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7s-t ~8~ <br />MORTGAGE _ ` __ <br />- - AiOATGAGSL6ANxo. L 23,592 <br />tcNawaLLMENSVTHr-sepR~ssNTS:Tnat Robert L, Sorgenfrei and Lueila K. Sorgenfrei, each in his <br />ana her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whither one or store, in consideration of the sum of <br />S7Xty Thousand and No/100--------------------------------------------------------- eoLLAtzs <br />l~txd to aid me rt~gor trq 1'! < Egr:itab't B:t:Aitse and Lear: As~iziion o: Grand Isffittd, Netrrsc' a, 42ertgager. upon 600 shares of mock of <br />rid ASiOCiATIQN, Crrtifuate No. L 23,592 , do Hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said .ASSOCIATION the following <br />tksaibed real estate, situated in Hail County, Nebras]ta: <br />LOT TWELVE {12} KENTISH HILLS SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN THE SOUTH <br />HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER {S3~NW;SW;) <br />OF SECTION TWENTY-FIVE {25}, TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11} NORTH, RANGE <br />TEN {70) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />AND <br />LOT ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-ONE {151) IN BELMONT, AN ADDITION TO THE <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />togiher with a9 the traetnenis, hered:tanxris and a~.ts°tenanees thercuntu belonging, inrltrding attac~ted Haar wveriogs, all w;adavr saerax, <br />vimloa• stradrs, biirrds, storm riodows- awamts, hratirtg, air cottdiiioamg, and plumbing and water equlprruttt sad aeeesagies thereto,puatps, stores. <br />tcitieetatars, card other :sstttra and cquipxrtrnt msw ~~; ne: rafter at ached to o; usrd m azatmclnn with said rest estate. <br />wheaeas the said raortepgor has zgrcd affil does huzby agree tt,at the mangagor strata sad viii pay art taxes atxi >•~^•^u levied or <br />assessed trpoa said premises a>~ upon rtes mars.¢agr and ins [wind waved thereby nrfure the ume snaIl becvtrte dtlvtgtunt: to furnish approtett <br />iASEBaraee srQoa tau buiidstgs oa sad prr;zsses ytua:zd rn the rtra of S bv' , 000.00 pa}abk to slid .L4SOC1ATlOTi std to deliver to said <br />ASSOCLATit?Isi ttu policies for said ntstttanr; and n,r::o rcuatntt ar perms[ any svsste m or abogt sad prtmLcs: <br />In ~ aI drfatsh m the perfansancr of eny ~ f .~ terms azsd axiditrans of fns rtttsrtgage or the h nd secured hetelsv, the tnortgagge s1ta11, <br />tin demaad. be iSalil~i to imIDedratz ;tc~moa of tae aanrtgaged premises sad the mortgagor ht;etry assigns, ttaasfers and feu over to the <br />rrrtatgag<x aD flu traits, revenges sad iaa~nu to bz deriver' from the ttrnrtgagcd premises dtaeng sttch rime as tht itrortgagt indebtedness shall remain <br />uapaitt: and zhe trxsngagtx slsaA tvvr tnr parser to appoint say agtnt or agrnu ii racy tksitr for me purpose of rspaiting poi premixa and tenting <br />the tame and tsallrain~ tnr rrnu, rcvrntus ana rnr~.~e, and it may pay am of said inraroe aI! expenxs of rrpairirtg said premises attd tttaoeaary <br />aimtseaians sad exprarars incatr~ et tinting and mm~agirrg inc satru and of rnikrR~~ rentals tlurefnom; tnt balance retrtautitig, ii any, to be <br />app&xl tossed tfx d~-hates of sa~3 aacvtpgr indebtedness; muse riceJxs of the trw:rtgsgte tiny be exerria~ at any titae dtuing the ettiszana of sxh <br />derauli, ittrspatiK ar say temporuy raiser of the same. <br />'Iffier Pra:arnts. h:~r-eKr. azr ulr*a i4 Ctnsdrti<~sn, TSut if ihr said Mortgag r snali rzp0y said loan as ar bziarc tree rr>sturity of saw shares by <br />paq~etst; pay manth}y to saxi ASSOCIATION ra the stars fttd at the frond sexvrc-d hatby as iutuest asd p-incitsa{ gas said hxa, on or before <br />the h day of rsct send every rtw'Mtta, :mtri snd lesser ii fatly paid; pay aB uses acrd assestnrnts kvial ~ittss aid p;entises attd cm this Mortgage <br />sad Nee 9aad secured tlxreby, tcfcnr <.sr?ruY=r. n...: urutz*, aplsosrd ms:aanx ttpaa the buldiags tlures>r, in [fie sum of S 60 ,000.00 payable <br />to said ASSOCIATION. reps. to said .4SSitCiAtl{}~ rrpan dzmaad all :txx,ry by it pad fur stmt t>_tes, a~moents and *oe„a,..,. with interest az <br />the rttaximsrra lees! sane t2ureim trans :are .._;+ psyarrrrt a43 of wtu,ls ldangagar hrretsy agtnes to pxy: permi? ao wwe tin said pretnisrs; keep sad comply <br />arith ah tht a~rexrneata and a~artioas ,*t fix &~+:sd b 6U ,UOD.I~O t:+~ss day gixn by the sand Martgagu to rud ASSQCIA770N, and aetmp}y <br />rvth all the rugaararnts fir ilst C:erstitutraa ana #ly -Lars v sard .Li~OCiAT1ON; then t4uar prrs~ts stall ne•Lronx null and vad, otherwise tnty <br />sttaH rrttta~ in fui3 f~~ sad a;a}• tae forrtlurrd at tiu crpaa~a .ra tht stet .A°aSiICLATIO; aftr, farlctt tat thin t»ontns to mats arty of said <br />ptrysnran.s iu br tt,m aw'wthc us arrears m makirtg steal u+wtttsly paymrats, o= to kexp a~ srmph rrth the agreeraeats sad rnnditions of Hid Bond; <br />asd Martgstax a~+rocs to have a arxenrs apprsmtrd farthr-tit: >r >tx3's fzurdusurr pr+~d>~ <br />if tfiese is any m arocsstsip o! tlii rrtil t~tatr 8r:trt~ted hrmn, try sale nr atncrive, duet Chr tntire remaining indebtttiigt'as herstry <br />axstaed sail u [fir aptinn of The t ggitsbk Srsd~ ~ Lnae Ascto,:aatnnt of [:toad IsLad,!~irrsska, becwne imaudiately drag and payable witMwt <br />~ ttttstim, snd flee amount rtrttamutg dtu rxu#er sand [mend, attd say other iwand far any additional advatras u -' - tluteut>der, she!!., tram the <br />#asr ~ tt~+atise of and aptaxs, Iaear iatrttst at ttu ^~=ir!t.:. kEat rats, and inn nrxt~e rmy then bt rotedosrd to atitdy the attrasnt due as iwid <br />4ad,aod aaey r~tu bnnd far addtiiouai advan.YS, trrgrtiv:r r^g}f ati stets[ pard h} a,:1 The E:gtnxabk Bttllding and Lam Asaartiatiaat tsf Grand Isfitad, <br />iiet,raeYa am itmt~~e.. rues and ass23sgenu, sad street; a:~ ratrttswt!r ,•i.asga, wills u;ttrrst therrvrt, from dart of paytttent at the .,.+ <br />As parwided m the Btvri stxurtd ire;zbs , wtsilz ~*r:s manra5e :emauss m clfct2 tnc mortgagee may irertatiu adrance additional sums to tht <br />~s of said Bru,d, [bets asslsets rn sgrazn,xs ~ mtus-n., r~tuch sums s'at! x rti:thm the aecunry of tars nrortgagr the sane as the ftmds originally <br />aetasr>¢ tiras~y, tLe torsi aane,ant of prirrapsl debt u.t t, rx xed n r g trm.e ?nz artginal armunt of this mungage. <br />Jl~a«I ttis 17th r day Oc iDber A. a., 14 J9 <br />~r L ;~fr /t ~ --- <br />Luella K. Sorgenfrei <br />S7A!£ CeF ACB a , <br />Cr3E13iFY tiF itstli ss. t1n tans 17th daY of October 1979 ,baron rm, <br />the taadatigred, a Notary Publican and for aid Citimty, persatuBy cartx <br />itaTttrt L. Sorgenfrei and luella K. Sorgenfrei, each in his a w~own right a~~n~yas~s Dose <br />of each ofi~ler are <br />as to 6a r6e i~tital pk3zis 5 wficge rrante s are afGx~ t~ the shove , nt as ntoregs~t3r 5 anzl they,~amcraltr <br />adno.9edead the said starumaat w be th!'i r vatunsary act and Bred. J <br />R77t@ESS my band teal Natari++'5rae1 ttte daft aronpid. ~ ~ ~. /~jt <br />lEIFRat YliikPl- Six*.t r' aeyrassi <br />tsaa~ n 1 30Y M. BEA-?fEY t - <br />td; Gr.;m fz;,-Sept. i, i~iil <br />