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<br /> 7'+wlil'll�k K'ITI[ �II ibc impru�ei��c,it�ix�w or hereafter erxtal on the pro�xny�.:uul ull c.►.unknt,. apEx►rt���uca. ack!
<br /> lit�urc� �H�w ��r IKC�dnCi' N p,ut uf tlw Nn►�.itY. Atj ��p1�:.raaus ;uul ;rl;litiotu shs!! ;ilsc+ t+C mvecec! by �his Sc�urity
<br /> tiuurumciit. Alit of�i�r G�rr�;�,iiiL i��rf.���z.i ta 9n thic S.:aritv Inxtrument as ttu"Nrc�peny•"
<br /> FiUKK01ti'GR Ca��'ENAh1'S that 8urruwer ia!rw fully aeis�ri uf the eFiWe heti�eby r��m•c}�cci:,�ul has th:right ta�rs.�t wxi
<br /> enm•�y Sir� �wcnv :uKl tl�at the Pru4x�ty i� unen:umberal, exc�ept i'or ciuumbrwkes af remnl. &xruwer warrants�i w�il1
<br /> �4it��d�;cix:rally Ihc tiUe eo the Pr�city a�ai�ui;►ll cluimc and clenwxis. subject ta uny encun�br.n3ccx af tecard.
<br /> Ti�iS SE�URiTi Y ItVSTHLEI�9E�i7'�Ym�i��t�unifor��c.�venants ft�r n:,::ion;:!us:;u�3 non-unifurm cavenu�ts with limita3
<br /> v:;i:►tluik by iurlydiction to rnnstitutc a uniform socurity irutru;��c�u��vering real p�ogerty.
<br /> i�NIFORivI C(1VEIVANTS. &�rrox�r and l.c�xtcr co��eu:uit;uxl uPrc��:follou�s•
<br /> i. W�►ueut ug' Hincipal xwl Ialerest: Prepa��cueut swd I.ate Cha�sg�. Bannwer shall prnm{xly p�y when du�: tac
<br /> principal of��d intetti:st on the debt evidc��ced by the N�te and�r►y prepa��ment and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 2. F'unds for Taxes su�d I►�.�.uran��r. Subject'to applicable law or to a wriuen w��iver by l.ender,Barrower sl�ll�y to
<br /> Lender an the day nwnthly paym�atits ure due unde�the Note,until the Note is paid in full, u sum("Funcis") for. (a)yearly tax�s .
<br /> �ncl;u.ce�.anents whieh may attnin prioriry over thic Seeurity Instrun�ent as a lien on th�Pcoperty;(b)yearly leisehold payments
<br /> o!glYxstid itntc M1 the Pt+cy�erty,if Any:(c)yeaclv hazr►n-�or property�nsurarue p:en�iunu: (d1 y'early fload inwr.uice premiunu.
<br /> ii any: (c1 yearly mortgage insurance prert�iums, if any; anci (fl any sunu payable by Borrau�er to I.endcr, in accordunce with
<br /> the provisions of par.�graph S, in lieu of the payment of mortguge insurauce premiums.These itemc are called"Escrow itenu."
<br /> Lettider may. �t any time, colicct and hald Funds in an a*.rn.ant not to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federally
<br /> related nwrtga�e Ituut may rcanin for Borrower'c escrow�:i::.�uni under the federal Real Fstate Settlen�ent Prc� �..;zeres Act oF
<br /> 1474 as ament!`d from tinw t;�ci:ne, 12 U.S.C. Sc�:tion 2601 e!seq. ("RFSPA")�unless aruuher la�t?s�r a�z::.�..c t��thc FunJs
<br /> sets� lesser ani�uuit. If so, Lcedcr may, at a�y� tinu. collect and hold FuUds in an am�unt not i�.�ca�t�x3 c� k::�er anw�uu.
<br /> Lcnder may estimate the �n;�u�t of Funds due an thc basis oE curm.�u d:ua aad reasonable es:i:tsat:.:.�;•'e4.��x::c:::s of future
<br /> Escmw Items or otherwise ia a:��urdarroe with applicable taw.
<br /> The Fundh shall be hc9�s ih an iiutitution �vhose deposits are insure<1 by a f�i�.,.3.1 t�,e;ur, ins:rsinx:►:a:ity, or entiry
<br /> (inciuding Lender.i�'Leiuler i�>uch an instituticui)or in any Federal Honk I.oan Banic•Len.i�r:'s�a1��a�,r ahe Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow Items. I.ender may not charge Borrow•er for holding and applyin�the Funds.annually aasaYyt;.�the escrow accauu.or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items,uuless Lender pays Borrower interest on the F'unds and applicable law perni4c Lender to make su�tt
<br /> a chs�rge. However, I.encter s�wr require Borrower to pay a one•time charge for an independent real e;tace tax rez��rcing service
<br /> used by Lender in connectiah with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is raade or
<br /> applicable law requires interest co be pnid.Let�der shall not bc require►i ta pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> Borrower and I.ensSer may�gree in writing,ltioweveG that interest sha19 9� paid on the Funds. L.eir:..�r shall give W Bosower,
<br /> without charge,a:� sumual acecwnting of tha IFunds,showing credits an.j.:ebits to the Fundc ane9 t?ti pttrpose for wh9ch each
<br /> debit to the Funds wsu n�ade.T�u:Funds am pledgod�.s additional security for all suuu secured by this Security Insuuaxat.
<br /> If the FunQs hetd by [.enck;r•exreed the amounts pernutted to bc held by applicabl�law,Leruler s}�all aaount to Borrower
<br /> for the excess Fund� in accordanre with the raZuirements of applicable law. If t1►e arno�.�at of thc Fit►ds held by Lender at any
<br /> time is not suflf'icient to pny the Fscrow Itettu witen due. l.ender may so nc�ti�iy Sorluwtr in writiag;scnd,in wch case Borraw•er
<br /> shall pay ta Lender the anaunt necessary ta�alce up the de:uiency. F�truwu cl�all raaS:e up t�e�iiciency in no more tlmn
<br /> twdve�nondily paymeaus.at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon p�ymeni in full of all sums secured by this Security Inurumeiu, Lendu shall prouiptly refund to Barrowes any
<br /> Funds heW hy l.er�der.If,under paragraph Zl. L.ender sl�all acquire or sell ttu t�roperry.I.enitr.prior to tne�c�aisidon or stie
<br /> of the Propzrty,shall opply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit agaiast tAo wms socurod by
<br /> this Security Instr+ament.
<br /> 3.Applic9doa of Pa��aaemtc.Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments reoeived by Lender under patzgtapiu �
<br /> 1 :.ntl 2 shall ba applied: firss:tv anY P�Yment charges d�e under the Note: sxond,ta wnounts payable uoder paragraph 2:
<br /> third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last.to�ny late chsu'ges due under tha Note.
<br /> 4.Chstrges; Lieas. Borrower shall pay:ill taues, a�sessments,ch�rges,fines and impositio�c a^tributable to the Property
<br /> which may attain priority over this Securit}7rtstrument. and leasehold payments or growtid reats, if any. Borrowu shall pAy
<br /> ttsese obligatioiu in the n�u�er pmvided in parigraph 2,or if not paid in.tt�t maiuxr.Borrower shall pay ttum on time directly
<br />_ to tho person owed paymetu.Borrowtr shall promptly furmis�to Lender all tatices of amounu to be paid urder this parqgrsph.
<br /> If Borrower malc�c these paymenu directly.Borrower s[sa1�promptly furuish to L.ender receipts evideacing the paym�nts.
<br /> Borcower s:�i promptly discharge any lien which hu priority ov,�*1us Security Inst�vment uc�.�ss Borrower:(a)agMts iQ
<br /> writing to the payment of the abligation secured by tbe lien ia a a�nner acreptable to Lende�;(b)cantests sn good ftith tht liets
<br /> by. or defatids againu enforcanent of the lien in. legal proceodings whic6 in the Lender's opinion operat� to prevent thc
<br /> enforeement of the lien; or(c�sacures from the holder of the lien an agra�satisf�ctory to i,endu subordinating the liea tc�
<br /> this Security Inurument. If&�er deteresines that any p�t of the Property is subjea to i lien wtsic�may�ttaiu priority ovu
<br /> this Security Inst.�vu�ent. Lender may gi�•e Eluzrowtr a notice id�ntifying the lien.Bonower stali s�i�fy the lier�or taice oae or
<br /> rr,o:t of the ac�ians set fortb sbove w i:hitt�4 days of the�ivir�g of notioe. _
<br /> " Fa,n 30?i 9t9Q
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