<br />,J~
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<br />LtlVCO~N
<br />79- ~6,;~
<br />~'naM No. 726-aT9
<br />Loan Number_43658____-_ 188__-_ 1
<br />- rrr~ e„~~„
<br />TFIIS A40RTGAGE, made and executed this -- _.....y7 ................. day of _---(~-bober.._...-__._.-.. A.D.,
<br />1J...-.%~., beta=een the ~Sartgatar, ----Lynn.D....xevetlker_.and. Ki7,stze.. JQ.Sevenker,._husband..and.--..-
<br />~*ife,...3ntnsly...and.._each._in-.ih~iz_oxu_Xighr<.__..--------------.----._.-.-._.__.._._...._..---..------. -..-_._._
<br />- .
<br />of -....Giaud_Is-latld_._--_, Ceuniy of -..._. xa7.Z._-._-.....__..._, State of _ :Nebraska-___.-, hereinafter referred
<br />to ss the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br />° LINCOLN, 1'23d '"_~" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 65501, its succesors and assigns, hereinafter referred to
<br />as I.ertder.
<br />~Gtt~~,er:-t: That the said Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of --_FIFT'Y_ONE-.THOUSAND
<br />~itTsli_HLRO,?Ri:D_-FIFS~__Ald12.-i0L10Q..rr-------------- DaAars lIIS 5...51-,70,00_..- __------.)
<br />- - -_..
<br />paid by said I.e~der, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and assigns; the
<br />foiloc~~ing de~ribed property lasted in the County of ___..Hal2___ . .... .........-._., State of Nebraska:
<br />bar Seven (?1 Uestern $eights Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Tact:rt~s xith all the improvements Craw ar hereafter erected on the property, and ail eacements,
<br />rig}ris. appurtenances, reefs, royalties, rarer.), oil and gas righ!`c and profrts, a-ater, water right_E and
<br />watea s'ocL'_ end alt fixtures sax- ur hereafter attached to the property, all of which, including replace
<br />mentc and additions [hereto, shall be dinned to be and remain a part of the property coveted by this
<br />lbiortgag~e; sad $Il of the foregoing, together x3th said property (ot the leasehold c-state in the event this
<br />3uFottgsge is an a leasehold) are herr~rt referred to as the "Property"
<br />Bottower eaf~ants that $arraxes is lawfully sei-ced of the esfa#e hereby ronveyzd and has the right
<br />to mortgage, grant sad convey the Property, that the Prnperty is unencumbered, and that Borrower will
<br />reatrrsat and defend generally the title is the Property against all claims and demands. subieLt to any
<br />ea.~.~ttis and res'rictiorrs listed in a schec#ule of ezreptions to rnverage in any title insurance policy in-
<br />svriug Lander°s interim in the Propertc°, ar i:?) attorney's apinian of title fivm aL~# act. a3 title certified
<br />by beaded abstracters.
<br />Parn~tnEn A:.x•!,N sad these prevents are executed and delivered upon the foilox°ing conditions, agree-
<br />Es61t5 and ohhg$tfons of the Harrower, to-x7i.
<br />The ~ agrees to par ~ the bender: ar order. the principal crm of . £Ip ly -iXfE--T2i81ISANII---
<br />_.S1sIf.SI._~ZFT4__AMZ)_NQ11~f1_ -'iiollar+ (L'S s. 51,750.00
<br />payal3e as pror-ided in a note :secured and delivered, rnncurrentl}• herexith, the final paytnent of principal,
<br />if zxx sooner paid, on the . ~~- -. - - --- -Say of -- ._ I3o~.~~ ll$. - ~?
<br />L'ztrxxxra Ct*~•twv~~-r;- Baracm°er and I.endea cros*enant and agree as follnw•s:
<br />L Fsa+tma~t ai PaavPai o~ lnterr~. Barroxcer shall promptly pay when due the principal of and in-
<br />ter~.t on the indc3btesfaess ez:dencrd by the Note. prepayment and late charge; as praczded in the Note,
<br />and ~ priacS~tt of and interc~sz :»n air Future Advance;: ~°ured by #his Alartgagz-
<br />3. Funds ire Tctcaa aaul insurance. Subj~t to Leader', option under paragraphs ~ and 3 hereo#, Bor-
<br />roiaes a-lcall pay to Lender cut the clay monthly installments of principal and interest are papabte under the
<br />ham. tmtil t3se \ate b paid itt fish, a sum therein `'F'unds") c-xtual fo one-twel#th of the yearly taxes and
<br />its w°hi~ may at#atn priority over tlr 4fortgage, and ground rent, an the Property, if any plus
<br />ta3e-tom of s-{ gran~rm i~ra~lmnats for tta~rd insurance, Plus one-twelfth of yearly premium in-
<br />atalfrtx~rtt'r for ~ '~~~~ it ant, all as reasonable estimatexl initially and from time to time by
<br />Lender o8 the basis of is and title and rca.sonabte estimates thereof, Lender shaIl apply= the Fund,
<br />m pa4 wrisd tataas, ta, imams premitaas and ground eerie. Lender shaft make nv charge for so
<br />arui aQplgi3ig the l~emda or verifying and Compiling said eas~^mAts and bills. 'The Lender shall
<br />to the , wit~feitt rlsarge an annual accounting of Cite Funds showing credits sad detrita to the
<br />aael ptstprase ftu which ~ deft to tl>Y Fonda was made. The Funds are pledged as additional
<br />aeouritg for t~ ramie secured bq tltia A4~tgage. The Horrowar sgna~ that the Funds may be held by the
<br />axed wit3t other €ssrrds sad #~ Z~ader's own toads and the Leader may pay such items
<br />froomn itP own toasts sad the I.essrier ahali nit be liable for iater+eat ar dividends vn such Funds.
<br />t~#,ea ~ the I+eada by 3,eadrr together with the future mtnrthly irrstaliments of Funds
<br />.per pa+da` tb t~ die dates sf taaEe. its. insurance gt+esainttna and ground rents. shall asCeed
<br />t3tie a to said tazea, anmtts, inaaratsce pz~utas and ground rents as They fall dos,
<br />aeeh a'asfl -lee, at ~"a option, prontpilp repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on
<br />maattl~y of Fuada li the aatotu:t of the P'utzds held by Leztder shall not be sufTicient to paS
<br />tazea, aasestanestts. ixee premirarm and grossed teats as they fall due» Harrower shall pay to Lender
<br />a~ atrtosmt 'Y to make up the y within thirty days after notice from Leader to Borrower
<br />re~}aestiRg ppaav~tsiasrt t2setea#, os Sotavwer shall, by ea increase in monthly installments of Fonda required,
<br />repay tine deficiency wifhin the Fund accatmting period.
<br />=7~° ~;'m;mt ~ =alt a:' idl rm~red 'ay tL~- 4#or<g'~e, Lender sl;aU apply Funds :seld as a credit
<br />against all €uats dtre.
<br />