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79-' d~~~'7~ <br />Lender's written agreement or applicable taw. Borrower shat! pay the amount of all mortgage insurance przmiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this biartgagz. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable upon Ratice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the <br />date of disbursement at the rate psyable from lime to time an outstanding principal under the Na[e unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would be conlrarv' So applicable lau•, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicab}e law. Nothing cantaintd i^ this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur an}• zspense or take <br />any ac:iar. lsereuuder. <br />8. inspection. Lender may make or cause to be made rzasonable entries upon and inspections of the Pmpert}•, provided <br />that Lender shall Give Bnzrewer notice attar fa any such inst~ection specifying reasonable cause thereiar related ro Lender's <br />:nterestin iha Property. <br />9. Caadetttnatfon. The proceeds of am~ awasd ar claim for damages, direct or consequential, in canastian ui[h any <br />..^andemnatiar. ar Mher taking of the Pmpzr;}•, ar part thereof, or for convzyaRCe in lieu of candemnatian, are htreM' assignzd <br />and shat! be paid is Leader. <br />In the went of a tntal taking of the Pntxrri, the proceeds shall t>e applied to the sums secured ny ibis Mortgage, <br />with 4he excess, if any. paid to Harrower IR the event of a partial tai.in_e of the Property, unless Barrmver and Lender <br />otherx'ise agree in writing. there shall be applied fo the sums secured be this riortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal 20 that prapnrtien which the amount of the sums stwred hp this >tottgagt immzdiateh' prior to the date of <br />iakittg bears in the fair market value of the Propert}' itnmediatelc prior to the date of taking, with the balance cf the proceeds <br />paid to Born,wcr. <br />If iht Prapem• is abandarled b}- Harrower. ar if. after notice l.y Lender to Borrower that the condtmnar afros to make <br />an award ar setik a claim far daitta-es, Barrowtr fails to respond to Lender within 30 da}s after the dare such notice is <br />mailed. Ltadtrs authtuized to cnlltct aild apply the proczrds, at Lender's option, either fo Testoration ar repair of the <br />Propem' ar is the sums secured by this \fartgagc. <br />L'•nless Ltnder anti Berroar- otherwise agrze in writing, ar^.}' such apaliration of practeds to prncipal shall oat extend <br />+: postpone the due date of the manthf} instailmrnts rzftsttd t, in paragraphs 1 sod ' hertnf ar change the amount of <br />such installmentc_ <br />26. $arravrtr !Vol Itcieased. E.xttnsioR of the t;mt far pa}mtni ar modss'S:atian of amcrtiza;inr. of t'-z s±,ms secured <br />;- ~.- -s- _ _ _ <br />Dy r:ors >+torrgagc grultea' r - ~cr:~a~ s. aay° succ~ -- i-- - . - - ~,.z - - °-; c~y~ a, reR~ ..,.....T.,. <br />the 3iabilitt~ of the arigira3tBorrawer and Bormwtr's succtsson+in interesi.~ Ltnder shall not ,be required~ta~commence <br />pr~'>v'x'edi.^.gs against such successor ar rcftrse m exttnd ±imr for pa}'mini ar otherwise modif}' amortization of the sums <br />:~urrd bv' 3his Mn~cage by teaxatl of env demand madr b}' the originak Born wtr and Bnrrow•tr's success. n in interest. <br />12. Forb~te by Iznder IVeN a Waiwer. Any fari+earana br Lender iR esrtiising an}' right ar remed}• hereunder, ar <br />othatw^se aft'arder be applicabk lax, shall not Ill a waiver of or preclude the ezzrcise of an}• such right ar remedy- <br />Thc psa.^,utement ai ittsuranx ar the pav-merr of taxes ar other iitas or char¢es b}• Ltnder shall not ht a waiver of Lender's <br />ri_cI}t in accetetate the maturity of the indehtedtlecs secured by this 'viortgaee. <br />2? Re®e~tx C>®eoLtfivr. All teatcdies pmvidtd in tilts Mortgage are distinct and cuint:lative to any athtr right nr <br />:'emedt• undo- Ehis Mortgage ar afforded by law ar zquiiy, and may he exzrcistd concurrenity. indtpendentl}' nr sucetssivcty. <br />13. Setcessanc aed Asaieas Based: Joint and Sexual Liau~it}; Cartioes. Tht covenants and agreements hcrcin <br />~rraxirted snail hind, attd the righs he*under shall inert in, thz irspective sv^cessars and assigns of Lender and Bormxer. <br />subjt~t to the praxzsiotts of paragraph t' hertaf. .4i1 covenants and 3greemenu of Barrox•tr shall bt joint and se.rral. <br />T1te ~Ptians and headi3gs of the paragraphs of this Mortgage art for com^tniznce only and are not to ht used to <br />natrpret ar dsftne the prox~sinns hereof. <br />2i. 'Vetitt. Fietpt far sny sxtice required under applicable tau to be given in another manner, (at an}' notice to <br />Beeratxrr az4vidtd for in this Mangnge shall be glean be mailing such natim by cenified mail address4-•d to 8nrrawer at <br />the PTC+pC:t}' Addms aT of SUell Otlti-T addrtSS 85 Bi+rn,wfI ma}' dCUgnalt .~y noiiLY tC LtRSICr ai pttlwldMl hia'Cln. and <br />~3 any ru+tax to Ca=lder shall Ixt given by certified mail, return remipt requested. is Lend-r's addrxss stated herein ar to <br />se>'c3: attter addles as Letsder may drsigratc b}' rtati.^e io Bnrnw~er as pravidtd hzrcin. .An}' notice provided ftx in this <br />Morgagr shall he dorm;-d t+~ have teen given to Borrax•er ar Gender when given in the manner designated herein. <br />IS. 1'tttifata Matrt~r, Gaweremg Law: SeversbBit}. This farm of m. rtgage combines tmifotttl rovtnarts for national <br />use and xsn-uniform caveaanrs will; limited variations h} jurisdiction to constitute a uniform stcunty inns;iixnf covering <br />real propel-y. This Mortgage shall bt goverzxd h}' rht law of ihz jurisdi=.itu1 in which the Praptrty is ;pealed. In the <br />ewrrt that a=~} prawisior. nr clause of fish Mortgage ar the tiote rnnflicu with applicable law, such mnflicr shag oat a$tet <br />i>LhGr pm-isiCRis of this Lfartgage or t"se \ntt uhic}t colt be gi+tn t:ffeet without the caniltcting arnvisian, 3rd to this <br />end tare prav'isicuts of the Matigage and the tiatt are drr=laced to t•,e s-verabk. <br />24. liarros~'s Carr. Bnrrawu shall ht furnished a :nnformcd cop}• ti the '.date and ai this Mortgagge at the time <br />of e'sa-t4ion cr aittr recardatim htmf- <br />17, 7ramfer ~ tLa 'r ?aa~stioe. If alt ar an} pall of the Pmptrn~ ar an interest therein i=_ sold ar transferred <br />h}. 9cwzoWrr withxivt Lender's prat •wrr[ttn cnnszm, excluding tai the ciraiian of a lien ar encumbrance subordinate to <br />this Martgaage. ;nf iht ;.rcrnan c,f a p:trc:last m'mt}' ?.erectly irrtrtst for haustlx,ld appliances, t<l a transfer b}• dntiu• <br />desert err bt nptrarian of aw uppn t?se deatls of a ;n:m tenant or tdl the grant of anti Itasehold iR*.erest ai three years or kss <br />tsr~ -'~'~*~i:~ xr, cpxi,'lsm to purixasc. Irnda: ma}, at Lender's opti.n. #.lare all thr sums ~:ured by this MangagG TO bt <br />itrraxd3attl} due acrd ;a}TatVc C.endtr s3'au ha+e xarvtd suv-^: , t=tsoa so acx:rltrate if, prig to the sak or transfer. Ctndcr <br />a!al tx pcts~ to xltoxa tt~ Pai±~?v is to be sc'd ~,r trarlsfrrrtd teacft ,grettrer<t in xrittng that the credit of such person <br />s ssSisfacL•a•} tom, Lender aed ilia! ttte irtertst payahk on the sums sacurtd b} this Mortgage shall bt at Bach rate as Leader <br />shalt req:rts€. If Lt~tt has vrriwad ,'tr :;*;icrts to akrci~:dte pTm°idtd ;n this paragraph 7'7, and i3 &-.rraticr's successor in <br />ittt¢nY box esa,'cu-rzd a v,ziiten assrsttptin<~ rg:esntert acentrd iR xziiing h}• Lender, Lender shall release Barawer frtun all <br />a~i8rtiaos ititltCL this Mars~tegc aed the N tart. <br />Lr Leader tctr~iaes sxb optic=- c.? acxlerate. Ltnder shat! nail Borrower notice of accekratian in accordance with <br />patt~^apb lX hereof. Suet nau.~+t shell pro»de a period of oat less than 30 da}s frctn the date tlsr naticz is mat7ed within <br />whirr Barrt?wtr ma3 pa}' scat t:trrtac dttlartd tart. if &:rrax~r faits to pa}- nlch sums prior is the txpirtinn of such perod, <br />Leader stay, w°itbaus further in'uice err draannd nn l;arr^•wtT, invott an}• remedies ptrinnted b}~ paragraph 13 htteaf. <br />1Vtex-Llxtt~v CovErzax"ts. Bnrraw'tr and Lerr3er further ravt,ant and agree as follows: <br />2i. AeceiaaBr~ ta~editas >~,eert as ptsaviied a ~ntgraph 37 hneaf, upe+n Bornwet's brwcb of ray cotenant w <br />aBpr~.t ~ 1~~ §t ~ ~, ~i t~ ca+teaets to gay s~baa dss ra} tams secrred br this tiiontifate, <br />2a3er rder to aeseitsatiaa alal! ma@ teadtc ~ Bcaraxrer as rro+ided is raraLta~t !i hcsc=af tcpecitrhtg: ell the beach: <br />tZl tine ariiae trte4afetd M cants roach htaar~ #J) a dam, ant &ss than 30 dais from the Bats tie aottre b eufle8 to Harrower, <br />b9 wilai stet lsaa¢i seott 4 ce[a~ and #4} ~ faiLre tic cmr such 6reul, oa is tteftsre for d>ue sreclSed In t6c rtotke <br />nt~v twM to atone of tit states stecsred hr tlait; IHarl;a6e, foreet~an try jadiclel rracaedhtg and ode of tt~ rropertiy'. <br />llta ea~ee aYti 1mAe Hfeset Bsasswer d 19ir ~ m reittatalc after accelsratioa end the right to assert in t6t foreclosure <br />pseeaeilaB Ute eatae of a ddtaek tt atg atbat defmae of Boerowa W seeekraatfan a+~ fareafosute. it the Meech <br />is eel en er i t~ data apa~ad ie tat tats~x. Laedar ai Leader's ziiHfaa any dtxlaire >~ of the sates seavrad by <br />unit Ilfiaatga~t to be immeasldy clot aed paye4le w'ithoat ferthet t4aaaed a~ mar foreclose by ,jrtd}eid rroeeadieg. [.coder <br />a1trB tea eat=tiled to m~Ct L snot psatad~ ere aapattaea aR foreciosere, iedndltrg, bm oar limited to, cam of docarecutary <br />s~ldeaoe. aMreem aii8 tlflie te;otta. <br />11. larsosre~a fa $. Natwithst~ding Lender's acceltraiiaa of tht sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />Batroser shalt have the r'~ht to have any proceedings ~etn tsy Ltndt*_ to enforce this Mortgage discontinued at any time <br />