<br />ADDtTfONAI
<br />hereby 1)ebMr is u the estent that this grerment ' ten
<br />uY adec a tin ~ity- interest r eneumbnnte: nd that
<br />s `y i ~-atcthen{n. (_') Th t fhtancing statement
<br />cnm{ 2Str I'. UeF[ar rill join with Scessresl P tY n ecuting
<br />!n Senned Party and ill pay tnc euxt of filing uth financing
<br />{fling is dre ed Lr Secured P nY in iu nnilssarf
<br />tnt<Irhrrtby r ii the C. tlateral includes c er or
<br />Fa ty x•tth a ,iisctaixtrs of 6isclaimera er suloMiuation 6i cc-
<br />, ih< Collal<r:d ~hi<h t •+r eo the {nnrru u( Secr~red FanY.
<br />h< nntt~ Tttt kept iesa tu+ve !latR'.. a'tthonl the Na'r x'ritien p
<br />... .,._.. ......,. eM C.,Ifaferai. (5) :doe m permit or xliowy~j+j
<br />"`-v,.,..,r~ -. keep the name + geed n.:+cieitm and from t;tne :p time. torrnwnn, epue< ana ,<m.r n„ ~~••• a d •thoi~tlte Soured j~'}
<br />do ~ihont a9o,siag any- lien to be -xc the l'ofi tc f un a count M uch rplacement +,r W~~ ~ . ~tfdaeto }
<br />dlatetal t - time. ahererer 5aeatrd. '.') That he .oip his nwn -<yenee keep the C,,:[aecra. +narvM <r+tn9an} +~t~,
<br />prioat<,-bv theft, coltisiotr, fitt and cxundnf r - ge. -ixh bsc }ctrahle M Second P rts ?n it. ,nter<•t . x9c<ar, a d >• Fi Pd` " ~
<br />tartish 9roo{ ni such ,nsncapm m Smnred Y r:y t3) :1t ,ts mpat;os Seen ~<Pxr~+ir ,.f{yap . d tre ~rh i ;Wren fondi 4iha~ i~ryn
<br />tmiam4_ane# atanY [ime.kried P't?~d n the Co77atemi d J Psi nt ,.d wy Secared I'aHynpu=anant
<br />allaeriai. Ikdstar ag ~w r<imbtxr'e sr_nmt Fart. an demartss' fur any-. pa, mete a raLrn= tt.-'ar _ ct:t
<br />rk yt sa-hm anent, xiah interest
<br />adeSnvl.amx c ieb. I)eb or dt .hart bt se 1 i,. th:s ag i m t9) "hat he .rill na n:< the ColLrnrai aRRd ratio dulna c
<br />and it ai the Coliat<ni is _ c3<s the < .~ II not he reneeai, used , =en Into ec+t
<br />Pam a aad a;} m and t ses me,rrr.. ~., ra_,. ring p.vcsesuaa of the Coi4 ten! and~incarm! t a nine thin > rite
<br />nd by thi+ aecu^tr grs ~ ~„{„1 nrx :ttm 'vmt with this agreemen- ann iwt iamnv:trnt with
<br />Ya deta~~h Sec red Phm .'tali haax shcaitnmtdixie r;ght ro the tpaatewsion o{ the Collateral. ~ payttxn: ui
<br />Ne h p nntg o - th {alMw' rnts <r rondiiwna: tll deianlt m Ih<
<br />.lt-h 3ia~ti exa,n~or teieired ro )x n ;a a „iu,ee ~-~ n6 n~+<sa (?t any ats, r=9tesetttxticn - atatrmrut
<br />~n bet,ai~ o: R btor pmt to hart been :zls i:. a y' matnvi tr'apKt whr maAe r i ~ahed- l=) r < dtstnxt tiaM~dt ~n
<br />ind lveda .` I?cbmr , ashen nrdr. x indrntunr ~grrement or twcrtak'nY' (Jl sloa>, thtCt, t1?tn?i
<br />nF s _- making o{ ate' ]ere, arizan r _ttarhte<r.:'-t hram4 iw<rty>n; i>) drxtA, dissntution. trtminatiPn 'oCrensnnce, i~arv.~~
<br />y ~ -t* ~ r part ni iFtc protr.:y' at. aas ignm + nc ibe bmeivi of creditor b>', oc the watm<ncement o{ any )nocealey tmdcr
<br />o againsto7Xb m: or son:Y "nr Ptbmr.
<br />x. Y' tttor ~aiter, ar i~i~d tt '{ ss Sec i F'-rt+- may daian '1 OWigae!,tr. secured herthp imnttdiaielr due
<br />r cede- the ~rFriska l' 't C~ ;at lode. S<cutN P~ ty tt>a rcavire Uraror to a sembSr tAr
<br />Nr to Seenzv Faris r t a pAcc en b< dect toted. by Secu:cd Pant which is hIY tvorrnient to both partxs. S-nlcas tM
<br />dectn+e apaediyr in ratvt ar i~ ai a opt cevmwn'Y ecild o a t<R,,gnisrd n ekes. Sernred Pant trill S 2 1)ebtar synabie
<br />brie sire thetas cr of t. mr ahrc w9tc.^. an r yntatr 1- ,? an..,ther ernd<d dispcuii,an the. eo{ is to he made The :xyttite~
<br />-h •w~tice ~s ma+cd ~+~.•.hce Frrpa:3.:'= t'.>z amkr~ c; ixS:r.r chox~n at the 2~<ginnmg ei thv agrmnenx at. kart fve da.yx
<br />is M astmaflx r..atrcr zaa ~ ar mci s7,. .. 'tc
<br />bei~ r~ a;me f •{r :de dish ~ xaa r .te a r ~ •r ~a r: clef>e the vme Icf:tilt on utun - u, TSe wk;r,g t his .<+nn ,
<br />Ac Fr Seca d Pam et m> dt~ shaft ::y+r.~t ~~tt+Fart, c _ ar~u:rc ioc the yssr*cnt o{ the abuts indcbterin<as, nor ahati the ta'aing
<br />tr..:t waive yr.mpyr ntd se_ yY^ ~ - `~ r~.r a>mc , , rnrt to any- ercuntr it troy has-< in :hr order it ttttY deem peeper.
<br />ax~e~~wd+ deitre i secnrR' :x~z isP the ~ ~gte~~ _ - r: ur . ` -
<br />--..iraadirra coil 7 stu:m-:ty, Sere. _-.: ^art~ aA tsta?n~?;s -:gh ~. su `sere{5 ~a,n:c[t En~,r. rn -
<br />il era'=u ni S-cae3 Fa: rf~ h<cttmdtr ?hall i'u ro ~ ^" * >n stems:" =nd 71 p tui rut,<s of ?k+6tor sSati bind hie heirs, ezccvwrs
<br />,.- admaiatratnrs ar his K atx xa ~ _m asai2±ta.rtli ibrr,t k t n ihv, .~r sl?rbr;,r, the.: liah,::nrs S,rn~und.-r abaft be jmnt and +everni.
<br />_. 2Zis aiteer:at sha8 hrmmr efifepCse sism : ss sinned by Iir§aw.
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