<br />79w1 LR3®t3i~~ - ..
<br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indthtedness as hereinbetore provided.
<br />Thaf the Mortgagor is the tamer of said pmparty in fee simPk and ha; goal right and lawful authority to sell and
<br />convey the same and thai the same is firer and cl<-ar of any }ion or Prcumhranee; an:i that 'winrtF;axtar will a~:rrr3r:t an<i defend ihP
<br />title to said premises aga#ssst the claims of ail- persons w•hexnaaever.
<br />To pay itttmediateiv when due and payable a:l general taxes, special tares, spPi•ia} a.~,~..smr~nt.:. •A~.<t.~r c~ha rge~, sower ser\~-
<br />itti charg<'~, and other isxes acd charges against ,?;,, ;:-of=Pr€p. and alt tales }eti led r.r, tho dobt st~ru r<•r} hr reby-, dn;} hr furnish floe
<br />'<icertg~eP, upon te•quesi, with ihe- original or etcpiica ee -scripts therefor, The \7,:rtgaLror agr-ra that tho.re ,half he added to
<br />each moot hiy payment required `yreunder "r under tl~le evhivrrn of doh: secured h; r=hy au arn,acnt PaLlmatPd by Ule bixartgagtr
<br />to t~• _cu~t"iPnt to enab}2 the ?tiurtEaSeY tc pa}- as they brce=urc Sue- ail isnec, ate<-: ~:ments nn:': ": ~li!:sr ,har!;<•s ulxln [he SxrE~m-
<br />;\<. ~:_tart:..herPt: ._fii.: r-r- t.,-. , .r: ,_,r?'.. 1 - ... ~ ... ..,.z , .ray,,:. : r:,<it ^,~ ., ,t-. t ti,r_- <, ,, t!,<
<br />Rioz igagar ..: ih thr ~\.c rtx3g<r ..E-- n SPmand ',~ tfit At ~ An. , : ~.a a..l., r~tt i, psra,r.,~. .ham.: , t .<<... „ a ,:rt <„I. 1;,
<br />T,~ymPnt eF lase,, a>seesment<. ,-: smi[ar ehargrs r~aireK9 iae~mundrr.
<br />.,, 1;c•r.~a,or ,zrrra thr there s}:ail also '- ~ 3,isied t.. ea.-h m<-,n$: h' ,>nu ;rt of prulra,:a: and iairn,a mquird hPre-
<br /><,..,. , ,. , srx u.a < t :n,,.<a; h: .. .f' .nth..... a _ .,ab:< a:< 1! . t„u; as .: _ <<•.m: ~ <3.1 (t:P .. -ran: <
<br />ek, rl...„ r:n a . .ti ra-r< ! , < rit ~- -t' 1i,vt~a<-.~ Acv <E,L . r , ,,,.< .. .uf ra ~,. c}, additi,.nal par
<br />manic =haai i~ f,^rthu.., -t. t<a_,c i by izP Vi.,r,~g, wlth =5,~ :So „sra< ^sn d,m<..d .het 1t,"rt;, _n i• ~ def:nl}t ,racier thi>
<br />aragr3oh :}'a nr ;E<~P:~ a _a{a^-- tr, ., ; :..crane p. ... 1-rs if #k.-r : poliv.t i:.; <ii ~9 _.. •!;
<br />we - a< k,rne~
<br />.,n;r«t., <•r a?- }, >_><Lc _.. ,.,. ,:.. _ < „_-u"aci- ., t, ~ , ~ .-,lr< , ~u.s.. _< 11n ,3.- - . , ah< ;iPi, n„ zo
<br />pa} pre-m(:em a.n nsks t r. ..-. -+< i- ,a ~i h\ ^h:. <^-r _<
<br />?acmrnu =:adr ... - . :... _ r ....., ...< 1, ,,, cn :h<~ ]torzys>at~, La~ t':e id t.}~ :: ami
<br />- ... - T. ,.. ,.a ,
<br />:om_.:Lq~3<~. an .L:Pr _. _.. .- .N.. ._.- . _.., ., _, ,. ~ _.,-ul<J k ap G<d, -:lch ; pn<•r•t, e t Y:_:. .,.
<br />jt}P<:-~-0 3~ ~PV"Lr?t• :",r ,7.< .-r.,=3,'.. x3:~r1~ti :. .}.< - : -._ _ .a i,t r!..: ~.
<br />.. ~ ..c. r. .c .... .. .. :.... .. .~, . ,.. ~ ".. S ,_.-_ .. ., :,t the ,,.. :!_ ~ .a. ..,.
<br />hat~at.:ssas3:t3ec, antr -. ..:Hier., ~ ~ t_*P !{- -~.,«s~ .-.; r, :; ..< ,a :... ........:xi :7.:i,. tc, ihr n<: -:+;rdnc s. s<.~u nki Lv t4:,
<br />...ur`r,~, r .. r,., a . a <\ .. :-: "-. .. .,. : .., .-., < ...... .. .r "..1 :. ....r 3'„ ~thf. .. th \I. ~:}-
<br />- !9 ..c ..:`rat ar,. , .., ... +, .. .. {' :.. ...~ 1 ,. : ..1, : ... 1..- . tl. r< 4L, r<r < .. 't'f-
<br />Yil rr
<br />.. ~ .., ? : ~ , t.
<br />z:raxro..esey ,. a\ .r, ,,.. .._ ,.. .. -r.., .a.,}. _... .. ~<~ .. _<.. ., d,.. .-d ,a\ah' .ith ^r•1 .. •.. :u tt\, r;a ,
<br />forth a^~., ... .e ... _ ., .. r.. -.i. w .., ~r<,. .. Fa:., : ,_r. .r :.. \S ortga'L;,r <. .: n;sh .m `~ : ., ,, a;~
<br />. \ ~ :,,
<br />as a.~ hrrr;n :c.;utrz•.^; ,. . ,.}. ,< . _, .. -.- ...~ t .~r 1-. .,it. ..: _, ]h= ti#nrt g3t:<+_ .. .t ?. .< ruu?t
<br />us9dtr a+r -- - .- ,..t..> .... .._... } ~ <.,., : ,.... ,;;a:. . , ... .-~< ... . . .. ...... :...:arty ee; ., r_ .., .:. - ., < ar,
<br />locoed pz+es>?,urn
<br />~- rt, ~ ..-. _-.
<br />:. . .
<br />- _ ;.... ... .. - ..: , - .. ~ ... .. _" .. ~ ..... ,. ,< ,"" .. . ~~ t~,t tit j:d",,.<
<br />aad a, >:}:e-r. ,. wari Lh, <~ .: .,:: ,< -_. t,t ~-\ .; ..,. .. .. t . , .t„ .:;
<br />}tail :na}~ i>w aa:_i .. - r. ..< Si..; < . ., . ~. .. .,. ,:or u. .. t,.! .. ,. . ,,.:.. ..<-:r ;:tar. rr !. am
<br />Byy(,f,gCS' "~I*.r-^L+'r .~r rah let. 311+rd<" .., ;h<' <,t ~ . _, - n~ i< .a<n ,r, .. _a,e S'.t I .4.i 3-- ., , .v.... e.t
<br />a•r tlef:=r2 w't. p8 \'meP~ r'\'et t,ti,}: -ct
<br />T., rccnptf}- -r;;_a;r - .: ,r «•r.:: ;,: +- i:r~ f~r--., r,,. rt. r< . r :•a:l<: ahr ..... ., ',1<n ^:a\ F~,
<br />:»n'x 3dmsati~_ <r z<-s:;c:._ ,. , .a i,i <->,<.r. ,.. ,. .. ., :n t ,n r.x .,.. _<. .., .-. sca ,.~: ha :.< ,1. .. , <:Eht~r t:<.: ar
<br />C3d~.:..'.~ ~. .T. ,:.. e\Sr.tii - +<t.<'fgi: t.c-,J ::. Sr-rt ..r .:< <, f ~.. ,. ~-:. T<~r ... ;:.-rr^,. .t,-, ~. ~. ,',,. ii.r .. ,` .::: any n:..vn<\r lu < e:i .n
<br />~d rr•.+p.-n< ~.r . x-rnn[ ,x~re ,n ~ni,i ptrrr:lee, _.-. ., _ .-,.ar ~t ~.h-r,! _ ,a ,,<r<~i,E _-: rd:}aaU heromv
<br />}csa "<3i+3YCve- a,.~r t~~t3ur r ~: ` tn; ialr ;t: , a:•~< . .. .,.. .., n t-, .-,; , ,u,l „..!~,r,.<rnr.:l 1•! }d\ti w-rah rrs}KCt
<br />..~'.3:F Yxsri~.gag t nrPar:i+<: an:Y <]hr u. r~.. .; ,
<br />That :~:.:;.::. ;rrrr::a<. _ .. - .. .Y...... .- ,. .... .. ,-r z:,, u#,:.r -~I.r:., ~~nxrnl or ....n ietn natlan
<br />PY'=,rrxtf+rk€. -.r >rmirrt s ..- r:g~l ;d c• .v,} t.t .:.*:nd.<. - : !-. :\ ..,.,_: ..., t...e, r \.:- .;,a<t ,. .Y:31i k~• entili.. ta: .a}! i::mi><•nsa(3nnS.
<br />as-a~.c. z,,; ar:y chi g:apare~.i or re".af ;:ae.=t.=r aa;: ;,}ssi: !<e rn6t}e¢. at ,a_. ,.p!s,n. rn r~-n+~+e ncr. apt3aa.* :,^, and pr<urutt in its
<br />f~; natae 3s..< actrru. __ „:rxa>sa d.:~ ,,. .,.:nalr -- ,.. ...., :..r ,.r.....-:s :.... .:. ....::rat:,. :.,: sLr<-.`:.a e„nF or riamag.:. ~?t such
<br />ecangreaaation. awartis. Liaxssagrs. nght .d aetirrri an.1\pn><Te*r^<-#s air heswhy asva}nwt to the ?<Stvtgagcr, \uh<~a rasa}', offer dtdr•cting
<br />tp(me_c all eta er=r^~.~-~. refesgr our masiens lei r.~>~,.~,a`_ h.- xt :,r apPt\~ rho- u.t,_.:, .rn y<,a, ir..drtir;.,in>-;s ~ yr.~.y ?~ywy. TtiR. A'Ia :t-
<br />ga~ agues :a rie'+atiz - t4 f'.:atar as.~rurazr~ Y=a ~r~-. s~afi}Fnsax,an.. a~mr~x., ,.azr\ssgz~~. anu raghts at acii;:n anr! pra,ceY-rf. as T}!e
<br />SsiwTifatgar aul~ =er~N%srr
<br />Ttxas ,n ta.r ,l far#ure tt. ,Krf-,rn an> of ti,<.•„\~n.:.=.~a ':.r<, n. t.-. !<it:rtga:;<K- may 3„ nn the Aicrtgagor's h:~haif ecr~r}thing
<br />ae ttwessanttd IS.ai Llx !19.:rl~ag.~ mar' 3..:..i., any a;l :: n:ay ::,-rr,~, r,..~~.s;,ry t,. :,. r..lt-t ihr ii<n therrai- that t}rr ?ljurtgaRor u:li
<br />repap trlxsn aemaad aay ranorc~s ga¢id nr desh:srsx~d by ihr \lr.<rt>;afe<- for an::,f ihe atkn,e pur}x?sea, and such moneys tugetlier wxth
<br />iat'.etemt t3reretm at the rav _rr n°edteLf zn a-aid sxrir shai} kecv"crsnr s,• nru<•h aadnti<.na? rnciet+iti#nt:. herr#r\-::~n°ure•d end may hr in-
<br />cluded is a~.~ dex-rcrt fosti~3c+atan;g t4-_>; m.;ngake ~.d lte- paid ;,ut .:,# a`:.- r.~a;ts r•r i:~rc~: «•ris e>f sa4e :rf savzr urrmrsc^s ]f net vihr=rx=tar
<br />^vx(; that it r3ra1! rrt+i }ee arti?s;atnry~ ur.r,n ihr ASi:rt„at,~ :.~ irc~uirr :nte~ *. hr ~. a:ux:t. : f any 9.rn. r_.r::mt+ras:rr=. ;-r :;a?m ]n ad-
<br />t'aSt~3sg ~iS-fiTYS as a#rn•t< assilxrxzvt,. t'n:::s=_:thrxsg h<^.rrin c:-rss.axnerl i.Y:b}! ~ cx*:.cts.tr:d as rrc#u:rin:~ the .'+3r:rigager ti ad. antr any
<br />ttxate~s €nr aaY tats: Purix>!rt raw io sle. ar.y ari hrreutsder, and brat MartgaKrx !+t:ai} nc*i nrur an+~ ere rs. ~sxa} tt3Lsiiety Seer~usY of a.^,y_
<br />et may <'.e +x assxst is do x>trruardee.
<br />In tht r+arnt ..f t}a de.;.rwlt l:y ~i,.,rtg:<a--::r :n zhr graynsent ci r. a? rr,xta.SLrYr,t as rrq u:r,.:l "o' !3s<. *:,,tr .,r vred hrreb}. rr
<br />:a iht perfor'tasatr ~ file cihligatu«ei in thrs aarlgxr;A ..r ,:, Jar reate ata~.urz•.} shrre by~_ thr \lurtgdgt-P shall ~-- rr..tti~ci :n tirc.lan- :he
<br />dnist .aaasxsed 3sersxita~ dvt as+d ~egaide w-l:h.arss xxxscr. a<^td ttt.» Lzr'-EaSe~e _haJS hK. rmtrt4:-:y az rsa c,ptiran. ••;thuut ,.mice, eisher 6y iisr#i
<br />;:.r_ty n ra+xriver tr Fxe appttznixd in ihr t^rxlrt t2+rrcvf, and x~?ihaut rr4'^a.rr; te, the adPquacg of any stsnurity for the indebtedness ae-
<br />tmietd lmtb}. to rater ipon and take pa~rsawinn a7 tl+t mrnYgaged psrmiats, astd to eolicet azid rretive the rrni_v. ,ulnas and profit*t
<br />iltneo[, ~, a~yilg tit-aase..ksE ratsia .:1 1t{arvaticn and t,lleetar n. upon tht ettdthtrdruwa ar~ired- by this tttortgagt; seed rents,
<br />rasa aasf bi=in8 ktreka %r the R3=.+rtRag,~Y ~ furtixer ss urity tw the pai'meni aF ati inAet.s loess secured hrreby.
<br />The T~xagag-= ~a3! 3,.~e t~ ~~t*a~s t:r n r~~ y ro a? ar agents it clay s?€su€ foe thr ~er}-srr ~ ;;. rYEairing said i>rem-
<br />~= rt'Tit+si Lice same; t t3tt xr-ata, it~+caues atad inr-.ucat. and it saay pay out of said irreorne all exFrc-Hers encurrcc! rn rent-
<br />~ t®d tiaaasrgl~ tip aim aad ~- crdir+r#ipg #se naeata)s ihrre}ram The balance remaining. ii any. ahalI hY applied Wward ihe
<br />diaeharjr eR ~sr ttwilp!~e i>ariwba. Tfiis asaigrmtent is fa terminate astd hecee^cxne nu}l and void uiron reletese ,.1 this mortgage.
<br />!~
<br />