79- 4i3fr8~~1
<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shalt pay the amrnmt of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest [hereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Bo[TOwer stcaztd by this Mortgagt- Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender So Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to tire° on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable taw, in which tvent such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rats
<br />permissr3le under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any esptnse or take
<br />any aMion hereunder.
<br />8. Iaspectloo. Lender may make or cause to he made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give Berroaer notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related m l.endci s
<br />intents*_ in the Praperiy.
<br />9. Cowdemwatan. 'l'he proceeds of any award ar claim for damattes, direct ar cansequentiat, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or oilier taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of candemna[ion, art htrcby assigned
<br />and shall bt paid to Lender.
<br />in the tvtttt of a total taking of the Property, the prc>L-cods ;hall bt applied to the sums secured 6}' this ;4fortgagt,
<br />with the excess, if sac, paid to Borrower. to the went of a partial talon; of the Proptrn•, tmkss Borrower and Lender
<br />athtnvise agree in writing, there shall lse applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that prapotrion which the amount of the sums secured t+y this Afortgagt immediateh• prier to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market vahie of the Propem- immediately prior tc the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Bortnwtr.
<br />if the Pmpem• is abandonod by Borrower. or if, after notice by I.endu to Barmwtr that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award ar settk a claim for damage, Barrawtr faits to repead to Le~:der within 30 daps after the date such notice is
<br />maikd. Lender is airthotized [o roDect and apph• the proceeds, at Lenders option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property ar to the sums secured 'nr this Mortgage.
<br />Ltnirss Lender and Borrower oeheta•ise agree in w7itin¢, env suc» aoplicatian of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />ar p.~sipone flit clot date of the tttanthh installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />Stich itistailments.
<br />18. Esesowrr :Na Released. Extension of the time for pa[•meni or m..~lification of amarlization of the sums secured
<br />b}• this Maitgage gtrrtied by Ltndu m an}° suc~YSSOr in inttrtst of Borrower st+,t1 net operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liatsility of t4x original Borrower and Bormw•eis sucttssors in interest. Ler..er shall net he required to commentt
<br />pttsoxdimgs agaittsz such successor ar r.fuse to extrnd time far pa}most ar othcrxist mndih• arnortizatian of the sums
<br />steered by ibis Mortgagt by reason of sm• demand made by the original Barmw•er and Bormwtr's succtSSOrs in inttrest.
<br />11• !+'aabaeaaee hs Leader !Vol a Waiver. .Am forbearance by Lender in exercising am right ar reined}' hercundtr, or
<br />athettrist afforded b}• applicabk lax, shalt net he a waiver of ar prelude the esereise of anY such right ar remedy.
<br />llie pr~nemrttt of itxurance to the payment of rases ar other liens er charges by Lender shall net let a waiver of Ltnder's
<br />eight to accelerate the maturity of the indebiedreccs secured by this Mortgage.
<br />li Seaaei~s 4l®~.. Ail remedies provided in ibis Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any ether right or
<br />tetntdjr under this Maatgagt or a$arrkd Isy law• ar tquit}•. and may he exercised concurrentlc, indeptndtntly or sua~^essivrty-
<br />13. Srceeeaaoes and AxslAaa i?+osnd: Joint cad Sevet~ t4abe~tyt Csptlons. The cavtnants and agreements herein
<br />ibatauxd s4ai1 bind. atsd the rights hercundtr shalt inert to, the respective su-cessors and assigns of Lender and Harmwtr,
<br />sabjeu to trio prasaims of paragraph l7 tstttxsf. _All rovtnants and agtttments of Rorrowrr shad be joint and „-verel.
<br />72ie ixpdiotu and headings of the paragr<p,'~s of this Mortgage are far convenien.^e arty and arc not M tx used ro
<br />i,^<retptet or deSac the ptnvisiaas hertaf.
<br />li lVaGtet. Esxpt far any aotict rtquittd under applicable law to be given in another manner, ta! any tsotice to
<br />Borrnav provided for in this Mongage shag bt given by mailing such notice by ctrtifkd matt addressed ro Borrower at
<br />the Pax+ptrtti> Address ar at such orlstr address as Barmwtr lass designate by notice fa Lender as pmwidcd; »erein, and
<br />tli) any rsoiia io Lender shall bt gitirn by ettti6ed mail, return txcipt regtxsted. to Lender's address stand htrein or to
<br />such earlier address as Lender tnay designate by nonce to Borrower as proridtd herein. Any notitt provided far in this
<br />ltiortgage still be dteastd to have l+ecn given to Bcui•owxr ar Lender when given in the tnanntr designated honour.
<br />!t#- L'-wHest Masfa~e: t:ovtrwietg Lsw; Severai~tc. T.sis f.~rrti of mai•t_itaet mmbitxs t_miforitt covttiants for natiatial
<br />tse and non-utrifitrm caveman€s H'tN1 limited variations by jurisdiction to fot>i"iiute a unifatni security istruttttnt rnvCTtng
<br />tul pttgserty. 'Ilsb Mortgagt shall bt gaverntd l+y else law of the jurisdiction in which Lht Praptny es iorated_ In the
<br />event that any provisiari or clatrst of this Mortgagt ar the tiatc can9icis with apptitabk law, such conflict shalt not afftc[
<br />otiaer provirSons of this ltartgage ar the ":ate whi~^lt un fix given efftYt without the rnaflicring provision. asxl to this
<br />tad flat ptasisimis of the MivsCagr attd the \ate err declat=d to he stvuabie_
<br />1.6 Rossavrds Copy. Hornrv.~ thaA ll furtii a confattntd xpy of iht Nast -and of this MoRgagt of the tittso
<br />of catcutian ar afro tdatirxr hucof.
<br />17. 7waetdv of t4 l7greeNv; A.ssaeyrtiee. if nl! ar any part of the Pttaperty ar an interest thereto is soW ar transferred
<br />by Harrower withiwt Ltuder's pear written caaserit, esrluding (aJ [he creation of n lien at enctmtbran,x subordinate to
<br />this ld•sr'tgsre_ fbl flit creatim ~ s ptuzhasc tnanev stzurin interest for hausettald appliatrte, Icl a iratufer by devise.
<br />darcwi or by npd~atitm of lass upv~ the desth of a joint tenant ar Idt the grant of any kaaehold interest of three nears ar kss
<br />not c~amiaa an ogrtiats to ptueliase. Lcndtr ma}', at Lender's op[ioa, declare all the semis secured by this Mortgage to be
<br />pd:atetr thie arsd paysbk. Leader s3saB bout waivatl such option to an~tkraec if, prior to the sak ar trsnsfu, Leader
<br />alai dK pasor3 to >w}som the ProptKt} :S to be szili v t:anafernd reach agreemtat in writing that the credit of such petsoti
<br />~ >~ti~tiy to 1 sad tlsat the interrsi pa}'al+lc an the sums xtiuttd t }• this Mortgagt shall b` a[ such raft as Lender
<br />shall retlteets- if lrad~ has waived the epiitvi to acotlciatt provided in this paragraph 17, and if Borrower's sutctsa~r in
<br />iatassi has essaruted a wtitim aastimptsaa agretmeni armed in writing by Lta~-r, Letsdtr shall rekase Harrower from aB
<br />t smdu the ~ asu! L>te Nam.
<br />if Lewder aerriaes taactt aptiam to irccrleraze, Leader shaD mail HOrrosvu notice of ai:cekratiim in nccordanct with
<br />pvsHt'aph 33 htrenf- Such tsotetX shag provide a ptiiod of n<x kss than 2D days from the dart the notice is mailed within
<br />svhich Bonercw may Pa?' rile sastis dxlared dirt. if Borrower fails to pay stick sums pricer tc the cxpimtion of such period,
<br />Leatlte' Baas. wythtArt fnrtlser noricc tit dt~ as Bnt-roau. invoke any Ttmtdit5 pssmitxd by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />Aiahr-Lli~3t~tltsa Ctwataisrs. Stu:z,~r and Lender turt3ur cavtuant and agttt as follows:
<br />1€ AmdaaRsa; ;so-s:a- Fscc}t eta ~vidt>1 is Y i? keno, ~pou $ar~vves's breach of ny eoveHaat ar
<br />of laaawwwr i fh"s MetaRe, hadaPatl tlee eaveaiaats to pay w-as dwe aay sera aecwred by this Mort ate,
<br />Lam 1~ ~ ~ >~ aewii ae~z €a Leae®wFS era provldcd ~ ph ii aprxify~: f l? the hreatht
<br />f>fl tier ataio itw~aieai ~ case aatei heeaelq #3l a dade4 ttM leas thrt 31 drys frays the ~ the aotlce b availed fo Eaewwer,
<br />b what cede h~ade teutt he awae$ aced fj/ if-at ftiewe ~ erne awc6 b-eath oe er before the dtae apeci6aa hs the atttdee
<br />realty total ie awialeeaMfm # tlea eases aeavaed by t9dc faredoaaee by J PAL swd sale of the Propcrq.
<br />'f>rn aatlsw aYsi tae9te he6ea Ifaewwer of the slHlst 1e eei~ aRer aceNeratisn aced the risM to asantt i• the foreabawrs
<br />ltt~t[ lbw aaw-e~tlawa d a ddsrl ar awy ether defewae of Harrwwu to attd~aa aced forecioarse. if the hrea_-6
<br />s colt rated M ar heftaa file date spaxiiei lea tlae satlee, Leader at Leaders opeba sway declare aH of the ~ sstw'sd hY
<br />this;~iwe~tt)e tale hmaatlatdy ihs ad paywHe wil6wtR farther deewd sad my foneciae 6y }adiclat Proceediet. Lender
<br />aYal he saAttied is rated ht rteh t atl tspeesea of faxeebaare, hadwdhtQ, bot ao! ilmited to, tats ~ doeameatary
<br />~ ai~aes art title sgaaab.
<br />lf. laesawrass Rif;Yf is RdraUtk. NMtvifhattaassding Lender's acceleratiao of the sums secured by [his Mortgage.
<br />Hatmews ahaB hrn fix right so }lave soy pnsmedings btgvn by Linder to tnfaret this Mortgage discontinued at any time
<br />