<br />
<br />MORTGAGE _
<br />MoxTCacEI.oaNNO. L 23,589 MGIC
<br />sarowau.!uEtasYTtiFSEr~s>:tv"rs:rna: Lawrence R. Elrod and Doris L. Elrod, each in his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in wnsidentitm of the sum of
<br />Thirty-four Thousand Six Hundred and Fifes aid Na/100_--~----------•---------------pOtts~
<br />i~mted to said mortgagor iry The Equitable Buitdiug and Loan Assaciatior. of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 346 shires of atodt of
<br />saxI ASSOCIATION, Certitipte No. L 23,559 MGIC, do hereby grant, convey sad mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />descrfrbed real estate, suited m hall County. Nebraska:
<br />taigeihes vrtth a$ the teacstxnts. hzteditamenu artd appt,nrnanaYS tieerrunut belotagmg, inc}uding attached ftaxx coxrittgs, a[I yrittdow screens,
<br />aaindtsvr Shade, Dii[tds. norm windows, av+nia~., heatit~, air a r~rditieairtg, and plumbing and want rgniptnent and axessvsies thercta, pttmoa, stoma,
<br />t>~peratanz,,rad cstitr~ iritures sad equipmrat ttaw ar grafter attached to at used in axwtrutectton with mid yeti estate,
<br />And the saii martgagar has s_Grceri and does herrhy a_4ec that the mortgagrr stall and wilt pay all lase sad asssnmenta kried ox
<br />mesa.-d npna said peemivrs amd upnn this tswxigsge mui tae lk~nd seaarea ttvzrzby beiurz thr satnz stmt bectmse ddiuqurnt: to fwnvh apptoeed
<br />iamsranx npon the bmid>n5t m ~ preatists si*uaxzd ir. Ltte scan ti S 34,fi50. OD Fmyable to ss~ ASSOCIATION std to deii+er to said
<br />itSSQ-IATiilN itx patieies im said 3trsvrans: sad r ~t o summit or perrtir an}' waste as or about stu! psenu4s:
<br />la mfr d' defauh ar the perforanacr of an}' of the tyres and nwditiwss of this mortgage or tM bond a~vred hereby, [hc mortglgte xtntl,
<br />m deaasd, he entskd to itemtdiate F'o~T of the xnottgaged pea:nisrs and the mortgagor ixrrby assigns, tratuft:rs and sds oven to the
<br />naars~e ~ the reau. rtxaues and itnYSme to be dezivcd Pram the mongabrd premises doting wdt time as the iadebtcdneas z~ terrain
<br />rspsid: and the ur-nigagae ~ ivx the ptwxr ;n aly,oint any agent of agents it mry desire far the ptspe~ of rcE~ said paemiseS sad reatieg
<br />the acme sad aoBrctiag ihr rests, rrveaurs and inanme, and it tmy pay out of said itw xire at! expemes oC rrpavatg yid ptamiss avid at~y
<br />aoaa sod ea}crtcs inasared em renting and tnaaagittg thr saase and of ca[kcting rentals therefrom: the baiaoee temaming. if airy, So be
<br />ap~died tavraed thr diarhmge of said moat~e imleF.arefar-a: these ri~ta of thr mortgagex may be rsxtvsed at am time dntiag the a=isteaoe of stseh
<br />ddank, vre,~ecane of mrty teagstuar} ntixr of ttr ss~.
<br />Thee isr~•t=tz. tyzurses, are ~"n ti,r C,.rditisa. That rf tix zap Martgagr siaL repay said toms r~ or befr~r tier >matutity of said shares by
<br />pay^sevrt: pay monthly to said .i\'S~C)f'I A31Qti' of Uu aws s~ecift~ m for Bond seautetl hereby as interest and ptincipa; an said loan, on or brSote
<br />tLe T'wrnsvetis der of east aed eycry roonth, unti3 sakl tarn is iulh pout; pay ad teats sad =~~M-+ts kyied against said pttuss sad tat tlta 6lort~e
<br />and the lead ta:arnf t,bgelr}, rrcit,rr delityu: nay-;furnish ap~praved ittsurancc upon the buadirtgs thrrean is the sum of i 34 , fi50, 00 payable
<br />~ said !ui0CL+t21O~:; re{uy to said aS5{X'IATI0ti upmt demand a[S tmme} 6y is paid far stet taxes, aaeasxaen[s sad inxwaerx vrith ®tMZt at
<br />~x ~..~.e.,..e spy. r .a,~ ,t..t~ t ~,; .3.r» ~ ~y~, .~ _d wrt~ M^`t`~~ ~>wy ~e~ t.:, pay; ~~ .^ ~.e en t;~ ~ _~.-,:k>~ ~ana~3y
<br />vrnh ~ the agaeemcats sad a~dttiaas of the &utd fu3 i 34 , ~ 5D. >:iDthn Say green b} Cite said Mortgagor to mid ASSOI`IATICR;t, sad ootapty
<br />>~ a8 the rarfniregrntr :af the Czrnstitutioa asu£ By$~yvs of said ASSOCIATION; ihrn these Inearntz shall betsune Holt amt yoid, othetviae they
<br />ahdt eetmm m fuU farm and may it fare3~~: at the t'€'tton of thr said ASSOGiAIION aftrt fa>lurt nu three tnaalhs sa make say of said
<br />pay~ats a lee three aa'reubs m asrcars ur marine Hid rru,nthh paptacnu, +u to lorp atal :campay with the igtcemenis sad vaditiotu of aid Bond;
<br />and > to hex . ri~^eisn app;,mted fart3,w~tth m such kvrai n'o:r }ratmtssg..
<br />If these s say Chang ffi awatasisip td tie rtal zmu montyded iterta, by sate um atiarrwix, than the eater reatainmg utdeMtdtsau
<br />seed ahsA, at Cite vr(aina ~ The E4uitahk ~ and Elan As~saiatsyrt of ftantl Ishad, Nkbtasta, btxotnr irmnediately due tad peyahk ndihout
<br />fnrahc svraioe, asri thr a~'rrrm yeses®utg ~da< ceder yr3 band, sad ant o[tlrr 6asd fee any additional advances made tixreuader, shaIl. Exam the
<br />date r+f exmtae asf and optitse, bee mtereu at the treat®t.m iepl tate, ate thss tnartgage rosy rben be iaasdmtd to stli6y tht amount dnr ao said
<br />land,md any orbs >~ faH addrtiooai advae;cs, tagztbet viih sit nt:rx paid t+y sad Site Egtritnt+k~ tiuiidiag a¢d t.oan Asaocuuion oC Good Islmd,
<br />I'Zeksa~ f, ~~,~. t_xttia~ s~~_.._ a=3 ~~: ~ c.~-msi"; ~~s, w1.4 ~tce~ •~;•zon, from des: o` pa}'txat at t!x ~+
<br />ic9i ram-
<br />As peoa~ n tir Baal :ee>zieei itetrby, a'hNrr t}~ rtaxigpte remains m ciTc~t tae say ixreafter adra~e additional mats to tine
<br />saaksas of add $tad, tltes ~ tar ssux':essssots is entrrzst ,which sows shall br wititnr the ratrtty of this mortgeg the same as the funds origimdiy
<br />asannd tin;aehy, the roast amnum of praaapai darn Hat to etaeed at say tiere thr arigiiai a1lfCinrl2 a this rntutgage.
<br />~', I1~d rte lfith ~ofier A. ft.. 1, 7 9
<br />~• C~
<br />/L`
<br />ss~ClriS `L. lrl~~
<br />S7'A'pEtiF1tSKA'~a Onihis 15th aayof ©Ct9ber 1979 ,tse(oteme,
<br />i:x tIf tau.
<br />the tindessipred, a Notary Pubiic in and Car said Cosmty, permaally acme
<br />Li~grQlKe x, flrad altd Doris 1. Elrod, each in his and her arm right and ass us okaawnta
<br />e~th other are
<br />.o to be tthe idmuiol dream S vheue asste s erg at5aed to the a6avs~•tuneat as nsortg~ot s and t heY somaHy
<br />a~assalaslgad rite read afaamsea w be their aaieatuy act asd dear, (f _
<br />tlt'ftrn~s err iana and ;•taaial seal the dace a[oreadd. \,~ ,:'
<br />by Casnaiaainn ~a .~'~r ",.lG....e,, G ~J ,``%'ii~ ~G=-~r-,.-,
<br />rests/ st ~ 4i#fRRI f~3SAtiY • State W %ehr. ~ ~~ Notary Public
<br />.u1a;:s =rt_ c~ sofa
<br />fkr coretr,,. ~..~, fYey- 12.3879
<br />