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-~ <br />ypSya ar;,~A~E OF DQOATGAGE-CozporaHon me General enppis lionse, LincoW, Hebr. <br />- _- ~~_- - __ wrg[~ C3~r"a <br />~~~v.,. , <br />IN CONSIDERATION of the paymsnt of the debt named therein, the <br />FIRST WEST SIDE BANK hereby releases the mortgage made to <br />FIRST WEST SIDE BANK by Jay A. Runyan and Joan Runyan <br />on tha follou»ng described real estate, to-writ: <br />Lot il, Block 2, Pleasant Viet. Addition <br />i <br />i I <br />of Section in Toccrnship ,Range of iha P_ M., Hall <br />Cosnty, State o} Nebraska zohick is recorded in Book 79 of Real Estate Mortgages, page 05422 ~ <br />of the rerords of said Coxnty. <br />IN TESTIMONY ii'HERF_OF, the mid FIRST WEST SIDE BANE has caused <br />skeet pr~tewts to• ter rsecxted by i# pressdent and its Corporate Seat to be affissd hereto this 17th <br />day of,•''-• O'cto'ber , ,9 79 FZRST SIDE Brj\K: ! <br />E _,, .~ . -.. ~ '.`-'- -._' ..._ ....- .-_ By+Gc!~ ..-,r~..y/~.~s~- ~r1C-4. President <br />~ ~ •• _. -.-street R,~ger P B hrdor f _ , ~, <br />-_--_ ~__°_-~.. _-~; _..-may....-_; -..-...- .............. .. -.- - ........ ........ :. -' <br />._ __. - ff <br />STr#?"E.flF r ~turaska-- ------ ---...--- ---- octnber.......-------- 74 <br />... On this..-1,' oJ. -- --° '-_' --__ ' • t9-------- i <br />. ,~ ~ - <br />..~__:__-._-.-----.--,----------.-..._ ................-----r~tv 3 before me, the s~ndrrsigntd, a Notm;~ P~+btu in and or m i <br />Corst-y, personally ra+ws.----.Roger---P _- ,Buhrt~arf--•- ..... _.-VicePrssidsnt of t1.e <br />FIRST WEST_STOE.-fill?~7~:....-----.-...---------_ ................._.................- - a Corporntian 1 <br />W wtr prrmnstly knaurn to be the Pressdent and identical person whoss na+ne is aired to the above release and ~ <br />x1~~a~icrlgrd tJu esrs xtian thrreoj to be deir cv3Yntary act aaal dead as .evch ojj+cer, and the valt~ntary gut and deed ! ,_ <br />_ 1 <br />o ~ ~~~Seat at__.--.~-lht.:.I~Dt II~C.r„i~a--~ .--., in .txrid Cornly ttu day and year f <br />p .nrc. isp- t~~~F- 3~i~e .may ~~ r ~ <br />- - ^~_*~. :~ f I p ~ }-- - ~ ---- ~ ~+~E. - ~~?:::I>1GeT..--...._... A otar~ P+d+lir <br />t afp rY7n4~szcaww srpwrsa`--~'"----° --°~--~----- I -...1 <br /> <br />