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<br />2kOR1'GAGE _ _ <br />MalzrGAGt:LaANNa. L 23,597 ~- <br />pvpwAf-LMf:Nav-nII:sEPx~INTS_TnatBradleyA. Obermiller and Debra K. Obermiller, each in his <br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagar, whether one or enure, is convderation of the stem of <br />Thirty-seven Thousand Five Hundred and No/100------------------------------------- myLAp;S <br />losteed to sued mortgagor by 77rc Fst~ Bnildittg and Loan Asscv-iation of Grand Island, Nebraska, Sfortgagw, upon 375 shares of stork of <br />said ASSQCIA"I7QN, Certificate No_ L 23,597 , du hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIA170N tAe following <br />sksmbed real estate, situated fn tfaL Caunty, Nebraska- <br />THE SOUTHERLY TWO HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE (225) FEET OF THE <br />WESTERLY 7EN (10} FEET OF LOT FIVE {5) AND THE SOUTHERLY <br />T1,'O HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE (225} FEET OF THE EASTERLY DNE <br />HUNDRED TEN {170) FEET flF LOT SiX (6}, IN BLOCK ONE (1) <br />IN6ALLS TURNER SUBDIVISION TO THE VILLAGE OF CAIRO, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />trtgelArt w#th ,~ ttr tenrtonsis, hrreditatreents atsd appurtenanss thereunto brla¢eiag. uscludirsg attached 1}oor wverittgs, Etl window srsseetss, <br />araa,iow shados_ bliwds, stars wiadows_ aa.~sia[s. he'+' a au ronditioaityg, and plumldreg aced water oquipmeat and aca^saories thercio, pmty>s, storoes, <br />tor_, and other fsstures and rtluipvtrnt ttow of heteaftr attadfed to err used is amnoctiua sriLh acid real estate. <br />Asd the said mastgag+x Ass arsmd and daes herrby agree that the nwrtgpgcx shaft sod wrll pay aID taxes and >uaesatawts kviad as <br />named rtproea slid preati9rs sad agsats this mangage and the tx,srd sestrtQ t fare the same shaIl bttnore delnagtrrnt; to firttrish apptostd <br />ies~ae apcm tLe btdds~s evx sad prrnsisss settsstrd in tAr >utn of S ~; . ~ V ~: ~ payahk to sod ASSOCIA'tIOTt and to de4tier to said <br />AS~C1A77CNi the pies for said itssuanx; at:d n~+t ;a vmmit cv p. unit arty wattr an of atwui said preroistis; <br />is Lane of defauh sn the perfcvtaotcr of an} .+s ;tx teams and e~ditxons of tAis mort~ge or the bond rtmed Aeteby, tAe mortgage shalt, <br />nr destr~d, he eetitkd to icnnediatr p,nsemae of tAe avrtgaged prcmsi aced the mortgagor hrrrby sews, [tamfess and sets e»rr to the <br />> erg the rears, rrvenac acrd mmrrrr to br drri,cd from the mortpeEed premises during such time as tlse mortgage iadtbtederess sira6 amain <br />ttapaid.: asrd the mratLptger shsL' leatc thr law r. to alq+:tu+t any apvsi ~ sgents it may desire for the purpose of repasirsg said paemises aed teatiag <br />the store and niBe+,.[esR tAt re:ati, zrsL75rYGS and ssn:.~sae• and it troy pay out of sasd itreome aI! expenxs of ttpairiag said pmniios and tsea~ty <br />an~nea and rzpenas snzsrrrd m rz•nttup, assd rnsrrtcttg thr same sad of colksY;,,g reatah therefrom: the ha1WaY rereaiaing, if atty. to lx <br />aped ttw•ard the discAupr of said murtgsge urdebtt=itscss: ihrs rights Uf the taen~tgagar tmy tx exerased at any titae tttuiag the eziatnee of arch <br />de#>ok, irrapreaise of ant tesaF,sx-try wst<r_ of the store. <br />ihoae Prornts, t,owr.<:, srr ss}xxm tt,r Casdsx.~ n, "l~at tf thr said lslari;gsr~eor shaI3 srpay said loin on tx ixfore [Ae muarity of said shares by <br />paYsarat; par acwt#dy t€, s 1 ASS£YIAI73?!: ai tRe sum s~r~fird s for Band secured hereAy as irstecat at+d n~i~? tm satd loco, oa or befit <br />the Twerstietls dry ra ca^A and r+ery etaasih t;:.ul ss,d k,xc a fstlh- ~; pay all taxes sad assesatsenu Ys~al apiau said prrrzsisea atd oA the Nmtgage <br />asad ihr $atsd ::::trod itrexby, befarr arhnqurrx-y: ftuv~A aprfvoved snsrnatt~ upon the bdklmy thetean ¢r the rum of S 37 , 500.00 pa<yatsk <br />m sad ASSGCIAfiSQN. repay to sent A~L7C`IATIf3N sapm desnstsd all momr by i[ paid fur such taxes, ~~mts and i¢stnastce witA iatarec a <br />t!e aaucis~ legal nu tlrm.>a fzc,m date of pa}-ment alt aP wA;~:A }izwtt;alcu herby aam to pay: pessoit m w=sa oat saAi pnenmrs;kegs and m~Sy <br />tt~ ale the ageeeeoeau and mndstxua of the Band far S 37 5D0 fl0 ihs day gnm by [Ae sasd -.~tsttgagcx to said ASSOCIAII{~1, and atmp3y <br />>~ aY the regasertnts of ttse Ctvsa.n utran and By ~isars of sad ASSCCIA77QN; thou shear paeaenxs shall becarot nuU and void, otlreswa thry <br />abaE ~ its fsdl 3ar:^ and may be #ure3ascd a the aptn,u of the sass ASSr3CI.,471tAN atitr fxe7,uc iar [hrx manths is asaise any of said <br />parymrau m' lsr three tmotlts to arrrars sn tnakn~ atd asamthiy pr<vmems, ,~ to te: p and c~xnpty n,3tA tlst agreements and oo>~itions of said Board: <br />and liostgagca agrees to havr s tc;xirrr tsppc:mtrd farthw~x6 m ssu4s t,vexkxstar ln~ktcdutes <br />t# xheae is asry d oa~nrx~ ~ tttr rdd tstair tmrtgaged hesrns, b} sale u: atlrawise, rhea the entire teusaining iadobtsduest herby <br />aawatd str~, at the nptltu cd 71,e k Buitditre and is un Ass.,catran of Grand Isiaad, Net+tasta, lrrnme Sately due ssul payable withotrt <br />i,rthrs atcice, amd the smoumt srmaiausg dr,e uw1.r n.d hand. snd any other twvtd i a any aadttsottal ad~aces tw& tlsetetmdra, sAaB, ttnm the <br />date of eaotraar of sad optima, brat mtcazst a[ the uraximum kp'. ratr, attd this restvtgs;r »' xl,ea 6e (uedvaad to satisfy the anrotmt due on acid <br />iaaarl, aaad any tvLra bc,nd for addnioail atlwaaes,:<~grther with all saxes paid by said Ttrt E~ssitxbk Bntidi~ and Loan Asaoeotion of Grand !:lord. <br />Ns~sradsa far itmursacK, tames atsd aasrssmrats, and adenssexsr,K enens+ca-s d:argrs, w~tl: saterest tisrrran, fram date of payment at tlsc nnaimum <br />~- <br />As provided k the Btsad a!cttmd lsrscby~ .while truer mangagr rrrtss¢ss m rffer tAe mortgagor may herpfter advata additiwral sums to the <br />aad'sas crf said Goad, uses sssigas:,r su:xxsaim ro intr_t~t, whirs: storm shah Ae wethm the aemuiry of tltis tnartgage the same ss the funds arigsuBy <br />uaed il»eby, rte read ataotmt ail prnsupal debt mx ix rsozed a[ any time xAe nriginal attsourrt al'this mortgage. <br />47mad~~ 7 7th ., r dxy of October A. a_.19 79 <br />~~ <br />a K. Oberali 7 j7 er <br />~~~'}_. ~tttg 77th day „r October t9 79 ,heftxeme, <br />1 tht rmdeaopsed, a T:aary Pnblic In sad rnt said County, petsomlly came <br />8rad3ey A, flber~til7er and t~ebra K. Obet~i7ler, each, in his and he: own right, and as~puse ofi <br />each O!'.h~N` who are perso ;nown [o <br />~ to Ir the i parer 3 tssmt 5 dre a#raxad m the above itsstrtttssrat s ttxmgtgorS and they aeveraBy <br />adaadaigad the said it~aest to be their valnnetry' act ant! deed. <br />IFf7Tff_'SsS aty Lead and Nwsrt-'Seal tAt due a#aetsaid. <br />lt} t'.ar®itsicm eapircs <br />¢~. li. <br />rattan an r ~.. _,. , . - - " ~.. c ?;Ybzzska Natary PrebAc <br />~ _ ~ca <br />