<br />4iORTGAGORIS}; ~ s HO6odt8H
<br />t bTITFffittiA% RONALD R -- B~'7TY -- N-----
<br />MORTGAGI~ G ~.
<br />?212 WEST 2ND ST ____
<br />AGREED RATE OF CHARGE ON PRON[SSORY NOTE EXECC'TFD CONCIRRENTL]' iiERER`1TH: Z'~ per monUr an that Fart of the unpaid balance at
<br />the Amount Financed not exceeding Si,0o0; 1?i°v per manUt on any nail thereat exceeding S 1,000 but nut rxcrcding 55,000; 25: r per month an the remainder.
<br />li7TNESSETH, [hat Nortgagoris), does mortgage, grant, batgasn. sell, sad Canvey, unto Mortgagee, its successors or assigns the following described Rral Estate
<br />an u.- count}' of
<br />State of Srbraska. to u~it:
<br />1AST (~"IE L'S3xD.REL' T~~TY FII~ CZ?5) Fir!` OF LAP A Z^? BLOCK OxFCl) ^
<br />sta~vlvlSloN OF ~~ xa~r.~AST ~lAR2IiR txE lf~) OF s~TZOx NIx& C9) zx TO1rINSHL~
<br />NSSRA~tA
<br />tapetfter wsm ~ and imptovetncan new ar hereafter rreitrd zhrtron and alt srr,wns, nunings, shade<, storm soh and blinds. and heating. ligttttgg.
<br />pdsemisv)g, gas, rk.-tric, ,vttz~t3trg, te6gertitiate Ind avs~mdiuaning t;3uspmrn! used in ronrn.tian thexwith, at! of which, for the p.uposa of this morttagc,
<br />t+r tkesrted fiatmrs and mbyxt to tM lira LetsrtiL and the hrsraiitamcnts arui apprutenancrs prrtatniitg to the pmprn)' above described, and ail streets,
<br />laces, asleps. psasagd. w{YL watea, wafer ,a+uclrs, ruts, ttbrrties std pm'i3rgrs. whatwcvrr thereunto t,clortgtag or in an}u~tsr apptnainirtR :sd the rcvezvons
<br />sat udaamdass, atl od which ss rr:frtttd to ltraeinaftrr as the "premises'.
<br />S'a HAt"E .\\~ TU HOLD tht abavrdescabad promises, vcittt she appppttnenanrs and Itxtures, unta the sand lfartgagrr, its suiassacs and assigns. forever. far
<br />rase psa;xvirs attd uses fazes;: set froth, fix fivm a4 tights srxl hrmiiLS urnirr v-ad by cirtur of any Homestead Fxcmpticsn Lnws of the Stare of Nebraika
<br />w~te3t relay tr esaran3_ whidr salt ztghta and brnehit the said Na:rgagar aces I:rr_'bY expressly mkase and wsis~.
<br />Ntxt;asae assn assitjas to 7MrtgtfEer ail taxis, laves and pro5u of said premurs, reservirtR the right to collet artd ust the same, with or wittsout taking
<br />i` of the pte~se>, dursrtg caatinus-soe of 3efluft hrseundrr, ssrd d;uuw: ;~,ntinunnce of :uch 3ciauit authonzirtg Nartga<xr~e to rnttr upon said premises
<br />smeL'or to ao~Axs artd rytfonY the same without zrgard to adcxtuary of an) sr~yrzity far the aulrbtrdttess hereby srestted by any hwfui means includitg
<br />tippaortimeat of a teceavea m the nacre of erne petty ixrrta, Bid xo apply rise same less ~.tta and expenses of opernttan Ind ratk~ticn. including reasaaaLk
<br />aazxaty's faes_ sipas aa-' itdebttdsteas sr.•vsed ttemt+}, in surit ardor as NurreaFer may detamnx.
<br />FOdt SHE Ft:R7t")SE f~ S£(`LSLING: ii1 Prr€aanattx of cads sgsGmrnt at Mortgagor contained hetem: i'1 Fapircnt of the pntx~pal sum with vttrtrst.
<br />a, pratadnd -rndanar ~ s and ptosisianx of a Ramusan~ Nair ; L:san ARrremert thezemattrr referred ro as "promass:ry ants"2
<br />diRYt • , hcnvith txrcutrd t+} ifangagr+r and pa-ablr to the order of Mortgagee,
<br />s der pstintipaf ~ of S liahl4.~ ,and hn-trig the date of iu ftnet pa-'mrnt due on ~ ,
<br />ar as rsuaded. it<featd csr raa,~stduk+d b} renewal ar rrfuuacr_ t=i Palmrcnt of cap addsa mal xiv'arnr>. wst2t mtrr~rst tlsrrean, ~ may tsrrraitet Lr
<br />,.__._, tsy iifvspgoe to Nosxgaga; ir, a matamnm sum m Sli)Ck].{10 within 10 years from the ?ate of Lhis NarrgsRr_ (1} TLr payment of anY
<br />twarsey thX tsv}' isc cares td bs U'~ llorzgyGes~ tr. Mar[Xagar fx sa: reason ar to third psrtirs, wish mtn'rss 2hrtroa, where the amaunis arc advaz+crd w
<br />psaveed 2hr sr.-wsin or m sw::ardancr w'rtir tilt asvrnania of rhea M.,rt~g.. {51 >ny renew ai. refma.T ag a: cxtenvc-n ai sar3 prvmissan~ nair, or an} aMrt
<br />nz to pay w`ht~t may M aatuntsrini: tixxint.
<br />+aB lu-'~a# made by Mortggg::r trs; Lhe ohkgatksn secs;re+d by this Marigage shaA )u applied m the fallowiq; vdrr~
<br />FSRST: Ta the pa}aunt or taxis and asseasnscaxs iftst [nay tr kvir3 and assesmd agauast said premir~s. vrsurar+ce prrmtums, repairs, and ail attstr
<br />~a[pes. cad rayrmatt sgroM w ix plaid bp' the Nrsar.
<br />3ui3Tv~: Yo tfs }.a}°rrraat to ktrne>: due rm said icy.
<br />Trt?T&tT- Tn ~uue laagarcsz at' pts~ii..
<br />Yi PItOTEi'I TRI S£C1'RST'Y HFttEitF, NOR TGAGi7Rt5) 'C'Dy-F?tA4;5 A!~D Ai:RtES: r11 u= Lrcp >asd i>zr;ntsra tnaumi agai~ct lass b) lire nn3
<br />n$rt Itarards, asaatY± and watirsgessars up to 8se full valor at all imprvvirtxnu ter the pntt_tran ni Nartgager m such rrntmer, m suss amounts. and
<br />m sects :acs as tikos~a, se reap Sram ?unr to trmc sppmvr. and that i:w nrore3> ttca :spcmr .,t .-.alk ctiunl .hall. nt dart&agn'> option, t,r
<br />aj+pdsed ;an sand mtk3smdnes. wheMel due of rE<,t :u to f~ teuaarson ,f scat unprarmte-tits. In c ecnt o! loss tatwtgaaw wdl eve tmmediatr acute by
<br />tam m tl,e oho asaY mats paa-st of toss if cat made pramptfy by Nsvt~Igar, and na;h ussurancr aaz»paty cnrsrxmaf ss hrteLX wdtotiaed atM
<br />dien.-md to taakr pg7saat ire snrrit bn dacr#p' to tale M+utgsEor irtstrti of u, ttx Y~,rtgat-ce, t'-f Ta pay all taxes trod spe.'ta! ssses¢narrts of aaY kind
<br />thsa ha-r baeat ffi eyy be arvstt au assssnd [rp,on raid ptrnsiax, arw3 to deliver to Ntsrgtagre, upon rah"itxa: of the NortR,tgx, Me official sceipt sttowltig
<br />at alt atsei wa asd aae'sQ rnL. i3t in the tvtmt of drfwii b3' Mortgagor under Paragtapits f ur ? cheer. Nongagee. at us op[san, may tat
<br />gycn amt tncp wre9i inwttanrr aba.r pnnidad far is farce thraughnut tTse lift of this Nart_aage sad psy the rrasanabir premiums a»d :.barges thrrcfar, ab)
<br />~' aB ar3d taxYS and a11C'$atrrntY wttttall! dtt trnrn[Ltg Ihr vata112y' 1LsrRaf, a.9d \~) t$} )tac't`. lr_a> and 311 4uLh disbu:arrsc-r,[s itrllt ire dctmrd d part of
<br />ffic ice. a'Stred by thn Neer an: s2ta8 M vnmr3ntcty due an? paYabk by Mortgafaat fir Martgagre. lit Ta irtp the buiNira std oUtt[
<br />aa}ooarmcnrs ~r scrsting m isrsrafter rmcac_ _: ;.-+a3 czerditasa and trpx¢, net to aantmit oz su?Ire any uastr or axe} uu of said prrmtses :onirary ro
<br />std ed retard ar eaxntxarY to Lw, and tr, peamit 9lotsgagee to rrstez at :sD rrasansbk runts for Lire purpase of mN,e: sing the prrnttsxs, not to
<br />rcaaaxc ar -'- ~ as}' lauTdsag theatan: to rectvre promptly aaj iy a goad and w-arEr;,snhlr matvnrr an} bui}3irtg.> w~ha-h may br damaged o* datraYrd
<br />trod as gw, wlstm asst. aU cdaitns f,r fabav perfartned and mtdtzsals furrrithed Lhrrriar; (St T2tat h: will nay. promptly the mdebzrdrirss secumf
<br />hearty, cad pafatm aR tscher t~ is fug tzs*.np bast:: aiLh the terms of said Pramissvry \tar and this Martgage: tot That the time of pa)'ment n(
<br />f~ tsmeLy scatted, at af' aa; prarnzwr ihrreoi. say br rxtraird m renewed, and any pottnms of the premises herein .lexnbr t ma). wiUtuut
<br />ifO4rL, be r<'~d frmm Mr ire heaecsf, w•hhoar rrh'-•"^t°. ctr a#~-tiug, tiro pers~mat liahitin ut anY Pn~*+ oz Lhe priaritY of this Nortgatet_ (?a The! 3rs
<br />does MarA.s) t~srr wa?rsnt ~ wi'g fatrvtr defer rhr ate an3 possest;ion ther_c+t ar„n:x the law tai cfavns of an-• and alt perwns whatsc wet.
<br />Yi' lS kEL~CtALLY !AGREED TEAT: il} if tffi >sht klo[gsgrg s3taR izii tar seglrrt to paY insxa!'hrsents ore said !'mmisxazY Nutt -as the same ms}' heteaftei
<br />7saoome $tae., to itlfRe ttefOili in pesfarrrsuat <f any apa~ent herewnda, yr upoa vac or tither dtspasixian vl the premises b) Mangagar, ar should any
<br />a~ air be frloe is ~y ~ io calorie any hen on, Jaim agaistst ar intcress in the premises, then ail sums r,. mg h} [hr Wongagar ic. the
<br />YiortgaFpr: n_>idar Mir )3origye m nrsder the P3'nmlifiar}' Note recurad hrrrbY shall smmrdzarrlf ne.<,me .tus~ and payanle ai U,r .,piton .,f the Mvngager,
<br />~ ~ - 4f tl~ ~ srss ~ say aMt>t witai may t+e estitiad ra rite marues date thereua. In sus:h event the Na[tgaeee shall
<br />tffse Nee ~ t to ~am~oMe fps owe iiY a~aatt Tffi Mat puzpote, amt wrL rotztplnint maY be prasecutrd to jud~rtzn[ acrd execution
<br />nod ask far the ao8apima sd~ t4e whtsie atwrsst ad the iadeLtadness and interest thereon, inciesdirgt reasansble attartseY's less, any tunounts advanxd
<br />pm9mi io >hh , ~ off sot, cad carK uS aah•, if peametted trY taw.
<br />t3? 4m Me teem raid ate wid M • f+ater]owrs rk, lFmi~pxis) duFi he liable for any dr5tirncy rtmatnitig after sale of the premises if p,;rmrttrd by
<br />INSr read d Mt t of said sate io ffie iodebredness sr-urad and to ihr exprasrs of iurrckosure. including Mortgagrx'a reasonabtr e[tomr}'s
<br />3tas cad ~,rsgge~ at r lip las.
<br />i3y td~~lsl~re tLa- be >eheaphd to the Ise trf aqy afsd alt prim encranhtanaes, teas .,z charge., ?aid and dischatgcti from the prtxxeds of the loan
<br />hddr9 aetttupld, cad taste and gmos lieea tssnia Leer raietadd tsf surd, the repe.y>,rnt of said indebtedness shall tar secured by such hens on [fee
<br />pu6ieeaa. of and P toad itrcaeby to rise ezleat ai wctt pq~menri, respectively.
<br />f43 Ll' ME t>?xms of t'bGs inHlrtmeitt or of said Prrimi,~ory Note, Mc+rtgaga is gsvcn any option, such option maY tx exercised when the nght
<br />tMa`tm6 ~ Z3 Yr? tame thsaraitez, cad eta axeftanee L7 MtNTj71g4E -rsf payment of in febirdness in default shall Canstitatr a waiver .,; ant deiault tiicr~
<br />s asd croatimtvsS m t~zafta ar~uiag.
<br />zc-case twee. s-»l we
<br />
<br />