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<br />no{. extend ar postpone the due date of chc monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or <br />change the amount of such installments. <br />10. Borrawer Not Rejeased. Extension of tlx: lime for pa}-meet or meditication of ;unartizatian of the sums <br />secured by this lfortgage gtanteef b}~ I.ectder to snr• sticceggOt• =.n inurest of Borrower shall not operate to release, <br />in any manner, the liabiIltc of the origins! $orroe-er and Borrmccr's suoeessors Sn interest.. lender shall not be <br />required to commence proceedings against such sucec,~sar or rrtusr to extend time. for- patment. or athercvise modifc <br />amortization of the sums secured bg this \lortrsge ~,}- reason of any- demand made it}~ the original Borrower and <br />BorraA•er's successot~ i^ interest. <br />]j. Forbearance by Lender Not aWaiver. -art forbearance h}• Lender in exercising an: right or remelt <br />hereunder, or otherwise afforded bt apnlicabla Ian-. s't:all not t,e :a «siter of or preclude the exercise of any right <br />,y or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insursctce or the pacroenr of taxes or oilier lien. or charges b}• Lender <br />- ~ shall not. be a waiter of I.Pnder~ right to arceierste ti,e maturitt- of the indebi.^tiness securea br this \Iortgsge- <br />~ i2, $emed3es Cumulative. :~I2 remedies protided in titi; Mortgage are distinct and cumulatite io snr• other <br />right ar remedc under this lIartgagr cu• afton~c>tl I„- iu,t nr ,-tluit~-. snr, ma}• lies exercised concurrently, indeperd- <br />,~ entdt ar successirelc. <br />Z• i3. Successors asd Assitms Bound; joint aatd Several Liability; Captions. 'Phe co~-en;tats and agreement= <br />Fri };~,~ conisired shall bind, and the rights ;:ercu::der -i:a1i inure to, the respecttv~> sacce~ors :nd a:Ligns of Lender <br />:tnd Borrower, subject to the pratisons of paragraph l" ltercof..ali cotcrants at:d agreentems of Borrower shall <br />~` be ioint and screen?. The capT.ions and headings of tine psragraplts of this \[ortgaQr are for ranteniencr onl~• and <br />~ are not Lo be used to interpret or defitte rite protisiotts l:ereaf. <br />14. Notice. ant notice to Borrower pratxitni for h: this Mort_sge shall he giten b}• mailing such Warier hr <br />ctertiiied mail nddressrj to Berrau-er at ti:,• Prol,rrtt _t.idrr;s statc~i ix?arr. except iw unc entire required under <br />usragraph IS itereaf to I>< given to Borro~trr ~.. .its tttanrer prrscriia>ti bt applirahie ;su- .Int notice protidcvl <br />far in Lh \lartgsgr shall in der_u:e:: to iar:• kxvn gn-rn to Borron~er rciten titan tr, tl:e manner ce; ignated herein, <br />j5. jjn;#srxzm Mortgage: Govsming Lacs; Severabijity. ~I'i:i: itarnt of tnurtgane cambines uriiarm cotenants <br />is nstsonai u~ and Wen-unifarm rorensuts ttitia lintitc~i t:,natians In- ,nrisdiction m constitute a uaifonu secu- <br />rit3• instatnnent catering real 1>ml,ettti-- This \Iortgse shall i:e acs ~ntt>~i in- the lan of the it:risdictinn in which <br />tir> PsaperL,y is located. Ir. t;:e i~reat t:s::tn~ -01;:;0:: ar .'sausi ,,; t!tis Mortgage or the ~~te ranNicis with <br />applicable law, surf: eantlirt shs rat area otit•e-° ~>rt„ tsi.,ns of *.hi< \Iottgagc or the \ote a°hich eau br given <br />effeeL a•ititout the conflictSng gtmcisiott. and to -his end the ?+sovisi0r:= of the 1lottgaGr and the Note are declared <br />za be severable. <br />1S. jjoztower's Copy. $orroa-ershsit Iu> furnis:tt'<: a .-enianned rcln of this \lort~sgr st the time of exeau- <br />t3on or a;tnr ree4rdatia^. hen of. <br />17. I'rmts3er of the Property; Assnmptian If all or snr par of the Properc~- o.* su interesi therein is sold <br />or ty±saferred 'ay Borntttter wit:,oat Lenders .arior written carsent, excluding : y ~ tits ereaiioa of a lien or enetun- <br />juaare subordinate to this \iortgsg2- i b t the r°tn sties=. of :r purchase money- securit}- interc>~-t far household appli- <br />sncP=, +ri s transfer by deri~c'. d~rent or by al~rrstian of :a,~ upan the death of a joim tenant or ;dl the grant of <br />anp litold intermit of thtsr }sears or :r- na*, ran*.ahtin~ ~;: aptian to icurchase. Lender mar. at L,ender's ap#3on, <br />detlart: aiI *~e sums serum. t by th ~lorgage to bi• iuit:,rd;~:elz- due and z,s}-3b:r. Ixn,ier a,tali hate waiti-r~, such <br />optaan to artYleraLe if, prier to the ~1e ~~r transier, Lender sec? the }xt~an to whoa: rite Property is to 'oe said or <br />;ratv-iesrai *_esth agn-~rmert in wr5tittg that the rtedit of sur!t i>erson is satisiartan- to Lrtnier and :list the interesi <br />payable an the cams =eeumd bR tlzts _lortgage ;teak; br at tti~lt rate ss Leader steal' tequc:,t- Ii Lender has u-aited <br />rile option to artYlerata pnyided in this paragraph I: and ii Borrower < successor its itterest leas executed a writ- <br />te sasurrgtatut agteemenz atrepted in ts-ritmg iii- j.t>nder, Lrnder:haii relea<~ Bot-rowrr imm ail abligations under <br />this ~Sarf~age and the'_\iue. <br />Iz Leader exa-cis suci; opuaa to ai-e2lerdte, Lender ;hall tt>3ii $orrower nafirr ai set~teration is accordance <br />$iti: itatftragr3gh i4 herroi- ~ucit noticY• sl:ail prntxir a l+erio<i 0f eat less than v0 dad s from the date the mztice <br />rusileai wit tin u•itirh Barrower neat lx,t- the sinus derlare3 dots- If Borraurr fatis to ;,s^: such ~•:nts prior to the <br />rzaira#asm of such period. landrr txta~ . witltaut iurtiter r,arise or +iemand on Born~wer. intake 5~---_: remedie per- <br />rttitted Ity paragraph 1£ hemaf. <br />~;~~_i'~LFngyt x'nt-t=x.~r-:,. ~,,rr~nwer:ta.t3l.endet~ iurilt~t' ettrrnant tt=_td a¢rc3~^ a. Iallot+•s: <br />lie. Jforx~cttiem: $etnethos, Faz•z>!rt s ptxt+''.Kied is p:tragrz;d, ?: 'arrrni- upan Barmwers breach of atay <br />tuvertaui or agreement of Barroaer i. t'-u= 3it~rt; sgr . ntelu+iine the caterams *.o ;+ar rchen ,itx> ant- stints secured <br />'~~ iixis ~ioztgage, Lrrwrr ;trier to s.:~>irrstictt „=.uli t,:at{ t~ot:re t~~ tsar-nt,t~r a- „errs:,+,ea to lusrs~ raa*'t d# laerfof <br />~erifting: +is the brrsceh: +P~ the 3t'tion muw_t•,i t;~ ru:. curs t,rrerl> +;i, s ,intr. eat list; tl±an thin}• da}'= <br />ircxn*.3udatethenotrt~ is taailetltoBerranrr, i+t ,.Far'; s„rb #r~.„!::Host ix +un•d itrtd :-53 that iailmr to cure <br />:uclt hrraRY+ on or beinm the dau> _pr~•t5ed ;r. t1>ti• t~t,z,re :Itn>• srsult in 3creirt~tin.^, of ilte suns ni-eared bt thi <br />?dtx#.gage and ale vi t~ Friinert}- If the hrrseh t. eat rumi us ar i~e3are tlce dat,= spcrifirti in the notice. Lemder <br />az Ixntier'e c+ptiar. tear :crls.'t• all of t?;e aunts servtt^,i Est t't:- \ianga, • to be incnciiete!t :rue and payable <br />gii}tottt?nrE :er denxsnd ~d tuxc ir.*rrio:~r t7~,t= 39 artgagK 7,~-,~wi:earl yn~^~>tdst,r, Lender ~i,all t,c r-ntiti~i to ro,lect <br />an cuc'h pn':iing sli eslxnees ,. :;art`-tltru rc•. nxlu,;itt;;, feat ;>.., '.iutit to t.. .-u_ts of +iurutsirntan- ettdence. <br />aiasttasacts atxl titles rr~,ontt- <br />!#. l~otaosrsr's m AsaesTats. tiaz>x:x?~~tatad:ng 3.encier': scceirrstion ai the sinus secured 6}• shit <br />'~itnt~e. Bozrt+wer shall bare slay right to hate auy l,rcrrrrriings begur. b~• I_rtxtt°r to ~^niorrc slits ~iorcgage dis- <br />tyd3 s# am zss~ prior tta carter of a :udgmem eniarcing *.3tis ~iartgagr if : ,a, $ozrawcr pans Lender ail <br />sr~h~Iz:nvjd #,rtl~ due undesih Mortgage- tl.e ~vtt nd rate= seturiug Futun• ~itratue=, ii arcs, had no <br />~t ores<urE~; ibi Burmv,vr etar~ aIi t:rear='-_~ 0f ani- artery rotx•nants ar agrern>ents of Burrower con- <br />L~ 1H ti,~ ?t~+mtgage; tt 3 Bffrsvv,-er pa}°e x:It rea:.onablc• inrurrrri b~- bender in r•nfarring the covenatsta <br />sn$ of Btermcez eastsined in thin liottgst~ and in enforcing Lender'. recn€dies as l,rt~videtl in para- <br />?~ , i'dr?+t ~3~, Est r~i i~mi~pd te:3. _=aa~_*rallY az:o_,-t,Nr'- i~-; and tti! Be_~aer takes such artiea ss <br />Les+~t te$at~ed$ ~~ #a sssttm that the lien of tltir _llartgage. Lender's interest in the PrapertF and <br />Soez4+~•~ obj~sfam tc }nag rite corns t~eeuted hF this \iortgage shat; continue unimpain~l. t'pttn sorb paytnent <br />and suneby Btttrro~wct, #hia'4loztgtege and the oblif~tioru set•ur~d itrrehc• shall remain in full force and ef3ert as if <br />na ased~Cim ~ tbeataaj, <br />76. ]tsiyn®sstt d BrtMn ~ d Aseeiser, #.sader in Possession. .1a additional serurit}• hete- <br />ea~er, lamer etacbg aa>a~s to Lender ttte re~zta of the Prpperts- prorvle%i that Bnrrou•er shall, nrior to acceler- <br />> tau#srpiu 78 ttetent ar abantioament of the Property, have the right to collect and retain such rents <br />as t~ jipeams tlae and ps9abic. <br />IIpon esad~•atiata tttdar patagra{ttz IS fternaf or xbsndanntent of the Yrolxtty. I.t•nder, in l,etxon, by agent <br />aa• 6y lut~ieiaijT apptxisttaj t~eceiver sjtsij be eat#itit~3 to tinier ulwn. take Is~~easion of and tnana(;e the Ym~rt',• <br />and tat ct:ileat the r~tb of the Pzt~ertr, incjtsding-those past due..~ll rents collected by Lender or the receiver <br />aEzail be applied f"iratto }aspctfentnt tjte costs of manageatent of the Prapert}- anti rolicr•tion of n•nt+, inclurltnK. Inct <br />tub, limited to, receiver's fees, praniums ott rcreiver fi iwnels and reasonable attarnec•'s fr•r<. and then to the ~unu <br />~ttr~Bn ~ i~errtgage.I~#~'and tltc r?r_~yer ti~Il tu~ Iiabir_> te, a-ccount onlt int those rent: act u:tllc• rcceitrd. <br />