<br />7~~ . REAL ESTATE :4IORTGAGF. -Nebraska
<br />KN0~4 ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEN"CS: That Roger A Ch-istensen~_~~ttgle-og~9i8t+einafter
<br />called mortgagor, of H'h l Count, and State of Nebraska, inconsideration
<br />of the sum of Ei~rP thn„rand twn hundred~igha"g~OLLARS in hand paid, do hereby' grant. bargain,
<br />1. mmmt Financed)
<br />sell, and convey unto Dial Finance Company of `rlQhrnaka __ hereinafter called mortgagee,
<br />of Ha11 Cotmt~•. State of Nebraska the following described real rtatt~ situated
<br />in Hall _ County, and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Lot 42 in Belmont, an ad_ition to the Citg of urand Island, Hail County,
<br />i+ebraska.
<br />together with all the tenements, hered9tament_s and appurtenances to the same belonging, and al] the estate,
<br />title, lower, right of homestead, claim, and dema*tds whatwever of the said'iiongagor, in or to said premises
<br />ar an}' part thereof; and ~3ortgagor does hereby covenant that said Mortgagor is lawfully seized of said
<br />premises: that ssid premise. are free from all liens and encumbrances except as otherwise noted herein, and
<br />that ?i#ortgagor wSll warrant and defend the title to said premise: against the claims and demands of all
<br />per~a,~~ whomsoever.
<br />TO HAl`E AND TO HGLD unto the aid mortgagee, provided always, and these presents are upon the
<br />ex yea rnndition that if the said mortgagor ::hall pay in full to ssid mortgagee a promissory note dated
<br />~etober 10 13~-_ for ti_~~_~ pa~'able in instalment, actrotding to the terms thereof, the final
<br />irtsialtnent of which is due on vatober 15 -_ 19~+ -which includes interest at the rate of 'lrr per
<br />month on that part of the unpaid principal balance nut in excew cat` $1,000, 1'.: per mr~nth on that part of
<br />c;vv~ .,.,a ii. rv v,r't, .~ rE+m~inrinr
<br />fhe pnncipaF baianre in exc~as of $i,i;tni and r~si .::=~~T==:, f~.,w~,, A..... ~ - F;.r m....~...t^. anv ____T____
<br />of such unpaid principal balantt, and shall p.9y all (taxes andrx~se;_sments levied upon ;aid real estate, before
<br />the same becomes delinquent. then these present-; to be raid otherwise to be and remain in full force.
<br />IT 1S Ft'RTHER AGREED that a failurn to pay any of said manev, zither principal ar interest, whsa the
<br />amc- txr~>me due, or a failure to comph with an} of the foregoing agreement,, shall cause the whole wm of
<br />money herein secured to betx~me due and collectible at once at the oprian of the mortgagee.
<br />'_tiQT#CE TO CON6Lt1l1ER: 1. Do not sign this paper before you read it. 2 You am entitled to a
<br />eapv of this paper, 3. you bat prepay the unpaid halance at any time without penalty and may
<br />be entided to receive a refund a# unearned charges in accordance with law.
<br />Sagne'~ th as -- lfl -._ day af -Dctaoer - ---- A.D. 13~ i r`i
<br />~l'A3°E t)F Nebrsska ~~~~rt.~ _ _.
<br />-- t-euntc } .., -----
<br />tln this _.- ~ _ dot of ~N---_- , a.D.. 19~ _, before me, the un ~rsign : , a~~~
<br />Put+lic, duly ; c+mmi~.sinned snd qualified for and residin;; in said ctntnty, persorall~ came
<br />_ __ to me knaun to b>r the identical person uhtG:e name _.._ ~f~f~ixed to the foregoing
<br />i^+trtttnrnt as mortgagor --- and acinou~ledged the same to be _~~~___--. volun-
<br />tan sea snd deco. 17E3C ~-Wtt~iYtY
<br />41,`itn+~v my hand and Noisrial Seal the day and year last above written 3l+~UgY ~~~
<br />A!i' Commi. vino expire; zhr - ~" -- day ty,y~, ~,yr~t
<br />•.,x,n A=?~i ~;
<br />S7ATE t )F
<br />Enter~w m Numerical index and faicd f~~r re~ci.rc in thY affic~ of the Rrgt=try of i')eeds of a:tad count}. the
<br />__-- day „f _-- -_-. 19___-__. cat _ oclckk and -----------------
<br />. _ cif -T_ _________._
<br />=raautes -------- 41 . :snd du,y rt~curded :r: $zxak -_--- ---
<br />>LSort~,ages}iage ----- - __ -___ -------__ ----------------------
<br />5~2 si"9 bE
<br />- ----- Rrgiater „? Ik<~~
<br />
<br />