7~°'~ ~~7'78
<br />In consideration of tixe extension of the time of payment of the original promissory
<br />note hereinafter described, the undersigned, Warren B. Garrett and Theresa M. Garrett
<br />Husband and Wi-fe __ her~~~_.- covenant and agree to pay to The First National
<br />Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island, :debrnska, or order, the principal sum of
<br />TWENTY-EIGHT THOtiSADtll AND NO/100---_-------_--_----_-----_----__------_--- {528,000.00 ).
<br />together cdth interest thereon a[ 'li _ yen cent per annum from the dace hereof,
<br />zuch sum ~n be pa}°able nn _ April_q, le8Q - ,aterest shall be payable at caturity
<br />on APri1 9, 1480 - - - ----- ,
<br />The 3riginal nrincinal note in the amount of FOR_TT-EIGHT THOtiSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS
<br />{$ 48,000.00 ) was axe w[ed and delivered by the undersigned under the date of
<br />October 28, 1476_ _, [o The First National Hank of Grand islsend, grand Island,
<br />;7ebraska, and was due and payable an the ~Sth _,3ay of October, 1977 together
<br />with interest at 4:e _per cent per annum and secured by Real Estate Mortgage
<br />to The First National Bane: of ;rand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, recorded as
<br />ilocu,",ent 776-00643b in the *!ortgage Records of Hall County, Nebraska
<br />The undersigned agrees to pay such extended balance of principal of Twenty=-Eight
<br />Thousand and na%100 Dailars {$ ?8,000.00), tc!;e[her with interest thereon at
<br />Elevc, ,; --_ Isar cent Ter annum, such principal .,nd interest to be payable in laGful
<br />Honey of the lnited States of America at `The First National Bank of Grand Island,
<br />Grand Islam', Nebraska.
<br />Ali of the covenants and agreements in such nrif;inal note and l'he Real Estate Mortgage
<br />above-described, other Than hereinbefore modified, shall he and remain unchanged and
<br />in full farce and effect during such extended periad. If default be made ir, payment
<br />of any principal sum, *_he entire principal sum with interest thereon, shall become
<br />iassediatellr due and payable at the election of the legal holder thereof.
<br />in further consideration of such extension. of time of payment of such indeotedness,
<br />i hereby ratify and confirm such mortgage recorded as Document ,:76-OOb436
<br />#n Real Estate '';nrtgage records of _ Hall _ _ _County,__ Nebraska _ as
<br />the first mortgage lien upon the real property described tt;erein, and the whole of
<br />the t3t3e there La as now oi~ed by me.
<br />the undersigned executes this Extension Agreement with reference to and on the faith
<br />and credit of their F,rne>~rty, which they now nwn ur have ar, interest in ar hereafter
<br />may acquire; the express intention being to charge azxd to continue to charge any and
<br />a:l of sorb property with the payment ~>f the indc~htedness, the payme of which is
<br />herein extended.
<br />I# 4IT?:ESS i7'Fit~2£OF, the undersigned 'na`ve hereurta set this has this 12t'x day of
<br />October, 1419 /"~ ~- --'--
<br />i
<br />-- ~ , ~- ~ gran va re
<br />' `sue ~f ~ ,•
<br />neresa arre
<br />STATE ilF Nehrasks }
<br />i~~.
<br />~Ol.~`TY a?F H.a11
<br />Ott this I2t:, day of Oc*_-°ba', ?~'!? _, be=:; r. ve, the undersi nod a !rotary Public,
<br />to anti far nall_ _-_ Counts. parss~,nally camc_ }warren Ii. Carrettgane
<br />Theresa I•;. -Garrett '-Tersarally* known zo me to ~e [he identical persons whose nags
<br />are affixed to the above and foregaing Extension Agreement as makers, and they
<br />acknowledged said instrument and the execution thereof to be their voluntary act arad
<br />deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br />Graad$Isi~and,b a gaI have hereunto of€ixed~y{pµ,:iwTi~,and official seal at__^
<br />_-- on the day grid y>~a~>,-ali~;fg-`,gsggiasa vYitten.
<br />.`` f
<br />_ -s, k ,;`~r~~~~R-~ Notary Public
<br />-\ti
<br />~ ~,~ ~,
<br />iiEGOR0~ER5R4Et1;3 -_ `T, , ..~'6' ~~..,....;,,
<br />_'
<br />Re& ~ [+aeaf
<br />