<br />MORTGAGE _
<br />MORTGAGE, LO:r.N NO. L 23, 586
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thai Add I . Rtki nson , a s i ngl e person
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in cotlsideation of tht mtm of
<br />Twenty-four Thousand Eight hundred and No/100------------------------------ mLLAfLS
<br />knrled to saM mortgarsor by ilte Egaitahie Building and Lvsn Association oCGrwnd-Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 248 shales of stork of
<br />rad ASSY'Lt97ON, Certificate Iva. L 23,586 . do herthy gtattt, cxinvey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />daa°ibed real estate, sitwted in Hall County, Nebradca:
<br />ta{ie*3Kr w-tth aIk ihr trxatcnti htrrduatirtnu an:S appu: itra.~YS tincrrunto bcksnginF, ilxiuding attadsett furor mvtriogs, aU window sq~eens,
<br />aind<r~ shades, blieds.:ster~t avss~ ws, awnrt,es, Ixsiing, air mrditionirg, and pttunhirtg wad ws:er r~uipnxn[ alai arttssoties tbrreto,pwigts,ltores.
<br />refri~etators, am3 ni,'r Sutures and cyuifrsrrnt rc,>.c~ ea h: real ter att_=:..ited to or used m conrxrtxn wrkh said real rstate.
<br />.4nd w~rtas tlrc szid mar:ea=<*r has xr;Y-.i and dixs hereb} erg: ee t1u1 t6t nlorteag<?r sha1S and will pay xll taa~ attd t~:~+,rats kvit~3 oz
<br />asscs¢d up<xt said prccaises .t~.d upon ti" rtlvr;.ga_r wad :h: Ix~ad secs:t_~i th.r_b? ~cfort tttt saint sitaU beaamt dtiingtKnt; ro furnish approvM
<br />s.,c,.,~,,,,. up«s t?s- btt:3dxnec ;:n sxrd artmt.~s sttuaicd in ihr .uat oft 24, BDO. UD payabk r:, said .4SSJCfATION slid to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCiA31O\ tilt nit.->Ps t.rr sni3 it surnr_?n3 m-,t e~, ;ommii err ptrm:! and waste un+,r .itkrut sand plrtnises:
<br />In :ysc .,i 3t1au;I s_-, ine peri,:rttunce a,t way :,' the terms and a,n<itrsu ;s ut itus rixutxa~-e ur vhr I><Ind scwrrd hereby, tix tn.,rig~a s'LStt,
<br /><m dcmaa:i, t+c tnt,tkd t.• nrlr,rdiatc }w.~srxnn ,v •`r cxngagrd prcnrs.^s arsd the mongAgc,l hereby assns, trattsftrx and sots over to tht
<br />ta~atgager a" tar r~su, stventxs and ina~me ;o k*r dutved from the rmng~td premises dtuittg suck trnx ss e_ht r>wrigtt~ indebtedness shall tetlnin
<br />tmpaid: atxi t:'rr rI>.,rtgatrr sfitaLr ;Ia?r tfxr powe- to arts: mt any agrm or agents it mss dtsle for tht purpose of rcpavitg said premaes and rrnti+~
<br />the mrtae and a>i;r. sae tr rents, e:s-Hues aa± rr,e.+nm. -md e! ma>- pay out of tiard mcemu alt cxpeases of rtpauitrg slid ptemues and neaasty
<br />a?mm;scr.?us and czrxrisrs tnvrcd in err,;;..^..a; a::j rual:rrgute tie saur.• arni .,f ;allrcw.g rcatals ifirrtfr.?m: the balance tennukitig, S any, to be
<br />a}+pirrd t.*?i Wd rite ,3.-x:fzi;-at :; vt m.•*tgx~= :r;ti:larancss: tttrsr riehts .tt ihr m<,I:~f,,; ~y {?t cxctasrd at sny- tirnt dtuing [ht tustetitt of such
<br />drtatnt_ ~ rfipt:tilK :V 5,:: Ititi}\:; wry waleCf iu kt)r .1',i:K
<br />Tnrs PTertnls. ':: FfYe `., htr vj>i)^ 'fr i. :,5-r.?ii::fn, l~h3t !: the SaL Mnrlaagor :ryali r: FdS .-s •u iil9tt on :TI bttilre tiK miCalliy of 5>ittt S~!{aCCS by
<br />vyra-n! fey ua>n:hiy c.~ st_.i A.\til1i ~I.4T 2i?'\ ; t ;^-: s::-r sneer?mod m the Itaad .c,:ured t'ereby a~ mtrrst and R~aeipal on said loan, orl M beiorc
<br />sae Tu:x,:~t."..:a+ ,,i ~=: art :,rr-~a -,:,a;?:-. s:.,,. sv>C a?ar, ti i:tiiy pai~7~ p?.} sil taxes att5-~v+~•nts irvrtd sgz*n3i Ord prt~Inises aiai mt 26s IiGottgtae
<br />errs:: 23st &.v,-± .r; ester rt,c=zc.. Rr; ~~;c trti ;y,;~n,ti sr:nisi: apte.>?~ra imuaanx user tht hui?3sngs therr3r. to tht sus uCS i4,8DQ. Q{) }nyabit
<br />t~ ssz.? 45:: t:k-14','!t?\.:rpa< s; :,; >Lti =.X14 i 1.isv u;x?n demand aI: rxhxv ry et rani !,s: strlt talcs. assesstatnu a.•td mxtuanrx with interest at
<br />rise rsa~:ma;r, '>`--~ ._.e :,,.,_. . -...-, „_... _ r. a,. .,t wh..-b if.?ngasx hereby aerxs topay :pnmit ni, uvte on said premivcs;ktep and mmpy
<br />n,th ~.; ;n. weer;-;r,rr., ;,:~:: ;-.n;.=,.,,-,>,.a t;,r ts:,.,i ?,:r S ~4,bDil.l~rs :iay cisKa hi the sr.sd 4tur*.gag<x to said ASSOCIATION, and sottridy
<br />~etP a7: eta xramtr -r, _. „ c,r ad ;t? L .:.~ sat.: AS+t'k 13TiON. then :ht>y presents srtaL tucume nut3 amp v~~i. othtnvise thc~
<br />sAau rrr:a,r::..._ -_.,. ',?e ! . , -,. ;w upa.aa _; etc ;ar7 A51Ck1At9r',ti _ftrl txdule im three nx:nihs to stake any of sad
<br />payur;:ta .- tE tr ,. --sn t., e. .... a:, -:.. >s .,_u;.:..-. F,a?r,.nt., ;sr t,, i.:tp s'.i ...T.y~h r. rth tier aa~,rx-t_uuuts erred :vtui.troni of still Bond:
<br />sc?d 13.:,:w.>..e :,t!;, ;r- .. .,~?<.- _ :<.._ irK~::snt..,,r:+. e:.= t,,...:,.:.2: rI, .._,: ..,:r:i.,a;trr pra>,-tr.nxss
<br />'; _ ,err v sn} drar~ee m n>.tsrl>tnp nt c. real cslatc zru,rteag<`d httrnt, b> sal; .r oahtrw~. then ihr carat mmamtttg irrdtbtedtKa tKtshy
<br />strtuc.3 v-,sl,, a[ uti~ ,=z,t,.:r, :,s Tar i-~url:.blr Buti3mi crd l...ar, 4swa~ntttc,r.:*i i.snmi Isials~t, Vrbrasa.a. t,rriatr sstxnted,atthj der and payattk without
<br />`usher rh,tus- svd a:: ark,uar :eeuu.;nu~ d~~ under +.aai t,and_ aid .;ay .ut>tr Lomi t',v ant.:>ddttwnat advaluxs madz thtrtander, shall. form the
<br />,kale or czertxw• „t sass sptn,h. tsra• acveun e[ the rruv+.unuct lea! :arc. e.~d vas nx.+rtg~z .ems thin he fcxeciar~tl W uusfy [ht amount due on s~
<br />t+:rtd. weld srny :ats': tti,rs:. lu; ache=.~.,rl~ „+_ r.<rs, taa:tfrt, wtih ail s,tit~ Auld by said 7T+c Equ:tsbt< 8uitdueg and Loan Aaauciatron of Gland (Hand,
<br />4'ashrasl.x: i:N e?rsum>x, t_~-~. c=,:. aa:->yr,ct:r,.a.a±srurs:user>:ttasxsn rhsrres, urth mtrlrst tYstrran, tram date of payment ak iJK tiraaim...,,
<br />ic~r ~ s.c
<br />r .
<br />4s p:-~r~ - .z= ikr b,_ ..... - , „-. .-:, nnare.'sk' tri;~uu e~ ,kf.ct h. „rsrigagrc :~.ay hereafter ailvanx addieiotu! stuns to ihr
<br />~r± ..: X13 Br mod. inec ~ tcv _, .u - -. _ .c.,,.` sums haii hr wthut the scculrty u2 t}vs nx„Reagt ;ht same as the fords orgvsaBy
<br />~ti WTd t,`.rrct`y ..n .i;iai sa.,,.urii . r,',;,3: dc. , ~ .: tom. e, Zed `ur any .,isK• i?#2 „+.:,";n_? ~ir,a,s:as ,'+i tiLYS :n.:rtg:~,e.
<br />ilIIr~ t;:~ lath. ., ., October ~ ; ;,, ?o
<br />~- _.
<br />-. .
<br />Ada I _ r".tki nsan
<br />STATE {pc ys f_ER4Sk'_A. ~
<br />os i r;. ;h,i 15t''t
<br />i'L3t'?si't' keI- ?I.4Ll ~
<br />Ada I. Atkinson, a single person
<br />..ati :n iY2DLter 14 !y ,before me,
<br />tlrr sriuerryned_ s N,+tary~ f'uhhc t*: and for lard Cuunry~, persortally carne
<br />whu j 5 pcrvinally known to
<br />r~ to he ux nirntt;ul talc=a a.,,
<br />> r.a:-w 7 S r,7Tucu t;a t;,^ ~. trae, ystram;e t as nalrt_g~t.; and She ~e(~i
<br />~,
<br />a'.i1,,,SY kvtgei , ~ l i r2 tier -- 7 ritarl a't 3"t,i v°ta. ~ ~
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<br />K1 ti}~~ f 3 a 0..~,3'L-. l
<br />..x.e d ' .rsy~_ J
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<br />tan.ew rt - ~ - T - ?c:-' ~ , ~
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<br /> . ~ r - tienr
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<br /> .......... __.__.___.._ _. . I
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