~~..; ~,g~~ M®RTGAGE
<br />~g ~~pgg, made this IIt2t day of October---.--, is 79_,_, bg and bxtweon
<br />Tlaomac r Woitacpewq$j and Robin R. Woitaszewski husband and wife each in his and her
<br />own right and as spouse of the other,
<br />of Aal i County, Nebraska, as 'aortgagor_~-, end Grand Island Trust Company of Grand Island, a cory~oration
<br />organized. and eiivtiag under the Iaxs of Nebraska with its principal office and place of business at Cjrard Island. Nebraska, as mortgagee:
<br />W I'!'N£SSETH: 'Pbat said mortgagor ? ,for end in consida~ation of the sum of _._.
<br />Five Thousand Fouz Hundred Ten and noj100 - - - - - - - - - Dnllazsls
<br />5,420.00
<br />the ttxeipt of throb is hereby adcntwkdgsf, do _ by iheae peesents mortgage and warrant unto slid aartgagtc. its successors and assigns,
<br />~atrs, all the fabwing described zeal estate, situated in the County of ____ . HB.~-
<br />ats3 State of Nobresica, to•wit:
<br />Lot Third-Sis (36„ Potash Subdivision, in Hall Count}, Nebraska.
<br />`I'aEa¢3rec with alt haatang, air casditioaetg. lahsm ft, and ptumbing ~uipmmt and futures, intludiag saeese. arvainga.:.tcrm irindam and
<br />doesra. sad xiadder ahadea ~ b.7inds, used on sr Ea nonnetttOn with said ptopeaty, wteether the acme are mw kuated on said pmlreity or hereafter
<br />P .
<br />'f'(d kL4VE itAID 7Y) HQLLS THE S t3tE, toletha irit! aB asd aiagatar Lhe tes>emesta, heneditar-,enu amf apponanaaem tl~aeuatr 6e-
<br />i, err ie aayaeise s~aetaeiainl, farceur, anti ~rrmt the tole To thn ame_ 'Said ~_ 6eeebp tnver+an:.__ with acid
<br />maagal~ that - Z he _b' use _ . at the datners hereof. the lawful owaer_..s.__. of the peetnises axne oaaveyeti and simeenbed.
<br />assd ~'e , arced tda land. ~d eac_:e of iabmYiaee therein, free and clear ni all aaeumixatsoes. asd that _..t.he.y_rill
<br />eratrasR and dew the title rhersmo forever alasa: tit nlaima a~ demands of all pees~s r` ----'-.
<br />PiTOE'ii3EU ALYF.IYS, and Chia ieezrtuner ~ ezanited end detivaed w aeeuce the parmmtii of the atua of ~ ..__ _ ._~.
<br />Five Z4eotssand Four Hundred Tan a~ na/200 - - - - - - - - Ilouataia_`_~>l0.00 __I
<br />wdtlt iafstaer thereon, tagethec erith tee$ c3rrles and adctmwe as nay be ~e a~ paya3k w saki mortgagee under the terms and coaduioas
<br />of tae parassay mte of exm elate hatewith and secarrred hereby, ezrxsted by aid marrgagae _..S__ to nerd mi rt4+~• Pal~'a~' ~
<br />a rdd t~ aasd r segn~e Clan ga' of erg tlr Canna and s>mditvrna mntaioad thaceffi. 2Se terms of aid m[s are hmaby iamaswratsd
<br />by tAia raFs~a.
<br />ltie rfee iaiaetiam and d the prrtsr henao:]su r, "_ maetlpge shall aLa tatTtre nap future advaaCaa made w acid mortgrEar~
<br />hl' rdd. eaeet~ee,. and nay sad all mdehtedmp m additicai ro the amount alsoaro stated chid. said mtvtlagors, or ao~~ of Thom, ma3 ore eo
<br />aidsaoell~ee. huwetsr~ a,;idennad, wfsatha by noes. ~ eeemuni as orherw~ise_ T!i s rnangage abaU rrmaia in full fame and aHat between
<br />Ala patties hre~ asd tha'v 3seQa, piaaoeal ngraa®tasia as, aanrraanra and assigns, Until til amouau saaarcd heaeuadar, ix)udi~ fntnre
<br />adeaaos., sea }reed is fcr): srh inteeea.
<br />11a -5-- Aaeeby sasian . W acid tac+rtgargee a:i s+Btlta anti irtcrrme arising as nay and all timB1 from said property and
<br />handy astltamr red or its elemR, tt its • ugon dafanh. sa aka clsarle of said praparty a~ eeJlect all rests sad income
<br />rhare6ara and app~q tfa aerate w the peyatsr i auorem, 1'+* iaaurannr pressriame, ratan., sasaesmmts. mpeeiza or impovetsenw
<br />aseesears sn smep said P~eetS in tasante"te~ m~+fdIrian. ere w oti3es r8atgm ~ para~te proti~a iaz aerein oz in if3e ate hereby orated. 7°nis
<br />rat saailarretahdltantirne i f®re until the ua fond balance of said nose u fully paid. Tat taking of possession hereumler shall is ao mannea
<br />ptusast a Cotner nerd mtatgalee m rise eo8aciion of said sour b7 faeadowtre or otfaxwiea
<br />Yoe fai~ee of tare rrtBAlse to aatert W' of Ira hateander r any ricer afro!! mt bs oonstrrnad as a waive o€ its right to assert the
<br />ease r nary Z~ time sad to inaiat upon sad ea~rrce eases eaafp!saocr with all [lr ~ sad provisions of aid mte and of this nnngale.
<br />Tf acid's 3 a~ same r+e be paid to said > ihr etazitr ataosnt d~xs hBSSmder, sad under the terms sad iuoviaions
<br />of aid ecste 1aai:y ase~, iar31e3~j krsae adgsaaao, said any e ffi raneevala thnemi in a with the terms sad ptsviaions
<br />r3~. astl ffi said asaat~ S anal tampdy rith rl the pavviisisoaa of said Date sa : of this wartg~. t3ra ttass prta affi!I be :•oid:
<br />athswia m e-s~ ia$i fuse sad a6art, sad tie! mert~laeahall be emitted Ise the possession of al! of said psoperty. and may. at its option.
<br />~ a i t~ aia imd ~ zags thazi3q tta ;;e'.. --'...;;;w:s d:ao sad psys64a. mx' aaay fo--eclms tlr~ morsgage
<br />a rata say atiter ~ aetisa m peaotee>: its r~ht.. ~ erai+.2d.
<br />71i ss4~ys aYai hs Iiedrltps sad ahaH anme to the bemdif d the hdrs, eseesttara, adminiettawra, sueasesura std asaigoa of the
<br />l~~•
<br />#hI ili<t33~7IS>$ ~Vfi$R~$f!P', acid S hs i'~ hetwaato~Li~~ hand s .the day and year first above
<br />atsfmaa~ t
<br />~ 1,
<br />. ~~~
<br />s aszews c
<br />r2o itaszew-s-~
<br />