat :n n.nnect t:.n Kit:^, wch txt n..:;g cu .iamagr .~:1 >sselt
<br />:zmpeen~itim, awards. darriager... aygtlt cxf aetitut and prr+c~^c^ds ar>' hereby assiglni to t!xe 4fosigsgee- shy ma}•. afiet ditdurting
<br />ehcredrr~ at! iu es'ix+>xaA, release any' moneys 3:7 r[ t^t\~d by tY or apply i?tr asrae• <::t a»ti 7ndri+te3nr3=. a~rruFed herr-hy. TtrE< 37ott..
<br />; t~ eSeCdte EtI:"!I tnrit%-r asstg»mrms u5 any i'^i.mitPn~atSitr:_ AWarfti, =tamale.:, atNi rl~tl Gi ~t aeiliR a:xi prtmcwd+ 11 LIsP
<br />~ maY nrr®iitre. ~ _
<br />Tlsat .n case :rt iaiiure~ t,, fsr-r c,zm ~ y .. six c...-::mss:?. '. Y~rr, .. ;F>r \(rr•_s`•°-g-r~• 'ra? d_, 'r± ,h.^ \lnrtgagu.-s txhatf e.~rr,thtng v~
<br />t}fa# 33iP ~idlb;~~ n331+` iihii :'3c H.~~ i'.'[ 3t u:81 dre°t tWCYPsary is pr¢stxf't t~}!e 13 e-n t}lereUft that the lif aTlB~nr Wl'U
<br />9P vywCSisrAC`t., -
<br />,
<br />repa3t itt%91t GtctttaTid anT<' rittrltee'S jrard '.IF dlxbtl C>!YI i,A- Tiri^ ~ieirtgagl'e frrr an\' of ihP atx>\E pltr73:ceti, and saC}t mi3net'F i(xgeCilPT WI[}i ~E
<br />tStCeresL tlxerr+un at tar rate ptrxmic+d in said rrcta' «ai; t~•xx~ sc. murh: arid:±acael artdE Y.+f.+cfnYSa i\rrPl+? ,e^currd and may hx in '.
<br />tds.3tai is am deexr fcxi•,asfoutag thu. mungade arxi #x ;xa:d ..ut ::i thr le°nts c,r p x'rctds Ed ,alr ai Bald t+rerauses it ilud olherWise `~~"'-
<br />pAttel.: that it xd~a11 twt br tlt'higatnry upon #tc MExigaRer t.^ +rqulre into thr a~ainiity of any hen. rncu.mhramrs. ar claim in ad-
<br />y x ~ i~Ce! aattxsnttn.. tMlt r'K>t}alit lgreln ;titnta(Y1eii shall t+e• ~ tis[TS3ea2 fry reytitrtng tlx l4itr Ct$a$Pe tU ad1'ance un}' -
<br />~ say laeh pexrpp++e nos isl riu Any act i+etrunder; sad that Murt,gs}ct~r s!w!i m\t imvr an; fa+rwnal tiab+ii#y t+ecausP al any-
<br />tlris~ et meY dts ar nrnii to do ttrzxwzatier.
<br />. .. .. In tt~se a>rnz ,-.<.' tix dr<tauSt },. ?t3~.sigaa ~rr ir, itu ;a}•tr nt c,f any ~rsta21::^.-nt s~. rYquir.~t !+e- the time srcurPd hYrehy, ar
<br />I.a 2ixe pert;.r:nanc:r to thY .+ti tts+xc-,s .n Y.Itss ru r gam ~ r Ins thr naie !•a-.:, r_r; ti:erehy, tf.:• ?xla•rtys,;cr ~ h~ ~ t+r r it rr7 t<, drE Carr Ihr
<br />;felt aAdtred txrzc3r?~ dun arJ PA3'sble Wittrt+ui _=tr.tia>?, and tlxe Mtei$agee sfiall bP entrtlad at :in c:pt n,r -[~.•ui ~. t ithrr by itaPJf
<br />zrr 11Y a teptit~er to tr af,Su~ntcd Fr Y3tr cxntrt therrof. and w7ttrcwi regard to the adequa.^y of any +ECUnty fi±r the irulebted~^~s se--
<br />retrxcl t'y. in easier ¢pine azxd tape m zif rise *nnr4&sged ptrr[tises. arsd tci rnEkct soar recx'i.=r thw r<nts. ivsuE~c an-= p.~tr6te
<br />t~seaf. ~d nixptr+ rite . Iess rv~A cS ~zrAtit~ and trllra-^#ian, upon the ixdebtr<inesA seeurrxi by this mortgage; sat 1 rents,
<br />ismxe+A and €xemE1L trraa harel+v iafltasr'd 1c the M:xaga~+c Its #arl.her seruritr for ttr payment of A13 indrhtedr-Esc v-w-urerl htrebi'
<br />'Syr stoat] hm tht powPt io appoiai an.Y agent ur agenia it tt;ay desire fca ttcP pv rT:aroP =.f rri%air:rg ,~a,d 5:rrm
<br />iAas: rxtfsa{ t3te Aasae; eoFlae4i~{ tf+e teats, sc+=rnues and itxome, and it may- pay out of said int<utte all expensFS Incurred to rent-
<br />iitp ad flea ir~st ~ d a`t~ectitK the reatais ibetefrrxn. The balance r.mainirtg, if an<•. shalt `,~- spYli2d ~'ard Yi~•
<br />dittSxrt~4e d !&e e ~ This aAAipnmem ix to termitute and l9petAnY null and votd upon retravr ut this mortgage.
<br />
<br />
<br />