<br />FORM FLB 2C8-RR (Rev. 1-77)
<br />~~,~ ~~~ ~ _ October 17, 1979
<br />Robert D. Shields (also known as Robert Shields) aad Pickle L. Shields,
<br />husband and wife Nor:gagars, ~
<br />Hall Ne~raska f
<br />..~ Ca:a,~t - i^^. _onsiderat icn a
<br />- who a,±v:S:Ce ~,` t';e p inc iPai s.~x ^_~. red in Che r.:te ^_ralna*ter ~escr:Jz,^.. rer~i;:~o* n~hic!r is acknawle~ged. herebi,
<br />:a. rt~-3e and caavey tc
<br />THE Ff6fRAL LANG BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Ooug]as Count;, Nebraska, whose address
<br />- is Fa nn Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100, `
<br />"t ~ .g ~e2! D.. t ~~ Vii'. B , a, a.. - y -~ `ter ~ __- ~ °_x15,. ., aiS2TeniS ~: -
<br />_ ~ _r~.. ... r?s?n .1~°s to ' _.._~ .~_...~ ~_._. ,,e e. .. en!.=. 3.-.-.*.e 5.. ~ .._ heV~; .inL; ... __: ~hit„z-,ray_,..,hzfollovein3-
<br />~2scriD2u real estst° !? Hall .~- Nebraska
<br />SEC. IWP. RG.
<br />Beginning at a point on the north ??ne of said Section Ten
<br />(20), said paint being Five Hundred Forty-Five (54.0) feet
<br />east of the northwest corner o£ said Northeast Quarter j
<br />~iE~.}; thence easterly along the north line of said Sec-
<br />- tion Ten {10}, a distance of Two Hundred Eight and Seventy-
<br />One Hundredths (208.71) feet; thence deflecting right 90000'
<br />and running southerly, a distance o£ Two Hundred Eight and
<br />~ventp-one Hundredths {a0g,71} feet; thence deflecting
<br />right 90"000' and running westerly, a distance of Two Hundred
<br />- Eight and Seventy-One Hundredths {203.71) feet; thence de-
<br />Electing right 90000' and running northerly, a distance o£
<br />Two Hundred Eight and Seventy-One HundredtYs (208.71) feet
<br />to the place of beginning a,_d containing 1.000 acre more
<br />ar less-------- ---- ------ ---- -- -- IO 9N IO k 6th P.M.
<br />}
<br />~_ - xi- 3i - - _ r ~~. -~~diu- s,i b:~t rgs.
<br />- _•IA'~i4. _S.'.:. ~; tt _ -ll~ _ ^`c'~ui-",2._ 13t'SPS
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<br />S8.-~.~'i'a . _~iiP li'~ _..... ~ .... .~_ . _. __ . _.
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<br />,,,~ . .2 ^. FiF1T-Ti1fl THODSAh'D SFI'~. Hru.`DRED ~TdD :101100 - - - - - - - - n., .*xt;,
<br />-'•'i.P'-+~-_R«. 1'1Si...l'_]Ver'Zr K'_?.,. _L_ ea` __..___ .r .:. ~_ _ .. ._ c. ...t _. _.._._...-'^.2R. bai^'4, ~L'2 .I4~ p&)'_
<br />.~..e .,,. - ~. ril, ° 999
<br />9: ~2 -."C~ 5~ 'v .f~ .._. ... .' .., r_. .- ,. ..~~.. 2 >3}~* [:'. 541.'.
<br />- x±.2 ~.r ~~8'~'s ~~ - 7'~, •.f .. r - .~_,. - _Tm~t - ritr *;,a r1~s .ev"cited
<br />- ~^^~ 3'.i:sv~?-•3E_=~,.,.: *,2~ Fig ^t .,r~•..:ar _ :e.. ..i- r *1: ...2. .2i:: r2^ _ rU.~~l at K,
<br />Sa;~ Prk t«~ ..'~*°? f^. 1TM... _._TS.;'C :'red: S2S, 9"~
<br />- ~ L'_.'2 '.^ EELS*_2 t:3E_ 3:1 = --Sy_,a.. .«Ar~ - tai ~< th2.'2L' .
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<br />- - zD.:.` y`'c~. : Yom, t~'E2tS. ... ...«i2 - ..._.
<br />_ _ ^:w- °g?~ i n> to x __ pe _ e_ _ __ ."_ ,e~ _. .. _. _ _.. ..... ..,TS...-. _ -,,.'17-
<br />~_. - ^ '~%.^::~*...g„~::. ~A aac,:. ~' ;,nee., ~o-^^'ry ~. _ `_.' - ono •.:..: ~,~>r~ ~ r _
<br />i.:: ~tf~3= :,E 9Q+dci^£S `S1G5.^. L.S N: :N75?~F.~2:' &~~ Lf.°." 5~-3 }-~ .2e ~!7 ~ -h 5 .,hit
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<br />- 3fi 1Gilias5l
<br />~,. ., a.. ;_ .. ~.__ ~~_3. .__.. .. v:?fiats, .~.._.~..,.,,.._ ten T..., ~_ ._... ~_?Y less°_.. -a ....,_ ~.
<br />zee fiei'sff ~- _ _. ..ga.~ ~.
<br />- - - i2] ~€t ~tKaeY ~"..ii e;..•^,i^e ar.~1 Yea}: ins-ate u~.,i lairws _- nther 1:~P='o;`a!nea*-s now or. cr wa?ch ray *=_rea*ter be ;~'azzu -
<br />:' S bst-saii~ ~es15~LOtAe stttistactiah aS t.*ee ~ -gaaa~, szach lnscrsnce poll.`}` shall be endorsed wtth a ;^artgage c1a:s<e
<br />*iCffi @eR 3.ozca t@e2 t,6 tee Ie ro Lhf !mrtee. 9fs}, ~' crams recelvad may be used to Pay for -ecenstructicn
<br />` a.' .~ >~ -ivastre~s; ~, 1! aunt ~- a:,"F1=+~, a~3*. at t*te eftiaaa c.* .the tha"tee, h? apyiied in Paymer.C of
<br />„~ _ .y ~ _-~ _ --_.. _-. ant,'R`atl ta"samat.lnntd~ sa~rared. +~y Luis amtrt~e.
<br />{~j 43~t ix t2ac eveIIL rite Tlrart$s2,a? is a party to aaay '_!tlgmtii«. a.±fe^Cirg Che security cr the Lien o_ its mort-
<br />-_ ~ _Nttge; 'l~Sa~31Ag ~+ atalY by t~ MprF.g.agea t~rr .fares ion LttiB mor<..aage 3r any 3,1it Sn which the ttortgagee may be ram2d =
<br />~ t 6 Pat'2Y @Pie9t~tit 3fA ~@71tia iT S+ daiigatxd Cu ;";}'Leer itw rig>sts or iron, lnc'u~ing can ~2mriat lcn and benkruPt^_y ,
<br />T ~ gttyseeedi~s, [!ta Tktttgepgea iatcttr °'tGrenaes 3fd advance payer=i fcr abscraet tees, aC Carney fees ;except Ln the
<br />„- ~YtEat iu'citlbisaaS Dy lax),-cows, eipeases„ sre et3aer charge.-.
<br />y
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