<br />IdORTGAOf? _
<br />~laxTr,Ae,e I aAN Nc. L 2 3 , 590
<br />f~lawAU.a~enFaYl7less:rResex'ts_T'nat Robert J. Johnson and Merieen J. Johnson, each in his
<br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Morigagar, whether one or ;Hare, in consideration of the sum of
<br />Twen~-five Thousand and No/100-------------__----------- ------- _------------- L`0/.1.ARS
<br />itmr~d to said martgagar by T'tr Equitabk buik3itg and I-c'an A~~~>=`}n of C.ratrt Istatsd. \:brsska, :'.?ortga¢„., u~an 25fl shares of siarJc of
<br />sad ASSOCIATION, Certificate Ido. L 23,590 , do hereby grant, canvcy and vtacigage into the said ASSOCIATION L4e fodowmtg
<br />d«alaed tnl estato, sittn[ed in !tall Corenty, Nrhrastta:
<br />LOT SEVEN {7) IN BLOCK TEN {lfl) IN
<br />toaesher wsL`. at1 the tetsemcrtts, hcreditamexsts :tsd ap4nrrrensm-xs tlxreant< belonging, iacludiag attarLed fkwr >:overurgs. a!1 wmdov seems,
<br />wiedtra. aeatles, hiiods, norm w-iade»s, aa'emEs. iscat.~. aar aiadttiania:, acrd nfuznbing and wester equipment and acoe:aoti« thereto. pampa, coves,
<br />sc~atots, arm ather ftxtmu and ~oigmeat aow~ tx hereafter attaclyd to nr Bard m »nrtrc[ian with raid Beal estate.
<br />Asl vrdarros the slid raottpagor has agreed and does hGrcM• sgrce tint the mort¢agar shah and wiY pay aIl tax« acid ssarsxmwts levied oa
<br />ssaesaed upas said pmssises a>td ap>a this manga./,r and the bocni seszurd thereby txfctrr the same sdtall became delbtquent: to fratdah apprsrved
<br />iasza>ace xtpoo the be~dia5s os said peerages stiuaze.f in tfu sum ar S ~ J , OOO. flO payable w raid ASSaCtATTON and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIAY7O~ [hr poditales fcx aid ttsurartx, and a.st .u arras+at a: perrrvt any waste a~ ar about sans premises;
<br />la rsse of dcfadt is the peataruaace of any .,f ;'.sc tertm asl awdrtrons o< tkis. avnruaatx or the bond secured hctsby, tlr shag,
<br />on demaed., !rc eatiiltvf to attmediatr potarssk~c cnf tFt m'trtpgKad presarsrs ark; ibe morig{yar hereby assigns, ttamfers and acts ava to the
<br />saottgr®ee ag the rests, rn cica« asd rooo~a+e tt, it derncd ire the mortggcd pretaaes dt+rmg such tine as the saart~e indebt~amss shall reaaia
<br />tsysavd: asd the tnort~ shy hsvc the paws ra appneat say apesrt it aArats it may dears for the purptza: of reQairitrg said premives and renting
<br />the sa®e asst w6n'asg the ruts, r:^tenu« asd ,acatar, and it may pry gut ctf said inmare all expenses of repeviag said prcteiaes asd neaassty
<br />m sad rzpeasts iacai*md at renting and massagarrg the same and of ro&ctrr~ tentsrs therefrom: the bflanae tema~a+g, if say, to e[
<br />ap~3ied ttr,emi tlr ~3raag of said rtcut~esndef,tedt,eu: these rltitx ti the ttttxigigeC ttmy be exerased at say time dtttcsg tlae exifteAOe oC srseh
<br />defsufa, seise of say tG@~rOR(Y ^9itts of ehe rater
<br />';Lest f'e®ts, have~mr, aer t~azn ihr Cua .aoa. P.ut if .tr sate! Mnt~S~nr sin!! repay said anus cm or befare [0e mttusity of said shares by
<br />pey:set, pey moethty to s~ A~'~t3f'!_tT'ia\ .,r the scan ,peii'ied vt t}ce 9ond sr~-trtrd Iretetrv as intztcst sad }u«acipat ~ still toss, m tx bt3aw
<br />tLc TLrcattcte iv cd~ rater srtd ewrry' rannth, wail Hid lens u i uf#y pain: pay a!f taa« gall asmmrats levy i against srid prr=:rhes gall m thn Llottp~e
<br />nett tee sand acued thtvetr~~, hrfarr 3rlcrtftt~,ey; fnnsish apptosed insattgtx rgftxi the baildiags thermn m the aua of S 25 , QQj}. OO peyshk
<br />m said ASSOCIA7Iai, repay io vid rl+'S. OCFAI362Q agaon drmard sg moary by ii paid far suit taxes, :saasmmis sad i with iataest at
<br />tee son:mm~ kfpF rare there,~n fram dsu :>f psxsacnt a9 of vrha~3r x trrcby ar~,trrx to pay: yermit oa aavte oa girt pesmiaes:keep arks ca~tspty
<br />with a8 the aScaeanavks asd aisdiums of tee Bong fan S 25 , ~ . OOdta day given by the aid ?fortgagrn to slid ASSOCiATT(NV, and mmptp
<br />srAte ail ihr reapeeeeraarts of the Ct~Rititttixlri and $y-i,avs of aid AS~OCIATTO;V; rhea these ptrsrnts shaft Aaume natl sad void, othetvis they
<br />chat rrteetia rs Eras f:Yae gall ~' tar f~nclafe<d at the a}rthat of the saw3 ASSOCLATIaN afar tadrtte fat three iaonihs ta make asy ~' said
<br />paymarts m ee thtce mrrnths is ta'reatz m r~c~ sad :,.oath$~ paytarats, tv to lerp and ea,moh witty the agtecmeols gall cuaditiwts of aid Bond:
<br />asd agrees m hate a rccr:er: appaiat~ foaihwith m sts<h futra~txwr pta,Yadirxgs,
<br />If teve is ~y rhaatpc ®ateseastup of the eras mace szkutgagcd trreia, M' sale a azbrrw°ne, then the eatin rrtmiatag iadehtednRS hereby
<br />aecsaed seas. >n tee opticts of 7Ls F..gnsablr f3ts4Fsng and l.aan Amxratiaa ai' C,rartd istand,!ecdtruls, 6atssrue ®ediatelY Brae and payable vrithoea
<br />ftatfea souse, aged the. amamr rrswsrx~ der riMkr said bod9, lead say otter 6ctttel for any :.id~;a,o.t sdsanetf code ifsemamdrr, s6a1s, free tlx
<br />ire of eamae of said opsito, beg mtetrra at for arssiatum kgai rats, and xltu taartgage con rhea M f+xe~w~ to satisfy Ute artwsts drye os itdd
<br />hsad,asd say ot3rs band {or arhtr;,~ a i+aaces, eagethet vaaft aH r~atffi pare! try raid T'hr £grritabk Btuldag sad !rasa Asroeiatios of Gtaatt ]st=all,
<br />Nsiadra Fa>< iesmtrmex, tsars aaad as5esfnCttts, ats3 absitacting rstrasirxt rh~ges„ with interest therms, from dart of paymrat ae the marinwm
<br />few *a~.
<br />As is the band accwcd irrrht , ~htle ttm rttortgabr teaama m riTcet dsr mortg~e may t~tsfta advance additional stnas to tlae
<br />~ ~ said Btod., teem sagtn to ssrcraars m srterrst, w stnns stsE tae within the so:;uriiy of teis mcxtgage the suue as the funds orig®aflY
<br />resell teeaebw, the ttxal atswnn iv primps! deln oat to eazred at any tirar the ar'~31 arrtttwat of tha ttiorty~gr.
<br />,_,~-.~ I~th ~~ ~ T,lctober 4. D., 44 79
<br />.-..~-r.__-
<br />TtCr ~~t. • 4rVtM1'S'~}I
<br />STAl3:OFli'g Osrcea 7(th day at October t979 ,bdaeta,
<br />f~tFl!~rtf ~llu-.1..
<br />the rtst5nrsigaW, a Nrxary-Poblc~~and is said Cormty, Per'm~Y came
<br />itobert J. ~hnSlan and Mer3een ,3. Johnson, each in his and her own,~ht, and asst Yt~snewo~
<br />sack Q are
<br />se t®be i'he i t 5 ache dr2 sffnad to t~ st ovs iBArtmsent as mor#~gor S and they /_setHil~fY
<br />ffie aiA irsorreart m he their v,tPoatary sat sad dnod.
<br />1Yl13~CS my hresd asd I Sesf the date sforaofd. ~ -` ;a^-.~ r`r
<br />sF[tmutt~tfaY-z>~af ~---- J}~j / f ,
<br />.~ ,IpY M. f3EhZ! £Y ~- ~ --~ Notary /
<br />saaaas n ~ IA Canrert. Fxa. Sept i. I961
<br />