(6) To use the loazt evidenced by the note solely for purposes authorized by tb.e Government.
<br />(7) To pay when due all taxes, liens, judgments, encumbrances, an3 assessments lawfully attaching to or as>essed
<br />against the property, includutg all charges and assessments in connection with water, water rights, and water stock
<br />pertaining to or reasonably necessary to rhr use of the real property desuibed above, and all taxes and assessments levied ~-7
<br />~ upon this mortgage or the note o; any indebtedness hereby secured or against any legal holder hereat ar of the note or of if
<br />said indebtedness under the taws of Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the Goyrrnment without demand receipts evidencing
<br />such payments.
<br />~8) Ta keep the property insured az required b}' an3 under insurance policies approved by the Governmenx and, at its
<br />request, ro deliver such solicits to t}t= Government.
<br />"" 4) To maintain improvements in good repair and make repairs required by chr Gocernmrnr; operate the property in a
<br />e t~>~ai ar~3 h.,.>bar„'.T.atilikt r„s,^.ne.; c-arrplti- v:•irh sorb far_rn consenacion przcticrs and farm and home management plans as
<br />v e Government from time to time may prescribe: and not to abandon tier proQerty, or cause or permit waste, lessening or
<br />~" timber, gray 1foi3,rgasccoa2, ar othrrminerals a ceptta~matihbe+necessan io.nardanan• domestic putposes,emove, or lease any
<br />j~
<br />i 10; Te rortxply with a?1 law-s,oedirances, and regttlarions afircting rhr property,
<br />t Ta pay ar rti:nbursr rite Gavcrnment for expenses reasonablt• necessary or incidental to the pro:ectian of the lien
<br />and ~priarity hrrra: ana to the cnfa:crment of or the compliance with t;te prayisians hr;rcf an3 of the note and any supple-
<br />rxxrntary agrrrmetr. .whether before ar after default`, including but pat limited to costs of evidence oT title to and survey of
<br />the property, costs of recording this and other instruments, attarne}'s' tees, trustees' fees, court costs, and expenses of
<br />a:lyrrtiiing, sel'eng. and cam^rcirg t}te proper -.
<br />-??; Neither the pseperfi' par any portion thereof ar interest therein shah he leased, assigned, sold, transferred, or
<br />rncumbrrrd, yoiuntarilti a: otherwise, without the written consent of the Government. Thr Government shall bare the sole
<br />any rscitrsi+~ rights a; mortgagor hereun.ier, irciud'sng but pat limited to tint power to grant consents, partial releases,
<br />subardinatioru, and saiufactier.. and no ituure3 holder shaIl hays and- :igirt, title or interest in or to tltc lien or any benefits
<br />Ixrreof.
<br />I3~ lit alt sezwnablc rimes xitt Gaverntnerzt and its agents may- inspect the property to ascrrtaitr whether the covenaru
<br />and a~retnen;s contau;e3 larztin ar in anti' supplemrrtary aerrentent are bring prrtormrd.
<br />ilii The Ga+rmtn=rt mac ice' extend ar defer the maturity eI, and renew and reschedule the pay:ttrnts an, the debt
<br />_t._ _ 'Lt _al., ...3,n
<br />rvidrnctd t+ chr not. ar ary indebtrdatss to the Gayernmrn: s•-. _- - i-- ~-`~ ...`;=°.nt - „ ,~.~~~~ any' party -- -- =`° _
<br />liable under ti'te Hatt er for rhr drbr :rum liability to rhr Gocrnunrnt,~c`~~rrlrase portions of the property- and subordinate
<br />its lip, and •,3' water any other of its rights un3rr :his irsrrun;cnt. env and all this can and ++~1! be :lone without affeetirg
<br />chr turn ar Ltr priorin- ~,+t uric instrument ar Hartawrr's az any other parn•'s liahilin• eo chr Govrrnment for payment of ihr
<br />met= or debt settxted Y}' this instrument unless the Government says ai}teruzst in tvritittg. HCIWEVER, anc• forbearance by _
<br />the Gavr_rnmeat--whe~hrz ante ,~*r onrn-in exrr~sng any ri~,ht or remr3t' under this :nstrument, et ourtrrx'ise afforded by
<br />apufitablc law, shad pat be a waiter ci ar prelude the exercise of ara su: h ri¢ht or remeda ,
<br />!751 3f ar any ;irtte it snail appear w the Gavtrnn:ert that Horrawer mac bt able to obtain a loan from a production
<br />tactile association. a Fr3aral lane bank. or otlxr responsible coaperativz or prirovu urdit source, .t reasonable nits and teens
<br />foa la:.rxs far similar pttrpasrz and periods of time, Hanawer wiel, upon xhe Gayemmrnz's request, apvh• *."or and accept ruck
<br />lisaa in suftiaeat amount to aay the raotr and ant indebtedness secured hereby and to pay' far any staff_k nccrssarv to 6r
<br />p~~rltaseu in a rcatrratire len:lin~ ageacv in :. nnectian w=it}t such iou.
<br />15; Default hrreundu shall car. tirutr 3cfaclt andu any adtrr real =scat=, ar unnder any persnral prapert~ ar at{trr,
<br />securirc irstnrtnrnt held or insurci rq the Gov=rnrrrnt and esrruted cu assumed by $orrower, an? default and=r aay such
<br />ax3su security instrument snaE raastirntr drfaulr hereundrr-
<br />'l?) SHt."3C7..D DEFil1T •xcur in rhr perioxmancr ar ducharge of any obligntian in this insrnurtnt ar sec:ased bg this
<br />irstrtmtent.. ar should t3+e poetics n:unr as Herrowrr 3ie ar br drela:rd ar incomperrn*, ur shoal.'. any oar of [!:r parties
<br />natnal as $arrow•rr br dreiared a bankrupt, ar ar. 'xrsals•ntt ar tttalr an as9gtunrnt far the benefit of crrditats, the Ggvrrn-
<br />meat- ar its r-nylon, with nr with-aut no:-•cr, mas'. 'a'; •?tr3art the ratite am~.ior uapud tmdrz rhr Wore and arty indebtedness
<br />its rite Gcx*rrt-.mrttr rrby >rrur:•d immediateiv dot and payable, (b i far the a;,cattnt of Horrowet incur and pay reasanabir
<br />sartxsrs for repair er rrtaiatrriaHCr of ant :akr possession of, operate ar rent the praprrn•. !.c; up:?n application by it and
<br />pradu.^ioa of this instrument. w?iltout at.'ter tvidencr and wt• out notice of hearing of said appiteat__°~a. have a rrceivez
<br />apt*aiatrd fc:+r z3tr prix'rrtc', with rhr us--:cal pcra'en e; recri+rrs ir. like rases, -dy foreclose this instrument .:> provided hereiat
<br />s bg 1.-w, and ~.t ~ rnftr:r asy an3 al! artier r3~hzs a_nd reaxdies provided herein, x'itc present or iuturr iaa•.
<br />,1$j 'I"ar. ftracerds :=f ic•rrclasurx sale dull br applir3 en the fallowing ardor ro rhr payment of: ;_a- casts and cxp=nsea
<br />~. }_,.° 'xic?: ,i.t .. it~e:,:`, cb,~, c ricer liras xquined by Saw az a com~ecent court to
<br />';-:s4~t tm ra#p.:~ sa t~.•..~~. _• Frc_ :tvae p r.
<br />Tar so poi::, ;c; tiu det:t ra-i3tzxctd by t3xc pat= ana ail indebtedness za rhr ftr;:eraszttnt sts::rr:i i:rtebx, ;a; infariet ~_rns
<br />a3 ractsr-a regnirrr3 by law ru a caasr twat .txrre to br sa pail, r: at ri'tr Gas~-nmcnt's uptren, any other inurbtrdnrss of
<br />$nrrwar~ awiag xu tar insutr3 b;~ *.}xe Ga.-rrnmerr. an3 t-. ast~ baiznre ro Burawrr. At fc•reritasurr .,. +uhtr sat= et alt ar any
<br />part rat ~ _hs Governxacnx aced iu agents may bid and purcltau as a suanga and may pay rhr Go.Ymment's share
<br />of tray patxc"•~~5price •t+v crr.'izitxg sari: arnextne ar, any -debts oS H€~.zo.v~r :•ssing to t:s s:.c-~ret.c~v t}:r ic,~trnmrns, in tier
<br />order prtsc-t"bo3 io,~vr. ,
<br />-~;?) $atro-.ver macs ~~s; rhr Gaverx+.mrnt w21 riot yr bound by anx pre>.^nx or iuturr Starr lax;, .;a providing. ter
<br />yitixatian, appraisal, bctmestcad ce exrm~.rfon at tht preptrrv, ;b' prohibiiinh mat.,-tteaancx "i an a.tiaa for a defuirncy
<br />judaoent oz litttiting tltr axnomxr tltcrrot ~v the tiL^tc w•ithir. arhiclr sur3: action must lie hrau~~t. ~c; ~trueribin>, any otltsr
<br />stature ;Rf lisaiutianx, id; a.Tlowiztg anti zi,-Sx of rtdrmprivn +ir possession faiiawzni; :+ny forrdnsur= sae=, or `,e': Limiting tht
<br />caa~rittas trr3ricJt t3xz Go+•erruarnt ±r-z . b\' rrbuianon iznp+jsr, irsrudittp; rhr ii=r:~: rate ~. • cl:arg., as a condieien •af
<br />zppravrng a aansfrr of the pzopem~ :~ a Herr i?arrewer. Hmr•ow'et rspreviy w^ais•ts se Itenent of any such Sure laws.
<br />~atrower Lrrrby zrlingtishra. w•airrs. and c_rnveys a~ rifiitu, i-tchnatr ur consummate. ai drscrrt, dower and curtesy.
<br />
<br />
<br />